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The Secrets of the Indigo Children and what 2012 REALLY means for humans

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posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 01:52 PM
One look to your left here ....

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 01:52 PM
reply to post by SpringHeeledJack

Many thanks friend, your post has saved me reading the "exhaustive" op. Could not have said it better myself.

(if needed - 2nd)

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 01:53 PM
reply to post by Samuelis

Well yes to all, but I have gotten in fights when I need to.

In addition I have both those so-called energy in me, and to be honest most of my behavior seems to come from my mother, even though all those traits have been on the female side going back God knows how long.

So yay. I guess I'll be one of the best people to see 2012 come and go and still have not a care in the world.

Not making fun of this, not hating. But once I hear the phrase "sacred geometry" or any attempt to mix science and spiritual things, I am recalled to the fundamental fact of life:

If it can be observed, it can be changed. If it can be changed, it can be destroyed.

Once you mix science and spirit, you inherently lead to the fact that the spirit, and all spiritual matters, can be changed for evil and indeed, conquered and destroyed outright.

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 01:53 PM
reply to post by AskWhy11

Oh man, yet another case of me misreading. I seem to have a habit of that.

Yeah, so far college has seemed like nothing but a formality to me. Super easy, nothing but review seemingly (I was the biggest bookworm as a child). But this chemistry class was a slaughterhouse. Out of 53 initial students, 24 finished, 18 passed, including me. If it weren't for KhanAcademy before this class (a condensed summer course) I would have been reeling hard. I definitely recommend it to everyone.

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 01:56 PM

Originally posted by SpringHeeledJack
reply to post by Anthony1138

You're funny.

I believe humanity is actually devolving due to our rapid technological processes. I will in no way attack evolutionary theory as it's been so widely tested by every scientific field and I accept it as fact. Yes, we evolved. Yes, we may continue to evolve. No, we won't evolve into X-Men.

As far as evolving into a more logical being... that's debatable lol. Honestly, on the whole of the population, that seems to be the case. From what I see though, it looks like some are diverging, rapidly fleeing into more supernatural beliefs. It may just be the order of the day but it seems to me that humans are being polarized on a very broad spectrum of issues.

I have to agree with you. Evolving happens when you are adapting to your environment. We make our environment adapt to us (A/C, shoes, clothing, antibiotics.....the list could go on and on).

The next stage in our evolution could make us more intelligent but also weaker physically. I dont think it is a good trade-off.

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 02:00 PM
I am terribly sorry to do this - BUT - can someone give me the short version of how this personality test is related to 2012? There seems to be too much information touching on a vast cornucopia of subjects. I'm only on page 1 and am hopelessly confused as to the point. Not trying to flame - just not getting the intent/subject of this thread.

edit on 28-7-2011 by IceFlower because: still can't type

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 02:01 PM

Originally posted by Annee

Originally posted by Skorpiogurl
You are not special. You are not a beautiful or unique snowflake. You're the same decaying organic matter as everything else.

- Fight Club, 1999

Only the physical is organic matter that decays.

Energy consciousness intelligence lives on.

Of course! In your opinion. It's a movie quote for cryin out loud....

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 02:01 PM
One last comment. What many people are glossing over is the fact that, unless I misunderstood, the OP came to their own personal enlightment in just one year, and even has a date/prediction for 'ascension'. It's a beautiful message, well-written, I can't deny that, but in the end it's just an 'indigo-child' thread with a lot of other new-age/other mumbo-jumbo wrapped in, and here's the kicker, wrapped in a message of peace and love. That's what hooks people and get's the S&Fs here everytime. By doing that, if you take any position against the 'indigo-child' thing, you have somehow slighted peace and love (which I am all about personally! :up
and you become 'fearful'. Anyway, it was so well-written that I may go ahead and go vegetarian. I've been thinking about it for awhile anyway.

I still stand by my original position... there's a lot of depressed people out there who want to believe they are special in some way. It's also a common phenomena in younger people to think they have special powers or they are aliens or unique and different from other people. Whatever you want to believe is fine.

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 02:06 PM

Originally posted by Balkan
One last comment. What many people are glossing over is the fact that, unless I misunderstood, the OP came to their own personal enlightment in just one year, and even has a date/prediction for 'ascension'. It's a beautiful message, well-written, I can't deny that, but in the end it's just an 'indigo-child' thread with a lot of other new-age/other mumbo-jumbo wrapped in, and here's the kicker, wrapped in a message of peace and love. That's what hooks people and get's the S&Fs here everytime. By doing that, if you take any position against the 'indigo-child' thing, you have somehow slighted peace and love (which I am all about personally! :up
and you become 'fearful'. Anyway, it was so well-written that I may go ahead and go vegetarian. I've been thinking about it for awhile anyway.

I still stand by my original position... there's a lot of depressed people out there who want to believe they are special in some way. It's also a common phenomena in younger people to think they have special powers or they are aliens or unique and different from other people. Whatever you want to believe is fine.

I second that.

That's what I wrote in my first response... Everyone likes to think they are different. Everyone likes to think they are unique.

Do I have to type out the Tyler Durdin quote again?

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 02:06 PM
reply to post by IceFlower

They don't relate at all. The Briggs-Meyer inventory is just a psychological tool that is being used here to skew the facts and add substance where there is none. It plays very well into the special powers and uniqueness schema. The entire point of the post is to mix science with unrelated belief structures and misused scientific jargon in order to confuse people and get them to agree. Conceptually, it's very easy for people to grasp and accept had they not known prior to being exposed that this idea was garbage from the word "go."

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 02:08 PM

Originally posted by SpringHeeledJack
reply to post by Annee

Pics or it didn't happen.

Seriously, did you expect to just drop that post and run off? Please cite your reputable sources on this claim.

Grow Up! I'm so sick of the lame childish "Pics or it didn't happen".

Lots of things happen that are not recorded or photoed. I've also seen a flying saucer - - sorry no pics.

As I stated: "Belief" "Possible" - - - not known fact.

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 02:09 PM
reply to post by Samuelis

This could give a whole new meaning to metro-sexuals and gays couldnt it?

Don't forget the androgynes!

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 02:10 PM
The personality traits distinguishing is like that of distinguishing colors.
I'm on the line between INFP and INFJ and I'd like to append on some points made here.

Your astral being is always the same sex as your human being

There are various different configurations of sexes. Also ,sex changes do occur.
The world isn't black and white. Keep that in mind.

... an astral projecting suit from washington turning your dreams into nightmares

No one but your self can change your dreams.
Its either directly or indirectly influenced by your self.

The indigo's have a connection to the earth and universe that goes much much deeper than the physical body. And They know that when we find out how to use them,, they are minced meat. literrally.

There's something very wrong with this perspective.
The physical body is not literally minced meat. Its a very advanced manifestation.
Saying that the physical is an illusion or less significant than other deeper things
is a very limiting perspective which undermines reality.

Just stock up and become self dependant.

This might be one of the best points made here in my opinion.
But it needs more than just that. Provide help. Be grateful.
Appreciate everyone ,even if you don't agree with them.

We need more light! Not darkness ... It's a majority wins game, and all you need to do is shine your light. Others will come, and follow, then lead their own friends and family.

Exactly. Be the light if you wish to see the light.

Cleanse yourself over the next month, slowly and easily. Just cut a few things out day by day. Stop reading threads that make your heart race. Start viewing threads that make you heart baloon

This is also a great advice. You can choose what you prefer.
It may be better to change perspectives on things that you previously rejected.
That doesn't mean you have to approve of these things ,just that you acknowledge them.

Be the change you wish to see in humanity. Start by creating a mindspace that only accept positive and constructive thoughts to be seriously entertained. Train your mind to be able to be quiet when directed. Only when your mind is no more, the spirit will awaken. Just like when we sleep! our body is mostly shut down, but our mind keeps working.

This right here is a good synopsis of how to make the 2012 transition a good one.
That is my opinion on this thread. Starred and flagged.

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 02:10 PM
reply to post by SpringHeeledJack

Much appreciated

I'll move along then.

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 02:10 PM
reply to post by Annee

Please, let's not devolve into personal attacks.

If something is not a "known fact" then is it reasonable to infer that something is an "unknown fact?" How can this be so? Are you purposely voiding and qualifying your entire message or are you just trolling?

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 02:14 PM
So you can confirm this with me

The coming transition !!
we live in a unsutainable unegual corrupted by greed world
some have great potential but the other half are filled with evil/hatred
most thinks after the body die .. its over.. the mind dies with the body
imagine someone thinking like that .. they will have no remorses killing somebody
steal from others, torturing/raping others or kill living creatures for personnal pleasure

This world today need to change ASAP for our futur generation and for mother earth sake

Responding to your thread:
I agree with most you said .. very well explained

even my enlightment threads couldnt explain it better then your lol .. nice job for the wake up call

best enlightment thread on ATS so far
most dont realise what need to wake up ...and/or simply dont care .. but others are ready to listen
how the evolution of the soul start and where to start ..

we need to detox first indeed..
i though about that a while ago (for myselft)
that will be hard but i know from deep inside me im at that step ..
stoping the big macs .. ok .. i dont eat them that much .. 1-2 times a month lol
but stoping smoking and beers
.. only a economic crash will help me start the patchs

its seem my life was set up around 2012 .. since my youngest age
being in many situations .. testing myself .. knowing who i am and why im like that
readying myself to something ...
i had no imaginary friend to tell me that .. i listen to signs ..
trusted my feelings and my senses
having faith in the creator and in goodness

I accepted the "mission" many yrs ago
with the difference between good and bad
i knew that in a very very young age .. after hurting a innocent creature for nothing
im still today ask myself WTH i was thinking :S
after this i realised my side

looking foward to your next thread about it

edit on 7/28/2011 by Ben81 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 02:24 PM
reply to post by Samuelis

Do you have trouble concentrating?
Do you often feel depressed for no reason?
Have you been diagnosed with ADD?
Do you feel other peoples pain more than you should?
Never been in a fight?
Do you often get gut feelings that turn out to be right?
Have you expericed regular deja vu?
Did you have an imaginary friend when you were little?
Did your report card say, "fails to pay attention." Even though you are highly intelligent?
Do you often lose interest mid conversation?
Have you ever astral projected?

Are you kidding me?

With the exceptions of the fighting, imaginary friend, or astral projection, the rest of the list applies to just about EVERYONE at one time or another....

And what the heck would never being in a fight have to do with anything? That's more of a life circumstance and environment issue.

Everyone needs to feel special, and like they are somehow SO different than the rest of us smart little monkeys... We're all a lot more similar than we really want to believe.

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 02:34 PM
So I read the wikipedia article on Indigo children and did some internet research on the topic. So far there is no evidence that these people are nothing more than people wanting to be special. I am usually not a skeptic but why now. How come these "indigos" haven't been around since the beginning of the Earth. If they all possess these powers why not use them to help everyone. They should all get together and start solving problems. I mean they all have extremely high IQs from their own words and if there is really 3% of the worlds population then that is 195,000,000 people. That is over half of the population of the United States. Go reveal yourselves and start doing good.

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 02:36 PM
reply to post by Samuelis

Loved this thread!!! I have often felt the euphoria of love for my fellow human beings, but have also felt the pain of the hurt we inflict on one another. I've always felt....different then everyone else, and I can't describe why precisely, I've had times where I have cried un controllably at the thought of the soul staining acts I have done. Case in point I have been cruel to my 2 wonderful beautiful puppies a couple times. And felt the sorrow of what I did. To this day I can't get myself to verbally express what I have done. And it hurts because I love those dogs so dam much. I've gotten alot better with them once I realized that what I did isn't right. And the thing I love about them the most is that they still love me. I've always wondered what the human fascination with super powers and extra human abilities is, and after reading your thread I wonder if its our subconscious telling us what we can be capable of. Begging pleading with us, you can be more!! This reality you find yourself in is not the only one, you are the master of it and your destiny, the power is already in you. All you must do is unlock it! You don't need to have a freak accidents to be turned into a super hero, you already are one!!! I read a book when I was a kid called my teacher blew up the planet (the series was "my teacher" books) and they had these pets (poots, go aheas and laugh but thats what they were lol) that ammased into each other and covered the girl un locking her psychic potential letting her "link" with her to friends psychicly, and they discovered that the ability had the ability the whole time, its when humaniry started inflicting pain on each other that they blocked the ability, all that pain, a that grief was overwhelming. Somehow that has always stuck in my head, and it made perfect sense to me. Sorry to be so long winded but this was one of those threads I really enjoyed reading.
edit on 28-7-2011 by itbenickp because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 02:37 PM
reply to post by Chadwickus

You really the show X Factor huh? Doesn't say much for you, now does it

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