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The Tea Party Republicans Are Responsible For The Ratings Downgrade

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posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 11:30 AM
Notice how the Democrats are ramping up their propaganda lately....I wonder what is in store for us.

As to the Tea Party, yes, lots of us realize that they have been corrupted by Republican ideals. We need a true conservative party - a party that refuses to budge on their principles of less government, and fewer entitlements.
edit on 7-8-2011 by MidnightTide because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 11:31 AM

Originally posted by inforeal
reply to post by illuminatislave

That's why I always refer to them as "Republican Tea Party" They are just republicans on steroids!

*Woo* Glad we got that cleared up.

As long as you say so, it is made to be...

Can you rename me Millionaire Macman, so I can become such???

posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 11:33 AM
When you elect people into Congress who want to cut spending on programs this country actually needs, you know sh*t's going to hit the fan.

And that's exactly what happened. Oh and voting for children to run Congress wasn't the best idea either.

posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 11:35 AM
All I hear from OP is blame the Republicans, blame the tea party - when are we finally going to see a Liberal admit that the left has the equal share in the mess the financial markets are in.

I am guessing I will see a pig fly first.

reply to post by SeventhSeal

Sorry, the money has run out, people will start to have to look out for themselves - as it should be.
edit on 7-8-2011 by MidnightTide because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 11:36 AM
agreed. if the deal was done 2 weeks early, and included eliminating the bush era tax cuts, we would be OK today

but playing leverage gains for individual party gain has cost every american dearly.

sleep well tonight knowing the billionaires won at your expense

posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 11:38 AM
reply to post by Snoopy1978

Where did all these ultra-right wing posters spring from? Two years ago (I lurked before signing up) was way more balanced, ideology wise, than now. What the hell happened?....

We woke up and connected the dots.

1.The Federal Reserve (and other Central banks) print money out of thin air.

2. The US banks now operate with zero reserve so the loans are technically illegal and fraudulent.
3% of the US money supply is cash, the other 97 percent exists only as data entries on computer screens

3. Doubling the money supply halves the buying power of the dollar.
A. Wages go up much more slowly than prices, effectively lowering wages.
B. Taxes on wages climb at the same time, effectively lowering wages.
C. US dollar has already been devalued >95% of its face value.and the Federal Reserve is behind 95% decline in US Dollar
D. Our life savings has therefore been stolen from us as has our ability to make a living wage.

All that is real easy to understand I hope.

Now comes the tricky part.
If you follow the strings back from the Federal Reserve you find the Rothschilds and their agents and friends. See: Secrets of the Federal Reserve written by members of the staff of the Library of Congress. Mullin being the author and his buddies helping.

When you look into the Rothschilds you find Cecil Rhodes, the Rhodes Scholars (Bill Clinton) and connections to the Fabian Society, the London School of Economics (George Soros)

No matter how you look at the Fabian Society and its members including the "Round table" they are a major force in world politics. They use "Socialism" as a means of advancing their agenda. And they are intertwined with the central bankers.

Münzenberg's ‘Innocents' Clubs’ is a classic example of how our feelings for our fellow man are perverted to another use.

The sweetness and light version of the Fabian Society:

Extracts from Pierre de Villemarest' book Facts & Chronicles Denied to the Public, Vol. 1:

The "Dark" version:

edit on 7-8-2011 by crimvelvet because: fumble fingers

posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 11:40 AM
The original tea party started by RP was what we needed. They were quickly watered down, sold out and commercialized much like Metallica was after Cliff died. Most of the tea party people are shills now and only out to manuver the tea party into how 97% of congress operates. Like little pampered bitches only doing things to better themselves and their closest corporate friends. It's just matter of time before the jig is up.

posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 11:43 AM
I can't believe this blame game is still contnueing. Does Dailly Kos have a deal with Starbucks?

This is what I've seen for 2+ days.

Liberal/Progressve poster; Tea Party started this. They are bad. They ruined everything.

Tea Party/conservatve/or just a practical minded response;

Liberal/Progressve poster; (fingers in ears) lalalalala I can't hear you-I can't hear you-I can't hear you

Obama is POTUS
Dems have the Senate
Republican have the House

And the Tea Party is to be blamed?

Shame on all of you.

posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 12:03 PM
reply to post by nenothtu

It ain't the liberals' faults - they're just following orders....

The liberals are just Cannon Fodder. They are thrown at those who wish to curb the elites long range plans.

If "CAPITALISTS" actually ran the country then why are college campuses hotbeds of "Liberalism" especially when they are funded by people like the Morgans and the Rockefellers.

Take a long hard look at WHO the rockefeller foundations fund sometime. It ain't the right wing think tanks that is for darn sure.

The confusion comes from Liberals thinking Corporate CEOs and bankers like "Capitalism" Nothing is further from the truth. They HATE capitalism. They love "Socialism/Fascism/Corporatism anything that puts them in the dictators seat. They are not picky they will use anything that furthers their agenda and "Socialism" fits their plans to a T.

Congress runs up debt for the lovely social programs and borrows... from who? THE BANKERS.

posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 12:13 PM
Well the whole thing unfolded pretty rapidly when the inttransignence on BOTH sides was noted by the opinion makers at S & P. It is a crisis of leadership in both parties that led to this.

We are becoming increasingly tribal and self-segregating. What next separate Republic and Democrat schools?

Meanwhile even INDIA has poked the finger of scorn at the USA!!
edit on 7-8-2011 by Tiger5 because: Dyslexia

posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 12:15 PM
reply to post by inforeal

The talking points "SHILLS" are running with this,almost like the Dems were never there.The whole damn situation was a joke and falls to the president of the United Utates to bring some sort of order I would think.So instead of putting this where it should be,on the shoulders of the clown you elected,lets blame some people that want smaller gov and debt reduction and are willing to fight for it.Do I agree on all that the TP does or says ......NO...but it is good to see some movement that has a spine,something Obama never had.

posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 12:19 PM
More proof that the Republican tea party is responsible for the downgrade. . . . Here is a direct quote from the S&P statement: ON PAGE 4

We have changed our assumption on this because the majority of Republicans in Congress continue to resist any measure that would raise revenues, a position we believe Congress reinforced by passing the act.”

All the noise from the deniers is just that--noise, with no facts or truth to back up their resitence to the obvious

Just The Facts Man

posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 12:25 PM
reply to post by sdcigarpig

Are you talking about the same GE that paid 0 in taxes while making billions in the US?

The very same one.

The one DEMOCRAT Obama has rewarded by making the CEO, Jeffery Immelt, head of the newly created Council on Jobs and Competitiveness.

The one whose CEO has consistently supported the trade policies (WTO, NAFTA...) that have cost America millions of jobs.

The CEO who as leader of one of the world’s largest companies, has been at the forefront of the outsourcing movement.

The CEO who was a vocal supporter for China’s entry into the World Trade Organization.

The CEO who spoke out against the proposed “buy American” provision.

The Ceo who has dramatically expanded its global presence, while slashing its American Work force.

Now don't you feel that Obama has put the American people and the American Economy in the best hands possible?

posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 12:27 PM
The blame game is utterly silly...both political parties are on the take and neither of them serve the interests of the people. It does not matter if you lean right, left, liberal or conservative!! The country is being run by corporate interests and they use this partisan nonsense to divide the people who should dragging their bodies through the streets right now.

posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 12:28 PM
You and John Kerry and Joe Biden and Barack (useless leadership) have been smacked in the face with reality and instead of solving the problem you attack other Americans! Read S & P again! Read it again! What they're saying is that the American government is NOT serious, (incapable really) about reducing spending and paying off its debt. The actions of the government, reflected in the spending addiction of BOTH parties, over the last month were a joke.

Here are the numbers from the debt ceiling deal. The US Congress has agreed to spend $47 trillion that's a T over the next ten years. It "promises" to "cut" 1 trillion over the next ten years. Three groups of very smart people have recognized this as complete horse manure: Tea Party Patriots; and the bean counters at S &P; and the MIT geeks and Harvard Business School nerds on Wall Street!

The age of ruinous profligate immoral spending is over and you moonbats are in panic mode.

posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 12:30 PM
if you're going to take S&P's word, you'd better do some research on the requirements for each rating.

The general meaning of our credit rating opinions is summarized below.
‘AAA’—Extremely strong capacity to meet financial commitments. Highest Rating.
‘AA’—Very strong capacity to meet financial commitments.
‘A’—Strong capacity to meet financial commitments, but somewhat susceptible to adverse economic conditions and changes in circumstances.
‘BBB’—Adequate capacity to meet financial commitments, but more subject to adverse economic conditions. ‘BBB-‘—Considered lowest investment grade by market participants.
‘BB+’—Considered highest speculative grade by market participants.
‘BB’—Less vulnerable in the near-term but faces major ongoing uncertainties to adverse business, financial and economic conditions.
‘B’—More vulnerable to adverse business, financial and economic conditions but currently has the capacity to meet financial commitments.
‘CCC’—Currently vulnerable and dependent on favorable business, financial and economic conditions to meet financial commitments.
‘CC’—Currently highly vulnerable.
‘C’—Currently highly vulnerable obligations and other defined circumstances.
‘D’—Payment default on financial commitments.

we deserve a CCC rating at best. the only reason we haven't been given the rating we deserve is because it would trigger chaos around the world.

i didn't see them mention republicans or tea party members, but i did see them mention obama and lack of spending cuts.

David Beers, global head of sovereign and international public finance ratings at S&P, told "Fox News Sunday" that governments and Congresses come and go, but spending on entitlements persistently drags U.S. debt further into the red "The key thing is, yes, entitlement reform is important because entitlements are the biggest component of spending, and the part of spending where the cost pressures are greatest," Beers said.
Beers said he faults both Congress and the Obama administration for "the difficulty of all sides in finding a consensus around fiscal policy choices," but any agreement must command the support from both political parties in order to be durable.
edit on 7-8-2011 by Bob Sholtz because: added bold

edit on 7-8-2011 by Bob Sholtz because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 12:39 PM
reply to post by inforeal

Just a fact if you believe the situation is only due to a need to increase revenue. But that is ok, even if you tax the hell out of the rich - eventually your entitlements are going to consume everything...and that is a fact.

posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 12:48 PM
reply to post by SeventhSeal

When you elect people into Congress who want to cut spending on programs this country actually needs, you know sh*t's going to hit the fan.

OH for crying out loud would you get off that idiot hobby horse all ready???

There is tons of pork that can be cut without touching funds going to those who need a helping hand. I am sure your Democratic buddies will protect those programs with their dying breats.... Unless a lobbyist from K street bribes them to allocuate the funding to a corporate project instead.

How about Foreign Aid???
Charity is fine but lets begin AT HOME, especially since the foreign people do not WANT our aid when it is powdered baby formula mixed with contaminated water that kills off their babies ( true story from an African who came here trying to save the Zebu cattle from Heifers International)

The USAID Operating Expenses alone are $1,564,132,000. That is for offices, desks chairs etc. The amount of aid to each of a very long list (94 pages) of countries for different programs is mind boggling. For example ”ADJUSTED INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS (150 Account) ” is $58,492,754 ,000 and do not forget to add the three extra zeros when you look at the tables. See:

Here are just a few things that could be cut under the title of GRANTS

Homeland Security

* 2005 Homeland Security National Training Program (HSNTP), $214,500,000 total funding
* Department of Homeland Security (DHS Centers) Program, $15,000,000 total funding
*Deep Sequencing and Haplotype Profiling of Mental Disorders, $7,500,000 total funding
* Detecting Suspicious Behavior, $440,000 total funding
* Deep Underground Science and Engineering Laboratory Conceptual Design, $1,500,000 total funding [NOW we know how the elite got their underground bunkers built!!!]

* Assembling the Tree of Life, $29,000,000 total funding [What the heck is this???]

headline]Grants for foreign countries
* Democracy, Human Rights, and the Rule of Law in the People?s Republic of China, $15,000,000 total funding
Primary Healthcare Strengthening in Azerbaijan FINAL RFA, $5,000,000 total funding
* Annual Program Statement (APS) for USAID/Nepal, Special Objective for Conflict Mitigation and Peace Building, $1,821,204 total funding
* Annual Program Statement for Democracy and Good Governance Program USAID/Angola, $1,500,000 total funding
* Annual Program Statement- USAID/Egypt's Democracy and Governance Program, $20,000,000 total funding

* Bangladesh AIDS Program, $12,500,000 total funding
* Building Capacity of Russian Anti-Trafficking Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) to Provide Services for Victims and Provide Awareness Training for Government Officials, $800,000 total funding
* Enhanced West African Regional Capacity to Detect and Respond to Conflict., $2,500,000 total funding
* Conflict Mitigation Follow-On Program for Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan, $6,395,000 total funding
* English as a Foreign Language (EFL) Institute for Teachers from Bangladesh and Eastern India (West Bengal, Bihar, and Orissa), $400,000 total funding
* Central Asian Program on AIDS Control and Intervention Targeting Youth and High Risk Groups, $13,000,000 total funding
* Central Asian Program on AIDS Control and Intervention Targeting Youth and High Risk Groups, $13,000,000 total funding
* Citizen Participation Strengthening in Moldova, $10,000,000 total funding
* Civic Advocacy Partnership Progam in Bosnia and Herzegovina, $3,300,000 total funding

* Combating Exploitive Child Labor Through Education in Angola, $2,000,000 total funding
* Combating Exploitive Child Labor Through Education in Guyana, $2,000,000 total funding
* Combating Exploitive Child Labor through Education in Mozambique, $3,000,000 total funding
* Combating Exploitive Child Labor through Education in Sierra Leone and Liberia, $5,000,000 total funding

* Civil Society Org:Institutional Strengthening in Southern Sudan, $8,400,000 total funding
Family Planning Services Grants, $47,000,000 total funding
* Civil Society Support Program in Russia, $7,500,000 total funding
* Establishment of the International School of Kabul, $3,500,000 total funding
* Ethiopia Dairy Development (EDD) Project, $5,000,000 total funding

Behavioral Change Communication Activities in Ethiopia - Modification, $2,000,000 total funding


* BAA04-35 - Advanced Speech Encoding (ASE) Phase 2, $19,800,000 total funding
* BAA05-14 - Integrated Battle Command, $24,000,000 total funding
* FIELD-Support Program, $350,000,000 total funding (This seems to be Army field support)


* Abandoned Infants Comprehensive Service Demonstration Projects, $2,850,000 total funding
Abandoned Mine Land Reclamation (AMLR) Program (Abandoned Mine Lands), $158,600,169 total funding
[seems abandoned mines are worth more than abandoned babies. Cv]

Can anyone manage to hose out a bus without the FEDERAL government holding their hand???
Data sources: Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA),

SORRY the great big Crocodile tears DO NOT WORK any more. we need to cut the pork.

edit on 7-8-2011 by crimvelvet because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 12:49 PM
reply to post by professornurbs

What's funny is that you think the Tea Party represents a third party and not just the far right members of the Republican party.

posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 01:00 PM
reply to post by illuminatislave

The blame game is utterly silly...both political parties are on the take and neither of them serve the interests of the people. It does not matter if you lean right, left, liberal or conservative!! The country is being run by corporate interests and they use this partisan nonsense to divide the people who should dragging their bodies through the streets right now.

I have been collecting feathers, anyone have the tar????

What about YOU Inforeal, do you have the tar or have the banksters managed to convince you to focus only on the big bad Tea Party?

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