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Obama attacks Bush admin. within first ten seconds of speech!!!!

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posted on Jul, 25 2011 @ 11:40 PM
actually i just figured it out, there are two main types of Americans.

there are those who are more self serving, and they blindly support the private sector in place of the government because they have decided that the private sector is where their salvation lies, as they will one day be able to climb there way to the top of that ladder and then have their perfect life and dominion over others. the idea of a strong government threatens this vision.

and there are those who are more group oriented, who believe that having a fair, representative, and uncorrupt government, in place of a ruthless and self-oriented private sector society, is the way to guarantee their happiness as well as the happiness of all citizens. and a too strong private sector society threatens the possibility of this equalitarian vision.

In reality, we shouldn't blindly accept either concept as truth, rather we should all be somewhere in the middle and realize the benefits of having both aspects of society working together and balancing each other out, the way it is meant to be. perhaps neither side is 100% correct.

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 12:03 AM

Originally posted by beansanmash

there are those who are more group oriented, who believe that having a fair, representative, and uncorrupt government, in place of a ruthless and self-oriented private sector society, is the way to guarantee their happiness as well as the happiness of all citizens. and a too strong private sector society threatens the possibility of this equalitarian vision.

If I join this group, how much will my monthly checks be and on what day will they come?

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 12:09 AM
reply to post by BrianC

This is a Pointless Speech
It's not even an Address to the Nation, it's an Address the Republicans
He could have just woddled over to that big round building and done the same thing.

Oh, and don't blame me, it's not my fault.
And it's not like the Public have any say in the matter, it only comes down to the
Leader of Blue team vs Leader of the Red Team, two people are deciding if america
is going to print more moeny or print more money with limitations.

In other words, it's nothing but a Dog and Pony show for Voters.

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 12:20 AM

Originally posted by The Old American
The Speaker doesn't lead the country. Obama does, and he's shown himself to be a megalomaniacal dictator that can't seem to quit killing the citizens of sovereign countries. Boehner is just a ##snip##

This entire website is retarded.

Someone says they do not trust Boehner so you respond by calling Obama a warmonger.
I guess Obama is the one approving the funding for those conflicts himself too. If someone thinks something about Boehner, how does saying something totally different about Obama make you feel better?

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 12:23 AM
reply to post by BrianC

As well he should!!!! We are in this disaster PRECISELY BECAUSE of the Bush Admin and the utter insanity of Right Wing "economics".

This is ENTIRELY the fault of the GOP, beginning with Reagan.

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 12:35 AM
Hmm a fork in the road.

Do you go right or do you go left?

I say plow through the middle. Forget both sides and make your own path.

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 12:43 AM

Originally posted by dizziedame
Did I really hear him say no SS checks?

That is a dangerous statement.

I take the bafoons words as a direct threat to me.

I worked 50 years and paid my taxes gladly.

____________________ line drawn____________________

____________________ line drawn____________________
I second that!

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 12:44 AM

Originally posted by beansanmash
reply to post by Fitch303

The Republicans aren't horrible, they are just much deeper into the corporate pockets.

What did Jesse Ventura always say, "follow the money."

Its not that hard to figure out where all their campaign finances have come from and then figure out who's interests they're actually representing.

And this whole Rupert Murdoch fiasco has shown that a head of Fox News has clear political motivations, and yet millions of Americans continue to parrot the views it feeds them as unbiased truth.

and you've all fallen for it hook line and sinker.

take a step back, please, maybe shoveling more money into the pockets of the super-wealthy instead of taking less medicare and social security away from the average America isn't what is best for the economy.

If the super rich actually cared about the economy, they would suggest to create a separate fund that would be used to benefit private business, not just ask that it be stuffed into their already brimming pockets.

it's called venture capital, i believe.

you apply for it and if the money guys like your idea then they will start you up.

of course they will want a piece of the action, but so wouldn't a bank.

or just interest.

depends. i've used them. terms are fair and one can usually get another injection of capital if needed.

banks usually won't do that.

like legal loan sharks.

edit on 26-7-2011 by fooks because: (no reason given)

edit on 26-7-2011 by fooks because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 12:47 AM
The answer is simple. Spend less on fighting wars and more on sorting out one's own problems in your backyard. And as horrid as it sounds cut back on foreign aid until the debt is sort itself out. Charity begins at home. The military industrial complex has alot to answer for. Actually they can also cut down spending on black projects as well. If they got rid of the space shuttle then they can jolly well get rid of expenisve black project space planes as well. And if they are being used to defend Earth then the world should be made aware of this. I am sure we would glady pay more taxes in that cause if this is truly the case. Otherwise no.

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 01:24 AM
I've no real opinion of Obama, he inherited a country in a massive state of disrepair, I've no opinion on your two party system either. I also only got to see a two and a half minute video snippet on the BBC website, but I guess it was the two and a half minutes of talk that mattered.

He said he wants to cut spending in various public sectors, whilst asking the richest companies and members of society to pay more tax. Republicans only want to makes the cuts without the increased tax, and as they won't agree to it your country will go into default in 7 days.

So, why are people angry at Obama?

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 01:54 AM
reply to post by jude11

I doubt most of the world's population still thinks of the US president as the most powerful president in the World. That's only valid for part of Americans who live in their cultural bubble.

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 02:23 AM
reply to post by beansanmash

Neither side is correct, but the system is designed to keep those two sides competing. It is only when we put our heads together and realize the private sector could be entirely free to do as it wishes and we could have social programs and regulations that serve our needs for safety and health and general welfare. Both ideals are possible. However, I think in order to accomplish that things need to become more localized. So I vote for less centralized government, but more local programs that help their communities.

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 02:34 AM

Originally posted by TheImmaculateD1
Get rid of tax cuts for the rich and screw any rich person who does not agree or who will get on board. We are at a crossroads, continue the failed economic policies of the last 35 years and watch how much worser it will get, change the course now and watch us come back. We have no third option. The time is now.

Damn straight he attacked 43 as him and Daddy were the direct and sole cause for this entire mess and predicament we are in now, this is just facts and whoever cannot see that is blinder then a bat.

TPTB, Wall Street, the GOP, The banks are all betting on the nation defaulting as it will make it just that much easier for them to implement their draconian policies and whoever here or anywhere is for them is Anti American and a traitor to this great nation.
edit on 25-7-2011 by TheImmaculateD1 because: (no reason given)

And watch me and you loose our jobs. Thats the concern, If they raise taxes on the Business owners, they layoff people.

I don't know about you, but they acually can hire a guy and pay him half of what they pay me, to do my job.

Raising the taxes on the weathiest is NOT the answer, CLOSING the loop holes that allow the super rich to not pay taxes, IS the answer.

Like it or not, if you raise the taxes on the rich, we will all be punished for it. I cannot afford to loose my job right now.

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 02:45 AM

Originally posted by MagnitudeZero
I've no real opinion of Obama, he inherited a country in a massive state of disrepair, I've no opinion on your two party system either. I also only got to see a two and a half minute video snippet on the BBC website, but I guess it was the two and a half minutes of talk that mattered.

He said he wants to cut spending in various public sectors, whilst asking the richest companies and members of society to pay more tax. Republicans only want to makes the cuts without the increased tax, and as they won't agree to it your country will go into default in 7 days.

So, why are people angry at Obama?

Because all Obama wants is to borrow more money to throw into stuff like, Entitlement Programs.

And It's typical for somebody from another country to spout garbage such as "He inherited a country in a massive state of disrepair". They why did "MR. Obama, as you guys call him" Go on a MASSIVE SPENDING SPREE his first 2 years in office?

The guy campained and was hired to "FIX the deficit". that was his platform.

In real life, all Obama has done, was Borrow, and spend, Borrow and Spend, passing liberal dream spending programs one after another.

The American people have a valid reason to be pissed, this extends way beyond Bush. Sorry you people are behind on the news where you live.

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 02:49 AM

Isnt it a little weird that "rich" people just dont pay taxes like everyone else? - Is it becuase it is to hard to calculate there taxes or is it the hidden way to keep the poor down in the dust?


posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 02:49 AM

Originally posted by Janky Red

Originally posted by BrianC
reply to post by Janky Red

Care to back that up?

Here you go

One of the internets oldest national debt clocks

Their debt has 4 parts, but the bulk of it is calculated from 4 inputs (yellow and tan) that you can check with the color coded links to the treasury at the bottom. This will verify the $3.4 Trillion Reagan-Bush debt and the $6.1 Trillion G.W. Bush debt. Together that's $9.5 Trillion. Now some of G.W. Bush's debt is really interest on the Reagan-Bush debt, so he is not as bad as he looks, and Reagan-Bush are lot worse because of all their interest. You can see that in the graph above.
Interest is calculated on the second sheet (tab at bottom). But you know that 17 years of compound interest on 3.4 Trillion is going to add a lot. So a $12 Trillion total is very believable, and if you want to spend 10 minutes you can check it easily.

> Ronald Reagan’s First Term – $656 billion increase

> Ronald Reagan’s Second Term – $1.036 trillion increase

> George H.W. Bush’s Term – $1.587 trillion increase

> Bill Clinton’s First Term – $1.122 trillion increase

> Bill Clinton’s Second Term – $418 billion increase

> George W. Bush’s First Term – $1.885 trillion increase

> George W. Bush’s Second Term – $3.014 trillion increase

> Barack Obama’s First “Year” – $1.573 trillion increase

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 02:54 AM
I don't understand completely why so many are against the people in society who have higher incomes paying the same of less tax percentage thatn someone with a median salary of 60k/yr

I understand that the fact is I make more, so I can afford more, but the fact is also; I make more so I DO pay more, even though my percentage may be less or equal to that of someone who makes less money on an annual basis.

I am looking out for myself, because who know how long the economy will allow me to maintain my current earnings. If something happens in 2 years from now and earnings drop to a 40k/yr avg and I was unable to save any of the money from my previously higher earning, because of increased taxes, then what good was it to make an above average pay?

I have worked my way into what I make now and someone taking half of what I earn, to even things out and provide more of the financial status for the government budgets, would be out of the question in my opinion.

If that is the case, then what should be done is this:

Everyone gets a free college education in the field of their choice.

Once graduation is completed they enter their career path.

Every single person with the ability to work earns the exact same pay and pays the exact same into the system.

Those unable to work get a predetermined fixed amount. -

I suppose I am ranting a bit, as this tax inceases for the 'rich' wouldn't apply to me right now, unless my opinion of what 'rich' is. What did they say 'rich' was during the presidential campaign? 4million a year? 2 million?
anyway, probably not exactly what you guys and girls are talking about right now, but that just kinda sticks in my mind when I hear them talking about raising taxes for the 'rich'

Also... when did SS become a monied account controlled by the government and used as a manipulation tool - a ransom if-you-will, against the citizens? Does anyone else see this as wrong? I can't believe we as citizens are going to allow him to make passive threats to the well being of our countrymen who have worked and fought all their lives for this country and what it stands for,

When is enough enough?

Maybe now is enough and is why they have deployed 20k troops inside the CONUS, maybe they released the information about the 20k troops being deployed as a deterrent for any political or civil uprising that might occur from such threats issued by the POTUS.

So, Obama gets the troops in place in the areas where trouble might arise, so he can use military force or intimidation to control the population!

I hope others can see that is exactly what is going on and they are doing it in such a way as to make us all think it is ok and needed... look around at our country and what is going on!

No money for the retired, massive debts, edge of economic collapse! - not crisis, COMPLETE COLLAPSE!!, militarizing the States, fals flag attacks, complete lies about military and terrorist action. Lies about Osama, etc, etc, etc... please, look around, then stand up and take action in the way that feels appropriate in your gut!

Freedom is Dead, Long Live Freedom!

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 02:55 AM
reply to post by guitarplayer

That is simply just so much money that it is unbelievable. What the hell how to sort that # out.

Anyway could the 1000 richest not easily fix it? - or maybe the 2000 richest. Give them a statue or something and then they add 1 billion dollars each directly to pay of debth? - Then you guys and the rest of your union floating around again in a matter of weeks.


posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 02:57 AM

Originally posted by Nite_wing

Originally posted by beansanmash

there are those who are more group oriented, who believe that having a fair, representative, and uncorrupt government, in place of a ruthless and self-oriented private sector society, is the way to guarantee their happiness as well as the happiness of all citizens. and a too strong private sector society threatens the possibility of this equalitarian vision.

If I join this group, how much will my monthly checks be and on what day will they come?

lol, not sure, my point was mostly that either outlook is unrealistic; they are mostly idealistic rather than practical.

One system allows for a lot of safety but little growth or room for change, and the latter allows for very little stability but a lot of room for change.

they are the extremes, both unrealistic and not very pleasant ideals, however, I think deep down most Americans identify with one or the other, and are reflective of the historically American conflict between a large central government and regulated private sector, or a tiny central government and a vast private sector, and in the current struggle between what has become Republican and Democratic party ideals.

basically it can be boiled down to whether people believe society should look out for 'the little guy' or not.

Its a working theory lol..

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 02:58 AM
Also... would someone please tell these guys about Penny Stocks! They could erase all this debt overnight!!!

Would probably be a safer bet than the way they are doing it right now anyway! The sad thing is, there is more truth in that statement than you might think.

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