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Pure Racial Hatred, 7 White Teens Vs. 1 Black Man (caught on tape)

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posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 09:01 AM

Originally posted by Zamini
reply to post by ProphecyPhD

Come on, you should know better than to post such a thread on a predominately visited by-racists website(if we go by posts) and expect posts with integrity in return.

This is a horrible thing that happened. The father must be suffering immensely now...

Don't bother replying to racists that go: "whites were attacked at fair"...

Which white person was killed a that fair? Nobody...hmmmm...

It's a shame, and such obvious bull#, 50.000 dollar bond for killing a human, don't need to guess why it's so low. The racist murderer is walking free and his name has been spread throughout the media...which is a good thing in one way, I'd personally think.

at you online racists. I bet some are just trolls. Other than that, just ignorant folk. Like the delusional viking who talks about immigrants invading to weaken the god, go share a bed with breivik or whatever that nut jobs name was.

Sure it is a terrible thing that happened. is it the first time, no! will it be the last, no! historically has this kind of action been on every side of the racial fence, yes! the point is every race has racist that doesn't implicate every other person of that race as a racist. Also that dumb question: "Which white person was killed a that fair? Nobody...hmmmm..."
That's like asking "which racist black person was running around assaulting only whites?" or which racist black person would try to defend it by saying, "Nobody died".... Please come down off the high horse and stop pigeon holing anyone who does not or may not exactly agree with you. This is obviously a terrible terrible thing that has happened. I truly believe all those boys should go to prison and the ring leader should get the death penalty, and also anyone seen on the tape yelling "WHITE POWER" should get an automatic 10yrs added to whatever sentence they already had coming. It is BS and embarrassing to see people of my own race or any race act this way. Regardless of our color we are all the same race, the "Human Race"

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 09:02 AM

Originally posted by ProphecyPhD

Originally posted by SpaDe_

Originally posted by ProphecyPhD

Originally posted by SpaDe_
Do you ever stop with the racial garbage? Just about every single thread you post is about racially skewed topics. Get over it man, there are racists in every race! What about the groups of black kids lately beating up on white people? Where is your threads of outrage about that? You sir are an obvious racial troll!

Post those threads. Until then just respect the truth. Are you saying this is not a sensational/outrageous story

I have no respect for people that do nothing but fuel the racial fire by being so blindly one sided! If you want to do some good be neutral in the situation, help out in your community to recognize, and stop racially motivated things like this from happening to ANYONE of ANY race, not just when it fits your racially motivated agenda!

How am i "being so blindly one sided" by posting a news article

I do see a little bit of one sidedness with your posts.. most of them are always geared towards the whites getting onto the blacks. Also, black on white crimes happen EVERY SINGLE DAY it's jsut that the MSM doesn't post that, because white on black gets more ratings. Nobody talks about a white boy gettin shot in a black neighborhood because he's white.. it's always written that he got shot with no explaination.. but god forbid a black man gets shot in a white neighborhood, the only explaination that gets is because he's black so it was a hate crime.

Racists are everywhere.. it's unfortunate but that's the way our society is, and our MSM is too worried about their rating than reporting the good things both races are accomplishing together.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 09:13 AM

Originally posted by ProphecyPhD

Originally posted by ReVoLuTiOn76
That sucks, but if it were to happen to a white guy...same thing, except it wouldn't be such a big deal.

When does this sort of thing happen to a "White Guy"

It happens almost daily. When it does it's not considered a "Hate Crime." I wonder why that is?


posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 09:14 AM

Originally posted by DeVIAS
reply to post by ProphecyPhD

Hmm... well lets see...40 black kids starting attacking white people at a fair a few days ago...people with their families at a damn public fair...Would that be a good start?
edit on 8-8-2011 by DeVIAS because: (no reason given)

Yes, so then on that thread, while everyone seems to be talking about "wild animals" and what we should do with them, this should be seen in the same light.

In fact, whether a group of white teens bullies black peers and ends up killing a man for being black or a group of black teens accosts, threatens and beats up on white people, the same is clear. It is not an us vs. them thing. It is a lack of good parenting on all sides. It is a lack of knowledge and compassion on all sides. Fundamentally, it is ignorance.

So, where do we go from here? I would say that 30 pages of "black" bashing on the other post about the State Fair are not a good resolution to this issue. I would like to see how many people here are going to spout off about "white" people.

Now, if there are issues with the judicial system, that is one thing. But as I pointed out in the other thread, this myth that "black" people get away with crime is ridiculous - the are over represented in the prison community. Studies show they get stiffer sentencing than "white" people for federal crimes (study since 2005).

However, it would be wrong to make the judgment that only "white" people commit hate crimes. All people have the potential to hate what is different for the mere fact of being different. Black people are just as capable of being racist, and in ironic reality, denying them that flaw is racist in and of itself!

Healing does not come from revenge - especially tangential revenge, where you feel that your "race" was wronged, so you will take it out on the next "White"/"Black"/"Hispanic"/(insert other group here, etc.) that you see.

No correlation; furtherance of ignorance. Just as "white" people on here continue to complain that "Woe is me, I had nothing to do with slavery, I've never put someone down because of their 'race', why do they blame the 'white' man?" Well, then why make sweeping judgments about the "black" man? It works both ways.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 09:15 AM
That is terrible that the guy got killed, and I wish peace to his family. The guys who did it should be ashamed of themselves. Even though Black on White crime statistics are much, much higher than White on Black, and people are becoming increasingly angered by these facts, the guys should not have released their own anger in the way they did. It is no excuse to follow bad examples of others and do the same things themselves, especially when it comes to taking someones life. They added fuel to the fire instead of first trying to come up with peaceful ways of handling their anger.

These guys need to be punished for what they did.
edit on 8/9/2011 by Inconceivable because: spelling

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 09:21 AM
Maybe I sound stupid, but if the guy killed would be white, would be this post here, on ATS? Is that the victim was African-American making a difference? A crime is a crime, no matter the color of the victim's skin is. Is it...?
Racial crime? It's a CRIME for crying out loud! First degree murder, IMO.
The perpetrators should be put in for life, without bailing or stuff.

My 2 cents...

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 09:30 AM

Originally posted by ProphecyPhD

When does this sort of thing happen to a "White Guy"

Yes, because in your world (and this opinion isn't just based on the above quote, it's also based on your previous words in previous threads) racism doesn't exist towards white people and this is why in the real world you are blind.

You pretend you are balanced in opinion on race but it's easy to see you have a big fat chip on your shoulders against white people, it's just that you apply that chip in a subtle manner.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 09:31 AM

Originally posted by ProphecyPhD

Originally posted by SpaDe_
Do you ever stop with the racial garbage? Just about every single thread you post is about racially skewed topics. Get over it man, there are racists in every race! What about the groups of black kids lately beating up on white people? Where is your threads of outrage about that? You sir are an obvious racial troll!

Post those threads. Until then just respect the truth. Are you saying this is not a sensational/outrageous story

It is a very sad sign of our times that this is just another racial attack, and hardly news worthy. I wish it were not true - these atrocities should be a thing of our past, but it seems enlightenment takes a while to spread arround. So in the mean time we will watch more and more of this sort of thing, hating every report. But it's not special, and I for one am quickly running out of outrage.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 09:34 AM
No one is born hating others because of their race, religion, sexual preference or even the sports team they support.

This behavior is learned.

When it happens, it should be a huge mirror pointing back at the society in which it happens for them to learn from, but, sadly, it does not happen. The media will emphasize the differences involved in the incident, and the "grown ups" shackled into their divisive ways will spew their respective points of view to whomever will listen.

This is not a race issue, it is an ignorance issue... the problem with ignorance, is that no one who suffers from it is willing to admit it, and so the hate goes on. HOWEVER, if society chose to emphasize education over indoctrination, such horrific examples of human behavior could be "unlearned".

the Billmeister

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 09:36 AM
People are making false equivalencies here.

This was a group of 7 whites who got in a car and made the effort to go to a part of town to deliberately hurt someone for the crime of being black and they murdered him.

Show me an instance where a group of blacks got in a car and drove to a white neighborhood to deliberately kill anybody who was white out of pure racial hatred. Then you'll have your equivalency.

Sure, it could have happened some time in the last few decades, but I'll bet any money if it did it got plenty of media attention.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 09:37 AM
I dont want to add to the racial ****fight, If the OP has issues with white people hopefully he can drop his prejiduce as most white people have no problems with black people, and I'm certainly one of them. In fact my daughters best friend is a black girl and shes extremely polite and well mannered.

In regards to the topic all I can say is that's a "Dedmon" walking when the black guys in jail get their hands on him, lets hope he's put in a cell with a black man, he looks like a skinny runt who'd struggle to fight his way out of a wet paper bag.
edit on 9-8-2011 by Haxsaw because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 09:40 AM
Im not even going to get into this whole racism debacle. Heres the solution: if you live in the same city as any of those kids, when you see that take a billy club or whatever you can find and do the world a favour. Brainwashed fools like this have no place in a modern world. Well I guess they do since we all love to breed HATE. Sad state man sad state the world is in. And all people do is bitch online haha

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 09:40 AM

Originally posted by 1SawSomeThings
Each one who makes sensationalist threads, headlines and comments about crimes, then includes the race element is serving TPTB.

All violent crimes are evil; don't be a tool to let them divide and conquer all of us.

There are plenty of crimes where one race did horrible things to the other.

There are just as many where one race did it to their own.

PLEASE Quit playing the race game. Over????

I'm not going to get dragged into a racial slugging argument with anyone. I have had all of my points taken away for posting on the story where the elder white guy got into with the black kid at a community that's that! However, I would have to agree with you 1SawSomeThings, and add that although the media has made this about race (maybe it was..I certainly don't know) IMHO, I think this is just a disgusting display of power seeking kids who's parents need their @$$es kicked and out of control hormones by the youth period...plain and simple.

These kind of stories really get me going. As a mother of three girls and one boy, I'm telling you if I ever thought for a second anyone of my kids were bullying another for any reason I would as my grandmother used to put it "Knock them to Timbuktu"
I would dare them to call the police on me...matter of fact, I would probably say something like "I haven't given you a reason to call them yet, but it's go pick a switch off the bush outside"! Luckily my three oldest daughters are all in college and my son is a very respectful 13 year old. Proper parenting is where it starts, not in the DAM streets or the schools.

We have got to get these kids under control...seriously folks! What the hell happened to the whole neighborhood watching out for each other and repremanding a wrong doing? What happened to Mrs. Jones, down the street getting on the phone calling a parent who has an out of control kid? This $h!t has to come to an end as it seems it's beginning to really reach a high level now a days. Neighbors need to keep their eyes open and intervene instead of laying back doing nothing.

I grew up in a very tough black neighborhood in the seventies and got picked on by the family who had 6 kids that lived behind us...they used to pick on me because I was mixed. One day in the second (yes second) grade I got jumped on my way home from school by three of the four sisters...after them pulling on what they thought was fake hair, they tried to push me in front of a bus. When my Dad got home and found out what happened, he marched me over to their house and told me you better defend yourself this time or else I'm going to whoop your @$$! As he stood there waiting to see what I would do, I got into it with one kid and kicked her @$$. Well, the bullying stopped to say the least and on top of that, when their single mother found out what happened they got their @$$es whooped again

To the OP, I think you are reporting the crime like the media put it, however, think on a much deeper level about how out of control the youth are as a whole. The media does seem to be issuing statements that are racially compelling and do nothing but insight more ignorance and hatred. This is bullying ......period

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 09:46 AM

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 09:47 AM
All racial hatred is wrong no matter who the person is. I believe that the attack was in retaliation for recent black on white hate crimes but that's only my opinion. But I do have a suggestion. Blacks that still live in the past who hate the whites for slavery and oppression need to start living in today. Whites who still think of blacks as inferior need to quit thinking like that and accept everyone for who they are not for there skin color. Blacks and whites need to start living together in peace.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 09:48 AM
reply to post by ProphecyPhD

One of two teenagers accused in what police described as a hate crime is out of jail after a Monday hearing. A judge knocked down a murder charge against John Aaron Rice to aggravated assault.

Wait...? What....?

Aggravated Assault when running someone over with a car?

This is premeditated 1st degree murder imo.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 09:49 AM

Originally posted by Riotsupport[snip]

What makes you different than those you accuse ? Why is your skin color better than a person who has darker skin than you ?

edit on 9/8/11 by masqua because: Qouted text removed

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 09:51 AM


posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 09:51 AM
Their parents are probably imbeciles from the KKK, lock the parents up as well if they are I say, put them all in a cell with a big black prisoner.

Lay off the OP I say, show some sympathy for the victim and move on, hopefully if the OP does have any prejudice towards whtie people then he'll soon get over it.
edit on 9-8-2011 by Haxsaw because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 09:54 AM

To see people imprisoned over petty drug possession charges, and then this.

A very obvious and vivid account of people assaulting and killing another human being, and then set free.

Is money so much more important to our police and government, that this kind of thing is allowed?

It's an offense to one's sense of humanity and justice, that we allow killers loose and jail people who deny or cheat the government out of petty amounts of cash.

To the A-Holes in this thread that are writing off this poor man's life as a joke or "oh well, happens to whites all the time", I hope you rot in hell for bothering to try and divide human beings for their skin color, rather than look at this case for what it is. It's a simple case of murder.

Leave out the guy's skin color. Leave out the murderer's skin color. View the actions for what they are.

A man was beaten and then ran over, for no reason. Then the killer is set free.

Is this justice?


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