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Londons BURNING!

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posted on Aug, 8 2011 @ 06:15 AM
Quick question guys as I don't live in London, nor do I know the Tottenham landmarks - is the building seen in this picture / video / screenshot Wards Corner and Seven Sisters Market by any chance?

Not one website mentions this buildings name that I've been to... please respond ASAP for an interesting twist.

posted on Aug, 8 2011 @ 06:16 AM

Originally posted by kindred
reply to post by Noviz

It doesn't have to be that way. Give people some credit, after all who do think is really running this country, it sure as hell isn't those idots in government, they are simply managing the purse strings or stealing from them which is something they are very competent at. If you ask me this country would be a lot of more efficient if we didn't have a government. They exist simply to line their own pockets and they just get in the way. Most people aren't stupid or uncivilized and are very well organised and I very much doubt an economic collapse would be as bad as some people fear. I guess we'll soon find out, because we can't continue like this and an economic collapse is inevitable, so we should now start preparing for the worst case scenario.

Belgium matches world record for longest time without a government.

Not to mention that most people who would likely be the one's to riot over a police shooting do not care about rich people's money in the first place so you wouldn't see any of that lot rioting about that most likely anyway.

posted on Aug, 8 2011 @ 06:16 AM

Originally posted by Sherlock Holmes

Originally posted by FOXMULDER147
Umm... what?

Go into Tottenham and say that to a gangster. See what he thinks.

The distinction is the ''wannabe'' part. Real ''gangstas'' are highly motivated by putting across an image of power and wealth. A ''gangsta'' would not steal an electrical appliance from a smashed-up shop, because it would give the appearance that he was taking it because he couldn't afford it.

You sir watch too many rap videos and think they are depicting real life.

In real life, 'gangstas' don't want anyone to see what they steal because they don't want cops arresting them. Plain and simple.

They know if they are poor or not, most all of them are poor, so they will commit crimes to increase their wealth.

What do you think 'gangstas' are afraid to sell drugs because it makes them look like they are so poor they have to sell drugs to make it by ??

Seems incredibly naive imho.

posted on Aug, 8 2011 @ 06:17 AM
reply to post by Sherlock Holmes

True. Still, I don't think the "wannabe gangsters" and "chavs" would share your sentiments.

And I think the 'gun problem' is more prevalent in the world of the "wannabe gangsters" than that of the "chavs".

posted on Aug, 8 2011 @ 06:18 AM

Originally posted by Noviz
reply to post by kindred

Well its not like just organising a few hundred people to live together and work through the problems... we are talking about millions of people. If we took over there would be chaos until either all the pillagers would die off or another government stepped in and stopped it. I do have faith in people... but I'm also realistic.
Also I expect Belgium still has some sort of government still in place running the day to day operations. It isn't really the same as forcefully taking over government and disbanding it.

We already have chaos. We just need to try something else or we look pretty dumb.

posted on Aug, 8 2011 @ 06:20 AM
It begins!


posted on Aug, 8 2011 @ 06:20 AM
MPs rob taxpayer via expenses system - Terrible error, they're awfully sorry and they'll hide it better next time.

Banksters rob the taxpayer out of millions - It was needed to help clean up their errors, tax payer has to put up and shut up.

Some youths, knee deep in poverty due to lack of opportunity to work for a livable wage, given a basic education while growing up on rough estates, riddled with drugs and common crime, loot a few stores, burn a few buildings and make the police look like twats - CRIMINALS! YOU WILL BE CAUGHT! YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS! WE ARE GOING TO HUNT YOU DOWN YOU SCUM OF SOCIETY!!

Enough said.

posted on Aug, 8 2011 @ 06:21 AM

Originally posted by FOXMULDER147
reply to post by Sherlock Holmes

True. Still, I don't think the "wannabe gangsters" and "chavs" would share your sentiments.

And I think the 'gun problem' is more prevalent in the world of the "wannabe gangsters" than that of the "chavs".

To be fair if you said a chav or gangster was a nice person they'd still get angry and claim they were 'disrespected'
You can't reason with these people because they are so drugged up on their own ego.
edit on 8-8-2011 by Noviz because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 8 2011 @ 06:21 AM

Originally posted by Pr0t0
Quick question guys as I don't live in London, nor do I know the Tottenham landmarks - is the building seen in this picture / video / screenshot Wards Corner and Seven Sisters Market by any chance?

Not one website mentions this buildings name that I've been to... please respond ASAP for an interesting twist.

I think your right on that..

what's the illuminati connection?

wards corner
edit on 8-8-2011 by guessing because: link add

posted on Aug, 8 2011 @ 06:22 AM

Originally posted by guessing

Originally posted by KDM_Souljah
,question is what are you people going to do about this,the cat is well and truly out of the bag

anything it takes to keep this lot out of Australia

it has taken 200 years to clean this country up from the last time they sent this lot out.

I am pretty sure we won't let it happen again

Are you aboriginal?

posted on Aug, 8 2011 @ 06:22 AM

Originally posted by ChaosMagician

Originally posted by Noviz
reply to post by kindred

Well its not like just organising a few hundred people to live together and work through the problems... we are talking about millions of people. If we took over there would be chaos until either all the pillagers would die off or another government stepped in and stopped it. I do have faith in people... but I'm also realistic.
Also I expect Belgium still has some sort of government still in place running the day to day operations. It isn't really the same as forcefully taking over government and disbanding it.

We already have chaos. We just need to try something else or we look pretty dumb.

I wouldn't say we have chaos. Organised chaos but not down right chaos

There is a big difference in whats happening at this very minuted to what would happen if the government was overthrown.

posted on Aug, 8 2011 @ 06:23 AM
Does this remind anyone else of that episode of Bottom, with the annual riots?

New TV anyone?

posted on Aug, 8 2011 @ 06:24 AM
Hopefully in the near future, people will look back on this and thank these people for starting what will result in the reform of our government and policing. These people are doing something about it, they are not pandering to the policital correctness, they are not protesting in the way we are told to, which lets face it, is any way in which is absolutely NO threat at all to the status quo, and thats what needs to change.

Yet the ignorance of the British masses will look upon these people as nothing more than violent criminals who deserve to be locked up or dead, failing to understand, or even simply not caring, why this situation is happening. Most likely because they benefit from the corruption of this nation.

posted on Aug, 8 2011 @ 06:25 AM
I really wish I had something else to add... but I don't.

I just wanna say Star for "Banksters"

posted on Aug, 8 2011 @ 06:27 AM

Originally posted by Firefly_
Hopefully in the near future, people will look back on this and thank these people for starting what will result in the reform of our government and policing. These people are doing something about it, they are not pandering to the policital correctness, they are not protesting in the way we are told to, which lets face it, is any way in which is absolutely NO threat at all to the status quo, and thats what needs to change.

Yet the ignorance of the British masses will look upon these people as nothing more than violent criminals who deserve to be locked up or dead, failing to understand, or even simply not caring, why this situation is happening. Most likely because they benefit from the corruption of this nation.

Erm what exactly are people rioting for? This has no longer anything to do with that shooting that took place. They are stealing LCD TVs and Carpet.... There is no 'political' agenda they just want to steal some valuable stuff. Frankly I think you are giving them too much credit... I don't doubt most of the people rioting could care less about government or have any particular political leaning... its all about selfishness.
edit on 8-8-2011 by Noviz because: (no reason given)

edit on 8-8-2011 by Noviz because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 8 2011 @ 06:27 AM

Originally posted by Noviz

Originally posted by ChaosMagician

Originally posted by Noviz
reply to post by kindred

Well its not like just organising a few hundred people to live together and work through the problems... we are talking about millions of people. If we took over there would be chaos until either all the pillagers would die off or another government stepped in and stopped it. I do have faith in people... but I'm also realistic.
Also I expect Belgium still has some sort of government still in place running the day to day operations. It isn't really the same as forcefully taking over government and disbanding it.

We already have chaos. We just need to try something else or we look pretty dumb.

I wouldn't say we have chaos. Organised chaos but not down right chaos

There is a big difference in whats happening at this very minuted to what would happen if the government was overthrown.

we won't have downright chaos if global currency falls.

we have some people who still have their heads screwed on right.

posted on Aug, 8 2011 @ 06:28 AM

Originally posted by wcitizen
It has already been proven to be the case in recent peaceful protests which were hijacked by chav agents provocateurs. The question must at least be borne in mind.

Can you show me this ''proof''. Is it reasonable proof or ATS ''proof'' we're talking about... ?

It's not that I definitely believe that there weren't agent provocateurs, it's just that I would need some credible evidence to convince me, not some half-truths or misinformation from anyone who has an anti-authority and anti-police agenda.

Originally posted by wcitizen
You have a lot of faith in a government which is an obvious puppet of the NWO, and when the NWO modus operandum is so similar to what's currently happening and is known to have already been used. I don't.

It's not a question of having faith in the government. It's a question of observing the situation and the behaviour of those involved. This has played out exactly as you would expect it to given the situation.

There are two types of people who generally abide by the laws; those who do so for moral reasons and those who do so because they fear being caught and punished for not staying within the laws.

The rogue elements of the socio-economic class involved in the rioting tend to steer clear of major criminal behaviour because of the latter reason. Given half the chance - as they have been by the stretched policing - they merrily rob, steal, or set fire to anything they want, when they know that the odds of not being caught are strongly on their side.

Originally posted by wcitizen
ETA: I'm sure Sherlock would want to dig a bit deeper and find out more.

Sherlock Holmes always based his theories using deductive logic involving the facts that were presented to him. He did not cherry-pick facts, nor fill-in and create missing pieces with unnecessary assumptions and butchered half-truths to fit in with a pre-conceived and rigid pet theory of his.

posted on Aug, 8 2011 @ 06:28 AM
OK guys here's a conspiracy for you.

Wards Corner and the Seven Sisters Market, the buildings seen burning here (and several other news sites) were due for demolition and were saved at the last minute in June last year by a judge who claimed the removal of these buildings would create 'race relation tensions'.

How to move out some of the 'undesirables' and get the demolition moving forward by those greedy property developers? Create a trigger that would cause 'locals' (read: Agent Provocateurs) to riot and burn down those buildings in order to pave the way for the proposed development, which was supported by the local council.

I just found, in fact that a 'special committee' met 3 weeks ago on July 20th 2011 in a last ditch attempt to bolster support for the demolition. The following text is taken from

Haringey Council's Planning Committee will consider the Wards Corner Regeneration scheme at a special committee on 20th July 2011. This is the last chance for much needed investment to be secured for Seven Sisters. The Wards Store closed in 1972 and has been empty ever since, both symptom and cause of the area's decline. This scheme has been in gestation since 2003 and Grainger Seven Sisters Ltd is hoping to secure the backing of the Council to allow it to invest in Seven Sisters.

Coincidence? They wanted desperately to 'regenerate' the area so that the rich white folk could come back to Tottenham. If the death of one neer-do-well was the cost of this, so be it. Follow the money.

What they didn't count on was the spreading of the riots to other areas. It worked a little too well perhaps and is now backfiring.

Thoughts? Seems coincidental, to say the least.

posted on Aug, 8 2011 @ 06:29 AM

Originally posted by wcitizen
reply to post by detachedindividual

The more I hear about this, the more I become suspicious. Looters are now a known tactic used by the NWO.

Who ultimately benefits from this scenario? The NWO because it provides the necessary rationale for bringing in military law. It's a strange coincidence that this happens just as the police force is being reduced.

There is a stench hanging over this.

edit on 8-8-2011 by wcitizen because: (no reason given)

Oh god, not EVERYTHING is about the bloody NWO. What, they've somehow managed to persuade hundreds of poor youth in North London to work on their behalf, while again managing to remain completely hidden from view?

I really wish we had an option on this forum to hide every discussion or post containing the terms NWO, because I really am tired of reading it in every single thread.
Sorry to kick off at you, but it really becomes tiresome.

It's no a coincidence, this is as a result of cuts in social programs and policing combined with inflation etc.

There's no global mastermind group involved, it's greed and kids thinking they have a right to something they didn't earn. It's the lazy scum of our society rising up to take more of what they don't deserve instead of changing their lives to earn it.

posted on Aug, 8 2011 @ 06:31 AM

Originally posted by ChaosMagician

Originally posted by Noviz

Originally posted by ChaosMagician

Originally posted by Noviz
reply to post by kindred

Well its not like just organising a few hundred people to live together and work through the problems... we are talking about millions of people. If we took over there would be chaos until either all the pillagers would die off or another government stepped in and stopped it. I do have faith in people... but I'm also realistic.
Also I expect Belgium still has some sort of government still in place running the day to day operations. It isn't really the same as forcefully taking over government and disbanding it.

We already have chaos. We just need to try something else or we look pretty dumb.

I wouldn't say we have chaos. Organised chaos but not down right chaos

There is a big difference in whats happening at this very minuted to what would happen if the government was overthrown.

we won't have downright chaos if global currency falls.

we have some people who still have their heads screwed on right.

Yeah a handfull of people may be sensible but what about the millions of people who will be scrambling for food?
A lot of people wouldn't think straight and would just want to fight for food. If no one can afford a loaf of bread... people aren't going to be like "oh well it looks like its grass and twigs for tea tonight..." more likely they'll be smashing windows and stealing the bread.

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