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Woman Gropes TSA Agent's Breast at Security Checkpoint

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posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 05:43 PM

reply to post by SFA437

The owner of the aircraft can set whatever rules he/she wants. If Delta wanted everyone to fly butt naked it is their right to do so....


This is a little ambiguous. People can't just do whatever they like. Just about every industry is regulated today. What you are referring to is an 1800's styled free market. And times have changed.

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 05:58 PM
reply to post by Copperflower

I couldn't agree with you more and wish more journalist's would put there foot down and help us.
Hope it shows up on YouTube

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 05:58 PM

Originally posted by Cryptonomicon
reply to post by BeyondPerception

Your view points lead me to believe you might enjoy this video:

I have to quote this video in entirety because if someone missed it, they should watch it. And if you don't believe what's in it, just search it out.

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 06:07 PM
I have flown out of; Phoenix, LAX, JFK, LaGaurdia, Raliegh, Houston, Pitt, Cleveland, Sacramento, Denver, Vegas, Dallas, DC, Atlanta, and San Diego and by far the worst hive mind of TSA agents has been Phoenix, I dread that place, so confrontational.

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 06:08 PM
reply to post by incrediblelousminds

A good point. Say this incident causes a rethinking in airport security protocol, and then to looser TSA security checks.Say some crazy/idealistic/religious person gets through and then blows a plane up? Would every one be laughing then over this lady squeezing an airport nazis tit ? I doubt it. you'll all be screaming blue murder and questioning why this individual got through security checks in the first place. Believe it or not, these civil servants are getting paid to do a job that is supposed to keep you, as airport travellers, safe. but if you'd rather it was a case of walking straight through and 'fudge the consequences,'...We have these checks in the UK, i always get pulled due to my colouring, but i DONT MIND. It shows that the job is getting done. If i ever thought air travel security was jepordised due to the Security Staff having to be 'sensitive' then i would kick up a stink about it. If you want to travel airborne, take the checks. Its for your own safety.

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 06:13 PM
I have no idea why this is sexual abuse if there is no intention of sexual intent. I suppose if you kick someone in the crotch this will be considered sexual battery now. Giving someone a titty-twister is now only reserved for children? Why can't adult give each other titty-twisters lol. Okay the answer is obvious, because we assume anyone willing to grab a persons breasts as an adult must have some sexual intention. But, this just goes to show not every act of reaching out and touching someone is sexually motivated. Sometimes it is done to return the favor they did upon us.

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 06:20 PM

Originally posted by ExPostFacto
I have no idea why this is sexual abuse if there is no intention of sexual intent. I suppose if you kick someone in the crotch this will be considered sexual battery now. Giving someone a titty-twister is now only reserved for children? Why can't adult give each other titty-twisters lol. Okay the answer is obvious, because we assume anyone willing to grab a persons breasts as an adult must have some sexual intention. But, this just goes to show not every act of reaching out and touching someone is sexually motivated. Sometimes it is done to return the favor they did upon us.

LMAO......that's the TSA's new slogan.. "Reach out and touch someone!" lmao

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 06:29 PM
As comical as the TSA agents getting the grope is, it seems this woman was a little more forceful than just a grope. Seems that she intended to hurt her, not just embarrass her.

I always thought it would be better to uh, get "aroused" (if you're a man) and go through the check point. See how eager they are to grope someones crotch when there's a possibility of losing an eye. Maybe even makes some noises/comments to make it even more uncomfortable. As far as I know it isn't against the law to have an awkward erection in an airport... yet.

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 06:32 PM
So TSA got a taste of their own medicine. I hope the lady isn't convicted of anything. If it's sexual abuse for this lady to return the favor, then TSA should be sued for sexual abuse too.
edit on 16-7-2011 by soaringhawk because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 06:39 PM
reply to post by SFA437

People cant afford to hire a private plane though im afraid. The hwole if you dont like it dont fly argument is so ridiculous and stupid. Would you really refuse to see family on the other side of America ever just because you dont like the security and want to make a point by not traveling? Ofcoarse not, nowerdays travel by plane is essential, you cant do the distances any other way. We have no other choice and have to fly, we dont have the choice to choose not to fly if we dont like it.

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 06:44 PM
reply to post by clintdelicious

Unless we drive. But see that's the thing. The power truly is with us. We can help or break a company. If we don't give a company our business, they will wither away. If only people would wake up and unite we could reclaim our country.

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 06:56 PM
If only everyone returned the favor on security. I mean everyone. That would be amazing.

I feel so sorry for this woman that she's being charged, but it's about time this happened.

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 06:57 PM
While the TSA searches generally aren't that invasive, we have all heard of enough abuses and questionable cases where molestation was the likely intention, and humiliation of an innocent citizen was the definite outcome regardless of intentions. And of course now we are being told in the media the best way to avoid being singled out for such abuse is to be silent like good little lambs. So I say, you go, girl! I wish I had your courage. As for those saying she broke the law, yes, she did. So are the TSA agents when they touch our bodies without permission and without probable cause. They are violating our Constitution. We have the right and the duty to rise up and fight this, I believe. I am not sure, though, if what this lady did was that smart if she did this to an agent who had not touched her first. I think she would have more of a case if it literally were "tit for tat" and she had been precisely mirroring the agent's actions on her.

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 07:17 PM
the ACLU needs to step in on this one, and make sure she doesn't get burned, on that charge....i think she's getting tired of being groped/fondled every time she flies, and just about public humiliation...i won't fly anymore, because of that..that and the food sucks.and drinks are way over priced...if the TSA is smart, they'll drop the charges

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 07:37 PM
reply to post by Lostinthedarkness

There's no word why she touched the agent

I love this claim the reason she touched The TSA Agents Breasts was because she was returning the favor to see how its like.

Excellent She did a great job.

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 07:39 PM

Originally posted by wagaboo
^^^ Idiot posts....There's a difference between "grope" and assault and this woman was clearly assaulted. I don't agree with TSA's search methods but this is different no matter how you try to rationalize it !

So giving somebody a titty twister is tantamount to child molestation or rape? If that is the case... I know of about 20 people or so who could be locked up on felonies for the same action against me.

Sexual Assault means the assault was sexual in nature. Getting kicked in the balls is NOT sexual assault... it's just regular assault. Hitting a boob is the same thing.... some how -- it's sexual though? Where does this distinction get made? This would make the orientation of the person in question a defacto lesbian.

Stupid idiots makes these laws... period. This is clear civil disobedience... it was a move designed to show the double standard. The TSA touches the genitals of children, through and under the clothes. They now want to xray people with full on x ray machines to make sure you don't have a bomb in your stomach...

How is this not worse than a grade school titty twister????

You live on mars or something?

TSA agents have also been caught kidnapping children into the human trafficking trade... I guess they love them some little prostitutes...


It's sickening. Really.
edit on 16-7-2011 by Laokin because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 07:42 PM
After hearing about the woman that got her "twists" in...I commend her. The woman on the video that is
screaming...I feel for her...she should have never, as an American citizen, been treated in such a manner as to get her to that emotional point...Then again, the TSA has no shame...check out the video of a former miss USA and her tears...they touched her vagina and she felt violated, as would any NORMAL human being.

Below is something that I think may cover it and in an entertaining way as well:

There is NO real humour in any of this...but at the same time many points are made by using humour....and opposite of worrying over something that weakens you and may cause fear....a good laugh in the face of adversity empowers us, keeps us healthy...check it out

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 07:43 PM

Originally posted by clintdelicious
reply to post by SFA437

People cant afford to hire a private plane though im afraid. The hwole if you dont like it dont fly argument is so ridiculous and stupid. Would you really refuse to see family on the other side of America ever just because you dont like the security and want to make a point by not traveling? Ofcoarse not, nowerdays travel by plane is essential, you cant do the distances any other way. We have no other choice and have to fly, we dont have the choice to choose not to fly if we dont like it.

And it's just this kind of "not me" attitude that is killing the country.

"Wah, I don't want to sacrifice for the greater good."

If it had been up to people like you America wouldn't have achieved independence from Britain.

Thank God the Founders had more balls.
edit on 7/16/2011 by 2012srb because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 07:56 PM
9/11. According to the official story, a bunch of guys with box cutters hijack some planes and crash them into some buildings. Thousands of lives lost, billions of dollars in damage. That’s what the terrorists did.

Shortly after, we go to war against the terrorists. We’re told that they attacked us because they hate our freedom, and we must defend it. Ten years later, we’ve spent trillions of dollars, lost thousands of troops, and killed hundreds of thousands of terrorists, journalists, children, etc. All to defend our freedom. Yet somehow, we seem to have lost some rights and freedoms in the process. How did the terrorists accomplish this?

They didn’t. Terrorists can kill people, they can create damage, but they can’t push one piece of legislation through Congress or by the President. They can’t change the Constitution, they can’t write executive orders or signing statements. Every right, every freedom, that we have lost has been taken away from us by our government, not by terrorists.

The question has been asked, “What rights do we have left?” The answer is, only the ones we are willing to fight for. If we continue to allow searches without warrants, not only do we lose our 4th Amendment rights, but we have given away our children’s rights as well.

For those who say we give up that right by buying a ticket, I say no, we didn’t. I would never knowingly sign away any Constitutional right I may have. I hope some lawyer here can set me straight on this, but my understanding is that any contract that violates the Constitution is null and void. Otherwise, people could be tricked into signing themselves into slavery, which is a violation of the 13th Amendment.

“So, just let everyone get on a plane un-searched?” Yes! If the Federal Government can’t do their job without violating the Constitution, don’t do it. “Wouldn’t that be risking another 9/11?” Yes. Like the pro-war bumper sticker says, “Freedom Isn’t Free.” If being free means risking our lives to random terrorist attacks, then we have to ask which is more important. I’m in the Patrick Henry camp there. Brave young men and women voluntarily risk their lives every day to protect our freedoms. If we are too cowardly to accept the comparatively lower risks inherent in that freedom, then maybe we don’t deserve that freedom.

When you look at it in terms of lives lost, money spent, and liberties lost, we would have been better off if we had a 9/11 style attack every year for the past ten years, and the government had done nothing about it. Fewer innocent people would have died, our economy wouldn’t be circling the drain, and we would still have our pre-9/11 rights.

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 08:07 PM
reply to post by AnIntellectualRedneck

Except during the pat downs, they (TSA) do not actually grab and twist passengers breasts.


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