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The Secrets of the Indigo Children and what 2012 REALLY means for humans

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posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 12:28 PM
reply to post by Witness2008

Good quote. However, I seriously doubt a scientist would jump to the supernatural for an explanation. If this were the case, that person would never have become a scientist in the first place.

Bill: What is happening to this wood? It's hot and flickering and really bright!

Albert: Well mein friend, das ist magic of course!

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 12:29 PM
reply to post by N34Li3Z

haha right back at you rock star!

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 12:30 PM
reply to post by sir_slide

Expansive minds and hearts are a threat to some folks. Some replies here do contain fear.

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 12:32 PM
reply to post by Dr Cosma

I don't know for certain, hence why I said I believe
. That's based on the perception that, at present, humans are the most intelligent species on the planet with the greatest need to reach 4th density for cultural, technological and spiritual purposes.

You're right it probably is part of evolution, but then so would be ascension to 4th density. It's not a choice but a natural shift in consciousness - it will help us begin to use parts of the brain we don't at present. We don't chose when we want to enter 4th density but many people start to feel the signs of the coming change. That's probably why there are so many post about it on this site! Indigo Children are unique in that they have seemingly 'supernatural abilities' which could be because they are experiencing life as a 4th density human.
edit on 28/7/2011 by Fazza! because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 12:34 PM
reply to post by sir_slide

There is a difference between being "closed-minded" and just being flat out gullible. Saying you don't believe in something for which there is absolutely no proof or evidence is not being closed-minded and it really irks me how that term is so loosely applied on this forum. As usual, I invite anyone believing they have super magic powers to take up the James Randi Educational Foundation on their 1 million dollar challenge for proof of the paranormal.

Seriously, prove it. 1 million dollars. Guaranteed.

So now let's all hear the convoluted rhetoric and weird rationalizations that will prevent you all from doing this. Honestly, let's hear those excuses roll in.

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 12:38 PM
Yet more complete and utter tosh on the front page of ATS!

What has this site come to?

How embarrassing....

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 12:40 PM
So far almost nothing at all pertains to 2012. This thread should be in the grey zone.

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 12:41 PM
I think I answered yes to almost all of your questions. Could I be an Indigo child and IBFP (can't remember) yes I suppose I could, I was even born in 1980. I have considered it before when I joined ATS 4 or 5 years ago many times when these topics were new to me. In my experience these types of personality tests are not very accurate due to them being totally subjective and biased in the mind of the test taker.

I think it is natural and not uncommon to think that you are someone or something special. I certainly did when I was younger, up into my twenties even. At one point I even thought that my life would change so drastically at one point as to compare it to the life of Jesus. And then I realized I might even be some kind of Sociopath, which I still think is possible. If I would have heard the term indigo at that age I would have been convinced and obsessed about it probably.

I think most likely todays indigo children will be tomorrows normal 9-5 working adults that have too much responsibility and not enough time to still believe they are a fallen angel destined to save the world with love and light and an evolved spiritual presence. Obviously I could be wrong and you could all save the world.

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 12:43 PM
reply to post by SpringHeeledJack

Another Einstein quote that speaks to me

I believe that the horrifying deterioration in the ethical conduct of people today stems from the mechanization and dehumanization of our lives - the disastrous by-product of the scientific and technical mentality. Nostra culpa. Man grows cold faster than the planet he inhabits.

Science has many faces, but has yet to explain and in most cases even consider the nature of intuition. The world at large knows that it is part of us. I certainly don't need a scientist telling me I can use it. I think mankind will on it's own without the help of scientist unleash once again the power of human spirit.

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 12:46 PM
reply to post by guessing

Agree 100 percent.

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 12:48 PM

Originally posted by Samuelis
reply to post by Dr Cosma

When you hit the right frequency you will turn into light. And vanish into the 4-5thD

There's your answer.

And ps. This doesnt add up to all of us just yet. All we have is our intuition

And the universe has been kicking our ar^% with intuition lately.

edit on 28-7-2011 by Samuelis because: (no reason given)

You couldn't possibly be more wrong! Light is actually created by electrons moving into LOWER ENERGY STATES. This is basic scientific fact. When an electron drops into a lower orbital shell, it must release energy in the form of light. The wavelength (color) of which is determined by how far the electron "drops." Please, I urge you to look this up and confirm it yourself and please fix what's going on in your head.

Ever wonder how scientists know the composition of other planets? It's this exact principle. Every element gives of a different wavelength when entering a less energetic state.

Will you now deny that based off this one fact alone, I have ripped apart your entire snake oil scheme? You can't attack science since you're attempting to twist it around your belief structure. You can't deny the facts of what I just wrote. I'm dying to see anyone's response to this simple, easily verified fact.

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 12:49 PM
Yes trying being one, it sucks. You won't convince anyone about what you feel. Knowing what you are is more important than trying to tell others.

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 12:53 PM

Originally posted by Witness2008
reply to post by SpringHeeledJack

Science has many faces, but has yet to explain and in most cases even consider the nature of intuition. The world at large knows that it is part of us. I certainly don't need a scientist telling me I can use it. I think mankind will on it's own without the help of scientist unleash once again the power of human spirit.

I see nothing in that quote that means anyone should ever jump to a paranormal conclusion. Nothing at all. You're reaching far and twisting hard.

You also make these claims of intuition. You're implying psychic ability aren't you? I'm only 25 and I've learned by now "going with your gut" will get you into some seriously stupid situations. It's downright dangerous. The world at large knows what exactly? Can you cite sources to those claims?

Again, I invite all of you to take the JREF challenge and claim the million dollar prize.

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 12:54 PM
Wow. I've done a lot of research into the "Indigo Phenomenon", and have constantly looked for rational answers regarding my own mind and intellect. It's sooooo difficult to sort out the 'New Age' lies and labels from the actual facts, and you can't really talk to anybody about it because they're clueless to what you're trying to get across, and they usually think you're 'bragging' or just delusional and they don't really care. So I don't talk to anybody about it anymore. They simply just don't understand.
I've also noticed a lot of people trying to 'debunk' Indigo Children. They usually post stuff about 'gifted children'. Well I was never in "GATE", never in any AP classes, failed English, Math, Art, you name it. Graduated from a continuation high school. My teacher in 4th grade, Ms. Zanka, actually told my mother in front of me that I needed Sylvan Learning Center's help because I "didn't pay attention"........ So the total opposite to the "GATE" kids. Well, now that I'm older, most of the people I talk to consider me to be very intelligent and constantly ask for advice in regards to various issues or topics. And some of these people are much older than me. It doesn't make sense. Another "Indigo" trait is the intuition aspect. Do I have good intuition? I'd like to think so. My mom told me that when I was 2 years old, I had woken up in the middle of the night to let her know that something bad was going to happen. She told me to go back to sleep. About 10 minutes or so later, we had an earthquake.... There's been many little instances like this in my life. If I'm about to do something, and I get a sharp feeling (and it is sharp) that I'm not supposed to, I will not do it. Even if probability shows otherwise, I just won't. Most of the time, if not always, it's the better decision on my part.
So, when it comes to Indigos and the "Gifted", I think there are very distinct differences. I can go on and on about the evidence and my characteristics (very humanitarian, HATE rituals and routines, Absolute authority is a farce, Logic and rationale dictate my mind
, and I can empathize with people OR animals extremely well) to debate whether or not "Indigo Children' are real, but I know this odd phenomenon is real. I just don't understand it completely. I know I'm different. We know we're different. The OP does a great job of posting the facts and the science, a part which has eluded me for a great while now, and not the "New Age: Crystalline Children" BS I hear about on most other sites. I know when I see 11:11 it's not a multidimensional, angelic being trying to contact a select few 'kids' in order to have us achieve spiritual enlightenment. I know. So, thanks again OP for this great thread and clarity on such a cloudy topic. S+F

So, upon taking the test, I'm apparently an ENTP. I've read the ENTP detailed description, and it's spot on. Like eerily spot on. This guy is on to something and is much closer to an explanation than any other site I've come across. Thanks!

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 12:59 PM
reply to post by AskWhy11

What you're describing can be easily attributed to coincidence. Also, you can't automatically jump to the supernatural as the basis for your views on social issues. That's a very far leap and there are very good ways to explain this but that would take too long. I suggest you take a psychology and chemistry class to learn more not only about yourself, but the world.

I think you're just slightly confused and you're headed down the right path to finding your answers. Sort the wheat from the chaff and always look up independent sources to verify anything you're being told. I'm confident that given a little time, you'll find your answers.

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 12:59 PM
great post op it seems you have taken ideas from two other recent threads and made a good collaboration. I have a question though you only really spoke of infp. I am Enfp only 3-4 percent of the population in your eyes what does that mean?

Also are you the creator of spirit science? I may have missed it but I didnt see any credits of the work you have published.

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 01:00 PM
reply to post by Samuelis

ESTP, is what I got.
I was hoping for a multiple choice quiz.
I get dejuvu all the time, but it's when one side of your brain isn't in sync with the other, so it feels like your doing it again cause you kinda are, if one side is slower than the other.
I don't fight, conflict is illogical.
Also I have ADD. I have been told I'm a genius (which I don't buy, because no human is better than another, we are all equal but have certain skills that others do not same with them. They have skills I do not, so intelligence is submissive)

It's hard for me to focus, I barely did any work in school but passed, it was boring answers easy to find on the page, no thinking involved that's not education that's monkey see monkey do. Primitive way to teach, you shouldn't listen to learn, learn by creative thinking, find the speed of light on your own, no one telling you the answers, only what you learn naturally THAT'S INTELLIGENCE!!

Repeating what you are told, makes minds more simplistic and (lack of a better term) stupid. Kids today relay on calculators when I used my brain as a kid.

Indigo children? Ha don't you mean "homo novus"? Sapiens have to be replaced sooner or later
edit on 28-7-2011 by Anthony1138 because: Spell check

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 01:04 PM
reply to post by SpringHeeledJack

Paranormal: Beyond the range of normal experience or scientific explanation:

Intuition can effect us in many ways. Life experiences are varied and for you to assume that I (51 years old) or that of my son, or any other human must be in line with yours is, well... narcissistic.

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 01:06 PM
Let's all acknowledge something right now please!!!

Look at what everyone is posting!

Stop taking this ridiculous inventory test. You're all closing in your walls around you. I mean, look how many of you are touting that your "group" is only 2-3% of the population. That mere fact alone should get you to snap out of this supernatural mumbo jumbo and realize what is going on. You're being made to feel special and different. Where are you taking this test? Is it administered by a trained professional or being altered by a biased website.

The fact that you are all showing what percentage of the population (you're being told) you are, shows your willingness to jump to supernatural conclusions. Just stop this foolishness already. Take a look at yourselves.

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 01:10 PM

Originally posted by Witness2008
reply to post by SpringHeeledJack

Paranormal: Beyond the range of normal experience or scientific explanation:

Intuition can effect us in many ways. Life experiences are varied and for you to assume that I (51 years old) or that of my son, or any other human must be in line with yours is, well... narcissistic.


Narcissism: the personality trait of egotism, vanity, conceit, or simple selfishness. Applied to a social group, it is sometimes used to denote elitism or an indifference to the plight of others.

So you're a trained psychologist and diagnosing me with this mental illness? What about the part where you imply that I'm saying everyone has the same experience? How does that show elitism? If I was indifferent to your plight, I would never have bothered to post in hopes of shedding some light on this. Please see my other posts and reply to those. I would love to hear your opinion.

Science (from Latin: scientia meaning "knowledge") is a systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the world.

These methods are NOT SCIENTIFIC. They are paranormal/ supernatural/ absurd. I will not argue semantics with you.

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