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I agree with the Inuit people , The sun is definetly moving over a different path in the sky . See M

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posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 07:42 AM
reply to post by the2010apprentice
Don't sweat it; the Sun's in the same place as it's ever been and rises and sets when it's supposed to.

If the Sun somehow snuck itself into a different path in our skies, it'd mean the Earth had shifted from its orbit or the Sun's place in the Solar System had changed. If either of these situations had occurred...we'd all know about it.

The Internet would be full of farmers and amateur astronomers asking wtf?! Crazy astrologers would be screaming hysterically that the sky's falling down! Cats and dogs would be freaked out when their favourite sunspots moved.

No such thing is happening.

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 07:47 AM
reply to post by Misterlondon

You dont seem to understand......
The Sun has NEVER been in that position AT ALL during previous years.
I am talking a standard 12 month January through february year.
Summertime is peak June July August over here..... It has never been in that posiition.
My father and myself spend much time during these months in the garden.
Not once every week or month type thing.
Every day or two at the most of times.
Thanks for your input however.

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 07:47 AM
my thoughts are the south pole has tipped further south and towards the west

but that is just my thoughts

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 07:47 AM
op .I recently went back to my old neighbourhood and noticed the sun was different .It seemed that it came up in the same place but it crossed the sky in a more north westerly fashion .I mentioned it to my brother but he hadn't noticed and couldn't confirm my observation . Its hard for me to put a good picture together in my mind from my youth but the sun's placement seemed different to me . interesting ...peace

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 07:50 AM
The sun has not moved its in the same place at the solstice at stone henge and
other places around the world.

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 07:59 AM
reply to post by remymartin

The Sun may, or may not be, in the exact place at your stated locations.
Bear in Mind however, the sun has a course throughout the whole day , not just one place at a certain in minute in regards to alignments.
The sun could be in alignment at the given places but not in alignment at another part of its days steeper climb or flatter descent.
I am not an astronomer so i can not give full details on these subjects , just my thoughts.
But i can confirm , the Sun has not been at the location as seen from my back garden table.... It has never climber over my house at all during the summer months.... Or any part of the year at that.
I am baffled and just want a better insight into our planet and my answers to what i am seeing with my own eyes.

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 08:03 AM
reply to post by the2010apprentice

Please do some research about when and where the Sun should reside versus where you are seeing it. Then we may want to wonder about what you suggest. As the first poster said, it is not very impressive for two guys decided that the Universe is going up-side down or worse by their gazing at the sky from lawn chairs.

You really don't even give us any idea that you know how the Sum is supposed to move accordding to the times of the year. My impression is that you have no idea of that concept.

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 08:04 AM

Originally posted by JennaDarling

Originally posted by yourmamaknows
reply to post by the2010apprentice

To me the sun appears to be getting larger. I don't know about a position change. This could be due to some haze in the sky due to smoke from coal fired power plants in the far east.

Could be aptmospheric illusions, is it low near the horizon when it is larger?

Most commonly noticed in the 10-2pm time frame. But structures interfere with viewing while it is setting or rising. Sun felt hotter recently and hotter in a different way. Like the heat came indoors, through the roof and walls. Could be neutrinos, heating us up like we were in a microwave. Usually the sun seems to feel like a convection oven might feel, heating from the outside most notably.

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 08:06 AM
I noticed the sun thing as well! I hang my clothes out on a line in the summer and this year my line is shaded for almost the entire day. I have a big tree near by and it did not shade the line last year. I thought it was so weird and I was kinda mad because now it takes longer for things to dry. LOL
I also noticed, and mentioned it too my husband that the moon seemed off. Our bedroom is off the back of the house, and since we live way out in nowhere, we don't have any blinds, well the moon didn't used to shine directly in the windows.Now the moon is right there in the window across from the bed! I could never just lie in my bed and look at the moon. So strange really. I feel that it's the earth itself that has moved and not the moon or sun. Possibly a slight pole shift from the earthquakes???

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 08:06 AM
I'm not sure but It's seems like the moon is in the wrong place too, I deliver papers every night from aprox midnight till 6 am, usually i listen to a paranormal podcast, and watch the stars! a couple weeks ago i noticed that as i drive along the bay(heading north) The moon was in front of me to my northeast, this boggled my mind it's always been in the south/ southeastern sky.In fact it's so off , before I would never see it, until i turn around and do the opposite side of the street.(heading south) I don't know much about what's going on "up there" but it has bugged me so much I made my first post , and was even going to start a thread to see if anyone else had seen it

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 08:08 AM

Originally posted by Kandinsky
reply to post by the2010apprentice
Don't sweat it; the Sun's in the same place as it's ever been and rises and sets when it's supposed to.

If the Sun somehow snuck itself into a different path in our skies, it'd mean the Earth had shifted from its orbit or the Sun's place in the Solar System had changed. If either of these situations had occurred...we'd all know about it.

The Internet would be full of farmers and amateur astronomers asking wtf?! Crazy astrologers would be screaming hysterically that the sky's falling down! Cats and dogs would be freaked out when their favourite sunspots moved.

No such thing is happening.

The internet IS full of farmers and amateur astronomers asking "wtf?!"

I have noticed a lot of changes in regard to my garden this year. I have been gardening for most of my life and I've never seen my plants/fruit go through the strange cycle they have been going through this summer. Again, I am not saying nor am I convinced that the sun changed position... and I know it takes various paths through out the day, seasons, etc. For some reason, this year in particular, some things are rapidly accelerated while other things seem to be dreadfully stalled.

Other than speculating, discussing and making guesses how would we all know about it? Do you think our government would tell us if something were happening?

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 08:08 AM
reply to post by Aliensun

I pay close attention to

I am very interested in the cycles of sun moon comets asteroids etc... I am just not learned enough to say i am proffesional or anything.

I have a very good grasp of nature and pay close attention to it.

So in otherwords..... Yes.... I Do know about earth and moon cycles and movements over the sky.

My greater part of my days are spent outside .... not in an office as many are!!

I am not proffesional..... BUT ..... I do know what i am witnessing and your undetailed comments wont through my off!!

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 08:12 AM
I live in Tennessee and I have not noticed this but then our position in the sphere would make it more difficult to notice such changes. I would think off the top of my head that the closer you are to the equater the more severe the change would need to be to notice it since the poles shift the most relative to our axis. In order for this event to be real the poles would have had to shift. It seems we do have confirmation scientifically that recent geological events have shifted the poles a tiny bit. Maybe that is magnfied dramatically more on the poles. Maybe something else has happened too.

The sun dial comment gets a star for a perfect way to test the theory. Anybody live near one? I think the closest one I know of is a good distance from me so I hope we have members who can clarify this. We will not have enough data until we have some way to clarify sun position at several locations, Keep in mind if you are on daylight savings time the dial should read 11 instead of 12 at high noon. The only ones we can count on to be set properely would be in historical places and museums that accent it, So, I suspect nothing has been going on to alarm the curators or we would have heard, certainly.

We must have several actual observations of staitionary objects left here for historical reference at this point to properely answer this question. Phage may already have the data concerning sun dials since he has debunked this already. Just go wherever the data leads us, not the other way around. This can be done without fear mongering. Even though, sometimes probabilities of something bad happening DO come into play. Thus the need to step back and not jump so fast to the worst possible conclusion being the only conclusion. We have to look at all angles, pun intended I suppose. I will keep a look out for data on sundials being posted here and see what I can find out around here.
edit on 28-7-2011 by Justoneman because: Editor asleep at the wheel

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 08:16 AM
reply to post by Skorpiogurl
It wouldn't be up to the govt to tell us anything. There are almost 7 billion people on this planet so hiding the fact that the Sun had changed path wouldn't be much of an option.

As for gardening? If you're in the UK, we've had a lot of impact from changes in the weather. The apple crop is 3-4 weeks early after a hot early Spring. Other crops stand to be smaller after a lot of wet weather in June.

Unless the OP's dad is a PhD in's just possible that he's mistaken. What does your dad say about it? I haven't asked mine yet. The OPs making a stance on what his dad said. This thread is discussing what some guy's dad said at a barbecue. You gotta laugh a little

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 08:18 AM

Originally posted by Kandinsky
reply to post by Skorpiogurl
It wouldn't be up to the govt to tell us anything. There are almost 7 billion people on this planet so hiding the fact that the Sun had changed path wouldn't be much of an option.

As for gardening? If you're in the UK, we've had a lot of impact from changes in the weather. The apple crop is 3-4 weeks early after a hot early Spring. Other crops stand to be smaller after a lot of wet weather in June.

Unless the OP's dad is a PhD in's just possible that he's mistaken. What does your dad say about it? I haven't asked mine yet. The OPs making a stance on what his dad said. This thread is discussing what some guy's dad said at a barbecue. You gotta laugh a little

One does not need a PhD to do astronomy.

There are far more astronomers that have no PhD's that discover lots than those that do.

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 08:24 AM
Why dont we use this thread to find out what is happening, it will only take a year for us to gather enough evidence and get this answered one way or another.

Everyone with a camera go mark a spot, take a photo from that spot remembering to always point in the exact same direction, repeat this once a month then on the 13th month you will have 2 pictures of exactly the same thing from the same place, date and time? The long we continue with this the more proof we will have.

If we all do this it will be evidence not speculation, im sure up for it :-)

Another thought to save time, find out your old pictures with the sun in it, if your lucky the picture will contain the date and time it was taken (be careful here as this might get confused with date and time data that your computer has attached to the file i.e date modified.) then on the same date at the same time take another picture from the same spot and in the same direction, hey presto evidence :-)

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 08:25 AM
To solve the argument, go gather data and present after some time.

But you would need a good source of "pre movement" data to compare against.

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 08:29 AM
reply to post by Kandinsky

I am not making a stance on what my Dad said.
I am taking a stance on what i am witnessing with my own eyes and my own brain.
I am aware as i have enjoyed Summer meals only to have it dissapear so early on... that is now not the case.
But anyways on a lighter note...... Its more time to BBQ it up

P.s. It wasnt bbq as you hinted at was smoked salmon fillets, Boiled potatoes ,boiled garden peas and added garnish of spring onions basted in a very fine lemon herb marinade finely prepared in the kitchen

Beautiful all the same.

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 08:29 AM

Originally posted by Kandinsky
reply to post by Skorpiogurl
It wouldn't be up to the govt to tell us anything. There are almost 7 billion people on this planet so hiding the fact that the Sun had changed path wouldn't be much of an option.

As for gardening? If you're in the UK, we've had a lot of impact from changes in the weather. The apple crop is 3-4 weeks early after a hot early Spring. Other crops stand to be smaller after a lot of wet weather in June.

Unless the OP's dad is a PhD in's just possible that he's mistaken. What does your dad say about it? I haven't asked mine yet. The OPs making a stance on what his dad said. This thread is discussing what some guy's dad said at a barbecue. You gotta laugh a little

Oh trust me, I laugh a LOT at most of the things I read here and at other places
so yeah, I am on the fence about it. I just find it interesting that thousands and thousands, not millions or billions, but thousands of people are sort of noticing the same kind of thing. Soooo... it's not really a secret. And you are correct, the government doesn't really have to tell me anything, which I personally think is BS, but that's for another thread. So billions of people can witness and think whatever they want and the government can just keep quiet about it, as usual

Yeah as a matter of fact I did mention to my dad about how time seems to be off to me, like everything is just going faster. He laughed at me and said first of all in today's world where anything and everything is at your finger tips and it's all about immediate gratification it makes sense that everything seems faster. Then he made some joke about my age... But he missed my point. By faster, I mean, for example... it's the end of July and yet it "feels" like Fall out. You know how you can just feel the season change... like that

No, I am not in the UK, I am on the East Coast in the US.

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 08:32 AM
reply to post by JennaDarling
Have you asked your dad about it?

Mine says the Sun's in the same place as ever.

That leaves the dad scores tied.

reply to post by coffeesniffer
You're thinking waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to deeply into this. The sun's path hasn't changed. Use Stellarium, go to any online Observatory, switch on the news, read the internet news.

Do you really want to spend a year to find out if the Sun's path has changed on the say-so of one man at a barbecue? A guy at a barbecue...who you don't even know!

Is that the level of evidence that justifies all you suggest? If you hurry, you can edit your post before anyone else sees it.

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