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The Tea Party Republicans Are Responsible For The Ratings Downgrade

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posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 01:00 PM
When I see these types of threads I am reminded of this quote:

"The masses have never thirsted after truth. They turn aside from evidence that is not to their taste, preferring to deify error, if error seduce them. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim."

~Gustave Le Bon

posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 01:08 PM
If the Tea Party had their way this would have been averted, they pressed for SIGNIFICANT cuts, the more extreme the Tea Party follower, the greater the demand for deep spending cuts.

posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 01:18 PM
I find it hard to believe that this is even a topic. Some of you people are really making fools of yourselves.

posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 01:22 PM
Wow! Now this is some horse$#!t!!! Let me get this straight OP? The people desperately trying to balance the budget are responsible for the S%P downgrade because they didn't play ball and "weren't predictable"? The people that are trying to bring financial sanity back to D.C. are the ones to blame because they didn't go along with the decades of policy that preceded their even existence and are responsible for the mountain of debt that will shackle us and our children? Unbelievable!

Liberals have to bend over backwards in order to point fingers and place blame on everybody else because the foundation of their entire economic philosophy is utter bull$#!t!!!! You cannot spend your way to prosperity. If you could, well then, governance would be pretty freaking simple. The obama administration came into office and did the exact wrong thing. Exactly the wrong damn thing. Then, when their entire foundation of their public policy agendas collapses, they turn around through their subsidiaries in the MSM and blame the very people who are saying, "um, guys, what we are doing is not working, maybe we should try to, I don't know, do something that makes sense???"

This is laughable. Deny ignorance!

posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 01:23 PM
In the USA, when you rob Peter to pay Paul, you will always have Paul's vote. This is why we have 45.8 million people on food stamps and 42% of working aged adults with no job.

The Soviet Union collapsed because it ran out the people's money to spend. When the state owns everything and confiscates the fruits of your labor, there is no incentive to produce. No incentive to produce = no wealth creation. No wealth creation = govt collapse.

Right now, businesses are sitting on the sidelines with their cash and are not hiring because they are afraid of Obama and his nightmarish policies.

posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 01:28 PM
reply to post by iterationzero

What's funny is that you think the Tea Party represents a third party and not just the far right members of the Republican party.

"Tea Party members are politically sophisticated and vote at high rates, they are also fiscally and socially more conservative than other Republicans" according to the Blair-Rockefeller poll results. (A Democratic think tank)

The poll also said they are older, middle class and better educated. The poll makes no attempt to determine if they are like me an independent but instead lumps them all under the heading "Republican"

Many of the ones I actually know would resent the label "Republican" because they are more closely aligned to the constitutional or libertarian and in some case the democratic party.

I would say the defining characteristics of the tea party is
1. The awareness of the Federal Reserve Act scam by the bankers.

2. The fact that this country is headed for the rocks and we need to kick the corrupt politicians in DC OUT.

Anything else is really beside the point and is only used as "Handles" by the Bankster owned media to defame and marginalize them.

The Blair-Rockefeller poll characterized these two points as "Fear of the Future" as if it was some type of mental disease.

Sorry Angie, it is not a mental disease it is a matter of having enough brains to see the writing on the wall.


edit on 7-8-2011 by crimvelvet because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 01:29 PM

Originally posted by MidnightTide
All I hear from OP is blame the Republicans, blame the tea party - when are we finally going to see a Liberal admit that the left has the equal share in the mess the financial markets are in.

I am guessing I will see a pig fly first.

reply to post by SeventhSeal

Sorry, the money has run out, people will start to have to look out for themselves - as it should be.
edit on 7-8-2011 by MidnightTide because: (no reason given)

Are you another member who forgot we had 8 years of a Republican President destroying this country and its economy?


Wake up.

posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 01:30 PM

Originally posted by SeventhSeal

Originally posted by MidnightTide
All I hear from OP is blame the Republicans, blame the tea party - when are we finally going to see a Liberal admit that the left has the equal share in the mess the financial markets are in.

I am guessing I will see a pig fly first.

reply to post by SeventhSeal

Sorry, the money has run out, people will start to have to look out for themselves - as it should be.
edit on 7-8-2011 by MidnightTide because: (no reason given)

Are you another member who forgot we had 8 years of a Republican President destroying this country and its economy?


Wake up.

Yep, Bush screwed it royal.

Now Obama is in overdrive.

posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 01:36 PM
reply to post by MidnightTide

Nice quote and so spot on.
I could not read through all the bickering, so hope i am not repeating someone else.

Has anyone considered that it may be futile for either party to do anything about this? We need to be focused on the root of the problem, not the leaves turning brown. When all is said and done, we still have the same tangible items and potential work force. We should be concerned about how the remaining resources shall be allocated in the event of a total paper melt down.

If this situation turns to massive deflation, then the few will own all (days wages for a loaf of bread). Should hyperinflation ensue, the welfare state is dead; however, all debts on the lower classes will be paid off in worthless currencies. So, what do we choose? Being debt free with possibilities to rise from the ashes; or, do we all live as serfs as fasicsts/communists?

posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 01:37 PM

Originally posted by SeventhSeal

Originally posted by MidnightTide
All I hear from OP is blame the Republicans, blame the tea party - when are we finally going to see a Liberal admit that the left has the equal share in the mess the financial markets are in.

I am guessing I will see a pig fly first.

reply to post by SeventhSeal

Sorry, the money has run out, people will start to have to look out for themselves - as it should be.
edit on 7-8-2011 by MidnightTide because: (no reason given)

Are you another member who forgot we had 8 years of a Republican President destroying this country and its economy?


Wake up.

Please don't bring that to the conversation - I was against pseudo-conservative Bush from the start of his baloney and I took my lumps from the neo-cons when I was against his policies.

posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 01:45 PM
I almost don't believe that some of you truly believe what you are saying. It is really simple. If you don't have sound economic policies and a sound currency, you will have an economic calamity. The interest on our debt alone, just for this fiscal year, is on pace to top $500,000,000,000.00!!! Think about that for a moment...

A half trillion dollars in debt service. Keep thinking about that...

In ten years or less, on our current path, we won't only default on our debt service payments, this entire global economy will collapse. And that is a rosy projection. We could be looking at a total economic meltdown in less than a decade. Yet, the schmucks in D.C. (both establishment Republicans and Dems) argue over peanuts. They are literally doing nothing, ZERO, to deal with the actual problems that this country faces.

I find the audacity to blame the tea partiers just totally insane. I seriously don't believe it. Think about it dems, you are now arguing for the status quo. What happened to liberals? It's almost as though they are willing to to go down with the sinking ship so long as dear leader is the captain. Well I'm not! I don't want the ship to sink dammit!!!!

This country represents far more than the silly political squabbling of the day. This nation represents hope for our species. At least it used to. Make no mistake about it, if this country collapses in on itself, a new dark age will reign for centuries. Man may never be able to get back to governing himself. This is so much bigger than obama, yet everything liberals say or do these days is through the lens of how will this affect the president? It is absolutely incredible. Sad really. Notice, at every speech he gives, the crowd chants O-BA-MA... O-BA-MA... O-BA-MA. He is more important to these people than the who friggen country. Breaks my heart to see my fellow countrymen so unwilling to using reason and logic because if they did, it would negatively affect the (POS)OTUS.

In 2008, I voted for obama. I truly thought he would change the tone in D.C.. Instead, he made things far far worse. I refuse to be a lemming. I don't want to jump off the freaking cliff. I would rather admit error than be stubborn and watch the country go up in flames fuel by worthless dollar bills. Please, please wake up.

posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 01:48 PM
reply to post by inforeal

You are aware that the representative of S & P has been saying different all morning on interviews? I think the problem is you are limiting your source to a Propaganda site. I just watched him say very clearly that this has nothing to do with either Party when asked directly. The downgrade was caused because Congress failed to cut spending and debt enough. The Right blocked the closing of Tax Loopholes and the Left blocked the spending cuts and Entitlement reform. They share equal blame. There simply is no innocent Party in this.

Oddly enough that means the Tea Party is right in fact. They are arguing for the same thing S & P wants for the most part.

Is this not just a Democratic Party Talking Point? Talking Points should be scorned at ATS not flagged. I'd say the same if it were a Republican Party Talking Point. Partisans from both sides are just sheep who believe what they are told. Those who belong to a Party or spread their propaganda (Talking Points), are the problem.

Are you also one of those who call decent people names like Terrorists, Racists and such? You do know it is a trick to control you, right?

The only intelligent move these days is to become a true Independent and stop playing their game. It is truly sad how easily people are used to spread hate and division. This thread is yet another example of what the real problem is.

posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 01:56 PM
reply to post by Blaine91555

So true! Imagine you are the average tea partier... You have a small business, you work hard to support your family, and you generally are a good citizen. Maybe you believe in God, maybe you don't, but you believe in good. You go to rally's because you love this country and honestly believe that it is NOT on the right path. All you want is a better future for you and your loved ones. You have a sincere disagreement with D.C..

You are called, by powerful people in the media and in politics, including the freaking Vice President of the United States, a terrorist, a tea bagger, an extreme right wing nut job, evil, kidnapper, hostage taker, loon, racist, sexist, etc. etc. etc. All because you hold the belief that government should have a sound economic policy. That is freaking hurtful! And to boot, it comes from those that are considered the compassionate intellectuals that believe in diversity and inclusion. B.S.!!! It is totally insane! A terrorist because you believe in sound fiscal and economic policy. I seriously don't believe that anybody would attempt to justify this.

posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 02:11 PM

Originally posted by RDR17
reply to post by Blaine91555

So true! Imagine you are the average tea partier... You have a small business, you work hard to support your family, and you generally are a good citizen. Maybe you believe in God, maybe you don't, but you believe in good. You go to rally's because you love this country and honestly believe that it is NOT on the right path. All you want is a better future for you and your loved ones. You have a sincere disagreement with D.C..

You are called, by powerful people in the media and in politics, including the freaking Vice President of the United States, a terrorist, a tea bagger, an extreme right wing nut job, evil, kidnapper, hostage taker, loon, racist, sexist, etc. etc. etc. All because you hold the belief that government should have a sound economic policy. That is freaking hurtful! And to boot, it comes from those that are considered the compassionate intellectuals that believe in diversity and inclusion. B.S.!!! It is totally insane! A terrorist because you believe in sound fiscal and economic policy. I seriously don't believe that anybody would attempt to justify this.

I mentioned this in the other thread on this topic.
The Left is using Alinsky tactics, plain and simple.
edit on 7-8-2011 by Mavros because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 02:14 PM
reply to post by SeventhSeal

Are you another member who forgot we had 8 years of a Republican President destroying this country and its economy?


Wake up.

We have had ONE HUNDRED YEARS of the Private Central Bank siphoning off the wealth of this nation and neither the DEMOCRATS that signed that blasted bill into law, nor the Republicans have moved a frackin' finger to dislodge the vampire from the throat of this country!

Now that a few citizens point this fact out and want to do something, YOU jump on the BANSTERS MSM bandwagon and BLAME them for the monster the DEMOCRATS and REPUBLICANS saddle us with????

If I wasn't in the same boat as the rest of you, I would be quite willing to let you learn from experience as the Russians did.

Smarten up.

LENIN returned to Russia with gold supplied to him by the German's chief banker Max Warburg, the brother of Paul Warburg who a few years earlier wrote the Federal Reserve Act.

WAR is a big money maker for bankers such as the Rothschilds and they have been instigating wars ever since they found out they could profit from it. SEE: THE HISTORY OF MONEY

The Wall Street-Bolshevik Alliance has been a HUGE money maker for the banking Cartel for the last hundred years. 160 million people died in wars during the 20th century there is a listing at : Wars and Genocides of the 20th Century And Bankers have profited from every single one of them.

The Wall Street-Bolshevik Alliance

...Because the Wall Street-Bolshevik alliance was neither a "Jewish" nor a "Communist" conspiracy is not to say that it revealed nothing about the behavior of the international bankers then.

Surely international bankers had some reason(s) for providing funds to the Communists. Antony Sutton claims that the "alliance between international political capitalists and international revolutionary socialists" benefited both. The benefits to communist revolutionaries are obvious.

Bankers benefited, he asserts, because "the totalitarian socialist state is a perfect captive market for monopoly capitalists, if an alliance can be made with the socialist powerbrokers."

Clearly, such an alliance requires no ideological commitment one way or the other on the part of Wall Street. Indeed, the historical record confirms that, except for wartime, international bankers have been willing to do business with virtually any regime -- socialistic, fascistic, and monarchistic centralized states as well as with more decentralized "free" economies. One way or another, the bankers evidently have rationalized their business dealings, no matter what the costs were to the people who lived under the rulers who received the bankers' funds....

posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 02:28 PM
reply to post by coastalite

....Right now, businesses are sitting on the sidelines with their cash and are not hiring because they are afraid of Obama and his nightmarish policies.

Actually the businessmen with any real money already pulled up stakes and left.

If I could figure out how to get the equity out of my business I would do the same.

By the way it is not just the big boys who are jumping ship....

Americans eye opportunities in Brazil's booming economy
odd Harkin worked for 16 years as a chef for a US food chain in Missouri, but two years ago he realised that his employers were offering more opportunities in Brazil than at home.

"There were no more openings there. But in Brazil they were practically doubling their size," says Mr Harkin.

"I asked if they had opportunities for a gringo like me and they said yes."

Jumping at the chance, Mr Harkin moved to Brazil's business capital, Sao Paulo.....

This is another reason why a tax hike on wages and corporations doesn't really work.
18 March 2011
edit on 7-8-2011 by crimvelvet because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 02:41 PM
reply to post by RDR17

....This country represents far more than the silly political squabbling of the day. This nation represents hope for our species. At least it used to. Make no mistake about it, if this country collapses in on itself, a new dark age will reign for centuries....


This country, the "Grand Experiment" in freedom for the masses, has been one bright moment in the history of the slavery of mankind.

Therefore the Would Be Rulers hate this country and will do anything to bring her to her knees.

As you said if the Meglomaniacs manage to topple this country we are probably condemning our world to another long "Dark Ages" With world control and high technology, it may be centuries before freedom can return and people will rightly curse our names forever.

posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 02:45 PM
What the tea partiers want is a return to the values of the initial constitution. In the event of a federal default, the empire comes crashing down along with the foreign wars and entitlements. They like the idea of Austrian economics or "Laisse Faire" Basicly, a small government that does not interfere with business.

Ron Paul, speaking to university students actually suggests, calling all of the social programs a failure and starting over with a 10% flat tax across the board to manage the government with nothing coming back. This would leave many elderly to starve or depend on family, not to mention what would happen to the sick.

In todays climate, unregulated business has resulted in the consolidation of power into huge corporations. So, Big Business wins with huge monopolies in place.

The other route also leads to a win by Big Business. Fascism. Now, they are the ruling elite. Fascists in the past have advocated social programs that were downright sinister. In these states the old, sick, and the worthless eaters are euthanized.

What we need is real change. Huey Long advocated that no individual entity could have more than $20,000,00.00 in net worth. Maybe, we should look at where real power lies; and, do something to curb that? Perhaps trickle up instead of trickle down?

posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 02:51 PM
If anyone ran their business like this government has been doing over the years, it would be out of business.
If not out of business, charge them with fraud like Enron!
edit on 8/7/2011 by mugger because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 02:51 PM
What we need is the formula for any problem: balance. Neither an extreme socialist state nor an extreme libertarian capitalist state; somthimbg that utilizes the good in both ideologies for the common good and the maintenance of freedom, liberty, and justice for all.

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