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Italy Bans the Burka In Public

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posted on Aug, 3 2011 @ 03:53 PM
reply to post by Amassuo

Brainwashing is brainwashing....I'm not comparing burka's to men having sex with kids. Stick to the subject which is talking to the women who wear burka's verses talking to women who live with husbands and let them have other marriages and sex with kids.

posted on Aug, 3 2011 @ 04:07 PM
reply to post by Amassuo

Didn't stop the 'prophet' did it.

It's simple really. Western societies wont accept extremism and the burka and what it represents is at the extreme end of a particular religious demeanor.

The west is secular: a distinction between church & state was made a long time ago... it was a painful process, but common sense won the day. Please stop whinging. If you wear a burka and enjoy a cozy relationship with one of our benevolent, tolerant democracies, and all the freedoms our forebears have fought, shed bucket loads of blood over, & died for... think yourself extremely fortunate. It is because of [our] tolerance you've been allowed to express yourself.

But you have taken advantage of the very gracious hand that delivered you from the hell you escaped.

If you live with me, you abide by my rules, rules we all have to live by. There are no exceptions. It is the foundation of [any] country's Law & Constitution. As I said earlier, like it, lump it or just go to a place they enjoy wearing one. Bye.

posted on Aug, 3 2011 @ 04:34 PM

Originally posted by glen200376
Attack is the best form of defence!It's about time that politicians tackled the problems that islam is bringing to Western Europe.For too long it has been a hot potatoe-when in Rome springs to mind.We in the West live by our countries laws & it's about time that muslims started following them like every one else.

Wearing a burqa is not against the law in the West, so what country's laws are women who adopt this attire not living by ?

In fact, it's completely the opposite. France, Belgium and Italy are voluntarily changing their own laws to restrict what all of their citizens can choose to wear.

So rather than falsely claiming that Muslims are not living by the laws of their country, maybe you should point your finger at the governments of these countries for needlessly opting to change their own laws in an attempt to kowtow to the baying Islamophobes and xenophobes.

posted on Aug, 3 2011 @ 05:26 PM

Originally posted by RRokkyy
It must be quite dehumanizing to wear such a thing

Why ? Is it dehumanising for Western women to cover up their breasts ?

Or are you just analysing everything from the base assumption that the ''Western way'' equals the ''correct way'', and that any cultural norm or custom which deviates from your Western-centric marker must be ''wrong'' ?

Originally posted by RRokkyy
and it must be quite uncomfortable.

I think that high-heeled shoes, thongs and skinny jeans must be quite uncomfortable to wear, not to mention low-hanging, saggy pants. But, guess what ? Loads of Westerners choose to wear these clothes, and any discomfort which they may cause must be outweighed by the cultural and social benefits in doing so.

On a swelteringly hot day, it can be rather uncomfortable wearing trousers, but we have to do so because of Western culture. Although, in reality, not wearing trousers in public would be even more ''uncomfortable'', due to our cultural upbringing.

Originally posted by RRokkyy
You dont see too many non muslims wearing it do you?
Must be a reason for that.

You don't see too many non-Sikhs wearing a Dastar. You don't see too many non-Jews wearing a yarmulke. You don't see too many women outside South Asia wearing a sari. You don't see too many non-Aymaran women wearing bowler hats. You don't see too many men outside of the remotest parts of Papua New Guinea wearing nothing but a cord belt and penis gourd.

Must be a reason for that.

Originally posted by RRokkyy
People want to be free.
The Burqa does not represent freedom.

Surely being ''free'' includes the freedom to wear a burqa, does it not ?

Or are you yet another one of those who defines ''freedom'' as ''things which I personally agree with''.

Originally posted by RRokkyy
Islam is the religion of slavery.
Women are slaves in Islam.

How did you come to this conclusion ? These two statements bear little relation to the facts of the matter.

Originally posted by RRokkyy
Religion is slavery,physical as with a burqa or
mental as with beliefs.

The burqa is a cultural item of clothing, not religious. Although it may have been hijacked in some cases by religion, it existed well before Islam.

posted on Aug, 3 2011 @ 06:07 PM
reply to post by Sherlock Holmes

If I needed to wear a burka back in the day it may have been to keep the sand and bugs out my hair and off my body as well as other man and other jealous women. I don't believe in this day and age people in France have this problem.

posted on Aug, 3 2011 @ 06:21 PM

Originally posted by Sherlock Holmes

Originally posted by RRokkyy
It must be quite dehumanizing to wear such a thing

Why ? Is it dehumanising for Western women to cover up their breasts ?

Or are you just analysing everything from the base assumption that the ''Western way'' equals the ''correct way'', and that any cultural norm or custom which deviates from your Western-centric marker must be ''wrong'' ?

Originally posted by RRokkyy
and it must be quite uncomfortable.

I think that high-heeled shoes, thongs and skinny jeans must be quite uncomfortable to wear, not to mention low-hanging, saggy pants. But, guess what ? Loads of Westerners choose to wear these clothes, and any discomfort which they may cause must be outweighed by the cultural and social benefits in doing so.

On a swelteringly hot day, it can be rather uncomfortable wearing trousers, but we have to do so because of Western culture. Although, in reality, not wearing trousers in public would be even more ''uncomfortable'', due to our cultural upbringing.

Originally posted by RRokkyy
You dont see too many non muslims wearing it do you?
Must be a reason for that.

You don't see too many non-Sikhs wearing a Dastar. You don't see too many non-Jews wearing a yarmulke. You don't see too many women outside South Asia wearing a sari. You don't see too many non-Aymaran women wearing bowler hats. You don't see too many men outside of the remotest parts of Papua New Guinea wearing nothing but a cord belt and penis gourd.

Must be a reason for that.

Originally posted by RRokkyy
People want to be free.
The Burqa does not represent freedom.

Surely being ''free'' includes the freedom to wear a burqa, does it not ?

Or are you yet another one of those who defines ''freedom'' as ''things which I personally agree with''.

Originally posted by RRokkyy
Islam is the religion of slavery.
Women are slaves in Islam.

How did you come to this conclusion ? These two statements bear little relation to the facts of the matter.

Originally posted by RRokkyy
Religion is slavery,physical as with a burqa or
mental as with beliefs.

The burqa is a cultural item of clothing, not religious. Although it may have been hijacked in some cases by religion, it existed well before Islam.

Interesting arguments.
The Burqa makes the woman almost invisible, like being in a BOX.
That is dehumanizing in my eyes.
I would like to see how men would like wearing such a DEVICE if it is liberating.

There is a big difference between covering ones breasts and the Burqa.
the Burqa covers the face which is how we in the west communicate with one another.
And western women actually wear bras that augment their breasts in case
you havent noticed.
The Burqa is a walking prison. It whole purpose is to isolate the wearer.
If it is self imposed it is the result of brainwashing, if imposed by others it is slavery.

The Burqa is not a cultural item,as I see it. It is a religious one. Arabs dont bear Burqas. Muslims wear them.
There are no christian arabs that wear Burqas.

Westerners may wear uncomfortable items but they are free not to. The Burqa is imposed on those
who wear them. (The Taliban forces men to wear long beards too.)

Actuallly in US you see many men wearing visible knives,usually clip on types as it is legal.
You dont see non muslims wearing Burqas because it is a religious item and not a fashion statement.
Even if it existed before Islam it was used to isolate the women from other men, at the insistence of
Being free from religious oppression does not include the right to choose religious oppression.
Being free from religious oppression does not include the right to choose religious oppression. Religions are political terrorist cults. No rational logical person would choose such. They are all a form of brainwashing.
The Burqa is a form of Muslim womens oppression.
Most secular Muslim women reject it.
It is not of the future but of the past.
While some women may indeed enjoy their bondage
it shouldnt be displayed in public.

If there were no religions there would be no Burqas
and no Sharia either.

Under Western Philosophy Religion and State are separate.
No one may choose to live under a religious law as no religious law is allowed.
Sharia begins with the Burqa and ends with cutting off hands and feet,killing
homosexuals,adulterers and blasphemers.
Islam and Sharia are incompatible with Western Civilization.

edit on 3-8-2011 by RRokkyy because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 3 2011 @ 06:29 PM
seriously, italy has bigger problems at the moment to worry about the burqa, like defaulting on their loans

posted on Aug, 3 2011 @ 06:36 PM
The real point here is that Italy saw a problem and acted on it.

Heaven forbid a nation to act in its own interest and protect its own culture and values. Racists!

posted on Aug, 3 2011 @ 08:06 PM
In some Muslim countries, women who are not even Muslims are also forced to wear the burkha. Now, the situation is reversed. In some Christian countries, women even though they are Muslims are forced not to wear the burkha. If you want to criticize one party in there, you also have to criticize the other party.

posted on Aug, 3 2011 @ 08:12 PM
reply to post by wavemaker

not the burqa, they give them the black robe that every women wears, that is it the face and head are not covered in saudi arabia and others. perhaps afganistan.

posted on Aug, 3 2011 @ 08:32 PM

Originally posted by relocator
If I needed to wear a burka back in the day it may have been to keep the sand and bugs out my hair and off my body as well as other man and other jealous women.

You're arrogantly assuming that your hypothetical, fictional and imaginary thoughts and reasons for wearing a burqa actually have some relevance to the real reasons why some women choose to adopt this clothing.

I assume that you walk around bare-breasted in the summer, as there's absolutely no logical reason for a woman to cover up her torso at all - especially in summer.

I'm sure that you wouldn't stand for a woman to be subjugated by being legally and culturally forced to cover up her breasts. Oh wait ! That's what happens in our ''advanced'' Western society.

Originally posted by relocator
I don't believe in this day and age people in France have this problem.

I don't believe in this day and age that women in the West have a reason to cover up their breasts, other than to fit in to the cultural norms and expectations of their society.

posted on Aug, 3 2011 @ 08:46 PM
I believe you can do what you want when your home within the law...I could be a nudist If I what I show my breasts...women do it all the time in ATL! Ever heard of titty bars!!! Rock beach on the balcony...going down the road....Marti Gra...Brazil...etc.

posted on Aug, 3 2011 @ 09:00 PM
reply to post by relocator

exactly if you have the right to show us your titties (im all for that, no questions asked)

then muslim women who WANT to wear should wear it. however we still need to bring to light the fact that we need to allow all women of islam to decide on their own. this is where the problem lays, not banning it in italy so mossad can use false flag terror attacks with teh veil of islam extremists

posted on Aug, 3 2011 @ 09:00 PM

Originally posted by Sherlock Holmes

Wearing a burqa is not against the law in the West, so what country's laws are women who adopt this attire not living by ?

In fact, it's completely the opposite. France, Belgium and Italy are voluntarily changing their own laws to restrict what all of their citizens can choose to wear.

So rather than falsely claiming that Muslims are not living by the laws of their country, maybe you should point your finger at the governments of these countries for needlessly opting to change their own laws in an attempt to kowtow to the baying Islamophobes and xenophobes.

No. You are mistaken, I am afraid. In France the laws already existed about face coverings in public. No masks, or any sort of face covering in public places. The french people already were adhering to this, and in their usual way of trying too hard to be respectful of differences, the Muslims were allowed an exception to those laws for a long time, until some real problems with that began to shwo themselves (like the identification process in important exchanges like welfare reception, as I mentioned).

It is also illegal for french people to block off a street for a group assembly without having alerted the city authorities and getting a permit for it on that day- and it is enforced on them. Yet, the Muslims in Paris regularly claim a whole street for prayer, have their own guards keep non-Muslims out of it, and french people who have apartments on that street cannot get out or get in during those times. They have no permit and the police have orders not to do anything about it, and don't (for fear of retaliation and anger on the part of the Muslim community).

They do not respect or obey the laws already present in the host country, and that the others in that country adhere to. The official intent of finally including them in the laws is worthless anyway, because as in the case of the group prayer hours, the french police are way too afraid and cowed by the large muslim community here already and will not enforce it. It is just words.

posted on Aug, 3 2011 @ 09:04 PM
reply to post by Dr Expired

Good on Italy! I hope Canada follows suit.

Wanna wear the Burka ? then go back to your country and stay in the past, if not then be modern.
edit on 3-8-2011 by Agent_USA_Supporter because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 3 2011 @ 09:21 PM
reply to post by Amassuo

Originally posted by relocator
I saw a women for the 1st time here in Gainesville, GA wearing a burka yesterday. I wouldn't know what religion someone was by looking at them but when you wear a burka there's no guessing anymore. I really don't care what religion you believe in if any but when you start building schools and teaching your kids and try to bring your laws to America well all I got to say is go back to where you came from. No thank you! I don't need it or want it. I feel that the men have been in power for a very long time and look where it has gotten us. LOL I feel that women who wear burka's should be allowed to dress the way the want not because her family, husband or religion make her. I personally don't like them. I feel these women are being brainwashed like the ones that follow that Warren Jeffs and the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (FLDS).

For the record page 2:
I feel that women who wear burka's should be allowed to dress the way the want not because her family, husband or religion make her. I personally don't like them. I feel these women are being brainwashed...

posted on Aug, 3 2011 @ 11:20 PM

Originally posted by Amassuo
This will just piss off more muslims, why is that happening? because someone wants the muslims to get angry and start attacking europe

oh yes women who are so humble and faithful to god that who by choice (i can proove this, not only in western countries) wear their hijabs daily are being punished. for what? security reasons? is this not then a prime example of rights being taken away for simple security. i dont know about you but i will take freedom and rights over security ANY day. i can PROTECT MYSELF. AND so can you. this is bad. what about the muslims who lived in italy for generations? forced to move/ change their CULTURE? what is this? what is this world we live in.

nice try to infer some imagined sense of 'guilt', especially to those less free in their personal beings.
However, i'd like to point out one thing ... choices are generally expressed in private rather public ~~ hence, the choice to wear a burqa is just that, "a choice", nothing more ... and when any female is BORN wearing a burqa, then i would support the public display of such ...until then, keep it private please. one's attire does not define or influence a 'culture' and when your 'culture' infringes on public rights, there is certainly a problem.

It is my choice to present as i was created ... naked ... but i am not permitted such a personally religious choice in public, why should anyone else be given 'special' consideration?

posted on Aug, 4 2011 @ 05:08 AM
reply to post by Sherlock Holmes

hmmm, if we follow your logic, then Saudi Arabia should permit all foreigners to dress as they arrive, correct?
according to your logic, regardless of the country i'm located, it should be perfectly fine for me to make out with my boyfriend in front of a cafe, at a movie theater or even on the beach as we are scantily clad or even topless (if that's how we do it in our culture), right?
No citizen of the host country has any right to complain or force me to 'change' my culture, right?
No law should be passed that would make me conform, correct?

so, if this is your opinion/stance ... why are you implying americans should concede? surely there are other countries much more worthy of your disgust, angst and silly opinions.

posted on Aug, 4 2011 @ 06:29 AM

Originally posted by Agent_USA_Supporter
reply to post by Dr Expired

Good on Italy! I hope Canada follows suit.

Wanna wear the Burka ? then go back to your country and stay in the past, if not then be modern.
edit on 3-8-2011 by Agent_USA_Supporter because: (no reason given)

Where's you rant about Evil Western Propaganda now?

posted on Aug, 4 2011 @ 12:18 PM
soon everyone will be wearing the same clothes
.......maybe a law saying you must dress in a bunny suit in public
(i have a bunny suit )

but yeah some places that you must show ID is fair enough but not walking down the road.........
anywho the real probelm isnt what they are wearing is how uncomfortable other people are when they see someone wearing it, they probley think she has a bomb or something(just like everyone was thinking the norway killing was a middle eastern man, dont lie to yourself you was thinking it too
, its too much brainwashing from the small box in your house

like i always say F what other people think, if the women wanna wear it why stop them from wearing it?
edit on 4-8-2011 by mehforfun because: (no reason given)

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