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Italy Bans the Burka In Public

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posted on Aug, 3 2011 @ 05:19 AM
reply to post by Sherlock Holmes

Agree with your sentiments, but have you considered this?
That the Burka may hide physical abuse?
That the woman who is or not abused is in fact anonymous?
She may have bruises and a broken nose, but who will know?
Think before..blindly espousing ....would you ever male or female wish to be covered head to ankle 365 days a year?
Logic friend.

posted on Aug, 3 2011 @ 05:21 AM

Originally posted by ShadowZion
It is actually worn so that the women can keep their innocence and not be perved on by men who dont get much

Wrong, it is just a way to oppress women in backward cultures, as it is a cultural device , not religous.

posted on Aug, 3 2011 @ 05:43 AM

Originally posted by Dr Expired
Agree with your sentiments, but have you considered this?
That the Burka may hide physical abuse?
That the woman who is or not abused is in fact anonymous?
She may have bruises and a broken nose, but who will know?

In other words, we should ban women from wearing sunglasses, make-up, scarves, hats and hooded coats, as these can all be used to hide injuries which came about through domestic abuse.

Originally posted by Dr ExpiredThink before..blindly espousing ....would you ever male or female wish to be covered head to ankle 365 days a year?

It doesn't matter whether I'd wish to be covered 365 days a year, or not. The fact is, plenty of people do, and they're not causing anyone else any harm in doing so.

I wouldn't feel comfortable walking down the street exposing all of my legs, but that doesn't mean we should ban women from wearing miniskirts.

Originally posted by Dr Expired
Logic friend.

But you're not using any, doctor !

As I've already pointed out, there are numerous items of Western clothing and accessories which can ( and have ) been used by women to cover up signs of physical abuse.

This is the problem with the anti-burqa arguments. People are really just against burqas out of prejudice, because they are alien to Western culture. So, instead of being honest and admitting that they are against burqas because of a xenophobic, suspicious reaction to them, they come up with all of these contrived reasons to ''justify'' the banning of this clothing.

Every single argument against the burqa can also be applied to items of Western clothing.

posted on Aug, 3 2011 @ 06:32 AM
the burqa ban in iran was when the shah was in power who wanted everything in iran westernised and hated anything oriental, who at the time was proped up by the british during ww2

and because your muslim friends donot wish to wear headscarves or burqah, there many who do want to wear it

also with my interactions with iranians in canada and the uk, they could care less about islam, not saying all iranians outside iran do

edit on 3-8-2011 by ZarbeMomin because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 3 2011 @ 06:41 AM
reply to post by spoor

absolutely 100% incorrect.

posted on Aug, 3 2011 @ 07:17 AM
Attack is the best form of defence!It's about time that politicians tackled the problems that islam is bringing to Western Europe.For too long it has been a hot potatoe-when in Rome springs to mind.We in the West live by our countries laws & it's about time that muslims started following them like every one else.Hopefully the British government will follow suit as we are sick of culture being eroded systematically by various liberal minded political parties.All the mass influx of muslims have done is bring wages down for the lowest earning Europeans.Politicians with buisness/corporate interests should be banned as it's all about earning them more cash out of slave labour wages.Good on you Italy and now we will see the real muslim character raise it's filthy head as they will riot etc.Perhaps opening peoples eyes to the disease that is islam.
edit on 3/8/2011 by glen200376 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 3 2011 @ 07:21 AM
This is just something they have on the books for security concerns - so they have the legal right to remove a persons burka, also a sop to wives maybe who can then protest that they don't want to break the law - otherwise, as in France no-one is going to police it.

posted on Aug, 3 2011 @ 07:41 AM
they can't ban hoodies and allow burkas, so they are banning both (eventually)

posted on Aug, 3 2011 @ 09:39 AM
reply to post by glen200376

What land are you dreaming in?

The UK will not be following suit that is for sure. There would that much of an outcry in the UK if the brought in legislation and you know the amount of crap it would cause. No this Government will do what the previous one done. Stick their heads up their backsides and hope it will go away and hope everyone else will forget about it.
edit on 3-8-2011 by AnonymousFem because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 3 2011 @ 10:27 AM
reply to post by Dr Expired

I agree on the ban as your Islamic population has increased, and it is known for a fact where the Islamic population increases happen suicide bombers start appearing. With a Burka anyone can be under that disguise. I may be wrong but I think a few years ago here in USA there was a issue with a woman getting her drivers license and wanted to wear the burka, she end up loosing the case, either show your face or no license. that's fare. If they allowed the muslim to hide their faces then I should also be allowed to hide my face for the DL. It sounds ridiculous right? a photo of a mask/burka over your face? how they no who is under it? how?

posted on Aug, 3 2011 @ 10:29 AM
reply to post by Trolloks

Well you can't really wander around a bank in sunglasses with your hood pulled up either but I hardly find that a good reason to ban those items.

posted on Aug, 3 2011 @ 10:33 AM
reply to post by Undertough

As i said many times over and over, im not for a FULL ON ban, just not allowed to be warn in banks, airports and other buildings where you're not allowed to hide your identity.

posted on Aug, 3 2011 @ 10:33 AM

Originally posted by spoor

Originally posted by ShadowZion
It is actually worn so that the women can keep their innocence and not be perved on by men who dont get much

Wrong, it is just a way to oppress women in backward cultures, as it is a cultural device , not religous.

According to two Muslim women I asked about this, ShadowZion is right.
Maybe you know more than these Muslim women so would you mind if I ask the basis of your expertise on the subject?

posted on Aug, 3 2011 @ 10:36 AM

Originally posted by Trolloks
reply to post by Undertough

As i said many times over and over, im not for a FULL ON ban, just not allowed to be warn in banks, airports and other buildings where you're not allowed to hide your identity.

Originally posted by Trolloks
I agree, too an extent, that it should be banned.

There is banned and not banned. If you are going to ban anything to an extent because you cannot wear them in banks then you are going to have to ban everything to that extent that you cannot wear in a bank. I think maybe you missed what I was pointing out.

posted on Aug, 3 2011 @ 10:39 AM

Originally posted by Lynda101
Good on Italy. The burka denies a woman her identity and individuality and that is a huge price to pay for a religious belief.

What better way to give a women her individuality and identity than by telling her what she can and cannot wear.
I cannot believe I am even reading that.

posted on Aug, 3 2011 @ 10:40 AM
reply to post by Undertough

There is also banned in certain areas/places.

Smoking is banned in public places, drinking is banned while/before driving, and so on.

posted on Aug, 3 2011 @ 12:28 PM
I disagree with the assertion that the burqa is a tool of sexist repression. If it is a womans choice than telling her she can't is sexist and oppressing her rights!

We western women feel more comfortable hiding our face behind make up; when I was a teen I felt better with a big heavy bang that covered most of my face and I could just peek out with one eye. I understand the deeper reasons.

I also kinda think the Muslims could also focus on teaching their boys and men self control even if they see feminine beauty though......

posted on Aug, 3 2011 @ 12:52 PM
reply to post by Dr Expired

Dr. Expired, I wouldn't think of this as an interesting move. As it is every day, the governments around the world make laws, statutes, procedures and practices whether or not their or other citizens may or may not approve.

I think there must be a rational logic behind this change made in Italy. Just as the leaders of France must have had some reason for their burqa ban as well. What these reasons are I don't know but I'm confident those who care can educate themselves online in minutes.

I'm reminded of the old saying "When in Rome, do as the Romans." In other words, it is considered proper etiquette to follow the local mores, customs and laws of the land. I don't know how it is in Italy or France, while here in the USA there used to be a 'majority rules' mindset. That went out the window long ago. Millions of people can pass through an American airport every week. If one person complains about the presence of a Christmas Tree or a Hanukkah oil lamp holder --poof-- all the decorations disappear.

Maybe Italy and France are becoming a little like America. One person takes offence at something, --poof-- now no one can have it. At least people are still free to conform to their personal practices in the privacy of their own homes...for now.

posted on Aug, 3 2011 @ 01:20 PM
reply to post by Dr Expired

Good for Italy, fighting terrorism. Now they are safe from terrorists. Awesome!

posted on Aug, 3 2011 @ 01:55 PM
I saw a women for the 1st time here in Gainesville, GA wearing a burka yesterday. I wouldn't know what religion someone was by looking at them but when you wear a burka there's no guessing anymore. I really don't care what religion you believe in if any but when you start building schools and teaching your kids and try to bring your laws to America well all I got to say is go back to where you came from. No thank you! I don't need it or want it. I feel that the men have been in power for a very long time and look where it has gotten us. LOL I feel that women who wear burka's should be allowed to dress the way the want not because her family, husband or religion make her. I personally don't like them. I feel these women are being brainwashed like the ones that follow that Warren Jeffs and the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (FLDS).

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