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Wiki - Timeline of US Militairy Operations
1775–1783 – American Revolutionary War
1776–1777 – Second Cherokee War
1776–1794 – Chickamauga Wars
1785–1795 – Northwest Indian War
1786–1787 – Shays' Rebellion
1794 – Whiskey Rebellion
1798–1800 – Quasi-War, an undeclared naval war with France. This contest included land actions, such as that in the Dominican Republic city of
Puerto Plata, where U.S. Marines captured a French privateer under the guns of the forts. Congress authorized military action through a series of
1799–1800 – Fries's Rebellion, a Pennsylvania protest against war taxes.
1801–1805 – First Barbary War – USS George Washington and USS Philadelphia affairs result in actions against the Barbary pirates responsible. In
the Eaton expedition, a few Marines and soldiers landed with United States Agent William Eaton to raise a force against Tripoli in an effort to free
the crew of the Philadelphia. Tripoli declared war; the United States did not, although Congress authorized military action by statute.[1]
1806 – Spanish Mexico – A platoon under Captain Zebulon Pike invaded Spanish territory at the headwaters of the Rio Grande on orders from General
James Wilkinson. He was made prisoner without resistance at a fort he constructed in present-day Colorado, taken to Mexico, and later released after
seizure of his papers.[RL30172]
1806–10 – Gulf of Mexico. American gunboats operated from New Orleans against Spanish and French privateers off the Mississippi Delta, chiefly
under Captain John Shaw and Master Commandant David Porter.[1]
1810 – West Florida (Spanish territory). Governor William C.C. Claiborne of Louisiana, on orders of President James Madison, occupied with troops
territory in dispute east of the Mississippi as far as the Pearl River, later the eastern boundary of Louisiana. He was authorized to seize as far
east as the Perdido River.[RL30172]
1812 – Amelia Island and other parts of east Florida, then under Spain. Temporary possession was authorized by President James Madison and by
Congress, to prevent occupation by any other power; but possession was obtained by General George Mathews in so irregular a manner that his measures
were disavowed by the President.[RL30172]
1812–15 – War of 1812. On June 18, 1812, the United States declared war against the United Kingdom. Among the issues leading to the war were
British impressment of American sailors into the Royal Navy, interception of neutral ships and blockades of the United States during British
hostilities with France. [RL30172]
1813 – West Florida (Spanish territory). On authority given by Congress, General Wilkinson seized Mobile Bay in April with 600 soldiers. A small
Spanish garrison gave way. Thus U.S. troops advanced into disputed territory to the Perdido River, as projected in 1810. No fighting.[RL30172]
1813–14 – Marquesas Islands (French Polynesia). U.S. forces built a fort on the island of Nuku Hiva to protect three prize ships which had been
captured from the British.[RL30172]
1814 – Spanish Florida. General Andrew Jackson took Pensacola and drove out the British forces.[RL30172]
1814–25 – Caribbean. Engagements between pirates and American ships or squadrons took place repeatedly especially ashore and offshore about Cuba,
Puerto Rico, Santo Domingo, and Yucatan. Three thousand pirate attacks on merchantmen were reported between 1815 and 1823. In 1822, Commodore James
Biddle employed a squadron of two frigates, four sloops of war, two brigs, four schooners, and two gunboats in the West Indies.[RL30172]
1815 – Algiers. The Second Barbary War was declared against the United States by the Dey of Algiers of the Barbary states, an act not reciprocated
by the United States. Congress did authorize a military expedition by statute. A large fleet under Captain Stephen Decatur attacked Algiers and
obtained indemnities.[RL30172]
1815 – Tripoli. After securing an agreement from Algiers, Captain Decatur demonstrated with his squadron at Tunis and Tripoli, where he secured
indemnities for offenses during the War of 1812.[RL30172]
1816 – Spanish Florida. United States forces destroyed Negro Fort, which harbored fugitive slaves making raids into United States
1816–18 – Spanish Florida – First Seminole War. The Seminole Indians, whose area was a haven for escaped slaves and border ruffians, were
attacked by troops under General Jackson and General Edmund P. Gaines and pursued into northern Florida. Spanish posts were attacked and occupied,
British citizens executed. In 1819 the Floridas were ceded to the United States.[RL30172]
1817 – Amelia Island (Spanish territory off Florida). Under orders of President James Monroe, United States forces landed and expelled a group of
smugglers, adventurers, and freebooters.[RL30172]
1818 – Oregon. The USS Ontario dispatched from Washington, which made a landing at the mouth of the Columbia River to assert US claims. Britain had
conceded sovereignty but Russia and Spain asserted claims to the area.[RL30172] Subsequently, American and British claims to the Oregon Country were
resolved with the Oregon Treaty of 1846.[RL30172]
1820–23 – Africa. Naval units raided the slave traffic pursuant to the 1819 act of Congress. [RL30172][Slave Traffic]
1822 – Cuba. United States naval forces suppressing piracy landed on the northwest coast of Cuba and burned a pirate station.[RL30172]
1823 – Cuba. Brief landings in pursuit of pirates occurred April 8 near Escondido; April 16 near Cayo Blanco; July 11 at Siquapa Bay; July 21 at
Cape Cruz; and October 23 at Camrioca.[RL30172]
1824 – Cuba. In October the USS Porpoise landed bluejackets near Matanzas in pursuit of pirates. This was during the cruise authorized in
1824 – Puerto Rico (Spanish territory). Commodore David Porter with a landing party attacked the town of Fajardo which had sheltered pirates and
insulted American naval officers. He landed with 200 men in November and forced an apology. Commodore Porter was later court-martialed for
overstepping his powers.[RL30172]
1825 – Cuba. In March cooperating American and British forces landed at Sagua La Grande to capture pirates.[RL30172]
1827 – Greece. In October and November landing parties hunted pirates on the Mediterranean islands of Argenteire, Myconos, and Andros.[RL30172]
1831–32 – Falkland Islands. Captain Silas Duncan of the USS Lexington investigated the capture of three American sailing vessels and sought to
protect American interests.[RL30172]
1832 – Attack on Quallah Battoo, Sumatra, Indonesia – February 6–9. U.S. forces under Commodore John Downes aboard the frigate USS Potomac
landed and stormed a fort to punish natives of the town of Quallah Battoo for plundering the American cargo ship Friendship.[RL30172]
1833 – Argentina. October 31 to November 15. A force was sent ashore at Buenos Aires to protect the interests of the United States and other
countries during an insurrection.[RL30172]
1835–36 – Peru. December 10, 1835, to January 24, 1836, and August 31 to December 7, 1836. Marines protected American interests in Callao and Lima
during an attempted revolution.[RL30172]
1835–42 Florida Territory. United States Navy supports the Army's efforts at quelling uprisings and attacks on civilians by Seminole Indians.
Government's efforts to relocate the Seminoles to west of the Mississippi are hindered by 7 years of war.
1838 – The Caroline affair on Navy Island, Canada. After the failure of the Upper Canada Rebellion of 1837 favoring Canadian democracy and
independence from the British Empire; William Lyon Mackenzie and his rebels fled to Navy Island where they declared the Republic of Canada. American
sympathizers sent supplies on the SS Caroline, which was intercepted by the British and set ablaze, after killing one American. It was falsely
reported that dozens of Americans were killed as they were trapped on board, and American forces retaliated by burning a British steamer while it was
in U.S. waters.
1838–39 – Sumatra (Indonesia). December 24, 1838, to January 4, 1839. A naval force landed to punish natives of the towns of Quallah Battoo and
Muckie (Mukki) for depredations on American shipping.[RL30172]
1840 – Fiji Islands. July. Naval forces landed to punish natives for attacking American exploring and surveying parties.[RL30172]
1841 – McKean Island (Drummond Island/Taputenea), Gilbert Islands (Kingsmill Group), Pacific Ocean. A naval party landed to avenge the murder of a
seaman by the natives.[RL30172]
1841 – Samoa. February 24. A naval party landed and burned towns after the murder of an American seaman on Upolu.[RL30172]
1842 – Mexico. Commodore Thomas ap Catesby Jones, in command of a squadron long cruising off California, occupied Monterey, California, on October
19, believing war had come. He discovered peace, withdrew, and saluted. A similar incident occurred a week later at San Diego.[RL30172]
1843 – China. Sailors and marines from the St. Louis were landed after a clash between Americans and Chinese at the trading post in
1843 – Africa. November 29 to December 16. Four United States vessels demonstrated and landed various parties (one of 200 marines and sailors) to
discourage piracy and the slave trade along the Ivory Coast, and to punish attacks by the natives on American seamen and shipping.[RL30172]
1844 – Mexico. President Tyler deployed U.S. forces to protect Texas against Mexico, pending Senate approval of a treaty of annexation. (Later
rejected.) He defended his action against a Senate resolution of inquiry.[RL30172]
1846–48 – Mexican-American War On May 13, 1846, the United States recognized the existence of a state of war with Mexico. After the annexation of
Texas in 1845, the United States and Mexico failed to resolve a boundary dispute and President Polk said that it was necessary to deploy forces in
Mexico to meet a threatened invasion.
The war ended with the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, signed on February 2, 1848. The Treaty gave the U.S. undisputed control of Texas, established the
U.S.-Mexican border of the Rio Grande River, and ceded to the United States the present-day states of California, Nevada, Utah, and parts of Colorado,
Arizona, New Mexico, and Wyoming. In return, Mexico received US $18,250,000[34] ($459,127,885 today)—less than half the amount the U.S. had
attempted to offer Mexico for the land before the opening of hostilities. [RL30172]
1849 – Smyrna (Izmir, Turkey). In July a naval force gained release of an American seized by Austrian officials.[RL30172]
1851 – Ottoman Empire. After a massacre of foreigners (including Americans) at Jaffa in January, a demonstration by the Mediterranean Squadron was
ordered along the Turkish (Levant) coast.[RL30172]
1851 – Johanns Island (east of Africa). August. Forces from the U.S. sloop-of-war Dale exacted redress for the unlawful imprisonment of the captain
of an American whaling brig.[RL30172]
1852–53 – Argentina. February 3 to 12, 1852; September 17, 1852 to April 1853. Marines were landed and maintained in Buenos Aires to protect
American interests during a revolution.[RL30172]
1853 – Nicaragua. March 11 to 13. US forces landed to protect American lives and interests during political disturbances[RL30172]
1853–54 – Japan. Commodore Matthew Perry and his expedition made a display of force leading to the "opening of Japan."[RL30172]
1853–54 – Ryūkyū and Bonin Islands (Japan). Commodore Matthew Perry on three visits before going to Japan and while waiting for a reply from
Japan made a naval demonstration, landing marines twice, and secured a coaling concession from the ruler of Naha on Okinawa; he also demonstrated in
the Bonin Islands with the purpose of securing facilities for commerce.[RL30172]
1854 – China. April 4 to June 15 to 17. American and English ships landed forces to protect American interests in and near Shanghai during Chinese
civil strife.[RL30172]
1854 – Nicaragua. July 9 to 15. Naval forces bombarded and burned San Juan del Norte (Greytown) to avenge an insult to the American Minister to
1855 – China. May 19 to 21. U.S. forces protected American interests in Shanghai and, from August 3 to 5 fought pirates near Hong Kong.[RL30172]
1855 – Fiji Islands. September 12 to November 4. An American naval force landed to seek reparations for attacks on American residents and
1855 – Uruguay. November 25 to 29. United States and European naval forces landed to protect American interests during an attempted revolution in
1856 – Panama, Republic of New Grenada. September 19 to 22. U.S. forces landed to protect American interests during an insurrection.[RL30172]
1856 – China. October 22 to December 6. U.S. forces landed to protect American interests at Canton during hostilities between the British and the
Chinese, and to avenge an assault upon an unarmed boat displaying the United States flag.[RL30172]
1857–58 – Utah War. The Utah War was a dispute between Mormon settlers in Utah Territory and the United States federal government. The Mormons and
Washington each sought control over the government of the territory, with the national government victorious. The confrontation between the Mormon
militia and the U.S. Army involved some destruction of property, but no actual battles between the contending military forces.
1857 – Nicaragua. April to May, November to December. In May Commander Charles Henry Davis of the United States Navy, with some marines, received
the surrender of William Walker, self-proclaimed president of Nicaragua, who was losing control of the country to forces financed by his former
business partner, Cornelius Vanderbilt, and protected his men from the retaliation of native allies who had been fighting Walker. In November and
December of the same year United States vessels USS Saratoga, USS Wabash, and Fulton opposed another attempt of William Walker on Nicaragua. Commodore
Hiram Paulding's act of landing marines and compelling the removal of Walker to the United States, was tacitly disavowed by Secretary of State Lewis
Cass, and Paulding was forced into retirement.[RL30172]
1858 – Uruguay. January 2 to 27. Forces from two United States warships landed to protect American property during a revolution in
1858 – Fiji Islands. October 6 to 16. A marine expedition with the USS Vandalia enacted revenge on natives for the murder of two American citizens
at Waya.[RL30172] [] [Vandalia 2]
1858–59 – Ottoman Empire. The Secretary of State requested a display of naval force along the Levant after a massacre of Americans at Jaffa and
mistreatment elsewhere "to remind the authorities (of the Ottoman Empire) of the power of the United States."[RL30172]
1859 – Paraguay. Congress authorized a naval squadron to seek redress for an attack on a naval vessel in the Parana River during 1855. Apologies
were made after a large display of force.[RL30172]
1859 – Mexico. Two hundred United States soldiers crossed the Rio Grande in pursuit of the Mexican nationalist Juan Cortina.[RL30172] [1859
1859 – China. July 31 to August 2. A naval force landed to protect American interests in Shanghai.[RL30172]
1860 – Angola, Portuguese West Africa. March 1. American residents at Kissembo called upon American and British ships to protect lives and property
during problems with natives.[RL30172]
1860 – Colombia, Bay of Panama. September 27 to October 8. Naval forces landed to protect American interests during a revolution.[RL30172]
1861–65 – American Civil War A major war between the United States (the Union) and eleven Southern states which declared that they had a right to
secession and formed the Confederate States of America.
1863 – Japan. July 16. Naval battle of Shimonoseki. The USS Wyoming retaliated against a firing on the American vessel Pembroke at
1864 – Japan. July 14 to August 3. Naval forces protected the United States Minister to Japan when he visited Yedo to negotiate concerning some
American claims against Japan, and to make his negotiations easier by impressing the Japanese with American power.[RL30172]
1864 – Japan. September 4 to 14. Naval forces of the United States, Great Britain, France, and the Netherlands compelled Japan and the Prince of
Nagato in particular to permit the Straits of Shimonoseki to be used by foreign shipping in accordance with treaties already signed.[RL30172]
1865 – Panama. March 9 and 10. US forces protected the lives and property of American residents during a revolution.[RL30172]
1865–77 Southern United States – Reconstruction following the American Civil War. The South is divided into five Union occupation districts under
the Reconstruction Act.
1866 – Mexico. To protect American residents, General Sedgwick and 100 men in November obtained surrender of Matamoros, on the border State of
Tamaulipas. After three days he was ordered by US Government to withdraw. His act was repudiated by the President.[RL30172]
1866 – China. June 20 to July 7. US forces punished an assault on the American consul at Newchwang.[RL30172]
1867 – Nicaragua. Marines occupied Managua and Leon.
1867 – Formosa (island of Taiwan) June 13. A naval force landed and burned a number of huts to punish the murder of the crew of a wrecked American
1868 – Japan (Osaka, Hiolo, Nagasaki, Yokohama, and Negata). – February 4 to 8, April 4 to May 12, June 12 and 13. US forces were landed to
protect American interests during a civil war (Boshin War) in Japan .[RL30172]
1868 – Uruguay. February 7 and 8, 19 to 26. US forces protected foreign residents and the customhouse during an insurrection at
1868 – Colombia. April. US forces protected passengers and treasure in transit at Aspinwall during the absence of local police or troops on the
occasion of the death of the President of Colombia.[RL30172]
1870 – Mexico. June 17 and 18. US forces destroyed the pirate ship Forward, which had been run aground about 40 miles up the Rio
1870 – Kingdom of Hawaii. September 21. US forces placed the American flag at half-mast upon the death of Queen Kalama, when the American consul at
Honolulu would not assume responsibility for so doing.[RL30172]
1871 – Korea. Shinmiyangyo. June 10 to 12. A US naval force attacked and captured five forts to force stalled negotiations on trade agreements and
to punish natives for depredations on Americans, particularly for executing the crew of the General Sherman and burning the schooner (which in turn
happened because the crew had stolen food and kidnapped a Korean official), and for later firing on other American small boats taking soundings up the
Salee River. [RL30172]
1873 – Colombia (Bay of Panama). May 7 to 22, September 23 to October 9. U.S. forces protected American interests during hostilities between local
groups over control of the government of the State of Panama.[RL30172]
1873–96 – Mexico. United States troops crossed the Mexican border repeatedly in pursuit of cattle and other thieves and other
1874 – Kingdom of Hawaii. February 12 to 20. Detachments from American vessels were landed to protect the interests of Americans living in the
Kingdom during the coronation of a new king.[RL30172]
1876 – Mexico. May 18. An American force was landed to police the town of Matamoros, Tamaulipas State, temporarily while it was without other
1882 – Egypt. July 14 to 18. American forces landed to protect American interests during warfare between British and Egyptians and looting of the
city of Alexandria by Arabs.[RL30172]
1885 – Panama (Colon). January 18 and 19. US forces were used to guard the valuables in transit over the Panama Railroad, and the safes and vaults
of the company during revolutionary activity. In March, April, and May in the cities of Colon and Panama, the forces helped reestablish freedom of
transit during revolutionary activity.[RL30172]
1888 – Korea. June. A naval force was sent ashore to protect American residents in Seoul during unsettled political conditions, when an outbreak of
the populace was expected.[RL30172]
1888 – Haiti. December 20. A display of force persuaded the Haitian Government to give up an American steamer which had been seized on the charge of
breach of blockade.[RL30172]
1888–89 – Samoa. November 14, 1888, to March 20, 1889. US forces were landed to protect American citizens and the consulate during a native civil
1889 – Kingdom of Hawaii. July 30 and 31. US forces at Honolulu protected the interests of Americans living in Hawaii during an American led
1890 – Argentina. A naval party landed to protect US consulate and legation in Buenos Aires.[RL30172]
1890 – South Dakota. December 29. Soldiers of the US Army 7th Cavalry killed 178 Sioux Amerindians following an incident over a
disarmament-inspection at a Lakota Sioux encampment near Wounded Knee Creek. 89 other Amerinds were injured, 150 were reported missing; Army
casualties were 25 killed, 39 wounded.[citation needed]
1891 – Haiti. US forces sought to protect American lives and property on Navassa Island.[RL30172]
1891 – Bering Strait. July 2 to October 5. Naval forces sought to stop seal poaching.[RL30172]
1891 – Chile. August 28 to 30. US forces protected the American consulate and the women and children who had taken refuge in it during a revolution
in Valparaiso.[RL30172]
1893 – overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom. January 16 to April 1. Marines landed in Hawaii, ostensibly to protect American lives and property, but
many believed actually to promote a provisional government under Sanford B. Dole. This action was disavowed by President Cleveland, and eventually the
United States apologized in 1993.[RL30172]
1894 – Brazil. January. A display of naval force sought to protect American commerce and shipping at Rio de Janeiro during a Brazilian civil
1894 – Nicaragua. July 6 to August 7. US forces sought to protect American interests at Bluefields following a revolution.[RL30172]
1894–95 – China. Marines were stationed at Tientsin and penetrated to Peking for protection purposes during the First Sino-Japanese
1894–95 – China. A naval vessel was beached and used as a fort at Newchwang for protection of American nationals.[RL30172]
1894–96 – Korea. July 24, 1894 to April 3, 1896. A guard of marines was sent to protect the American legation and American lives and interests at
Seoul during and following the Sino-Japanese War.[RL30172]
1895 – Colombia. March 8 and 9. US forces protected American interests during an attack on the town of Bocas del Toro by a bandit
1895–96 – Venezuela. Settlement of boundary dispute.[citation needed]
1896 – Nicaragua. May 2 to 4. US forces protected American interests in Corinto during political unrest.[RL30172]
1898 – Nicaragua. February 7 and 8. US forces protected American lives and property at San Juan del Sur.[RL30172]
1898 – Spanish-American War On April 25, 1898, the United States declared war with Spain. The war followed a Cuban insurrection, the Cuban War of
Independence against Spanish rule and the sinking of the USS Maine in the harbor at Havana.[RL30172]
1898–99 – Samoa. Second Samoan Civil War a conflict that reached a head in 1898 when Germany, the United Kingdom, and the United States were
locked in dispute over who should have control over the Samoan island chain.
1898–99 – China. November 5, 1898 to March 15, 1899. US forces provided a guard for the legation at Peking and the consulate at Tientsin during
contest between the Dowager Empress and her son.[RL30172]
1899 – Nicaragua. American and British naval forces were landed to protect national interests at San Juan del Norte, February 22 to March 5, and at
Bluefields a few weeks later in connection with the insurrection of Gen. Juan P. Reyes.[RL30172]
1899–1913 – Philippine Islands. Philippine-American War US forces protected American interests following the war with Spain, defeating rebellious
Filipinos seeking immediate national independence.[RL30172] The U.S. government declared the "insurgency" officially over in 1902, when the Filipino
leadership generally accepted American rule. Skirmishes between government troops and armed groups lasted until 1913, and some historians consider
these unofficial extensions of the war.[2]
1900 – China. May 24 to September 28. Boxer Rebellion American troops participated in operations to protect foreign lives during the Boxer uprising,
particularly at Peking. For many years after this experience a permanent legation guard was maintained in Peking, and was strengthened at times as
trouble threatened.[RL30172]
1901 – Colombia (State of Panama). November 20 to December 4. (See: Separation of Panama from Colombia) US forces protected American property on the
Isthmus and kept transit lines open during serious revolutionary disturbances.[RL30172]
1902 – Colombia. – April 16 to 23. US forces protected American lives and property at Bocas del Toro during a civil war.[RL30172]
1902 – Colombia (State of Panama). September 17 to November 18. The United States placed armed guards on all trains crossing the Isthmus to keep the
railroad line open, and stationed ships on both sides of Panama to prevent the landing of Colombian troops.[RL30172]
1903 – Honduras. March 23 to 30 or 31. US forces protected the American consulate and the steamship wharf at Puerto Cortes during a period of
revolutionary activity.[RL30172]
1903 – Dominican Republic. March 30 to April 21. A detachment of marines was landed to protect American interests in the city of Santo Domingo
during a revolutionary outbreak.[RL30172]
1903 – Syria. September 7 to 12. US forces protected the American consulate in Beirut when a local Muslim uprising was feared.[RL30172]
1903–04 – Abyssinia (Ethiopia). Twenty-five Marines were sent to Abyssinia to protect the US Consul General while he negotiated a
1903–14 – Panama. US forces sought to protect American interests and lives during and following the revolution for independence from Colombia over
construction of the Isthmian Canal. With brief intermissions, United States Marines were stationed on the Isthmus from November 4, 1903, to January
21, 1914 to guard American interests.[RL30172]
1904 – Dominican Republic. January 2 to February 11. American and British naval forces established an area in which no fighting would be allowed and
protected American interests in Puerto Plata and Sosua and Santo Domingo City during revolutionary fighting.[RL30172]
1904 – Tangier, Morocco. "We want either Perdicaris alive or Raisuli dead." A squadron demonstrated to force release of a kidnapped American.
Marines were landed to protect the consul general.[RL30172]
1904 – Panama. November 17 to 24. U.S forces protected American lives and property at Ancon at the time of a threatened insurrection.[RL30172]
1904–05 – Korea. January 5, 1904, to November 11, 1905. A guard of Marines was sent to protect the American legation in Seoul during the
Russo-Japanese War.[RL30172]
1906–09 – Cuba. September 1906 to January 23, 1909. US forces sought to protect interests and re-establish a government after revolutionary
1907 – Honduras. March 18 to June 8. To protect American interests during a war between Honduras and Nicaragua, troops were stationed in Trujillo,
Ceiba, Puerto Cortes, San Pedro Sula, Laguna and Choloma.[RL30172]
1910 – Nicaragua. May 19 to September 4, 1910. Occupation of Nicaragua US forces protected American interests at Bluefields.[RL30172]
1911 – Honduras. January 26. American naval detachments were landed to protect American lives and interests during a civil war in
1911 – China. As the Tongmenghui-led Xinhai Revolution approached, in October an ensign and 10 men tried to enter Wuchang to rescue missionaries but
retired on being warned away, and a small landing force guarded American private property and consulate at Hankow. Marines were deployed in November
to guard the cable stations at Shanghai; landing forces were sent for protection in Nanking, Chinkiang, Taku and elsewhere.[RL30172]
1912 – Honduras. A small force landed to prevent seizure by the government of an American-owned railroad at Puerto Cortes. The forces were withdrawn
after the United States disapproved the action.[RL30172]
1912 – Panama. Troops, on request of both political parties, supervised elections outside the Panama Canal Zone.[RL30172]
1912 – Cuba. June 5 to August 5. U.S. forces protected American interests in the province of Oriente and in Havana.[RL30172]
1912 – China. August 24 to 26, on Kentucky Island, and August 26 to 30 at Camp Nicholson. US forces protected Americans and American interests
during the Xinhai Revolution.[RL30172]
1912 – Turkey. November 18 to December 3. U.S. forces guarded the American legation at Constantinople during the First Balkan War[RL30172]
1912–25 – Nicaragua. August to November 1912. U.S. forces protected American interests during an attempted revolution. A small force, serving as a
legation guard and seeking to promote peace and stability, remained until August 5, 1925.[RL30172]
1912–41 – China. The disorders which began with the overthrow of the dynasty during Kuomintang rebellion in 1912, which were redirected by the
invasion of China by Japan, led to demonstrations and landing parties for the protection of US interests in China continuously and at many points from
1912 on to 1941. The guard at Peking and along the route to the sea was maintained until 1941. In 1927, the United States had 5,670 troops ashore in
China and 44 naval vessels in its waters. In 1933 the United States had 3,027 armed men ashore. The protective action was generally based on treaties
with China concluded from 1858 to 1901.[RL30172]
1913 – Mexico. September 5 to 7. A few marines landed at Ciaris Estero to aid in evacuating American citizens and others from the Yaqui Valley, made
dangerous for foreigners by civil strife.[RL30172]
1914 – Haiti. January 29 to February 9, February 20 and 21, October 19. Intermittently US naval forces protected American nationals in a time of
rioting and revolution.[RL30172] The specific order from the Secretary of the Navy to the invasion commander, Admiral William Deville Bundy, was to
"protect American and foreign" interests.[citation needed]
1914 – Dominican Republic. June and July. During a revolutionary movement, United States naval forces by gunfire stopped the bombardment of Puerto
Plata, and by threat of force maintained Santo Domingo City as a neutral zone.[RL30172]
1914–17 – Mexico. Tampico Affair led to Occupation of Veracruz, Mexico. Undeclared Mexican-American hostilities followed the Tampico Affair and
Villa's raids . Also Pancho Villa Expedition) – an abortive military operation conducted by the United States Army against the military forces of
Francisco "Pancho" Villa from 1916 to 1917 and included capture of Vera Cruz. On March 19, 1915 on orders from President Woodrow Wilson, and with
tacit consent by Venustiano Carranza General John J. Pershing led an invasion force of 10,000 men into Mexico to capture Villa.[RL30172]
1915–34 – Haiti. July 28, 1915, to August 15, 1934. United States occupation of Haiti 1915–1934 US forces maintained order during a period of
chronic political instability.[RL30172] During the initial entrance into Haiti, the specific order from the Secretary of the Navy to the invasion
commander, Admiral William Deville Bundy, was to "protect American and foreign" interests.[citation needed]
1916 – China. American forces landed to quell a riot taking place on American property in Nanking.[RL30172]
1916–24 – Dominican Republic. May 1916 to September 1924. Occupation of the Dominican Republic American naval forces maintained order during a
period of chronic and threatened insurrection.[RL30172]
1917 – China. American troops were landed at Chungking to protect American lives during a political crisis.[RL30172]
1917–18 – World War I. On April 6, 1917, the United States declared war with Germany and on December 7, 1917, with Austria-Hungary. Entrance of
the United States into the war was precipitated by Germany's submarine warfare against neutral shipping and the Zimmermann Telegram.[RL30172]
1917–22 – Cuba. US forces protected American interests during insurrection and subsequent unsettled conditions. Most of the United States armed
forces left Cuba by August 1919, but two companies remained at Camaguey until February 1922.[RL30172]
1918–19 – Mexico. After withdrawal of the Pershing expedition, U.S. troops entered Mexico in pursuit of bandits at least three times in 1918 and
six times in 1919. In August 1918 American and Mexican troops fought at Nogales, The Battle of Ambos Nogales. The incident began when German spies
plotted an attack with Mexican soldiers on Nogales Arizona. The fighting began when a Mexican officer shot and killed a U.S. soldier on American soil.
A full scale battle then ensued, ending with a Mexican surrender.[RL30172]
1918–20 – Panama. US forces were used for police duty according to treaty stipulations, at Chiriqui, during election disturbances and subsequent
1918–20 – Soviet Union. Marines were landed at and near Vladivostok in June and July to protect the American consulate and other points in the
fighting between the Bolshevik troops and the Czech Army which had traversed Siberia from the western front. A joint proclamation of emergency
government and neutrality was issued by the American, Japanese, British, French, and Czech commanders in July. In August 7,000 men were landed in
Vladivostok and remained until January 1920, as part of an allied occupation force. In September 1918, 5,000 American troops joined the allied
intervention force at Archangel and remained until June 1919. These operations were in response to the Bolshevik revolution in Russia and were partly
supported by Czarist or Kerensky elements. [RL30172] For details, see the American Expeditionary Force Siberia and the American Expeditionary Force
North Russia.
1919 – Dalmatia (Croatia). US forces were landed at Trau at the request of Italian authorities to police order between the Italians and
1919 – Turkey. Marines from the USS Arizona were landed to guard the US Consulate during the Greek occupation of Constantinople.[RL30172]
1919 – Honduras. September 8 to 12. A landing force was sent ashore to maintain order in a neutral zone during an attempted revolution.[RL30172]
1920 – China. March 14. A landing force was sent ashore for a few hours to protect lives during a disturbance at Kiukiang.[RL30172]
1920 – Guatemala. April 9 to 27. US forces protected the American Legation and other American interests, such as the cable station, during a period
of fighting between Unionists and the Government of Guatemala.[RL30172]
1920–22 – Russia (Siberia). February 16, 1920, to November 19, 1922. A Marine guard was sent to protect the United States radio station and
property on Russian Island, Bay of Vladivostok.[RL30172]
1921 – Panama and Costa Rica. American naval squadrons demonstrated in April on both sides of the Isthmus to prevent war between the two countries
over a boundary dispute.[RL30172]
1922 – Turkey. September and October. A landing force was sent ashore with consent of both Greek and Turkish authorities, to protect American lives
and property when the Turkish nationalists entered İzmir (Smyrna.[RL30172]
1922–23 – China. April 1922 to November 1923. Marines were landed five times to protect Americans during periods of unrest.[RL30172]
1924 – Honduras. February 28 to March 31, September 10 to 15. U.S. forces protected American lives and interests during election
1924 – China. – September. Marines were landed to protect Americans and other foreigners in Shanghai during Chinese factional
1925 – China. January 15 to August 29. Fighting of Chinese factions accompanied by riots and demonstrations in Shanghai brought the landing of
American forces to protect lives and property in the International Settlement.[RL30172]
1925 – Honduras. April 19 to 21. U.S. forces protected foreigners at La Ceiba during a political upheaval.[RL30172]
1925 – Panama. October 12 to 23. Strikes and rent riots led to the landing of about 600 American troops to keep order and protect American
interests. [RL30172]
1926–33 – Nicaragua. May 7 to June 5, 1926, and August 27, 1926, to January 3, 1933. The coup d'état of General Chamorro aroused revolutionary
activities leading to the landing of American marines to protect the interests of the United States. United States forces came and went intermittently
until January 3, 1933.[RL30172]
1926 – China. August and September. The Nationalist attack on Hankow brought the landing of American naval forces to protect American citizens. A
small guard was maintained at the consulate general even after September 16, when the rest of the forces were withdrawn. Likewise, when Nationalist
forces captured Kiukiang, naval forces were landed for the protection of foreigners November 4 to 6.[RL30172]
1927 – China. February. Fighting at Shanghai caused American naval forces and marines to be increased. In March a naval guard was stationed at
American consulate at Nanking after Nationalist forces captured the city. American and British destroyers later used shell fire to protect Americans
and other foreigners. Subsequently additional forces of marines and naval forces were stationed in the vicinity of Shanghai and Tientsin.[RL30172]
1932 – China. American forces were landed to protect American interests during the Japanese occupation of Shanghai.[RL30172]
1933 – Cuba. During a revolution against President Gerardo Machado naval forces demonstrated but no landing was made.[RL30172]
1934 – China. Marines landed at Foochow to protect the American Consulate.[RL30172]
1940 – Newfoundland, Bermuda, St. Lucia, – Bahamas, Jamaica, Antigua, Trinidad, and British Guiana. Troops were sent to guard air and naval bases
obtained under lease by negotiation with the United Kingdom. These were sometimes called lend-lease bases but were under the Destroyers for Bases
1941 – Greenland. Greenland was taken under protection of the United States in April.[RL30172]
1941 – Netherlands (Dutch Guiana). In November the President ordered American troops to occupy Dutch Guiana, but by agreement with the Netherlands
government in exile, Brazil cooperated to protect aluminum ore supply from the bauxite mines in Suriname.[RL30172]
1941 – Iceland. Iceland was taken under the protection of the United States, with consent of its government replacing British troops, for strategic
1941 – Germany. Sometime in the spring the President ordered the Navy to patrol ship lanes to Europe. By July US warships were convoying and by
September were attacking German submarines. In November, the Neutrality Act was partly repealed to protect US military aid to Britain. [RL30172]
1941–45 – World War II. On December 8, 1941, the United States declared war with Japan in response to the bombing of Pearl Harbor. Germany
declared war against the United States.[RL30172]
1945 – China. In October 50,000 US Marines were sent to North China to assist Chinese Nationalist authorities in disarming and repatriating the
Japanese in China and in controlling ports, railroads, and airfields. This was in addition to approximately 60,000 US forces remaining in China at the
end of World War II.[RL30172]
1945–49 – Occupation of part of Germany.
1945–55 – Occupation of part of Austria.
1945–46 – Occupation of part of Italy.[citation needed]
1945–52 – Occupation of Japan.
1944–46 – Temporary reoccupation of the Philippines during WWII and in preparation for previously scheduled independence.[citation needed]
1945–47 – US Marines garrisoned in mainland China to oversee the removal of Soviet and Japanese forces after World War II.[3]
1945–49 – Post WWII occupation of South Korea; North Korean insurgency in Republic of Korea[4]
1946 – Trieste (Italy). President Truman ordered the increase of US troops along the zonal occupation line and the reinforcement of air forces in
northern Italy after Yugoslav forces shot down an unarmed US Army transport plane flying over Venezia Giulia..[citation needed] Earlier US naval units
had been sent to the scene.[RL30172] Later the Free Territory of Trieste, Zone A.
1947 - Greece. US Marines land in Athens and assist in the re-establishment of monarchy and the arrest of Greek Communists.
1948 – Palestine. A marine consular guard was sent to Jerusalem to protect the US Consul General.[RL30172]
1948 – Berlin. Berlin Airlift After the Soviet Union established a land blockade of the US, British, and French sectors of Berlin on June 24, 1948,
the United States and its allies airlifted supplies to Berlin until after the blockade was lifted in May 1949.[RL30172]
1948–49 – China. Marines were dispatched to Nanking to protect the American Embassy when the city fell to Communist troops, and to Shanghai to aid
in the protection and evacuation of Americans.[RL30172]
1950–53 – Korean War. The United States responded to North Korean invasion of South Korea by going to its assistance, pursuant to United Nations
Security Council resolutions. US forces deployed in Korea exceeded 300,000 during the last year of the conflict. Over 36,600 US military were killed
in action.[RL30172]
1953—Iran – CIA overthrows the democratically elected Mohammed Mossadegh in a military coup, after he threatened to nationalize British oil.
Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, son of former Iranian ruler Rezā Shāh accedes to the throne.
1950–55 – Formosa (Taiwan). In June 1950 at the beginning of the Korean War, President Truman ordered the US Seventh Fleet to prevent Chinese
Communist attacks upon Formosa and Chinese Nationalist operations against mainland China.[RL30172]
1954—Guatemala — CIA-sponsored 1954 Guatemalan coup d'état topples President Jacobo Árbenz Guzmán, who was replaced after eleven days of
military rule by Colonel Carlos Castillo Armas.
1954–55 – China. Naval units evacuated US civilians and military personnel from the Tachen Islands.[RL30172]
1955–64 – Vietnam. First military advisors sent to Vietnam on 12 Feb 1955. By 1964, US troop levels had grown to 21,000. On 7 August 1964, US
Congress approved Gulf of Tonkin resolution affirming "All necessary measures to repel any armed attack against the forces of the United States. .
.to prevent further aggression. . . (and) assist any member or protocol state of the Southeast Asian Collective Defense Treaty (SEATO) requesting
assistance. . ."[Vietnam timeline]
1956 – Egypt. A marine battalion evacuated US nationals and other persons from Alexandria during the Suez crisis.[RL30172]
1957-73 - Laos — The CIA carries out approximately one coup per year trying to nullify Laos’ democratic elections.[citation needed] The problem is
the Pathet Lao, a leftist group with enough popular support to be a member of any coalition government. In the late 50s, the CIA even creates an
"Armee Clandestine" of Asian mercenaries to attack the Pathet Lao.[citation needed] After the CIA’s army suffers numerous defeats, the U.S. starts
bombing, dropping more bombs on Laos than all the U.S. bombs dropped in World War II.[citation needed] A quarter of all Laotians will eventually
become refugees, many living in caves.[citation needed]
1958 – Lebanon. Lebanon crisis of 1958 Marines were landed in Lebanon at the invitation of President Camille Chamoun to help protect against
threatened insurrection supported from the outside. The President's action was supported by a Congressional resolution passed in 1957 that authorized
such actions in that area of the world.[RL30172]
1959 - Haiti — The U.S. military helps "Papa Doc" Duvalier become dictator of Haiti. He creates his own private police force, the "Tonton
Macoutes," who terrorize the population with machetes. They will kill over 100,000 during the Duvalier family reign.[citation needed]
1959–60 – The Caribbean. Second Marine Ground Task Force was deployed to protect US nationals following the Cuban revolution.[RL30172]
1959–75 – Vietnam War. US military advisers had been in South Vietnam for a decade, and their numbers had been increased as the military position
of the Saigon government became weaker. After citing what he termed were attacks on US destroyers in the Tonkin Gulf, President Johnson asked in
August 1964 for a resolution expressing US determination to support freedom and protect peace in Southeast Asia. Congress responded with the Tonkin
Gulf Resolution, expressing support for "all necessary measures" the President might take to repel armed attacks against US forces and prevent
further aggression. Following this resolution, and following a Communist attack on a US installation in central Vietnam, the United States escalated
its participation in the war to a peak of 543,000 military personnel by April 1969.[RL30172][not in citation given]
1961 - Dominican Republic — The CIA assassinates Rafael Trujillo. Trujillo’s business interests have grown so large (about 60 percent of the
economy) that they have begun competing with American business interests.
1961 - Ecuador — The CIA-backed military forces the democratically elected President Jose Velasco to resign. Vice President Carlos Arosemana
replaces him; the CIA fills the now vacant vice presidency with its own man.
1961 - Congo (Zaire) — The CIA conspires to assassinate the democratically elected Patrice Lumumba.[5] However, public support for Lumumba’s
politics runs so high that the CIA cannot clearly install his opponents in power. Four years of political turmoil follow.
1962 – Thailand. The Third Marine Expeditionary Unit landed on May 17, 1962 to support that country during the threat of Communist pressure from
outside; by July 30, the 5,000 marines had been withdrawn.[RL30172]
1962 – Cuba. Cuban Missile Crisis On October 22, President Kennedy instituted a "quarantine" on the shipment of offensive missiles to Cuba from
the Soviet Union. He also warned Soviet Union that the launching of any missile from Cuba against nations in the Western Hemisphere would bring about
US nuclear retaliation on the Soviet Union. A negotiated settlement was achieved in a few days.[RL30172]
1962–75 – Laos. From October 1962 until 1975, the United States played an important role in military support of anti-Communist forces in
1963 - Dominican Republic — The CIA overthrows the democratically elected Juan Bosch in a military coup.
1963 - Ecuador — A CIA-backed military coup overthrows President Arosemana, whose independent (not socialist) policies have become unacceptable to
Washington. A military junta assumes command.
1964 – Congo (Zaire). The United States sent four transport planes to provide airlift for Congolese troops during a rebellion and to transport
Belgian paratroopers to rescue foreigners.[RL30172]
1964 - Brazil — A CIA-backed military coup overthrows the democratically elected government of Joao Goulart. The junta that replaces it will, in the
next two decades, become one of the most bloodthirsty in history. General Castelo Branco will create Latin America’s first death squads, or bands of
secret police who hunt down "communists" for torture, interrogation and murder. Often these "communists" are no more than Branco’s political
1965 – Invasion of Dominican Republic. Operation Power Pack. The United States intervened to protect lives and property during a Dominican revolt
and sent 20,000 US troops as fears grew that the revolutionary forces were coming increasingly under Communist control.[RL30172] A popular rebellion
breaks out, promising to reinstall Juan Bosch as the country’s elected leader. The revolution is crushed when U.S. Marines land to uphold the
military regime by force. The CIA directs everything behind the scenes.
1965 - Indonesia — The CIA overthrows the democratically elected Sukarno with a military coup. The CIA has been trying to eliminate Sukarno since
1957, using everything from attempted assassination to sexual intrigue. His successor, General Suharto, will massacre between 500,000 to 1 million
civilians accused of being "communist." The CIA supplies the names of countless suspects.
1965 - Greece — With the CIA’s backing, the king removes George Papandreous as prime minister. Papandreous has failed to vigorously support U.S.
interests in Greece.
1965 - Congo (Zaire) — A CIA-backed military coup installs Mobutu Sese Seko as dictator.
1967 – Israel. The USS Liberty incident, whereupon a United States Navy Technical Research Ship was attacked June 8, 1967 by Israeli armed forces,
killing 34 and wounding more than 170 U.S. crew members.
1967 – Congo (Zaire). The United States sent three military transport aircraft with crews to provide the Congo central government with logistical
support during a revolt.[RL30172]
1967 - Greece — A CIA-backed military coup overthrows the government two days before the elections. The favorite to win was George Papandreous, the
liberal candidate. During the next six years, the "reign of the colonels" — backed by the CIA — will usher in the widespread use of torture and
murder against political opponents. When a Greek ambassador objects to President Johnson about U.S. plans for Cypress, Johnson tells him: "# your
parliament and your constitution."
1967 - Operation PHEONIX — The CIA helps South Vietnamese agents identify and then murder alleged Viet Cong leaders operating in South Vietnamese
villages. According to a 1971 congressional report, this operation killed about 20,000 "Viet Cong."
1968 – Laos & Cambodia. U.S. starts secret bombing campaign against targets along the Ho Chi Minh trail in the sovereign nations of Cambodia and
Laos. The bombings last at least two years. (See Operation Commando Hunt)
1969 - Uruguay — The notorious CIA torturer Dan Mitrione arrives in Uruguay, a country torn with political strife. Whereas right-wing forces
previously used torture only as a last resort, Mitrione convinces them to use it as a routine, widespread practice. "The precise pain, in the precise
place, in the precise amount, for the desired effect," is his motto. He eventually becomes so feared that revolutionaries will kidnap and murder him
a year later.
1970 – Cambodian Campaign. Cambodia — The CIA overthrows Prince Norodom Sihanouk [1], who is highly popular among Cambodians for keeping them out
of the Vietnam War. He is replaced by CIA puppet Lon Nol, who immediately throws Cambodian troops into battle. This unpopular move strengthens once
minor opposition parties like the Khmer Rouge, which achieves power in 1975 and massacres millions of its own people. US troops were ordered into
Cambodia to clean out Communist sanctuaries from which Viet Cong and North Vietnamese attacked US and South Vietnamese forces in Vietnam. The object
of this attack, which lasted from April 30 to June 30, was to ensure the continuing safe withdrawal of American forces from South Vietnam and to
assist the program of Vietnamization.[RL30172]
1971 - Bolivia — A CIA-backed military coup overthrows the leftist President Juan Torres. In the next two years, dictator Hugo Banzer will have over
2,000 political opponents arrested without trial, then tortured, raped and executed.
1972 - North Vietnam - Christmas bombing Operation Linebacker II (not mentioned in RL30172, but an operation leading to peace negotiations). The
operation was conducted from 18–29 December 1972.
It was a bombing of the big cities Hanoi and Haiphong by B-52 bombers.
The bombing provoked "only" about 1600 casualties due to an evacuation of the big cities Hanoi and Haiphong.
1973 – Operation Nickel Grass, a strategic airlift operation conducted by the United States to deliver weapons and supplies to Israel during the Yom
Kippur War.
1973 - Chile — The CIA overthrows and assassinates Salvador Allende, Latin America’s first democratically elected socialist leader. The problems
begin when Allende nationalizes American-owned firms in Chile. ITT offers the CIA $1 million for a coup (reportedly refused). The CIA replaces Allende
with General Augusto Pinochet, who will torture and murder thousands of his own countrymen in a crackdown on labor leaders and the political left.
1974 – Evacuation from Cyprus. United States naval forces evacuated US civilians during the Turkish invasion of Cyprus.[RL30172]
1975 – Evacuation from Vietnam. Operation Frequent Wind. On April 3, 1975, President Ford reported US naval vessels, helicopters, and Marines had
been sent to assist in evacuation of refugees and US nationals from Vietnam.[RL30172]
1975 – Evacuation from Cambodia. Operation Eagle Pull. On April 12, 1975, President Ford reported that he had ordered US military forces to proceed
with the planned evacuation of US citizens from Cambodia.[RL30172]
1975 – South Vietnam. On April 30, 1975, President Ford reported that a force of 70 evacuation helicopters and 865 Marines had evacuated about 1,400
US citizens and 5,500 third country nationals and South Vietnamese from landing zones in and around the US Embassy, Saigon and Tan Son Nhut
1975 – Cambodia. Mayagüez Incident. On May 15, 1975, President Ford reported he had ordered military forces to retake the SS Mayagüez, a merchant
vessel which was seized from Cambodian naval patrol boats in international waters and forced to proceed to a nearby island.[RL30172]
1975 - The CIA backs the leader of UNITAS, Jonas Savimbi. This polarizes Angolan politics and drives his opponents into the arms of Cuba and the
Soviet Union for survival. Congress will cut off funds in 1976, but the CIA is able to run the war off the books until 1984, when funding is legalized
again. This war kills over 300,000 Angolans.
1976 – Lebanon. On July 22 and 23, 1976, helicopters from five US naval vessels evacuated approximately 250 Americans and Europeans from Lebanon
during fighting between Lebanese factions after an overland convoy evacuation had been blocked by hostilities.[RL30172]
1976 – Korea. Additional forces were sent to Korea after two American soldiers were killed by North Korean soldiers in the demilitarized zone
between North and South Korea while cutting down a tree.[RL30172]
1978 – Zaire (Congo). From May 19 through June 1978, the United States utilized military transport aircraft to provide logistical support to Belgian
and French rescue operations in Zaire.[RL30172]
1979 - Afghanistan — The Soviets invade Afghanistan. The CIA immediately begins supplying arms to any faction willing to fight the occupying
Soviets. Such indiscriminate arming means that when the Soviets leave Afghanistan, civil war will erupt. Also, fanatical Muslim extremists now possess
state-of-the-art weaponry. One of these is Sheik Abdel Rahman, who will become involved in the World Trade Center bombing in New York.
1979 - Nicaragua — Anastasios Samoza II, the CIA-backed dictator, falls. The Marxist Sandinistas take over government, and they are initially
popular because of their commitment to land and anti-poverty reform. Samoza had a murderous and hated personal army called the National Guard. The
Contras, who fight a CIA-backed guerilla war against the Sandinista government throughout the 1980s.
1980 – Iran. Operation Eagle Claw. On April 26, 1980, President Carter reported the use of six U.S. transport planes and eight helicopters in an
unsuccessful attempt to rescue the American hostages in Iran.
1980 - El Salvador — The Archbishop of San Salvador, Oscar Romero, pleads with President Carter "Christian to Christian" to stop aiding the
military government slaughtering his people. Carter refuses. Shortly afterwards, right-wing leader Roberto D’Aubuisson has Romero shot through the
heart while saying Mass. The country soon dissolves into civil war, with the peasants in the hills fighting against the military government. Death
squads roam the countryside, committing atrocities like that of El Mazote in 1982, where they massacre between 700 and 1000 men, women and children.
By 1992, some 63,000 Salvadorans will be killed.
1981 – El Salvador. After a guerrilla offensive against the government of El Salvador, additional US military advisers were sent to El Salvador,
bringing the total to approximately 55, to assist in training government forces in counterinsurgency.[RL30172]
1981 – Libya. First Gulf of Sidra Incident On August 19, 1981, US planes based on the carrier USS Nimitz shot down two Libyan jets over the Gulf of
Sidra after one of the Libyan jets had fired a heat-seeking missile. The United States periodically held freedom of navigation exercises in the Gulf
of Sidra, claimed by Libya as territorial waters but considered international waters by the United States.[RL30172]
1981 - Iran/Contra Begins — The CIA begins selling arms to Iran at high prices, using the profits to arm the Contras fighting the Sandinista
government in Nicaragua. President Reagan vows that the Sandinistas will be "pressured" until "they say ‘uncle.’" The CIA’s Freedom
Fighter’s Manual disbursed to the Contras includes instruction on economic sabotage, propaganda, extortion, bribery, blackmail, interrogation,
torture, murder and political assassination.
1982 – Sinai. On March 19, 1982, President Reagan reported the deployment of military personnel and equipment to participate in the Multinational
Force and Observers in the Sinai. Participation had been authorized by the Multinational Force and Observers Resolution, Public Law
1982 – Lebanon. Multinational Force in Lebanon. On August 21, 1982, President Reagan reported the dispatch of 800 Marines to serve in the
multinational force to assist in the withdrawal of members of the Palestine Liberation force from Beirut. The Marines left September 20,
1982–83 – Lebanon. On September 29, 1982, President Reagan reported the deployment of 1200 marines to serve in a temporary multinational force to
facilitate the restoration of Lebanese government sovereignty. On September 29, 1983, Congress passed the Multinational Force in Lebanon Resolution
(P.L. 98-119) authorizing the continued participation for eighteen months.[RL30172]
1983 – Egypt. After a Libyan plane bombed a city in Sudan on March 18, 1983, and Sudan and Egypt appealed for assistance, the United States
dispatched an AWACS electronic surveillance plane to Egypt.[RL30172]
1983 – Grenada. Operation Urgent Fury. Citing the increased threat of Soviet and Cuban influence and noting the development of an international
airport following a bloodless Grenada coup d'état and alignment with the Soviets and Cuba, the U.S. invades the island nation of
1983–89 – Honduras. In July 1983 the United States undertook a series of exercises in Honduras that some believed might lead to conflict with
Nicaragua. On March 25, 1986, unarmed US military helicopters and crewmen ferried Honduran troops to the Nicaraguan border to repel Nicaraguan
troops.[RL30172] 1983 – Chad. On August 8, 1983, President Reagan reported the deployment of two AWACS electronic surveillance planes and eight F-15
fighter planes and ground logistical support forces to assist Chad against Libyan and rebel forces.[RL30172]
1984 – Persian Gulf. On June 5, 1984, Saudi Arabian jet fighter planes, aided by intelligence from a US AWACS electronic surveillance aircraft and
fueled by a U.S. KC-10 tanker, shot down two Iranian fighter planes over an area of the Persian Gulf proclaimed as a protected zone for
1985 – Italy. On October 10, 1985, US Navy pilots intercepted an Egyptian airliner and forced it to land in Sicily. The airliner was carrying the
hijackers of the Italian cruise ship Achille Lauro who had killed an American citizen during the hijacking.[RL30172]
1986 – Libya. Action in the Gulf of Sidra (1986) On March 26, 1986, President Reagan reported on March 24 and 25, US forces, while engaged in
freedom of navigation exercises around the Gulf of Sidra, had been attacked by Libyan missiles and the United States had responded with
1986 – Libya. Operation El Dorado Canyon. On April 16, 1986, President Reagan reported that U.S. air and naval forces had conducted bombing strikes
on terrorist facilities and military installations in the Libyan capitol of Tripoli, claiming that Libyan leader Col. Muammar al-Gaddafi was
responsible for a bomb attack at a German disco that killed two U.S. soldiers.[RL30172]
1986 - Haiti — Rising popular revolt in Haiti means that "Baby Doc" Duvalier will remain "President for Life" only if he has a short one.
However, violence keeps the country in political turmoil for another four years. The CIA tries to strengthen the military by creating the National
Intelligence Service (SIN), which suppresses popular revolt through torture and assassination.
1986 – Bolivia. U.S. Army personnel and aircraft assisted Bolivia in anti-drug operations.[RL30172]
1987 – Persian Gulf. USS Stark was struck on May 17 by two Exocet antiship missiles fired from an Iraqi F-1 Mirage during the Iran-Iraq War killing
37 US Navy sailors.
1987 – Persian Gulf. Operation Nimble Archer. Attacks on two Iranian oil platforms in the Persian Gulf by United States Navy forces on October 19.
The attack was a response to Iran's October 16, 1987 attack on the MV Sea Isle City, a reflagged Kuwaiti oil tanker at anchor off Kuwait, with a
Silkworm missile.
1987–88 – Persian Gulf. Operation Earnest Will - After the Iran-Iraq War (the Tanker War phase) resulted in several military incidents in the
Persian Gulf, the United States increased US joint military forces operations in the Persian Gulf and adopted a policy of reflagging and escorting
Kuwaiti oil tankers through the Persian Gulf to protect them from Iraqi and Iranian attacks. President Reagan reported that US ships had been fired
upon or struck mines or taken other military action on September 21 (Iran Ajr), October 8, and October 19, 1987 and April 18 (Operation Praying
Mantis), July 3, and July 14, 1988. The United States gradually reduced its forces after a cease-fire between Iran and Iraq on August 20,
1988.[RL30172] It was the largest naval convoy operation since World War II.[6]
1987–88 – Persian Gulf. Operation Prime Chance was a United States Special Operations Command operation intended to protect U.S. -flagged oil
tankers from Iranian attack during the Iran-Iraq War. The operation took place roughly at the same time as Operation Earnest Will.
1988 – Persian Gulf. Operation Praying Mantis was the April 18, 1988 action waged by U.S. naval forces in retaliation for the Iranian mining of the
Persian Gulf and the subsequent damage to an American warship.
1988 – Honduras. Operation Golden Pheasant was an emergency deployment of U.S. troops to Honduras in 1988, as a result of threatening actions by the
forces of the (then socialist) Nicaraguans.
1988 – USS Vincennes shoot down of Iran Air Flight 655
1988 – Panama. In mid-March and April 1988, during a period of instability in Panama and as the United States increased pressure on Panamanian head
of state General Manuel Noriega to resign, the United States sent 1,000 troops to Panama, to "further safeguard the canal, US lives, property and
interests in the area." The forces supplemented 10,000 US military personnel already in the Panama Canal Zone.[RL30172]
1989 – Libya. Second Gulf of Sidra Incident On January 4, 1989, two US Navy F-14 aircraft based on the USS John F. Kennedy shot down two Libyan jet
fighters over the Mediterranean Sea about 70 miles north of Libya. The US pilots said the Libyan planes had demonstrated hostile int