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8-3-11 Creepy Website! Can We Figure Out The Code?!?!

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posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 01:08 PM
reply to post by Forevever

Yay! Thank you! I won't watch the videos - I'm too scared. I can't even look at the half-reptilian photo so I have to scroll past it really fast!

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 01:08 PM
I know they claim it isn't about a marketing campaign, but seeing mentioned Altair and 11-11 (3+8 11), leads me to the release of the next Assassins Creed game, which will be released 11-11-11.

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 01:08 PM
Attempt to Remove the Clutter of Speculation: Part Duex

In Part One I explained that only content from the two official sites come from the 8•3•11 group, that only the original picture of Belle came from them, that the mp3s on the site, the videos posted in this thread and varying info from other sites being attributed to 8•3•11 are in fact not from them but other speculators such as ourselves and thus, are inconsequential.

I also explained how "Belle" herself has no bearing on what the whole 8•3•11 thing may be outside of being a symbol of inspiration for ~18,000, the founder of the 8•3•11 group.

Furthermore, prior to that, I had Explained in detail the origins and significance or insignificance of the audio used on the website, the counting and "Yankee Hotel Foxtrot", Conet Project and Number Stations.

Now, in an attempt to again cut through the clutter flying around out there and clarify what has come from 8•3•11 group, I will focus on their Q&A site.

Before I do that, just one issue I need to clarify, the whole enricks.angelfire site has Absolutely Nothing to do with 8•3•11.

Now, onto the answers that they have given us that may have significance.


Why do you have a formspring if you won't answer any questions?
We can only answer certain questions. More details will be revealed as it approaches.

Is the girl directly related to the cause?
To us.

Is it going to be something "local"?

is it the release of resident evil?

This is the release of Fear, isnt it?

This is just viral marketing, right?

Are you going to end up doing something that's illegal?
We follow laws here.

is she the key?
A key is unnecessary.

Why are you doing this?
Because you won't.

How much money are you hoping to make?
We cannot profit off of her or it. We've all agreed.

Is the girl at danger of being killed?
Nobody is in any danger. We can assure you.



I'm asking a previous question more clearly. Will any lives (willingy or unwillingy) end during this event?
Like we've said before, nobody is in any danger.

What is your name? We are 8•3•11.
I am 175,000. There is also 68,000, 18,000, 21,000, and the others.

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 01:08 PM

Who will cast the first stone?
A liar.

Are you human?
Aren't we all?

can this be stopped?
People won't let it now.

Are you planning on giving us more details or hints before August 3rd?
Yes. Everything you need to know is already hosted.

What do you think of 4chan?
I don't want their stigma involved with 8•3•11.

Does this have to do with Wilco?
A side note here, Wilco is a band that uses the same audio from the Conet Project that is used on the 8•3•11 site, as well as many other sites, games, movies;.etc.etc.

Your names are numbers. What do they mean? Have you discarded your original names for these new ones?
It's just what we go by.

Is this a political gimmick to spread one sided thinking?
It's just the opposite.

You have said no one is in danger and this will lead to "...just the opposite" of " sided thinking". How will such an event occur and are you or the rest of 8-3-11 concerned about being impeded by governments, corporations or other groups?

They have no reason to be opposed to what we are doing, therefore we are not worried.

Is this a positive movement?
We think so.

Does the timing of this have anything to do with how society currently is?

Is this something to be worried about? Should we be scared?

How long have you been planning this?
It wasn't planned.

Who will you be effecting with this movement?
It's up to the individual whether or not they will be effected.

-.-- .... ..-.?(YHF?)
.-- .... .- - / .- -... --- ..- - / .. - ..--..(What about it?)

Somebody claiming to be affiliated with you stated that you will contact Allen Jacoby, is that true and if so have you contacted him? What did you discuss?

We don't contact people unless we are first contacted by them. Do not believe anyone claiming to be associated with 8•3•11. All communication from us will take place here or on the site.

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 01:08 PM

Comment pouvez-vous assurer que personne ne court aucun danger si la fin du monde est une éventualité ? (How can you ensure that no one in any danger if the end of the world is a possibility?)

Nous pouvons assurer que personne n'est en danger de nous. Comme pour tout le reste dangereux dans ce monde, apportent une ☂ (We can assure that nobody is in danger from us. Like everything else in this dangerous world, make a ☂.)

Is her name Belle?
She went by that name when she was young.

Will this movement cause harm to anyone?
We don't expect it to.

Since you are not taking applicants I will not bother attempting to contact you via email.
1.) What do we say when someone asks us what the fliers are for?
2.) Are we to find out the purpose of the organization of our own accord, or will you tell us?

1. Say nothing.
2. Some may figure out our purpose early, but we will go full disclosure on 8•3•11.

What do you think of the novel 'Anthem' by Ayn Rand?

I (175,000) have not read it. 18,000 and 21,000 have.
I do not know their opinions on the book.

Is 18,000 responsible for conceptualizing the idea of 8-3-11? Is he the founder?


Is a facebook Page ok for you?

We just ask that you refer to us as 8•3•11, not 8-3-11.

Is this page associated with the apocalypse?


Are you intending on joining Lady GaGa and her illuminati campaign? Is this what this is about?

God no.


It is quite disturbing, and my first thought is that, some disturbing video will be broadcasted on 3rd of August 2011... Are you criminal or person with criminal intent?


why 8•3•11 as opposed to 8-3-11?

Aesthetic reasons.

Do you believe in god or a higher power?


Who is 68,000?

68,000 Does our coding.

Where is your God?


When you say 68,000 does your coding, does he program for you, or does he encode messages?


Is the girl(Belle) a symbol or is she directly involved somehow?

She's more of a symbol.

Alright, I'm going to stop here for now, I need rest.

Forever, feel free to add these to your running recaps.
I will pick up the rest of this later.

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 01:10 PM
reply to post by Forevever

True, but so far nothing else seems to indicate they are LDS other than the Blog reference and the Smokes and Coffee...

I'll keep digging though, something tells me that the answer ad the end of this isn't going to be anywhere near as interesting as the journey to it has been.

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 01:10 PM
reply to post by DrGoNz0

is that the 8311belle page? they only endorse that one

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 01:10 PM
Ok. I have a long stretch. It seems a lot of the pictures are photos hoped in the spotting section...did anybody count the hanging thingy cut at the bottom, it may be the code. The pictures are "key". Most of them apear staged and even they said there is meaning in the photos,

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 01:12 PM
reply to post by Forevever

Doubtful, I live in UTah so i know mormon-isms and they don't really give that vibe. (although a little bit maybe i guess if you want to infer it)

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 01:12 PM
Noise reduced on BrutalityUnec(c) mp3

Can't make out anything than jibber jabber what sounds like a man's voice after the girl's counting. Does sound "alien" creepy

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 01:12 PM

Originally posted by DrGoNz0
A post from the 8.3.11 Facebook page

8.3.11 the truth
I'm back..People don't belive in me.. They killed my best friend I know! well.. i dont say anymore about it ..the truth is here..if you want to belive me...GOOD! if you think that this is a BIG LIE...stop being a fan of this page, if you belive in the truth ..You should find out about SAM....bye

Posted before that Is this wiki link. Labeled with the acronym "SAM"áutica_de_Medellín

Here's a list of things that SAM could be an acronym for.

link to acronym list

Site Availability Mode
Situation Awareness Mode (radar)
Sleep/Activity Monitor
Small Alarm Manager (Fibercorp)
Small Angle Maneuver
Small Aperture Module (laser)
Smart-Ass Masochist
Sociaal Actieve Mensen
Social Accounting Matrix
Social Ad Marketing
Sociedad Ambiente Marino
Sociedad de Arquitectos Mexicanos (Spanish: Society of Mexican Architects; est. 1905)
Société Anonyme Monégasque (French: Anonymous Monaco Company; Monaco)
Society for Acute Medicine (UK; est. 2000)
Society for Adolescent Medicine
Society for the Advancement of Management
Society of American Magicians (St. Louis, MO, USA)
Software Acquisition Management
Software and More
Software Asset Management

edit on 21-7-2011 by because: (no reason given)

Of this list, social ad marketing stands out the most because that's what a lot of us believe this to be. Marketing..
edit on 21-7-2011 by because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 01:14 PM
reply to post by Forevever

In all good humor, do you suppose 8/3/11 may be a concert date? Have you never seen bands post flyers? Aside from that this post mentions "wide speculation", and "we are fairly confident they are unrelated". Lol, really. There is nothing but far reaching speculation and , for the most part, zero confidence to be found in most of the speculation that is happening in the thread. It is humurous to watch. I thought the memes smacked of those chan boys a tad, but whatever.


P.S. that sketch actually looks like the cap that they used on the BP Oil "leak". Artist use many forms of technology and media these days.

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 01:17 PM

Originally posted by rushunt
Ok. I have a long stretch. It seems a lot of the pictures are photos hoped in the spotting section...did anybody count the hanging thingy cut at the bottom, it may be the code. The pictures are "key". Most of them apear staged and even they said there is meaning in the photos,

I tried that and couldn't find anything.
Most of them have all 17 tabs but if you want to save yourself the tedious taks of counting them, just check one of my earlier posts where I counted them all to the best of my abilities.

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 01:19 PM
reply to post by dethduck

OMG the dreaded Wall Of Text!
That is how it's done rite thar.

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 01:19 PM
The "Get Involved" page is not hidden anymore!

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 01:20 PM
reply to post by lifespath420

In regards to the Mormon aspect
I'm just trying to be fair to all speculations throughout the thread
Honestly, I'm more inclined to think it has something to do with 1 Samuel if I go with the religion aspect

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 01:21 PM
reply to post by dethduck

its a little bit too long to add but I linked to it in the recap under IMPORTANT INFO
as for the Q&A section, I think its already stupid long - I might go head and remove it altogether and link to your quotes
nice work!

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 01:25 PM
I did and all it says is that "it works!"

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 01:25 PM

Originally posted by Forevever
someone pointed out (lost it) that they said a key is not necessary
and this morning it said the new image of belle is key

ok so... 2 thoughts

1. they changed participants/answerers/whateveryoucallit at some point - could that account for the discrepency?
2. WHAT new images? the one coming out on 8/3?

He's talking about the images of the posters. They have all been photoshopped. I posted something about it this morning....pages back! There are definately clues on all of those "sightings" pictures. Numbers, foreign words, reference to scripture etc...

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 01:26 PM
The ones who chant in darkness,
The ones who feed on fear,
The ones who devour your dreams,
These ones are getting near.
These people are not friendly,
You should be afraid,
For these people that are not friendly,
These people are not man-made.
They cower in the darkness,
They follow you silently,
You should hide inside your house,
You should lock it with your key.
They knock upon your door,
They scream at you in pain,
However do not worry,
For these people I have slain...
Their time will come, be ready Tags: Anne belle oc fu

I found this under that picture somewhere, and I cannot find the site anymore goes nowhere

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