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Ten Years After - Or How to Lead a Truth Movement

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posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 01:49 AM
911 to me occurred just this morning; today I drove to work glued to the radio, and then spent the day at work glued to CNN on my computer. Its evening now, and I'm still studying it.

I went from believing stories about scary A-Rabs, to scary Neo Cons, to energy weapons powered by hurricanes, to compact nuclear warheads, to Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, and on to Hero Janitors. I joined this group and that, and donated what little money I could. It made me feel like I was doing something; whatever that was didn’t matter as much as going through the motions of activism.

But I couldn’t find the right answer. Every explanation provided by the government and almost every “theory” within the ironically named “911 Truth Movement” had major flaws. I had a big beef with the majority of truth movement “leaders” as they seemed to not so much share information and encourage open debate, as ban alternative explanations, limit discussion and generally ego trip.

I expected a real investigation -

In a real investigation, there would be no hypothesis that would not be discussed; every hypothesis would stand or fall on its own merit or lack thereof; however this behavior is not found in the truth movement, nor on most forums on the Internet, this one included.

I finally had to face it that the “Truth Movement” was deliberately sending me down dead ends, I realized I was being led around in the dark by a menagerie of government spooks occasionally shining a flashlight on something that might be a clue, but which usually only further reinforced the official story.

Here on ATS it is a common feeling that to post on the 911 boards is to invite an avalanche of ridicule; this is true, and it is something I brace myself for whenever I post anything here. If any word or hair is out of place, it’ll be used as a beachhead from which to attack you in an attempt to distract from the real message of the post.

So I'm writing today to any newbies out there who are interested in testing these shark infested waters. I encourage you to post and ask questions, but expect to be ridiculed at every turn if you don't toe certain lines, but if you go in with your eyes open, you'll be fine. Lets take a look at the usual suspects:

Official Story believers - "OSers" or "trusters".

The government trusters are the biggest pushovers on the block. They’ll get all weepy and indignant if you mention anything about 911 being an inside job. They’ll be the first ones to throw out the guilt card, bringing up the brave Americans who died that day, their surviving families, and the “how dare yous”. The cognitive dissonance is strong in this group, but this could be a harsh assessment as it remains to be seen if any trusters on the Internet have empathy, or are even real people. Many of them will fabricate an eye witness if pressed, and I’m pretty sure only a computer or a sociopath could pull that off.

Let It Happen On Purpose believers

Then there’re the LIHOP wannabes; these ##SNIP## love to quote Rachel Maddow and thanks to years of public education, followed by post secondary indoctrination their only interests are the appearance of being green and hip while maintaining their hidden addiction to materialism. Any real activism is limited to conversations in line at Starbucks where they scan the New York Times headlines for topics to toss around at work. They’re for an “independent investigation” of 911 as long as Israel is off limits and no one puts any excessive tariffs on Lesbarus. This group can be ignored, as they’re too busy watching Dexter to research 911.

Made It Happen On Purpose believers -

Then there are the MIHOPs, to which I belong. This group is thick with controlled opposition; it is here they’ll flay their own when the discussion turns to the possibility of fake videos and missiles. Bring up CGI and you’ll send the majority of the MIHOP denizens into a frenzy of loathing and condescension. This is where most of the “official” truth movements really come into play, directing the truly curious truther away from inconvenient facts just at the moment when they might stumble on the truth. This is where I’d hang out if I was a spook, and where real truthers eventually land. Here the name "no planer" can be worn with pride, or slung as a pejorative, depending on your MIHOP bent. It's a schizophrenic bunch.

So how do you know when you’ve been duped by controlled opposition?

When you have joined a movement, or are following a leader. The only truth movement that has any chance of succeeding is one led by you, with you as its sole member.

Any movement or group larger than you will be infiltrated and marginalized, and any leader can be controlled, except you. This realization is spreading, and I find that encouraging:

“Controlled opposition gives us amazing nuggets of information, get us follow them like heroes, then ultimately spin us off into la la land.

Those seeking real truth are given our “leaders”.. they swoop in with amazing, never-before-seen or heard nuggest of truth. We latch on to them — often treat ‘em as hereos… only to be ultimately spun into la la land about 6 to 12 monhts later.

It is IMPOSSIBLE to have a well-known leader be real. That person would be compromised very quickly.

Vladimir Lenin said it best, “The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.”

It’s for this reason I highly recommend not following anyone. In other words, be your own leader.”" target="_blank" class="postlink" rel="nofollow">Source

It’s about time everyone started taking responsibility for learning about 911. It is the lynchpin we have at our disposal to expose institutional corruption, end wars, and gain justice. Ask questions, post theories, and on this ten year anniversary; be courageous; lead a movement.

edit on 29-7-2011 by Yankee451 because: (no reason given)

edit on 29-7-2011 by Yankee451 because: (no reason given)

edit on 29-7-2011 by Yankee451 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 01:59 AM
reply to post by Yankee451

I agree. I'm not scared to say that. Sheep are afraid, which is why we refer to people as sheep.

How did that one saying go? The only thing to fear is fear itself?

If your a newly woken up person, use the tools right in front of you to research history/current events.

Don't be afraid, your on the good side. The good side always prevails.

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 02:33 AM
That is a great introduction for anyone starting to look at what really happened on 9/11.

In this technological age we have an information quagmire with 9/11. It is tough, hard and sticky work to sort out the facts from the fiction.

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 02:51 AM
Maybe because you didn't took 2 steps back to look at the perspective in 2011.

Alot of skeptics are not able to complete a single equation. They think like: 1+1= _

While its 1+1= 2 ...... Two wars.. very long ones..

Also, look at the way corporations are running the show, just think about Deepwater Horizon disaster. They uses govt. around the world at their will because they can decide or not if they gonna offer job or stuff like that. Its easy to use the USA since its a fairly young country and you cant really blame any ethnic group, everyone is represented, Natives, White Euro, Black African, Asians, Middle east and mostly now, central and south americas. But its no biggie, everybody loves USA, glued to their tv watching an american movie (good probability theres alot of guns in that movie), with every ethnicity displayed from actors around the globe.

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 09:36 AM

Originally posted by Yankee451
Official Story believers - "OSers" or "trusters".

One slight correction- "OSers" and "Trusters" are the exact opposite from each other. In the context of 9/11 conspiracies, OSers are people who mindlessly believe everything the gov't says about what happened on 9/11 (which I agree do exist, as there are people who still think that Iraq had something to do with the 9/11 attack), while trusters are those who mindlessly trust that everything those damned fool conspiracy websites are saying is true, and YOU have to admit they do exist, with all these people spouting lasers from outer space to hologram planes to "do the orders still stand" somehow meaning "stand down orders" once you stare at it long enough.

I'm still waiting for someone to coin a description for people like me, who don't believe a thing the gov't says IN ADDITION TO not believing a thing Alex Jones, Dylan Avery, et al say. I doubt anyone ever will, because the truther movement relies 100% on propaganda, abject paranoia, and stuff they're making up off the tops of their heads, so to them, someone not believing either camp is a mind blowing contradiction so they simply pretend we don't exist.

edit on 29-7-2011 by GoodOlDave because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 10:11 AM

Originally posted by GoodOlDave
trusters are those who mindlessly trust that everything those damned fool conspiracy websites are saying is true

False. "Trusters" are those that implicitly trust everything their government tells them concerning 9/11 without question.

And while there may be some that believe everything they read on the internet, most of us do our own research using those damned fool science websites, science books, and science people.

edit on 29-7-2011 by _BoneZ_ because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 10:15 AM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

I thought you were an OSer, or at least a LIHOP.

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 10:46 AM

Originally posted by _BoneZ_
alse. "Trusters" are those that implicitly trust everything their government tells them without question.

Now, you're making things up here. I have yet to meet or even hear of anyone, anywhere, at any time who "implicitly trusts everything their gov't tells them without question". Rather, everyone I've ever met is of the universal consensus that politicians are dishonest.

On the other hand, it's irrefutable that there are in fact people who explicitely trust everything those damned fool conspiracy websites are pushing out, and not a week goes by here without some truster or another posting some drivel about how no intercepters were scrambled, all the bomb dogs were withdrawn from WTC, the hijackers were all illiterate cavemen, and other ridiculous things that can be disproven with a simple 30 second Google search. You should be the first person to agree with me, as I know full well how much umbrage you take when someone comes along insisting a cruise missile hit the Pentagon.

Heck, not even yesterday some truster even claimed all the urinals in the WTC were taken out so the porcelain wouldn't become shrapnel when the towers came down, and all without anyone in the building noticing they were gone. You gotta be really, REALLY be trusting in what these damned fool conspiracy websites are putting out to ever rationally believe such a stupid claim.

And while there may be some that believe everything they read on the internet, most of us do our own research using those damned fool science websites, science books, and science people.

...which brings you right back to the "Lasers from outer space" bunch. Judy Woods does use science and physics to back her claims up, misrepresentative as it might be. If it's convincing enough to sucker former governor Jesse Ventura, it can sucker anyone.

Jesse Ventura is a sterling example of a truster, as he sincerely has to trust that Judy Wood's "science website, science book, and science people" are correct for him to publically be on board with her claims.

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 11:00 AM

Originally posted by GoodOlDave
Now, you're making things up here. I have yet to meet or even hear of anyone, anywhere, at any time who "implicitly trusts everything their gov't tells them without question". Rather, everyone I've ever met is of the universal consensus that politicians are dishonest.

I've edited my post to add "concerning 9/11". You trust the government is telling you the facts concerning 9/11 and you believe them without any other evidence other than their word.

But that's an oxymoron considering since people know politicians are dishonest, why trust what they say about 9/11? Go figure.

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 11:02 AM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

See, now here's where you show your hand...

"Damned fool websites".

For good misinformation to be believed, there must be some truth in virtually all of the "damned fool websites" peddle a fair amount of truth sprinkled with just the right amount of lies.

Everything needs to be researched, even the damned fools.
edit on 29-7-2011 by Yankee451 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 11:11 AM

Originally posted by Yankee451
reply to post by GoodOlDave

I thought you were an OSer, or at least a LIHOP.

Of course you did. There is no room for anything else in the truther world other than MIHOP, LIHOP, and OSer.

I myself know the attack succeeded simply out of gov't incompetence and bungling, and that there's no way the attack could be any conspiracy specifically because gov't incompetence and bungling would prohibit them from carrying it out without the whole thing blowing up in their face. When we see the gov't can't even hand out bottles of water to hurricane victims in New Orleans without slipping on banana peels and stumbling into walls, I know full well that there had to have been a lot more failures in gov't to prevent and respond to the 9/11 attack than what they're admitting to. For all we know, there was a warning of an imminent terrorist attack lying forgotten beneath a pizza box in some idiot beaurocrat's office.

So, when you conspiracy people claim the gov't launched the most intricate and complex pan-global conspiracy in all of recorded human history with the sheer perfection of a supernatural act, I have to wonder what the heck you've been drinking for you to seriously consider putting the words "government" and "efficiency" in the same sentence.

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 11:24 AM

Originally posted by _BoneZ_
I've edited my post to add "concerning 9/11". You trust the government is telling you the facts concerning 9/11 and you believe them without any other evidence other than their word.

But that's an oxymoron considering since people know politicians are dishonest, why trust what they say about 9/11? Go figure.

I've already stated my position many times, and I know you've seen it..and I even posted it again even now. If you still intend on clinging to this tired propaganda that "everyone who doesn't agree with you must be people who mindlessly believe everything the gov't tells us" even after this point, then you're simply a bald faced liar with no credibility. There are other viewpoints outside of the ones your damned fool conspiracy websites are allowing you to acknowledge, so if it's causing a mental meltdown for you to incorporate them into the way you interpret the world then you're not exactly disproving me when I say you're explcitely trusting everything those damned fool conspiracy websites are telling you.

What say you rephrase your sentence and try again. This simply can't be what you meant to say.
edit on 29-7-2011 by GoodOlDave because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 11:26 AM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

The incompetence angle falls into the OS category...Incompetence is one of their memes.

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 11:29 AM

Originally posted by Yankee451
reply to post by GoodOlDave

The incompetence angle falls into the OS category...Incompetence is one of their memes.

Dude, are you seriously suggesting that gov't incompetence is just an internet meme????

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 11:32 AM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

"Dude", like no.

I'm saying that the incompetence angle is an OFFICIAL meme. It's easier for the sheeple to believe in incompetence than premeditation, "intelligence failures" are all the rage, but note how many officials were punished for their incompetence.

posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 12:17 AM

Originally posted by Yankee451
But I couldn’t find the right answer. Every explanation provided by the government and almost every “theory” within the ironically named “911 Truth Movement” had major flaws. I had a big beef with the majority of truth movement “leaders” as they seemed to not so much share information and encourage open debate, as ban alternative explanations, limit discussion and generally ego trip.

I expected a real investigation -

In a real investigation, there would be no hypothesis that would not be discussed; every hypothesis would stand or fall on its own merit or lack thereof; however this behavior is not found in the truth movement, nor on most forums on the Internet, this one included.

I finally had to face it that the “Truth Movement” was deliberately sending me down dead ends, I realized I was being led around in the dark by a menagerie of government spooks occasionally shining a flashlight on something that might be a clue, but which usually only further reinforced the official story.

It is a matter of what could not have happened and what did happen.

Just because you can figure out what COULD NOT HAPPEN does not mean you can figure out what did happen. The physics does not care. I decided airliners could not destroy the buildings that quickly and throughly two weeks after 9/11. I don't know who or why and just about stopped caring a couple of years ago.

At this point I think of 9/11 as a huge global psychological problem.

Imagine you were the Prime Minister of Japan in 2001. Someone on your staff wakes you up in the middle of the night and tells you there was an attack on New York City. You turn on your television and start watching. You know damn well there are lots of skyscrapers in Japan. Wouldn't you tell someone on your staff to start calling top architectural firms to have a briefing in a few days to discuss this? But that was 9.8 years ago. Shouldn't the leaders of every technologically advanced country have discussed this with experts by now?

But I have searched the Internet. I can't find the tons of steel and concrete specified for every level for any skyscraper in the world. This makes sense?

So how many people with degrees in physics actually BELIEVE airliners could destroy those buildings? I had a conversation with a senior physics major during my freshman year. I was majoring in electrical engineering. I was telling him I just couldn't wrap my mind around Einsteinian physics. The time slowing down near light speed just didn't make sense. He said, "You don't try to understand it. You just memorize and apply the equations." I was rather shocked by that statement but it doesn't surprise me after all these years. There are huge numbers of people pretending they understand what they do not and can fake it with people that know less than they do. Sometimes I even wonder if people don't even admit to themselves what they don't understand.

So what is going on in Muslim countries. Why doesn't the Iranian government get some engineers and have them make a program explaining the physics of why a normal airliner should not be able to completely destroy any large skyscraper in less than two hours? Then have it played throughout the Muslim world on Al Jazeera. So what is going on with governments all over the world about this issue. I don't get it.

The perpetrators are not even the most important issue anymore. How can that affect the reactions of so many foreign governments?


posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 06:38 AM
The strange thing is that I've never met any of these trusters. Very few "OS" believers swallow everything the government says without question. Indeed a probable majority think there's a cover-up of intel failures.

Soin fact what you're doing is attempting to smear people. Nice.

posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 11:51 AM

Originally posted by TrickoftheShade
The strange thing is that I've never met any of these trusters.

Look in the mirror.

Very few "OS" believers swallow everything the government says without question

So on the one hand you have never met them, but on the other hand you speak for most of them.

Indeed a probable majority think there's a cover-up of intel failures.

Again with speaking for a group you first claim you've never met. As I told Dave, "Intelligence failures" is part of the official story, the people responsible for which were promoted, not punished.

Ever heard of actions speaking louder than words?

Soin fact what you're doing is attempting to smear people. Nice.

What you're doing is missing the point. Don't you want to accuse me of being an Anti-Semite or something?

posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 12:16 PM
reply to post by psikeyhackr

So what is going on in Muslim countries. Why doesn't the Iranian government get some engineers and have them make a program explaining the physics of why a normal airliner should not be able to completely destroy any large skyscraper in less than two hours? Then have it played throughout the Muslim world on Al Jazeera. So what is going on with governments all over the world about this issue. I don't get it.

With the amount of money we're talking about it would be a mistake to assume al Jazeera is untainted, and that leaders of allegedly belligerent countries aren't also involved.

Who would be safe if they spoke out? The perpetrators have armies, almost all mainstream media, and massive intelligence services at their disposal.

Who's going to speak out? Only we little folk will be able to do it and live.

posted on Aug, 2 2011 @ 10:10 AM

Originally posted by Yankee451
reply to post by GoodOlDave

"Dude", like no.

I'm saying that the incompetence angle is an OFFICIAL meme. It's easier for the sheeple to believe in incompetence than premeditation, "intelligence failures" are all the rage, but note how many officials were punished for their incompetence.

There's no such thing as an "official meme". A meme is a concept that circulates by being passed from one person to another, which is NOT the way anything "official" is circulated. The gov't is notorious for NOT wanting to admit their incompetence, which is the whole reason why noone was punished for their incompetence during 9/11- noone in their right mind is going to come forward and admit their incompetence caused 3000 people to get killed. On the other hand your conspiracy stories are a meme as you all but admit they cannot exist without the unregulated freedom that allow con artists and crackpots on the internet to push out this drivel unfettered. I'll wager anything that you yourself were suckered into this truther movement by going to Prison Planet, watching Loose Change, or one of any number of Internet mediums. Do I win my bet?

When you conspiracy people fall so much in love with your conspiracy stories that you're even starting to believe gov't incompetence is an intentional orchestrated act, it's time for you people to turn off the computer and go outside for some fresh air.

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