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Obama attacks Bush admin. within first ten seconds of speech!!!!

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posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 07:21 AM
reply to post by remaininlight

Well let's see here Mr. wizard...considering the Democrats had BOTH house AND senate majorities when nobama was elected, they should have fixed it then. But no, they wanted to wait until it got to the point it is now so they could wag a finger at the Republicans and blame them so they could try and get more seats during the next election. I call a spade a spade, sorry but it is a fact.

Why don't you people get off the rich bandwagon. The rich are not the problem in this country. The problem in this country is the officials we elected to serve us, not themselves. We have allowed them to spend out of control for too long. Taxing the rich isn't going to put a dent into this deficit. Only spending cuts, deep cuts, will fix it. It is time for our government to run like an efficient business and stop acting like money is endless. Cut things like foreign aid, stop waging war around the world, start auditing our expenses and eliminate $200 toilet seats! It's time to get real and trim down so we can have lasting financial success, not just so some idiot can get re-elected!

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 07:22 AM
reply to post by remaininlight

Wow, where to begin.....

Every president has their demons in the closet. I am neither party, as I see govt as a two faced tyrant. Obama had PLENTY of chances to set things right, yet he continued to allow tax breaks for the rich, sustained the Afghan conflict AFTER he recieved the Nobel Peace prize and after he promised to pull out, became the proprietor in the Libyan conflict, ignored the further oppression of Gaza, rejoiced when Bin Laden was killed (since he was dead in 2006 to begin with), forced an ugly overcomprehensive healthcare debacle through the system, and basically ignored the event in the Gulf of Mexico, signed a contract with Brazil for oil (while allowing OUR oil to be drilled by foreign countries), takes 3 years to provide an altered birth certificate, denies he's a muslim yet supports Israel, should I go on? He promised to 'share the wealth' and all he did was plunder the middle class, allow QE2 to take place, outsource 'green jobs', and whine about how he was left a mess. If he wasn't so busy vacationing and playing basketball, he would have taken presidential action to stop or reverse these events. Did Obama do anything constructive with Haiti after the quake? No. He put Bush and Clinton in as the poster child of goodwill (both of which are thieves). But I do find it ironic that they just happen to be doing a preparedness drill in S Fla for a Haiti EQ at the exact same time the real quake happened.
Yes Bush is a moron too, and he was daddy's little puppet. And combined with the treacherous twisted mind of Cheney and Rumsfeld, we perfected the act of Disaster Capitalism. Have you seen the billion dollar embassy in Iraq?
So as you can see, the precious republicans are really no better than the precious democrats. Both sides have an agenda, and we will continally get the short end of the stick. Let's just identify them as RepubliCrats and move on. It isn't the party who is responsible, but the people in them. And it makes you wonder how many Political Action Committees, Lobbyists, Special Interest Groups, Unions, Czars, and Financial Advisors we really need. And of those monsters, how many are/were directly involved with Goldman Sachs or admit to having dual citizenship?

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 07:39 AM
reply to post by dizziedame

I am trying to understand how Social Security keeps being referred to as an entitlement.

How does something you were forced to pay for become an entitlement when you want to collect on it?

Sounds more like an obligation to be paid to me.

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 07:39 AM

Originally posted by Janky Red

Originally posted by croweboy
Barry says Reagan raised the debt limit 18 times. Which is roughly once every 5.33 months. He then goes on to say that a debt limit increase every 6 months wont work. How come it worked for Reagan, and wont work for you, Barry? The whole speech was just Obama campaigning for 2012, right down to the creepy smile at the end.

It didn't work for Reagan, we are still paying his debt


You're full of crap.

The GOP took over the Congress for the first time in 40 years.....during Clinton's presidency.

Guess what? The Republican-led Congress BALANCED the budget.

Therefore.....there is no "Reagan debt".

It's the stupid no-idea Democrats that are destroying this country. Tax and spend.....while having 50% of the nation's people not producing but rather be on the government dole one way or the other..

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 07:41 AM
Get the political needles out of your arms its like oil a thing of the past, we should be moving towards self governance and self responsibility but instead blame your government and keep paying those taxes

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 07:42 AM
reply to post by neo96

half this country does not even pay taxes so when i hear people saying tax the rich more when they do not even use the services it is infuriating

Oh yeah, the rich don't use ANY services paid for by our taxes... No roads, no bridges, no utilities, no police or firefighters... So a rich guy with his private plane uses the services of the FAA on a regular basis... A mega corporation uses our highway system to ship and receive goods... The load on the utilities from said corporation are probably a bit higher than when I use my blow dryer while listening to the radio but I guess I better pitch in a larger percentage of my paycheck to cover their loopholes and government handouts.

But to clarify, when you say that half the country doesn't pay any taxes, I think you mean that about 47% of the country doesn't pay any INCOME taxes. These people still pay sales tax, property tax, payroll tax (SS - FICA), etc. and sales tax is known as a regressive tax which means that, since the percentage is the same for everyone, the lower your income is, the higher the percentage of your income goes towards taxes. As far as income taxes go, it would appear that this is due to our overly complex and "leaky" tax codes. Did you know that the Bush tax cuts removed 5 million people from the tax rolls? Anyway, I'm not very happy with Obama's policies but he did try to amend the Bush tax cuts to keep them in place for those making under $250k/yr (and remember that's income after declaring all of your tax exemptions , etc meaning that person could be making more like $300 and up) in exchange for continued unemployment checks for those out of work long term (most through no fault of their own). But the Republicans rejected it outright making a clear statement that tax cuts for the top 5% are more important than pumping money into our economy. Oh well.

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 07:46 AM

Originally posted by Scytherius
reply to post by BrianC

As well he should!!!! We are in this disaster PRECISELY BECAUSE of the Bush Admin and the utter insanity of Right Wing "economics".

This is ENTIRELY the fault of the GOP, beginning with Reagan.

You are missing the whole point. We are looking at a New Age of Republicans. Majority of these folks were not around during Bush's administration. Its not the same party.

Second, Bush may have made a mess, but Obama has turned the mess into a crises. I want a strong president who doesn't use the excuse, "I inherited this mess...". I want a president that says, "I will take responsibility for this mess, and I will lead us to..."

After his rebuttal speech last night, Senator Boehner should be President Boehner.

Link: Obama losing support from base

President Barack Obama is losing support from his base, according to a new Washington Post/ABC News poll released on Tuesday that finds his backing from liberals and African-Americans has plummeted.

The percentage of liberal Democrats who strongly support the president’s job policies has dropped in the past year, from 53 percent to 31 percent, the poll shows.

All the Republicans need is a hard and humble hitter, and they can give Obama a fight for his life.

edit on 7/26/2011 by Section31 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 07:56 AM
I think Dems and republicans and martians and purple paul eaters and tea cuppers and what ever else should try this on for once, anarchy is the lynch mob, democracy is mob rule, individual responsibility and neighborly accountability will keep johnny law off of your ass and enough of the BS there are people that simply cannot make it, time for the system to reset itself time for a reboot, it is time for a change not in the form of symbolic black white man leaders or tyrannical policy changes drastic ones but why not let people become self governing and just let all the evil garbage destroy itself why not Id rather have anarchy and chaos than to be led to an embarressing defeat at the hands of some A-Hole whoever that may be, the system is flawed and people should know that and resist.

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 07:56 AM

edit on 26-7-2011 by Brotherman because: Double Post

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 08:16 AM

Originally posted by Unthought Known

Originally posted by Fitch303
OMG I hate this President. "lets work together, republicans are horrible and i'm amazing" pretty much sums up his speech.

Republicans ARE horrible,

Ron Paul is the only sane republican in that party, in fact I'll go beyond and say that Ron Paul is the only sane politician besides his son.

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 08:26 AM

Originally posted by Fitch303
OMG I hate this President. "lets work together, republicans are horrible and i'm amazing" pretty much sums up his speech.

You forgot to mention Obama said the buzz word - balanced - 7 times !!!

Speaker Boehner speech and performance ..... A+

Obama speech .....D- Performance......C-

The American people want solutions not excuses.

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 08:33 AM
Why are the talking about the debt ceiling like it's never been reached before?

Here is a point that Obama undeniably has: Republicans do it all the time, yet when a Dem does it the Republicans in the house won't budge?

Obama: The house raised the debt ceiling for Reagan 18 times and 19 times for Bush.

Bohner: Uh.. yeah.. but we aren't gunna do it anymore jerk *pouts and possibly cries*

I honestly just want them all out.

edit on 26-7-2011 by GogoVicMorrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 08:34 AM
reply to post by Eurisko2012

How was Boehner an A+ he is an idiot. If you don't make over a hundred thousand dollars a year and you vote republican you should be caned.

I exclude Ron Paul from that as I would vote for him just to break up the left right cycle and get us over the ridiculous voting based on superficial topics like gay marriage.
Then after he is in and changes things up I'd like someone to come in get rid of useless government programs further but institute a decent national healthcare system.
edit on 26-7-2011 by GogoVicMorrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 08:40 AM

Originally posted by GogoVicMorrow
Why are the talking about the debt ceiling like it's never been reached before?

Here is a point that Obama undeniably has: Republicans do it all the time, yet when a Dem does it the Republicans in the house won't budge?

Obama: The house raised the debt ceiling for Reagan 18 times and 19 times for Bush.

Bohner: Uh.. yeah.. but we aren't gunna do it anymore jerk *pouts and possibly cries*

I honestly just want them all out.

edit on 26-7-2011 by GogoVicMorrow because: (no reason given)

I don't know if you have figured it out yet but the Tea Party has already won.
There are 2 plans in congress right now. Neither one has tax increases.
The problem is that if Obama caves to the Tea Party then he has - zero - chance of
getting re-elected in November 2012. His political base will disappear.

I think Obama will run out and say the buzz word - balanced - about 293 times.
It will not work.
He will have to cave to the Tea Party or issue an executive presidential order
to raise the debt ceiling by $2.4 Trillion.

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 08:41 AM
reply to post by Eurisko2012

Enlighten me. What are the plans?

P.s. God forbid we'd have to remove the "temporary" tax cuts imposed by Bush (not actually raising taxes mind you) on the wealthiest people in America to help out the people who really need it.
edit on 26-7-2011 by GogoVicMorrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 08:46 AM
reply to post by BrianC

Maybe you should learn how to make a thread because this is the most half-assed thread I have ever seen, I dont even know what you are talkin about why dont you post a link or a video

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 08:49 AM

Originally posted by Fractured.Facade
Taxing the wealthy (incomes over $250,000 per year) will be a job and growth KILLER... In a bad economy no worse thing could be done, but it will likely happen.

Spending cuts will be politically targeted, to hurt people who need it the most, so that those evil (insert party here) can be blamed.

It's all politics as usual here... Nothing will be fixed.

See you at the polls in 2012.

edit on 25-7-2011 by Fractured.Facade because: (no reason given)

Yea.. I think that LAST thing that needs to be done when someone needs more money is find a way to generate more income. I know when I become unable to pay bills I'm not going to do anything to make more money so that I can pay my bills again.

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 08:50 AM

Originally posted by GogoVicMorrow
reply to post by Eurisko2012

Enlighten me. What are the plans?

P.s. God forbid we'd have to remove the "temporary" tax cuts imposed by Bush (not actually raising taxes mind you) on the wealthiest people in America to help out the people who really need it.
edit on 26-7-2011 by GogoVicMorrow because: (no reason given)

The immediate plans are to wait for the polling data on both speeches last night.
In the end i see Obama flipping a coin in the oval office.

Heads - Cave in to the Tea Party demands - do NOT raise taxes in a horrible economy
with a 9.2% unemployment rate.

Tails - Declare the GOP unbalanced and the Tea Party a bunch of hostage takers.
Declare the democrats in the Senate a bunch sanctimonious fools.
Sign the executive presidential order to raise the debt limit which was actually
printed out 5 weeks ago!

edit on 26-7-2011 by Eurisko2012 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 08:51 AM
reply to post by Kingbreaker

reply to post by dreamseeker while that's true, there's nothing that says people cant be productive, and ear a little extra money to put into a 401K I pay into mine ( not company provided ) about $5 a week. and sometimes I can put more in if need be. but I also have a few stocks and shares, some gold and silver.. all purchased with side jobs paid under the table.

So you're an admitted tax evader yet you cast stones at people who collect SS - which they paid into their whole lives? Hypocrisy lives.

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 08:55 AM
The more money my boss has, the more likely he will be to give me a raise or expand the business and hire more people.
Taxing the wealthy is not going to solve the problem we have with spending, nor will it stimulate the economy in my opinion.
Government has to stop throwing our money down a rat hole. I don't want to see my money, or any one else's, go to banksters or union thugs.

edit on 7/26/2011 by Sparky63 because: Spelling...always spelling! *&^&%$#%$@

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