posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 09:39 AM
Ok, I was able to get to page 8 of this post last night before leaving work and now this morning it is at 51. This site never disappoints when there
is something so mysterious and intriguing to explore and examine.
Even though I did not read any further and I may be missing a lot of information that was discovered after page 8, I have come up with an idea that
can to mind about all this.
Without going back and digging up all the information others have discovered I will just lay it out and see where it goes.
We know we have a picture of a young girl/older woman who in another picture has the older side disfigured. We have a link to a site that discusses
Enricks which apparently is a nasty cancer induced tumor. This is through an Asian site and gives information about the cancer in Taiwanese. Clicking
into the site we have a video with a distorted woman's face that is overlaid with an audio of what sound like ham radio with a female voice repeating
a number sequence over and over.
A few posters have made mention of ham radio and morse code.
A picture is shown of an automated figure that can speak and seems to be controlled remotely.
We have a symbol that looks very much to be a crude drawing of some type of atom or atomic reaction.
We have an umbrella and is tied to storms and rain.
We have numbers that have been related to troop movements starting with 18,000 which is the exact amount of the reported dead after Japans earthquake
and tsunami; with increasing amounts of so called troop movements of 21,000, 36,000, 68,000, and 175,000.
8-3-11 is the disclosure date that when the 8 and 3 are added together comes to 11:11; a time of revelation, awareness or awakening.
Ok, enough of the facts that i have gathered and pondered over.
My thoughts.
What if this time we have really stumbled on to a revelation, one that is coming from underground, that is a message of desperation that will be
exposed on 8-3-11 of a disaster that is already fallen on us and is blacked out so completely that the only way to disclose anything is by burying it
deep in cryptic messaging. A message that will be transmitted old school fashion though ham radio in morse code or binary code over open air waves.
A disclosure that will reveal information that has been placed under a complete media black out about a situation right under all out noses to those
that have dug into the cryptic messages and clues that have been relayed to us in the only way they felt would reach as many as possible in such a
short notice and not draw any unnecessary attention, but to a group that looks for such unrealistic means as ATS and dozen of other conspiracy groups
to discover and relay to the world.
Are you still with me???
I think what we may have is a message about the people of Japan and the desperate conditions that they are in, being relayed the only way they have
found available.
Could the picture of the girl/woman with the morphed picture, tied to the Enricks condition ( a cancerous tumor cause by high radiation, not an actual
condition name) that has been ravaging the population of Japan causing massive deaths, i.e 18,000, 21,000, 36,000, 68,000, and 175,000?
The drawing that looks very atomic in nature explaining the Enricks ( Look up Enrico Fermi )?
Could the drawing of the speaker controlled under ground, be a group that is trying to get the word out without causing the authorities to discover
them to as many as possible as quickly as they can to have as large an audience on hand on 8-11-11?
Is Japan dying under our very eyes, under a complete media black out and someone it about to reveal the complete truth of what is happening there.
Could the majority of the population of Japan with their tradition of honor and pride be committing hara-kari?
We know that the nuclear disaster there makes Chernobyl look like a joke.
Has the radiation levels raised to a point that it has killed 21, 36, 68, 175 thousand people?
I think most of the clues are there for this.
I could be way off track, but what is going on over in Japan right now that we can be 100% sure of?
What do you think?