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Obama attacks Bush admin. within first ten seconds of speech!!!!

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posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 09:36 AM
reply to post by David9176

I don't know what poll you saw, but all the ones I saw on TV, and in newspapers showed 65% of Americans did not want the healthcare reform that was being proposed passed into law. Oh, wait, you are talking about what people wanted, not what was passed. that my friend are two different things.

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 09:37 AM
reply to post by haarvik

Finally something we can agree on! I've been saying that for a while! Tax an imported product so that the price is the average price of a US made product. See how long exporting jobs will last. Oh, and add to it any outsourced call centers pay a 50% tax.

But you see, neither party will do anything about it as they both voted for free trade in the first place. Republicans will just call it a tax and Dems dont' want to touch it because Clinton signed both into law.

The corporations will fight it to the bloody end....but honestly that's why nothing has been done about trade policies....they own the majority of both parties.

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 09:38 AM
reply to post by haarvik

I don't know what poll you saw, but all the ones I saw on TV, and in newspapers showed 65% of Americans did not want the healthcare reform that was being proposed passed into law.

That is correct...but that didn't include a public option.

Polls showing that people wanted a public option however were always in the majority...the bill that passed you stated was not.

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 09:41 AM
reply to post by David9176

So instead of fighting over peanuts (yes, the amount from the super rich will be peanuts), Americans should band together and replace all current politicians with unknowns. Hell, they can't do any worse than what we have now! Pull back all expenditures and review/prioritize what is being spent. If it is not for security, infrastructure, or health, then it doesn't get spent. Do that and THEN you can start to plan for other things that help AMERICANS, NOT anyone else!

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 09:46 AM
The Blame Game rolls on...

It's the Republicans fault, especially the evil one George Bush...

It's the Democrats fault, especially the evil one, Barak Obama...

It's somebodies fault, dammit.... ...and on and on, and on, to a dreary, yet not unexpected end.

Do you really want to know who's to blame? Hmmmm?

For those of you who are of voting age, whether you've voted or not, take a long hard look in the mirror.


...we are the ones who voted these morons in, we're the ones who keep sending them, or ones just like 'em, back. So spare me the "Lets blame the Dems/GOP, it's their fault" game. Instead of blaming someone, why not come up with some solutions that might actually work...

I'll start.

1. Term limits. Or...

1a. No campaigning. Period. If they want to go back, we'll judge it by their performance. (This is not my idea, by the bye, Skeptic Overlord suggested this in a conversation yesterday...). The days of the special interests would be made much more difficult...

2. Flat Tax rates for all Americans. Say 15%. No loop holes. You make the money, you pay the tax. Period.

3. Education reform. All Americans will go to school 'til age 15. Then mandatory testing. Only the top 10% will be going on to college. The next 75% can go to trade schools, or military service, or both... The bottom 15%? Well, the going to be "shovel ready" jobs, right? No more passing little Johnny on to the next grade just so he can feel good about himself. He needs to be able to perform at a minimum level, or he flunks and repeats the grade.

4. Govt. subsidies. I'm sorry, but paying people not to do things has got to stop. We can not afford it anymore.

5. Welfare Reform. Strict limits on how long one can be on it. Welfare was never intended to be a lifestyle...and it's time to end the lifestyle.

These are only a few of the ideas that are possible. There are more. Surely, it's more constructive to discuss solutions than it is to attempt, with partisan assaults, to assign blame.

Isn't it?

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 09:51 AM

Originally posted by Paote
I find it hard to stomach all the vehement angst against the rich.

I am not rich. Not by any means.

But please try to think about this in another, more generalized context; If you and your neighbor had a garden and your neighbor worked hard all summer long to procure food and you watched t.v., would you demand - quite literally legally ensnare - him/her to give you some of that food simply because they had more? Really?

Nope... but picture this: If the government then steps in and state something along the lines of "all farms in the USA must donate 6% of their crops to the government so that we (the government) can distribute that portion to those that cannot afford land to grown goods and farm". Those are the same people that must purchase food from farms and oftentimes those that work in your farms.

Would it be right if the government afterward stated "well if your farm produces an amount of good over X per year, then we will subtract 4% from the amount that we take from you making you only have to donate 2%. Everyone else must continue to donate 6% of crops".

I also wouldn't EXPECT the government to let those with larger farms keep more of their crops because the produce more... should be even all around.

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 09:51 AM
reply to post by seagull

Star for you my friend! I have been saying the same thing! It's our fault, period. We are the people who put them into office. If we cannot perform that duty as responsible adults, then shame on us and we got what we asked for.

maybe most are too consumed with fighting, not sure, but has anyone watched the market? We are less than a week from default, and yet the market has not reacted like everyone claims it would. It is acting more in response to corporate earnings than anything else. Don't you think that if it was as bad as Nobama and his cronies proclaimed that it would have fallen a lot more than it has? Hell, it falls over 100 points if someone threatens to bomb a city in the mid-east.
edit on 26-7-2011 by haarvik because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 09:53 AM
reply to post by seagull

Your number 3 on that list is one of the most ridiculous suggestions I've read on this site.

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 09:55 AM
reply to post by haarvik

Americans should band together and replace all current politicians with unknowns. Hell, they can't do any worse than what we have now! Pull back all expenditures and review/prioritize what is being spent. If it is not for security, infrastructure, or health, then it doesn't get spent. Do that and THEN you can start to plan for other things that help AMERICANS, NOT anyone else!

I technically agree, but getting a someone office who is willing to do that is incredibly difficult without campaign finance reform.

I do want to state, however, that if you do believe in raising tariffs, that you too believe in taxing corporations...because that is what it is.

Not only would it bring jobs back, but would bring tons of revenue back into the coffers as absolutely nothing is made here anymore. Prices will go up, but then again we don't need a tv and dvd player in every room of the house. Everyone talks about energy independence when what we need to really start working towards is manufacturing be a more self sufficient economy.

My suggestion to fixing the problem, lowering taxes on small businesses while jacking up tariffs at the same time to give small businesses a chance to grow and compete.

Small businesses side with corporations when they should be fighting against them.

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 09:57 AM
reply to post by seagull

Sanity for an insane world.

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 09:59 AM
reply to post by David9176

I don't agree with income tax increases, no. There are other forms of taxation that penalizes the corporate conglomerates such as tariffs. I also think a flat tax instead of our loop hole IRS code is what is needed as well. Did you know that no one pays tax on goods until it is sold? Now that applies to the federal level, some states do charge a small tax. Charge a flat tax and it doesn't matter. There are no exemptions, no refunds, no deductions. Simple and we save a TON of money by eliminating an entire domestic terror organization.

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 10:00 AM

Originally posted by dizziedame
Did I really hear him say no SS checks?

That is a dangerous statement.

I take the bafoons words as a direct threat to me.

I worked 50 years and paid my taxes gladly.

____________________ line drawn____________________

I am only 49 but what I dont understand is why this administration talks of SS as an "Entitlement"?? Doesnt this come directly out of our paychecks? This is our money that they have forced us to keep in their pretend retirement accounts for us. Where is it Obama?? What have you done with it? Welfare, yes it's free money, food stamps, yes free money but NOT SOCIAL SECURITY. Sometimes I wonder how much more stupid these politicians can be.

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 10:02 AM
We should give the Republicans and their multi-national corporate masters what they want.

So what is it that Republicans want?

make over $200,000 a year, pay 0 taxes
Give corporations and banks tax subsidies even though they don't need the money.
No estate taxes.
No investment taxes.
Give lenders a lot of money and let them gamble family savings in the stock market.
Let credit card companies raise interest rates whenever they want.
Encourage predatory lending to cheat people out of their homes by raising mortgage rates whenever they want.

Raise payroll taxes to 30%.
Raise sales taxes to 10%. WE NEED Revenue!
Lower the minimum wage to $5.00 an hour.
No paid maternity leave. You get pregnant, you're fired.
No paid breaks.
No paid lunch.
No paid vacation.
No health insurance. Private insurance can charge whatever monthly premiums they want.
No retirement.
No safety requirements.

A default will hurt the rich more than U.S. families.

edit on 26-7-2011 by ren1999 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 10:03 AM
reply to post by GogoVicMorrow

It's an idea to float. But instead of suggesting an alternative, you attack without any. Dare I say "typical" of todays political climate...? Yes, I dare say.


posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 10:03 AM
reply to post by tamaransd

I think there needs to be a class action suit against the government for misappropriation of funds and malfeasance. We paid into a "fund" and as such they were entrusted to provide us those funds upon retirement. I want ALL of the money I had taken from me returned, with interest, so that I can decide what is best for my retirement.

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 10:15 AM

Originally posted by seagull
reply to post by GogoVicMorrow

It's an idea to float. But instead of suggesting an alternative, you attack without any. Dare I say "typical" of todays political climate...? Yes, I dare say.


I think we need education reform but good luck with that.
Mandatory testing? Sounds good but...........did you hear about the scandal???
The teachers are cheating by altering the results to make more money.
Some of the teachers have tenure.
If they can't get fired then......lets go ahead and cheat!

I think a good step 1 would be to fire all the teachers and make them reapply for their jobs.

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 10:18 AM
reply to post by BrianC

Its the blame game, where is his plan, to help us get back to work, show us the numbers that need to be cut and where
blames others but yet he walks out of meetings, goes to fund raisers and the Media plays the Race card for him
THINK ?????

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 10:20 AM
reply to post by seagull

Nah I was just baiting you for the pretentious answer I knew I'd get and to make conversation. I intended on giving my reason for why it was a dumb idea.

First you are stripping away the rights of the students.
Second you can't base something like who will go to college on test scores. It wouldn't work, high test scores aren't indicative of work ethic or anything. Some really intelligent people just aren't cut out for college. So you would really be limiting yourself.
and lastly the reason the other fellow posted you would have manipulations because that upper percentage of allowed students (shudders at the thought) would be a hot commodity for schools.

So yeah, there, typical answer for your typical poorly thought out idea.
edit on 26-7-2011 by GogoVicMorrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 10:27 AM
reply to post by GogoVicMorrow

At lease he HAS an idea! I don't see anything constructive from you, except for taxing the income of the rich. How about using your brain and be constructive and offer alternatives instead of bashing someone who actually cares to THINK!

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 10:29 AM
reply to post by haarvik

Alright genius, since you set the tone here, let me reply to your post:

1) You are correct that the democrats had a healthy majority in the house and senate and could have really passed anything they wanted. Even then, Obama tried to have a discussion with the other side and reach compromise and when it wasn't possible, the GOP would say he "crammed" legislation through. Give me a f**king break. The other unfortunate reality is that there were a lot of "Blue-dog" democrats that got elected and functioned basically like republicans, watering down and messing up the agenda. They thought they could save their jobs by going against the administration and they were sorely mistaken in 2010 - that said, it angers me that the democrats are never "one voice" like the republicans (the only thing I admire about them). He wasn't waiting on any legislation for any sort of political gain - he passed more legislation in his first two years than any president since FDR. Politicians are supposed to play politics but it won't be Obama that screws the GOP - it will be the Tea Party.

2) I won't "get off the rich bandwagon" because asking them to pay a few percentage points more out of a huge salary is not a big deal and makes complete sense. The rich are not the problem in this country - you're correct... The problem is that the GOP reduced their tax rates and didn't have a way to pay for it so the rich got richer, the deficit went up and when the # hit the fan and the American people needed the federal government to step in, it was all with huge deficit spending because the tax base was eroded by massive unemployment and lower contributions from the rich. Asking them to pay what they paid in the Clinton administration is fair, especially when you consider that it was never paid for in the beginning and in the end, it didn't create one job. Telling someone who has worked hard there entire life that they have to wait until they're 70 to get SSI is more unfair than telling a hedge fund manager that his income will need to be taxed at a rate higher than their secretary

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