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The Tea Party is anti-democratic and guilty of abuse of power

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posted on Aug, 2 2011 @ 09:18 AM
reply to post by poet1b

The laws that regulate business, prevent them from committing crimes like dumping massive amounts of poison into our environment, don't restrict my ability to engage in the market. Some guy who chooses to dump poison into the water supply which results in little kids dying a slow death of cancer for profit should not only have to pay out large amounts of money, but should die just as horrible a death IMO.

How do people not get this?

Oh, but you do business with the bad guys whether or not you like it, or know about it, under deregulation.

"How do people not get this?"

We get it alright we have just done the research and look behind the curtain. Heck I was a member of Greenpeace and Sierra club before I found out who pulls their strings!

For years there have been laws on the books to prevent business from committing crimes like dumping massive amounts of poison into our environment long before the EPA. It was called "Criminal Trespass" Your rights stop at MY property line. (Think of the range wars and water rights wars in the "Old West" ) The idea goes all the way back to English Common law.)

The company I worked for just out of college got their rear sued off by the CHEMICAL company next door BEFORE EPA existed. lol:

If the poisons leak into the water supply then the plant manager on up and everyone else should be up on charges of MANSLAUGHTER!

More regs are not the solution nailing their donkeys to the wall with the existing laws was the answer! but the powerful slithered out of being prosecuted then as they are today. Instead the problems are screamed about in the BANKER OWNED media and more laws are passed that ONLY apply to the small business person and continue to remove our rights.

For an example of how the Bankers/Corporate cartels play on our sense of outrage Read John Munsell & A Trip To The Woodshed With The USDA (humorous) and the followup analysis, Shielding the Giants

edit on 2-8-2011 by crimvelvet because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 2 2011 @ 09:32 AM
reply to post by ThirdEyeofHorus

...You have bought into the lie that resources are not replenishable and that some guy at the top has to dole it out to everyone. I shudder to think there are more who think like you.

Many of those who think like that do see where the "new" system will lead. They are not in it for an altruistic reason they are in it for POWER. They think they will be part of the power structure and therefore the horrors they visit on others will not apply to them. All you have to do is look at the hypocrisy of Jet Setter Al Gore and the rest of the "heroes" of the movements mesmerizing the masses. Or you can go to Boston MA and listen to the rabid ravings for a few years.

Rank and file followers would be wise to heed the words of H.L. Mencken:
"The Urge to Save Humanity is Almost Always Only a False-Face for the Urge to Rule It."

posted on Aug, 2 2011 @ 09:40 AM
reply to post by NuroSlam

You can't be thinking of free markets in the terms of Austrian Economics.

Most people have no idea what Austrian Economics is. The bankers made sure of it with generous funding of the economics departments of Universities.

When you are printing the money you can easily fund the entire propaganda machine needed to prop up your deception, Universities, MSM, NGOs, the public education system...

posted on Aug, 2 2011 @ 09:52 AM

The Tea Party is anti-democratic and guilty of abuse of power

Amazing people here don’t see that the blackmail that the Tea party is doing to the US government is dictatorial, anti-democratic, anathema to the US constitution, dangerous, and is setting a precedent for worst things to come.

Here is the scenario:

These 85 or so congress people voted in office in 2010 by Tea party support are not remotely the majority of the American people, yet they are using their newly acquired power to threaten the American system of government with default if they don’t get there way. In this scenario it is the debt ceiling that they are using to do their blackmail. Previously, raising the debt ceiling was, is, and has been a bi-partisan simple process, that even the conservative Republican Ronald Regan has denounced people for playing politics with. They, the Tea party are using this vulnerable part of the Governmental system to blackmail it . . . it’s that simple. This is an abuse of power, undemocratic, and fascistic. And those who do not see it this way. . . don’t because they are partial to the cause of the Tea party Republicans. When this very undemocratic method one day is turned against them—then they will see the danger that this is to a democracy. Turn the tables: what if 85 extreme left-wing congress people did the same thing to the country? How would you then feel about that?

As of now because of these people the US economy will likely default and enormous economic disasterous repercussions will be resultant.

So bottom line, 85 freshman congress people who don’t represent even 1 percent of the American people have taken over the Republican Party and have blackmailed the system to do their bidding and if not have threatened to destabilize the American economic system.

That is anti-democratic, and an abuse of power, and opposite everything the spirit and letter of the US constitution stands for.

This is about as stupid at it gets by the Op on this thread. It is emotional claptrap to hide what is going on in Government and among the peoples of this nation.

We have in government thousands of people with degrees..people of letters..educated, intelligent...thinking peoples. Or are they fact these kinds of peoples.

Ordinary peoples out here Americans.....must live within their means...within a budget. They are finally asking it unreasonable to expect the same from Government...a Government staffed with educated people who cannot seem to live within a budget. The people of this country are waking up to the concept that a government which cannot live within a budges as do the rest of us does not make good nonsense.

The OP has it exactly backwards...the inability to live and operate within a budget is blackmail on the backs of the American peoples. Do not attempt to look wise in this manner only to put the cart in front of the horse.
You have to go to public school to get this dumb and become such an emotional train wreck. and think that one has the moral high ground here.

The government is recklessly blackmailing the American people by not balancing their budget..;.not the other way around.

Public services and management of the Government purse is a trust and responsibility...not an entitlement. And government has consistently failed in this ..particularly since the late 1950s.

These 85 or so congress people voted in office in 2010 by Tea party support are not remotely the majority of the American people, yet they are using their newly acquired power to threaten the American system of government with default if they don’t get there way.

This quote above is as ignorant as it gets. The American Government is ruining its own credit rating...not the tea party peoples. At the rate of deficit/debt spending ..government will ruin its own credit rating..without the presence of the Tea Party. Only public education non standards in emotional instant gratification can miss this point.

Jerry!!!! Jerry!!! Jerry!!! This is the Jerry Springer Rant and cheer!!

Our government in both houses is becoming the Jerry Springer rant without telling the American People what is going on or what is coming down the road. One cannot continue to borrow on the public credit forever without the credit rating changing...or defaulting. Sooner or must live within your means.
Only public education non standards can dumb a people down this far that they no longer understand this concept.

In this scenario it is the debt ceiling that they are using to do their blackmail. Previously, raising the debt ceiling was, is, and has been a bi-partisan simple process, that even the conservative Republican Ronald Regan has denounced people for playing politics with. They, the Tea party are using this vulnerable part of the Governmental system to blackmail it . . . it’s that simple.

Working within the system is now blackmail??? What laws have these Tea Party peoples broken??? You call it blackmail...but what happens down the road when the government totally ruins the credit ability of the United States to borrow??? For they will very soon need to borrow more and more and more and more.

You have to go to pubic school to get so dumb that you now call working within the system ...blackmail!!!
What you are speaking about is that you think Democracy is an entitlement process..of public debt on the budget. Continuing to borrow in the backs of the pubic felicity is blackmail/coercion. A threat to the public welfare and felicity/trust. No matter who is doing or democrat. This is not democracy is is slavery...indentured servitude. You have to go to public school and get uneducated not to understand this concept.

Government is not an entitlement program on the backs of working Americans. Government is a responsibility and a trust. Entitlement programs for votes and power on the backs of the public is not trust or responsibility is servitude to masters who will put the public deeper and deeper in servitude/debt.

Emotional entitlement beliefs are not the same thing as common sense.

Wealth Redistribution is not Risk Redistribution.

Ordinary peoples must live on a is unreasonable to expect the government to do the same?? What on this earth are you thinking OP ???

One more case you are emotionally stuck on this Phony Left Right Paradigm.

There are Americans out here who do not put any more faith in the Republican/Right party than do they with the Democrats. They are realizing that the Republicans are only Democrat Lite. Think it through fits.

What the OP omits in their post is that at the current credit us/abuse by the US Government..the Government will eventually the very cancer that they are abusing to borrow on the backs of the public. We will be following the very same pattern or template as are so many European Nations.
This is not Democracy but This is why a government needs to live within a budget just like the rest of Americans.

Economic Servitude and slavery is no different from the very anti democratic process the OP claims is going on.

Constant indebtedness is a abuse of power.

Only pubic education can dumb a person down this far and they not catch on to it. The OP has so much backwards. Such backwardness has become the norm today..even admirable. What it is is sick..a sickness by which people no longer recognize it for what it is.

Ordinary peoples must live within a budget and face RISKS to do so is not unreasonable to expect government to do the same. This particularly when government is staffed with so many educated peoples with degrees and letters who should know how to do it.


posted on Aug, 2 2011 @ 10:15 AM
With all due respect, I have to disagree that the Tea Party is as destructive or worse to America. They are not the new brown shirts. If you are worried about a new brown shirt movement, then you should read this. These are Obama's own words...

posted on Aug, 2 2011 @ 10:41 AM

Originally posted by Veritas1
With all due respect, I have to disagree that the Tea Party is as destructive or worse to America. They are not the new brown shirts. If you are worried about a new brown shirt movement, then you should read this. These are Obama's own words...

I remember that as well. Remembering and looking at the mess that the Transportation Safety Board has made of airport screening and also Homeland is not difficult to draw a line in what direction we are going.

An olde man told me many years ago..that the enemy of the Soviet Russians was their own government. It was the Soviet People that the Soviet Government had to keep in line and they used foreign threat..particularly America to keep the Russian people in line and afraid of one thing after another.

This same olde man told me that the American Government is following the very same template to keep Americans in line.

They are so desperate now that they are using Terrorism..not from outside the country but from within to keep Americans in line. Terrorism has now replaced the Soviet threat. This is becoming very telling.

This is what this Civilian National Security force is about. Keeping tabs on Americans. Apparently the public school system no longer can suffice in this role.

Very appropriate comparison with the Civilian National Security force and the brown shirts.

They are telling us how stupid they think the average American is that they can pull this over on us and not be ashamed of themselves. They would probably not be that far in error on the stupid part.


posted on Aug, 2 2011 @ 11:33 AM
reply to post by inforeal

They have been, for about 25 years......

posted on Aug, 2 2011 @ 11:55 AM
reply to post by orangetom1999

...They are so desperate now that they are using Terrorism..not from outside the country but from within to keep Americans in line. Terrorism has now replaced the Soviet threat. This is becoming very telling. ....

Yes very telling. I started a thread on a similar topic that dove tails with this. Napolitano sets stage for False Flag Terrorist Attack

They are herding us more and more quickly towards their goal.

'Global Governance 2025′ by US & EU Intelligence Agencies

The National Intelligence Council's 2025 Project

Global Governance 2025 | Atlantic Council

Global Governance 2025: at a critical juncture

Global governance – the collective management of common problems at the international level – is at a critical juncture. Although global governance institutions have racked up many successes since they were developed after the Second World War, the growing number of issues on the international agenda, and their complexity, is outpacing the ability of international organisations and national governments to cope....

Three effects of rapid globalisation are driving demands for more effective global governance....

The shift to a multipolar world is complicating the prospects for effective global governance over the next 10 years. The expanding economic clout of emerging powers increases their political influence well beyond their borders. Power is not only shifting from established powers to rising countries and, to some extent, the developing world, but also towards non-state actors. Diverse perspectives on and suspicions about global governance, which is seen as a Western concept, will add to the difficulties of effectively mastering the growing number of challenges.

Problem, Reaction, Solution

First the government/elite create the problem, ... then offer the solution to the problems they have created. A solution always worse for people and better for THEM, and the gullible nitwits fall for it every single time...

I do not know who I want to kick first the nitwits or the elite.

posted on Aug, 2 2011 @ 12:44 PM

Originally posted by ThirdEyeofHorus
reply to post by SaturnFX

Not worthy of a response..akin to answering why I want reptilian ghosts to rule over us and turn us into frogs...aka, nonsense.

No, sorry, The Power Elite controlling resources is not the same as reptilian ghosts turning us into frogs. Not the same at all. What a ridiculous comparison.

The market controls the resources. Always has, always will. The only exception is in shortages.
Why is that a good thing? Why should they control resources in a shortage? imagine a corporation owning all the -name resource-. Then only the exceptionally wealthy would have access to it...

You may not trust government because of what some may want...I don't trust corporations for what I know they all want.. No conspiracy theory needed to see that greed is what makes corporations turn. The love of money is the root of all evil, and to allow corporations to run the world, that is allowing the most evil institution to run things. Should the "controlling elites" (aka, elected officals by the people) run things, I would trust that far more than a board of investors deciding who lives and dies based on maximum profit.

Thats how things currently are run now...I am a fan of the new world order, because our current old world order sucks and only favors the machine. I have no idea why you fight for a corrupt system, but again, blinders I imagine have something to do with this...we see what we want and ignore what is inconvenient.

posted on Aug, 2 2011 @ 12:51 PM
reply to post by crimvelvet


Austrian school of economics.

Ludwig Von Mises

"Human Action"

I have also read John Maynard Keynes.

"Economic Consequences of the Peace."

I do not adhere to the Keynesian economic theories but lean towards the Austrian School and Adam Smith.

I have the very archaic idea that Gold, Silver ,and real copper monies to the penny weight ...keeps government in check and guarantees the liberty and prosperity of the people simply because it checks government spending. They cannot create gold, silver, and copper monies out of nothing..hence it will tend to hold its purchasing power. It will not be easily subject to government or bank manipulation of its value.

I am aware of all those things of which you environmental manipulation and man made panic techniques since reading the...

Energy Non Crisis

By Lindsey Williams

About the environmental manipulations to shut down the Alaskan Pipeline then under construction and how much oil is actually found up there...but not allowed in western marketplaces.

The technique you are describing is Hegelian Dialectic...thesis, antithesis, synthesis.

You will also find this described in Occult books like Morals and Dogma by Albert Pike on how to control others or situations to reach certain goals. It is not in words such as GFW Hegel would use but in Occult religious terminology and technique.

Very interesting posts you have made here along with interesting links.

Thanks for that informations.

Saturn FX

Thats how things currently are run now...I am a fan of the new world order, because our current old world order sucks and only favors the machine. I have no idea why you fight for a corrupt system, but again, blinders I imagine have something to do with this...we see what we want and ignore what is inconvenient.

This does not work when Government is the machine. Common sense. Government through out history has never been a solution to anything but part of the problem.
Capitalism ...left to do what it does best has produced the greatest plenty this world has ever seen or will see.
Only public education financed by government can dumb people down so far they don't get it..but think with their emotions instead of real thinking or the track record of history.

Here this video should help. It clearly shows by his silence how big a dummy Phil Donahue is..with his "Feelings." When someone can shut up a big mouth like Phil Donahue that is doing something!!
Milton Freedman hit the bulls eye in more than one way here.

This video makes a mockery of and puts Light all of this current administration's goals and objectives to people who can think outside of public education non standards.

It also makes a mockery of the recent debt ceiling controversy/vote in Congress.

Thanks to all for their posts,

edit on 2-8-2011 by orangetom1999 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 2 2011 @ 01:28 PM

Originally posted by 46ACE

The healthcare bill was rammed down our throats in much the same way. (political gamesmanship and maneuvering within congress)
Doesn't feel so nice now does it?

Yep. One battle to try and make sure when Mom gets cancer her family won't go bankrupt and be tossed out on the street trying to pay her medical bills and the other threatening to crush our entire economy to protect Oil Company/tax-payer subsidies, corporate loop-holes, Bush era tax breaks for the wealthiest 2% and the military industrial complex.

Ef the TP.

posted on Aug, 2 2011 @ 03:58 PM
This thread:

Tea Party anti-democratic? Rofl.

posted on Aug, 2 2011 @ 04:42 PM
reply to post by LeJimster

Corporations high-jacking grass roots movements (and the minds of the gullible) is bad for democracy.

posted on Aug, 2 2011 @ 05:04 PM

Originally posted by Fromabove
The Tea Party is a reaction to tyranny and abuse of power. They are here to stop the car from going over the cliff. Tea Party people care nothing for party names like democrat or Republican, they care about the people who elected them and why, and more importantly, they care about the United States Constitution.

What we have right now is an Oobamah dictatorship and a banana Senate. In November of 2012, we hope to end the power of both and return all of congress and the presidency back over to the adults in the room. But first we have to take away the blank check and the credit cards.

edit on 30-7-2011 by Fromabove because: (no reason given)

“As many frustrated Americans who have joined the Tea Party realize, we cannot stand against big government at home while supporting it abroad. We cannot talk about fiscal responsibility while spending trillions on occupying and bullying the rest of the world. We cannot talk about the budget deficit and spiraling domestic spending without looking at the costs of maintaining an American empire of more than 700 military bases in more than 120 foreign countries. We cannot pat ourselves on the back for cutting a few thousand dollars from a nature preserve or an inner-city swimming pool at home while turning a blind eye to a Pentagon budget that nearly equals those of the rest of the world combined.” ~Ron Paul

Wake up AMERICA!!!!!! Take HEED !!!!

posted on Aug, 2 2011 @ 05:20 PM
There are simply way too many people calling themselves "Tea Party" these days for me to want to have anything to do with it. I was protesting with them in my area a while back and realised I had nothing in common with them. The so called Tea Party in my area were all horrendous status quo republicans, and weren't much different than what the Republicans offered in the Bush years. Their main focus where I'm at was on the whole "Obama is a Muslim Marxist" birth certificate distraction, and not on what the government was doing. Issues like fiscal responsibility, ending the wars in the middle east, and giving Americans their dignity back by eliminating the TSA were never really discussed. It was all about how Washington was all wrong, but just because Obama and the Democrats were there. To me it felt like they offered very little substance!
edit on 2-8-2011 by ancapaaron because: (no reason given)

edit on 2-8-2011 by ancapaaron because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 2 2011 @ 06:18 PM
It appears that the Tea Party received its initial funding and boost from a few reactionary millionaires - mainly the Koch brothers and Rupert Murdoch. the organizers were GOP insiders. So what is so original or "grassroots" about it? Not much.

"Reports indicate that the Tea Party Movement benefits from millions of dollars from conservative foundations that are derived from wealthy U.S. families and their business interests. Is appears that money to organize and implement the Movement flows primarily through two conservative groups: Americans for Prosperity and FreedomWorks.

In an April 9, 2009 article on, Lee Fang reports that the principal organizers of Tea Party events are Americans for Prosperity and Freedom Works, two "lobbyist-run think tanks" that are "well funded" and that provide the logistics and organizing for the Tea Party movement from coast to coast. Media Matters reported that David Koch of Koch Industries was a co-founder of Citizens for a Sound Economy (CSE), the predecessor of FreedomWorks. David Koch was chairman of the board of directors of CSE.[2] CSE received substantial funding from David Koch of Koch Industries, which is the largest privately-held energy company in the country, and the conservative Koch Family Foundations, which make substantial annual donations to conservative think tanks, advocacy groups, etc. Media Matters reported that the Koch family has given more than $12 million to CSE (predecessor of FreedomWorks) between 1985 and 2002."

Quote form SourceWatch:

Or, read the NYT article:

title: "The Billionaires Bankrolling the Tea Party"

posted on Aug, 2 2011 @ 06:29 PM
reply to post by inforeal
The Tea Party is anti-democratic and guilty of abuse of power? You mean like when the President and the Democrat Party forced through Obamacare without allowing it to be read? I have no problem with people disagreeing politically but the recent attacks on the Tea Party comparing members to Islamic terrorists and calling them unAmerican are ridiculous. If your only argument is ad-hominin attacks you have no argument.

posted on Aug, 2 2011 @ 06:54 PM
reply to post by OneMansOpinion

They only blackmailed the president and the congress with the threat of defaulting the US economy if they didn’t get their way; and they couldn’t fairly get their agenda of no taxes for the rich through congress or the presidents veto ( both elected by the American people) fairly so they blackmailed them.


posted on Aug, 2 2011 @ 07:00 PM
reply to post by inforeal

And Obama threatening taxpayers withholding their own money for Social Security? Your argument has no legs.
it is nice to see Our President threaten its' own people.

edit on 8/2/2011 by mugger because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 2 2011 @ 07:04 PM
reply to post by SaturnFX

Really going to hurt when the members of the NWO are running that "machine" and could care less about the people around the globe. Heck, that one world government wants to get rid of most of us. Unless you are on that short list of people who get to live, better hope that NWO doesn't become reality to quickly.

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