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Ten Years After - Or How to Lead a Truth Movement

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posted on Aug, 3 2011 @ 10:19 AM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

I did. That's why I corrected your error on the definition of "trusters", as there isn't a single person on the face of the planet that "explicitely trusts everything the gov't says" but it's undeniable that there are people who explicitely trust everything those damned fool conspiracy websites shovel out.

Aren't there any "secret conspiracy" claims being passed around that you yourself think are inane, like Jesse Ventura pushing Judy Wood's "energy weapons from outer space" claims or that guy (forgot his name) claimign there were mini-nukes in the basement? If there are, it only means you're proving me correct.

Had you read even the title of the OP, you would not have tried to associate me with Alex Jones, Jesse Ventura or Judy Wood.

Here's a quote from the OP:

So how do you know when you’ve been duped by controlled opposition?

When you have joined a movement, or are following a leader. The only truth movement that has any chance of succeeding is one led by you, with you as its sole member.

Any movement or group larger than you will be infiltrated and marginalized, and any leader can be controlled, except you. This realization is spreading, and I find that encouraging:

This is the point of the OP, be your own leader, don't follow anyone. Do your own research.

Do you ever read my posts before you begin ridiculing them?

Are you capable of providing corroborating evidence to support your hypothesis, whatever that is?

posted on Aug, 4 2011 @ 12:49 PM

Originally posted by Yankee451

Had you read even the title of the OP, you would not have tried to associate me with Alex Jones, Jesse Ventura or Judy Wood.

Here's a quote from the OP:

So how do you know when you’ve been duped by controlled opposition?

When you have joined a movement, or are following a leader. The only truth movement that has any chance of succeeding is one led by you, with you as its sole member.

Any movement or group larger than you will be infiltrated and marginalized, and any leader can be controlled, except you. This realization is spreading, and I find that encouraging:

This is the point of the OP, be your own leader, don't follow anyone. Do your own research.

Do you ever read my posts before you begin ridiculing them?

Are you capable of providing corroborating evidence to support your hypothesis, whatever that is?

I am providing corroborating evidence. You simply don't want to listen to it.

There is no way, shape, or form that people like Jesse Ventura can be considered a mindless follower as he was governor of Minnesota as well as an actor and television producer. He is also on record as saying he subscribes to Judy Wood's "energy weapons from outer space" claims. Thus, someone can be a leader and do their research, AS WELL AS be someone who's suckered by inane conspiracy claims. So in the end, what difference does it make whether someone is a leader or a follower? The leaders are every bit as gullible as the followers are.

You're not exactly proving me wrong either, since you're so smitten with the idea that the reason why people don't want to believe you is because they faithfully trust everything the gov't tells them. Seriously, have you ever actually heard anyone explicitely say they "trust everything the gov't tells them"? Even once?

That's the objection I made and that's the reason why I corrected you.

posted on Aug, 4 2011 @ 01:26 PM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

You provide your corroborating opinion, I see no evidence provided to support any of your blanket statements.

What is there to prove wrong? You refuse to post your position and the reasons why you believe what you do, whatever that is.

Once you take the plunge, I'm happy to scrutinize your work and share my thoughts with you.

posted on Aug, 4 2011 @ 01:45 PM
It's very nearly 10 years. You have to ask yourself why there isn't a single bit of firm evidence of government involvement and why no-one, at any level, has confessed.

Perhaps you would be more consructively engaged with famine in Africa.

posted on Aug, 4 2011 @ 01:47 PM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

I have my suspicions, but insulting me and calling me a liar, without showing any evidence or sources to my claims is the least of your objections. I believe your goal on ATS is to turn everyone off, to disrupt most topics concerning 911 to the point that no one will participate in the thread topic or learn anything new, as you have well demonstrated, congratulations Job well done!
The fact is the venom (the language) you spew against all Truthers is disgusting and untrue.

edit on 4-8-2011 by impressme because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 4 2011 @ 01:54 PM

Originally posted by Alfie1
It's very nearly 10 years. You have to ask yourself why there isn't a single bit of firm evidence of government involvement and why no-one, at any level, has confessed.

Perhaps you would be more consructively engaged with famine in Africa.

It's been TEN YEARS and you have to ask why so many people can't understand grade school physics. Do you need a PhD in physics and a Master's in structural engineering to comprehend that skyscrapers must hold themselves up? So how many tons of steel were on each level of WTC 1 & 2 to accomplish that? Why don't you have enough sense to ask?

Why hasn't any engineering school built a physical model that can completely collapse?

So the people who need to be told what to think consider themselves to be intelligent and expect everybody to need to be told what to think.


posted on Aug, 4 2011 @ 02:14 PM
reply to post by psikeyhackr

Why don't you have enough sense to ask?

I heard they wrote it all down in this report issued by the NIST! Read through it once and see if the info is in there. Do you want me to look for you?

posted on Aug, 4 2011 @ 02:29 PM

Originally posted by hooper
reply to post by psikeyhackr

Why don't you have enough sense to ask?
I heard they wrote it all down in this report issued by the NIST! Read through it once and see if the info is in there. Do you want me to look for you?

I told you to tell us where they specified the total amount of concrete in the towers. You haven't done it yet.

I have told lots of people to do it in the last FOUR YEARS. Not a single one has done it.

All you can do is come up with rhetorical trash to IMPLY that other people don't know what they are talking about. You fail to notice that you advertise your own shallowness in the process.


posted on Aug, 4 2011 @ 02:51 PM
reply to post by psikeyhackr

I told you to tell us where they specified the total amount of concrete in the towers. You haven't done it yet.

So I take it then you read the whole report cover to cover and couldn't find any hint of that information?

I have told lots of people to do it in the last FOUR YEARS. Not a single one has done it.

Really? Not one sinlge person in the last four years has read the report for you? Amazing, the gall of some people!! Don't they realize how busy you are making youtube videos with broomhandle and washer models??

All you can do is come up with rhetorical trash to IMPLY that other people don't know what they are talking about. You fail to notice that you advertise your own shallowness in the process.

Rhetorical? Is this "rhetorical":

"The information is not in the report"!
"Did you read the report"?

That's not rhetoric, thats reality.

posted on Aug, 4 2011 @ 03:15 PM

Originally posted by hooper
"The information is not in the report"!
"Did you read the report"?

That's not rhetoric, thats reality.

Duh, the report is available in electronic form. It is easy but still time consuming to to search for information.

The total amount of concrete ain't there.

Let's see you READ IT and PROVE ME WRONG.

The nation that put men on the Moon produces 10,000 pages that can't specify the amount of concrete in buildings designed before 1969.


posted on Aug, 4 2011 @ 03:22 PM

Originally posted by Alfie1

It's very nearly 10 years. You have to ask yourself why there isn't a single bit of firm evidence of government involvement and why no-one, at any level, has confessed.

Perhaps you would be more consructively engaged with famine in Africa.

I see, hack at a limb of the problem rather than root out the cause?

911 gives us the means to expose the criminally insane construct of what we call society. It is a tool we can use to expose institutional corruption which is the true enemy of we common folk of all colors and on all continents.

The best way to help the starving people in Africa is to work to expose those who are causing them to starve.
edit on 4-8-2011 by Yankee451 because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-8-2011 by Yankee451 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 10:44 AM
Trusters that ONLY post on the 9/11 forums at ATS are very suspect. In fact when the ignore feature was available I use to use it on them, they are not willing to progress their knowledge of 9/11, so what is the point.

Most Truthers on ATS at least have a somewhat diversified posting record.

Also was WTC7 total global collapse government incompetence ?

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 11:27 AM

Originally posted by Yankee451
Here's a quote from the OP:

"So how do you know when you’ve been duped by controlled opposition?

When you have joined a movement, or are following a leader. The only truth movement that has any chance of succeeding is one led by you, with you as its sole member.

Any movement or group larger than you will be infiltrated and marginalized, and any leader can be controlled, except you. This realization is spreading, and I find that encouraging:"

This is the point of the OP, be your own leader, don't follow anyone. Do your own research.

This doesn't answer the question on how to lead a truth movement. This is a description on how to destroy a truth movement. For you to "come to a conclusion by looking at the facts" it necessarily means that looking at the facts objectively will point to a single clear cut conclusion, in which case, anyone else looking at the facts objectively wil come to the same conclusion...but this is NOT what's happening.

Person A sees the towers falling and they think "controlled demolitions", Person B sees the towers falling and they think "lasers from outer space". Person C sees the towers falling and they think "nukes in the basement". All these contradicting conclusions despite everyone looking at the exact same tower falling necessarily means that they'e NOT reviewing the facts objectively. Heck, the truthers are all but getting into fistfights amongst themselves over who the culprit even is, whether it's the gov't, the Jewish World Order, or even secret cult sof Satan worshipping numerologists. How is this a "movement" when not a single person in this "movement" even agrees with each other on anything?

The real answer to "how do you know when you've been duped" is simple- the moment that these conspiracy claims need to rely on armies of shadowy secret agents planted everywhere that noone knows about and have the supernatural ability to bend reality to their will, it's the moment you've been duped.

Are you capable of providing corroborating evidence to support your hypothesis, whatever that is?

I have already said numerous times that what you would call my "hypothesis" is that the attack was a genuine terrorist attack and it succeeded becuase of monumental incompetence on the part of our government. Are you so genuinely out of touch with reality that you now have to demand proof that the gov't screws up a lot? I mean, really?

It is not ridicule when I point out that you're pursuing absurd threads to preserve your conspiracy agenda like this. It's simply pointing out that you're pursuing absurd threads to preserve your conspiracy agenda. If your goal is to try to convince us all that the gov't is the model of perfection, good luck with that.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 11:50 AM

Originally posted by Blue_Jay33
Trusters that ONLY post on the 9/11 forums at ATS are very suspect. In fact when the ignore feature was available I use to use it on them, they are not willing to progress their knowledge of 9/11, so what is the point.

Most Truthers on ATS at least have a somewhat diversified posting record.

Of course they're suspect. When these trusters recite the nonsense they read off those damned fool conspiracy web sites word for word, it's obvious they'e not here to discuss the events of the day. They're simply here to listen to themselves talk. I don't know how many times it's been posted that "does the order still stand" is something completely different from "stand down order" and yet they keep repeating that "Cheney ordered a stand down" lie entirely because they trust everything they've been told by Alex Jones and Dylan Avery.

The point why I discuss the events of 9/11 with the trusters is simple- the more I discuss things with them, the more they only wind up destroying their own credibility with their own statements. There's one truster here who even claimed with a straight face that "all the urinals were removed from the towers without anyone noticing so it wouldn't cause any shrapnel when the buildings collapsed". I believe I speak for every guy here when I say yes, we WOULD notice something like that.

Also was WTC7 total global collapse government incompetence ?

No, actually, I'd have to give that one to gravity.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 01:20 PM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

The real answer to "how do you know when you've been duped" is simple- the moment that these conspiracy claims need to rely on armies of shadowy secret agents planted everywhere that noone knows about and have the supernatural ability to bend reality to their will, it's the moment you've been duped.

Yes, I think your signature says it all. I've been working on another thread which applies to you very well, there's even a bit about Bill Clinton in there, complete with quotations from folks who were part of that army of "shadowy secret agents".

I'm sure you won't read it...too long, but I invite others to peruse it.

edit on 9-8-2011 by Yankee451 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 01:37 PM
reply to post by Yankee451

I'm sure you won't read it...too long, but I invite others to peruse it.

Ah, the philosophical musings of someone who doesn't think that any planes crashed on 9/11 and there were no victims. Now there's a font of wisdom.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 04:21 PM
reply to post by hooper

How the hell do you know what's in there? Or did your fake sister tell you?
edit on 9-8-2011 by Yankee451 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 05:10 PM
reply to post by hooper

It really is too bad you won't read it Hoop. There's a lot of good information in there your fabricated sister has never heard of.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 07:30 PM
reply to post by Yankee451

Well I did take the time to read your 'psycho' thread, and to be honest, I have to complement you on your propaganda skills. You have taken the lessons of William Randolph Hearst, Joseph Gobbels and several others to heart. Take a little bit of truth, wrap a lot of crap around it, and proclaim it as the Gospel.

Good work.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 10:15 PM
reply to post by vipertech0596

What did you consider crap, and why not comment on the right thread?

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