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Nuclear Emergency at Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant, Texas?

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posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 12:35 AM
Ehhh, its gone down on the map now, I dunno. Now there's a dot lower down behind that 5 near Houston and its impossible to see. I didn't notice it there last time I checked. Does anyone know what that one reads? Hopefully this was just a mistake on that web site.

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 12:37 AM

Originally posted by SHABBYCAT
Ehhh, its gone down on the map now, I dunno. Now there's a dot lower down behind that 5 near Houston and its impossible to see. I didn't notice it there last time I checked. Does anyone know what that one reads? Hopefully this was just a mistake on that web site.

Just checked it and it's showing 343.

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 12:39 AM
I just viewed the page with NO style on firefox and there's another one showing 62 but I'm not sure which one it is.

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 12:41 AM
reply to post by SHABBYCAT

Its staying at around 15., that would be japan.
edit on 7/29/2011 by kyrebelyell2004 because: add info

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 12:47 AM
It's GOTTA be some kinda malfunction.... I am going with that explanation so's I can go to bed!

I may get up and check on things after while, if I can't sleep. Thanks for the calls each of you made, I appreciate it!

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 12:50 AM
reply to post by kyrebelyell2004

Its gone back up again


Colorado and Illinois now showing raised levels....and its about now the wind would have carried it that far if the winds go directly north

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 12:51 AM
double post

edit on 29-7-2011 by because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 12:51 AM

Originally posted by kyrebelyell2004
reply to post by SHABBYCAT

Its staying at around 15., that would be japan.
edit on 7/29/2011 by kyrebelyell2004 because: add info

So Fukushima is at 62 but Glen Rose, TX is showing 350+??

Uhhh, I may end up agreeing malfunction then. Will check in a few hours. I work the night shift and live in the eastern US so I'll be up til at least 7:30 am eastern. There should be an update on here by the time yall wake up.

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 12:53 AM
reply to post by

Like theyre really going to show the true and correct Fukushima count!!!'re all smarter than that!!!!

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 12:56 AM
Ughhhh, I saw that its freakin still in the 300's. I am just gonna hope this is a mistake. I wonder if something like this were to be covered up how would we ever find out if this reading is accurate???? Unless it affecting us immediately then what it causes cancer??? Well I am almost positive ,since my entire family has passed from cancer, that it will be my demise, so ill never know!!!! I really wanted to be able to sleep, I've got a bunch to do tomorrow. Dang it.

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 01:43 AM
yeah... hope the wind doesn't come from the sw any time soon i am in southern Indiana lol

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 04:05 AM


5:05am EST

The current reading over Glen Rose is 318.

I placed another call to the Comanche Peak Nuclear Plant Emergency Info Line however that still got me nowhere.

So I placed an additional call to the Sheriffs Office:

I identified myself as a field investigator for the EPA following up on "multiple calls" regarding the Comanche Peak Nuke Plant. The lady was the same one who picked up my call earlier and she was happy to tell me all she knew - which turned out to be nothing at all.

I asked her if there was anything going on, and she told me that she had recieved a few phone calls between herself and her partner on duty. She also told me that the plant actually "checks in" with the sheriffs office at 4 hour intervals and that the last "check in" was at 2:30am central time, and everything was just fine.

She said that herself and her partner pulled up the online Geiger Counter to see what the complaints were about and did see the high reading, but again, can't confirm anything because the plant "checked in" at 2:30am all clear. She said the sheriffs office and the plant are in contact via phone, fax, and radio.

She sounded very genuine and it was very obvious that she believed I was with the EPA.


I think we're dealing with a slight system malfunction here people. I think I went about as deep as one can go without driving out there with a personal Geiger Counter. My verdict is that there is nothing serious presently taking place. Will check back later today after 6:30am central time just to see if the new "check in" with the sheriffs office is also an all clear.

edit on 29-7-2011 by because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 04:26 AM
reply to post by

Great news

Peace and love


Oh, and brilliant work, determination and dedication will always reap rewards.
edit on 29-7-2011 by LightAssassin because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 04:50 AM
reply to post by LightAssassin

Yea, exciting while it lasted. lol

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 05:59 AM
The Black Cat map system is a company server that interacts with their client's who've chosen to allow the Data from their RAD monitors to be mined by this system so as to add a third layer of security awareness in support of those that are deployed by NOAAH and the EPA. This is a privately administrated service.

I can bank my bottom dollar that the site revealing the hazardous levels of radiation IS the Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant, which makes them a Black Cat client who purchased one of Black Cats Ur monitors, and the feed that's reading those numbers is mounted on the concrete curvature of one of Comanche Peak's reactors, up on top near the reactor stack's vent.

That makes these numbers a more than reliably accurate source, reporting direct source data. Only an authenticated image or verified employee statement revealing otherwise can debunk this fact, so until then, there is no malfunction, and this NUCLEAR EMERGENCY, as the title of this topic ACCURATELY portrays this event as being is indeed real. YES, YOU SHOULD BE CONCERNED.

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 06:01 AM
reply to post by Heyyo_yoyo

If you read the thread, this has already been investigated in depth. You provided no proof about anything.


posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 06:36 AM
reply to post by


Meanwhile, on July 27th, Luminant posted a job opening on the website for a WORK WEEK COORDINATOR (CONSULTING NUCLEAR ANALYST)

Key Roles & Responsibilities Other duties may be assigned. Directly or through others, the incumbent will:

Responsible for the development and execution of a detailed integrated station level work schedule for a dual unit nuclear power plant, which includes the following attributes
Coordinating with Preventive Maintenance and Surveillance groups to ensure all required activities are scheduled prior to their respective due dates.
Ensuring work week activity development milestones and timelines are met and that any conflicts are addressed during the planning phase
Ensuring work week scheduled activities are consistent with station technical Specification requirements and that actions are taken to ensure time spent in Limiting Conditions for Operations is minimized; also, ensure unavailability of station safety systems is minimized, facilitating SMEDs as required to achieve this objective
Work closely with Maintenance, Operations, Engineering, Radiation Protection and Chemistry departments to ensure nuclear safety, worker safety and safe reliable plant operations are maintained
Ensuring all schedule development products are developed and distributed to work organizations to support the planning / review process
Chair the “T-4” and “T-2” station “buy in” meetings and facilitate incorporation of any conflicts / changes into the final work week schedule.
Reviewing special circumstances and authorizing exceptions to normal “readiness” criteria and, when so authorizing, ensuring tracking and completion of any “hold” or “open” items
Ensuring final schedule properly considers all activities warranting additional risk review by Department managers (such as single valve protection work, heightened level of awareness and high risk activities, time critical LCOs, etc), addressing any departmental concerns and ensuring final departmental management approvals are obtained
Developing integrated station risk profile for the week, including identification of unacceptable risk periods and adjustments to scope / schedule to reduce risk to within acceptable limits
During implementation week, facilitate daily Plan of the Day meetings for the on duty Shift Manager, address emergent issues and ensure added to schedule at a time consistent with impact to Technical Specification compliance and Overall Risk Profile
Remain on site or on call for 24 hr / day during execution of assigned work week
Providing updated risk profiles and making mitigating recommendations to the Shift manager when unplanned equipment issues / malg=functions occur or adverse weather potentially impacts the station.
Ensuring all approvals and considerations are made for any scope addition / deletions and tracking work week planning as well as execution performance indicators
Facilitating Work Week Critique process / report generation and distribution

Wow... Somebody upstairs who was 'MISSION CRITICALLY' responsible for the security, maintenance, monitoring, risk assessments, safety, and operational integrity of the entire twin reactor Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant, and with all of that on call AND on site during the scheduled weeks assigned to them JUST GOT THE AXE!

hmmm... what do you suppose caused that to happen?

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 06:47 AM
reply to post by

I provided more proof than you obviously care to review...

On top of the fact that Nuclear Power Cogeneration Facilities, along with other mission critical industrial facilitations that involve power generation and distribution [such as photo voltaic, liquid petroleum, hydrologic, and weather dynamics), whether corporate or government owned, are what I've made a career out of building for 17 years now... I'VE CLIMBED THE STAGGERED CRANE LADDERS TO INSTALL THESE MONITORING STATIONS!

I speak from experience and education. pray tell, where do you speak from?

While I do appreciate you willingness to make phone calls from your arm chair, and that you got a due diligent 'across the land line' report from a sincerely honest woman who sincerely will keep her job by honestly performing her latest job description, which is to LIE to you through her teeth (because the phone you called from wasn't registered to any EPA agency, but to the joe citizen the DHS agent intercepted and screened before your call made it to the "Sherrifs" office...)

Tell me... Do you actually believe that Homeland Security would allow a Barney Fife to manage a mission critical environment surrounding a mission critical, high risk, target of choice such as a nuclear power plant? Because that's EXACTLY what your conversation revealed in my assessment of it, that somewhere in the conversation's equation, Barney Fife just made someone look rather... well... stupid. (read my previous post for additional info).
edit on 29-7-2011 by Heyyo_yoyo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 07:14 AM
reply to post by Heyyo_yoyo

OK, thats harsh, but I have to get back on board man, a truly compelling argument. I give everyone their moment of honesty, so this is what I grant you.

I believe every word you just said.

What now?
edit on 29-7-2011 by LightAssassin because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 07:31 AM
Oh great!!!! I am glad someone finally got thru with a believable story. But I think we are still in the dark. Someone needs to answer for this. Has anyone contacted the guy who runs the site??? I don't know what all else we can do to find out the truth. I don't own a geiger counter and I'm not sure id risk my health to drive closer to check. Even tho I have no real idea if anything is wrong. I hate that I fell asleep for a bit only to wake and find it still high. I wonder where the safest place to be is If we find this is true. I wonder if just going further south in Texas would be good. Thanks to "" who made that call and finally got the info. You are "good". Star *

I do have to say tho as this is the internet and for all I know "my.mind." is from the plant trying to get us to chill. Not that I belive that. Heyo yoyo has made an argument that has me very worried. This really stinks to me. So "YOYO" SINCE you think this is something to worry about.....1. What are you doing to verify? 2. What would you advise someone close to the plant do now???? I mean you sound serious and educated on this stuff, what do we do?????
edit on 29/7/2011 by SHABBYCAT because: (no reason given)

edit on 29/7/2011 by SHABBYCAT because: add names and more of my own "info"

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