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8-3-11 Creepy Website! Can We Figure Out The Code?!?!

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posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 06:00 AM
Probably promoting a movie about Ana Belen Montes Look it up. The background noise is spy chatter previously used on shortwave radio bands. She was accused as a Cuban spy along with her husband, hence the Spanish.

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 06:12 AM
reply to post by mutantgenius

hahahah or 55378008 if you wanna really annoy the girl next to you.

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 06:26 AM
This is an interesting thread so here is my take on all of this.
As i noticed in the recap it has something to do with the University of Florida.
Now my theory was that this was a psychology project and was related to the University of Florida so i googled the University's page and I looked to see if they have a psychology college which they don't.
So I kept reading and I saw a post that said the owners consider this an "art".
I accessed the University web page again and they had a Fine Arts college.
I'm almost sure this is a project to study something or this is some new form of art.
Art is supposed to stimulate your mind and take you on a journey to "other" places so maybe this is some kind of art that was taken to another level.
Also if you go to their website and click on the sightings page there is an image(the 3rd one)that has an ad for dance lessons.
Words like "student","campus" appear so I am inclined to think this is a student project.
-Go to the Fine arts website Fine Arts

UF School of Theatre + Dance Summer 2011 Season "Romeo and Juliet" and "Oedipus, The King" productions are remounted on campus before performance tour in Greece. "Baby" will make its debut on campus before its run in Edinburgh Festival Fringe (Scotland). Celebrate our talented UF students and faculty-directors with these summer opportunities in theatre and dance.

The 3rd picture on the original website contains an ad about Dance lessons for students.

-Go to the College of Health and Health Professions College Of Health
There you will find this study "Are the kids all right"

Risk-taking behavior in young adults is an issue as old as street racing, house parties and double dares, but novel products and emerging practices have given young adults access to new thrills. Researchers in the College of Public Health and Health Professions are examining the health threats and developing interventions that may resonate with young people who have grown up in a digital age.

They talk about alcohol and smoking abuse so it's funny that the 2Nd picture on the original website contains
messages like "Do you want to quit smoking" and the 3rd picture contains the message "Alcoholics Anonymous".
I am almost sure this is a project to get as much public attention as it can.
The part that I don't understand is what is the role of the girl.

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 06:28 AM
reply to post by Domo1

check the audio...


posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 06:47 AM
Random sillyness. Some hipster kid made a goof ball website and it got legs...

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 06:52 AM
Finally, after seven hours reading I'm caught up. That's what I get for doing a crazy thing like sleeping.

Firstly, big kudos to Forever. Wow, I have no idea how you managed to keep up with all this.

Now, if the waters were any more muddied they'd be clay. Much of what is being tossed out there and attributed as coming from the 8•3•11 group not only has utterly confused an already confusing enigma, but is in fact coming from people our there like us, trying to decipher and deconstruct what's there.
The end result being not seeing the forest for the trees.

Let me see if I can help clear away some of this clutter.
Before I begin, as a caveat let me point out that the only sites that release anything from the 8•3•11 group are their website, and their formspring site, .

If something does not originate from these then it is not from the 8•3•11 group.

Let me apologize now, I am on my android phone at the moment and will edit in links to referenced posts when I return home from work.

1. Video/Audio):

At no point yet has the 8•3•11 group released or referenced any video. Whatever video you come across in this thread has nothing to do with 8•3•11 group whatsoever. This includes the oft referenced Persephone video from the completely unrelated angelfire site.

The audio tracks used on the 8•3•11 group's site, as I have previously explained, are from a 1997 project which released the into the public domain where they've been used for everything from movies to video games to other similarly themed websites. They've even been used by other musicians.
As such, the names of the tracks used on their site are named as they are simply because those are the names of those tracks when they were released in 1997.
I will wager that their significance is minimal at best.

2. Numbers, Man! Numbers):

Quite simply, all the importance, interest and theories about the sequences of numbers and such hard on the Conet Project tracks used on the 8•3•11 group site and in the videos is insignificant as well. They are simply part of the Conet Project tracks, audio from the 50s. They were not recorded and mixed in by the 8•3•11 group.

3. Belle/The Portraits):

Of the three portraits that have come on this site thee only one from the 8•3•11 group is the "girl" portrait.
The other two are not from them. As had been noted by others and confirmed by the 8•3•11 group member answering questions on the formspring page, the "girl" picture is a photoshop composite of two images, one of which the 8•3•11 group states is 6 y.o. but says nothing of the other. A member here discovered another image of apparently a different girl embedded in the original Belle portrait. Here its shown that embedded image may be the right half of the portrait composite.

The "boy" portrait originated elsewhere and had been shown to be nothing but a poorly made composite of the right half of the Belle portrait. It had absolutely nothing to do with the 8•3•11 group.

The third portrait, the half reptile Belle, again originates elsewhere, is a shop of the original, and has absolutely nothing to do with the 8•3•11 group.

As a side note, in my opinion, the whole "Belle" thing is the biggest misdirection/distraction of the whole 8•3•11 thing. By their own words, the 8•3•11 group has said that she is neither the symbol of nor the reason for the whole 8•3•11 thing. It's not about her at all. They said that simply, she is a source of inspiration, particularly to their leader 18,000, which spurred him into starting this in the first place.

Point is, so much time had been put into studying each little tile that no one has stepped back far enough to see the whole mosaic before them.
The mp3s are just mp3s.
The pictures are just pictures.
The date is just a date.

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 06:53 AM
my wife has some screws loose, she thinks the picture has something to do with hitlers daughter, which she found a pic of by typing into google. She has posted this on the facebook page and they keep deleting it.

not sure how to embed the pic but here is alink for anyone that can get the pic and place on this site

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 07:00 AM
Thanks everyone for all the creative thinking and scut work. The responses to questions concerning dates from the Belle site has left me wondering if 8/3/11 is the actual date in question. The responder states that they do not use the Gregorian calendar. I've hit a couple of sites and tried to do some conversions but Julian dates have no meaning for me. Can anyone else shed some light on this?

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 07:01 AM

I've read through 48 pages so far (I'm sure there will be more when I'm done typing this) and I have to say, if they have lied, and this is a marketing campaign or social experiment, it's incredibly fun to be a part of.

I don't quite think this is for a movie; partially because they seem so adamant that it is not, but also because the phone number listed under the domain registration links back to a couple Youtube comments and a Yahoo! Answers post from 2009 trying to find people to prank call the person whom it belongs to. The Youtube thing I'll elaborate on in a moment, but it just seems strange to think that if this was a company that had something to market, that they would choose a home phone number of 'just some guy'.

What stood out to me most in the Formspring discussion, was the comment about Cassiopeia being their favorite constellation, and a few of their other cryptic answers surrounding stars/constellations. Particularly the answer of the sun and the triangle to answer the question "Germany, Nature, Nurture, etc." These are all the names of .png (I believe) pictures uploaded on their site.)

Now this is where my observations, I can't call them a theory, because I don't know what they mean, get kind of crazy; so just hold on tight...

Someone mentioned Elenin (I don't believe it has to do with that, but..) googling "Cassiopeia Elenin", produces results for Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9. This comet will crown Cassiopeia the same time that Elenin will crown Virgo this year. Comet Levy 9 is being called the 3rd "Comet of Doom" to do a fly by this fall, and at it's closest, according to Watchermeetup, will have a visual magnitude of 8. (So, a magnitude 8 comet, 3rd in line in 2011 = 8.3.11 ?)

Levy 9 will crown Cassiopeia on The Feast of Trumpets (which models itself on the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah, celebrated at the end of September). Google Feast of Trumpets and the first link you'll find is There is an excerpt at the top of that site called "The Watchman" (Keep this in mind for the Youtube bit, I'll explain later on.) You can see the site and text here...

On to the question asked on Formspring- "Germany, Nature, Nurture, Friends, Ras Alhague, Altair, Alphekka" and the answer of "☼▲". One person, I believe an ATS'er on this thread, pointed out that it means Summer Triangle. The last 3, Ras Alhague, Altair and Alphekka are all stars that are either part of the Summer Triangle (Altair) or are near one the stars that make it up. (Ras Alhague is relatively close to Vega on the viewing spectrum, as is Alphekka). You can see this, here:

The three stars that make up the Summer Triangle are Vega, Deneb and Altair. As someone has mentioned, the answer for "Whose idea was it to tag some pictures with Bob Dylan lyrics?" was "You know they refused Jesus, too", in reference to a lyric in Bob Dylan's 115th Dream. Deneb just happens to be approx. 115x larger than our sun. (Doubt that has anything to do with anything, but I'm on a roll connecting things, so it stays

Now back to the scripture titled The Watchman on the link above, As I mentioned before, in 2009 someone posted the phone number that was found registered to the domain through WhoIs. It has already been posted on several websites, including in this thread, so I don't believe it will cause any harm to post it again " 832.633.9406" (If you are going to google this, type it 832 6339406. that way the Youtube links pop up first). If you click on those YouTube videos, they both lead to videos about the movie, The Watchmen. Now, while I don't think it actually has anything to do with the movie The Watchmen, but I think it is all related, or perhaps those videos were commented on as clues...because somehow in my digging (and please forgive me, I don't remember what I clicked on or how I got to certain sites in all this mess), I was linked to a video on Youtube called The Watchman's Cry - Nathan Leal - 3/08/2011 Part 1 - There are so far, I believe 4 parts, and they focus on the following, as stated in the description;

-Middle East Conflict
-The Economy
-Gas Prices
-Charlie Sheen
-Getting Close to God

If you check out the website linked from that video, you'll find some pretty far out stuff. Including a story by A.A. Allen called The Statue of Liberty, America. In this story he tells of a dream/vision he had of the Statue of Liberty getting drunk and falling to her knees in the ocean. He claimed to hear God's voice saying "Ye shall not be unpunished: for I will call for a sword upon all the inhabitants of the earth, saith the LORD of hosts." The vision goes on, describing the fall of the United States, a large skeleton reaching over the land to take the inhabitants, specifically citing Chicago (Which was mentioned earlier by someone here), nuclear bombs all aimed at the US and then, as he said the battle subsided he heard trumpets and the words "Blow ye the trumpet in Zion, and sound an alarm in My holy mountain; let all the inhabitants of the land tremble: for the day of the LORD cometh for it is nigh at hand.."

That sounds INCREDIBLY similar to The Watchman excerpt from above. Just in case the link didn't is that text;

But if the watchman
see the sword come,
and blow not the trumpet,
and the people be not warned;
if the sword come, and take
any person from among them, he
is taken away in his iniquity;
but his blood will I require
at the watchman's hand.
Ezekiel 33:6

Now, a lot of what I'm finding keeps going back to Judaism or Israel. In fact, despite the fact that 175,000 claims they cannot speak Spanish and will not answer questions given to them in spanish, they are able to answer questions in both German and Yiddish. One question was asked to them in English in the phonetic alphabet "India Kilo November Oscar Whiskey" (Or, "I know") and they replied in Yiddish with ניט איר טאָן ניט - or "Do you or Do you not?"

Anyway...that's about all that I have right now.

Now...I'm not saying I'm buying into any of this. To me, AA Allen sounds like a bit of a nutcase, as does Nathan Leal, but it all seemed to be connected somehow.

Now as for who Belle is.. I don't know. I am kind of under the impression that maybe Belle is just a symbol for the group, as opposed to a specific person. And how any of this ties into the coming comets (with the exception of Elenin being fairly largely covered on the watchman's cry website)..I do not know.

One thing I did want to ask, if anyone has access to some editing software ( I don't know what was used before to edit the picture of Belle to allow the symbols to be seen clearly), if someone could do that again, but this time to the other pictures on the site, maybe we'll find more clues. Currently I'm only on a computer with MS Paint, so I can't do much.

Again, I may be completely off base. And I know my speculations only add to the confusion that is 8.3.11...but it's going to be interesting to see how this plays out anyway. Even if it's nothing (and I'm fairly certain it is), it's a fun nothing. I'm going to try and tear myself away from the computer so I can finally get some sleep.

Happy searching everyone...

edit on 21-7-2011 by jacktorrance because: Added info.

edit on 21-7-2011 by jacktorrance because: Added info.

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 07:05 AM
Looks like Hitlers daughter
straight up

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 07:10 AM
reply to post by FuturePeace

I don't believe Hitler had any children.

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 07:17 AM
reply to post by dethduck

no it is not his daughter but when she typed that in that is the pic she got, typed that in for you to google yourself really

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 07:37 AM

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 07:38 AM
Look at the parts in her hair. One down the middle, one down the side.

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 07:39 AM
I don't know where we are guys. I'm bookmarked 20-30 pages back. I was just looking at formspring and they said that the "Images of Belle" were key. I was lloking over them and there is one pic with LUCAS 1:37. Which is a passage from the bible "with God all things are possible" (Luke 1-37)

Gesuct Gefunden. Means lost and found. There is also one with a ripped poster under it which says "indigo" that poster looks photoshopped in.

There are tons of other clues on there. Alot of spanish words and numbers that look photo shopped in. KK. back to page 20 something. !!!!!!

+1 more 
posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 07:40 AM

Belle Frajnovits Selman was born in Oradea, Romania (Hungary). Her father, Mauritiu, had an import/export business. His trucks delivered materials for factories. Her mother’s name was Leni (Bergida) and she had five brothers and one sister, many aunts, uncles and cousins. The family was modern, meaning conservative by today’s description, in a town of about one quarter of a million Jews. Belle was about six years old when the war began and the Nazis told them to leave. They lived on the outskirts of the city and, early one morning, they awoke to see Nazis in their home. Belle remembers going somewhere with a tall wall and locked gate. Before they left, the family buried valuables under a rose tree in a big wooden crate in the yard. They were taken to a small home with lots of other families, who all wore yellow stars. Because so many of the women and young girls were abused, Belle’s father cut her hair so she would look like a boy and be safe. She saw constant shootings and any women who were taken never returned.



I'm not taking credit, found it Here

This posted already???
edit on 21-7-2011 by Domo1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 07:52 AM
reply to post by Domo1

This is silly and sorry if it has already been posted BUT the reply from 18,000 does say SMURFS down the side and well, the Smurfs 3d movie is due to be released on....August 3, 2011. I know probably NOTHING to do with this but, there it is.

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 07:52 AM
reply to post by Domo1

Either way that is one amazing story!

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 08:00 AM

Originally posted by jacktorrance

One thing I did want to ask, if anyone has access to some editing software ( I don't know what was used before to edit the picture of Belle to allow the symbols to be seen clearly), if someone could do that again, but this time to the other pictures on the site, maybe we'll find more clues. Currently I'm only on a computer with MS Paint, so I can't do much.

This is the best I could do in my minimum amount of time:


posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 08:07 AM
reply to post by skitzspiricy

I'll go one step further and cut off my fingers so I can't type and gouge my eyeballs out then douse myself in bleach. If this is GaGa.....well I don't even want to think about it.

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