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Obama ‘Abruptly’ Walks From Meeting: Cantor

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posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 12:22 PM

Originally posted by InfaRedMan
Oh c'mon guys! Don't be so hard on Barry!

He got Osama right!

I understood it was Marines who got Osama.

Besides, the job is not done as long as Justin Beiber is still at large.
edit on 14-7-2011 by KaiserSoze because: Oh yeah, and that Fred kid too.

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 12:24 PM
reply to post by Misoir

I think what Obama is lacking is a big set of cojones.
I would respect the guy alot more if he actually went through with his threat.

Everyone has to compromise. Cut entitlements. Tax some of the rich. Make corporations pay taxes that they don't pay now because of loopholes. And cut military spending. Which btw is where the majority of our spending goes.

Both parties need to give.

It's time to seriously tighten the belt.

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 12:33 PM
Soyuz nerushimy respublik svabodnykh splotilla naveky velikaya 'Rus!

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 12:33 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

He hasn't lost the people yet. He's just now realizing nobody honestly cares about him but a minority of supporters. I mean, for example. Do I disagree with the prez? yes. Would I want him gone, I'm not so sure yet. Would I vote for him in 2012? Again that's still up for grabs. Fact is he isn't George Bush, and that alone goes a long way.

All I'm saying is he's not yet discovered where he is. Thus how can I expect him to make the right decisions?

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 12:39 PM

Originally posted by OUNjahhryn
I can see why hes upset, if this doesn't go well he'll secure infamy in the history books. but he's definitely not handling himself well.

-more like a kid on the playground.

Basically what's happening is that Republicans are acting like children and won't cooperate with the President unless they get what they want.

Obama has tried to reason with them and inform them "No." Their solutions won't work. But do they listen? Of course not.

The 2010 elections were about creating jobs in the future and what did we get? A bunch of wacky conservatives who want to whine over the oh so evil same sex marriage or prohibiting funding to a health organization that provides basic health care services to Americans who aren't insured (Planned Parenthood).

If you want to call someone a kid on the playground, Obama is the teacher and the Republicans are the little bullies he's trying to control and get them to behave like adults.

But obviously, there's no succeeding at that.

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 12:41 PM

Originally posted by Eurisko2012
All you have to do is listen to the canned press conferences made by Obama.
Raise taxes on the evil, rotten, no good millionaires and billionaires who fly around
in big beautiful - corporate jets -.

Also give Obama a clean debt ceiling increase to $18 Trillion so he fund all
of his glorious - sacred cows - and grow the U.S. Government even larger!
Cantor is the adult at the table who says it is a - bad - idea to raise taxes during a
Eric Cantor also says we should reduce the size of the U.S. Government.
Which path do you think we should take?

Yeah but Cantor is a hypocrite. He is only there to take the brint of all of his talking points.

Rasing taxes on the wealthy during downtimes is not a job killer. We need to close loopholes and give tax breaks based on employee hiring and job benefits.

Also Cantor will make a killing if the US goes into default.

I can tell you don't support Obama and that is totally cool...but Cantor is not a buy you can respect.

Hell I respect Boehner for the most part. I believe him to be a true human-being politician even if I don't always see eye to eye.

Cantor reminds me of some smug bastard that doesn't even know how he got this far. Everything he says is bullcrap.

Anyone can say "taxes are bad" and "reduce the size of gov" but remember that is just talking point nonsense.

Bush did a great job of reducing the gov, didn't he? Hell he ushered in one of the largest increases of our Gov in modern times. Clinton and Bush Sr actually reduced the size.

I guess what I mean is talk is just talk....and you can talk all day but your actions speak a lot louder.

Cantors actions are horrible. The man is a twit.

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 12:43 PM
Simply put the leader of this country is not interested in compromising, If he was, then these talks would have never begun in a first place. Let's not forget that it's been over 800 days since we've had a budget and who is responsible for that?

What you are witnessing here is all too familiar in Illinois: Chicago style politics.

Obama is more interested in positioning (which he says he's not doing) than solving this problem. Read what he said, he wan'ts MORE PROGRESSIVISM!! Can you say socialist!

What this country needs is not progressive spending policies. We need real cuts and real change to spending. Mitch McConnell's plan was probably concocted by a Democrat and passed to him to help the GOP save face and McConnell to be re-elected. There is no weight behind his plan for the president to do anything. He can raise the debt ceiling 2.5 trillion and not enact one cut.

This whole thing stinks. You have a busted house that can't really do anything because it won't pass the Senate. You've got a president that threatens to veto anything he doesn't agree with (i.e. a plan that doesn't raise taxes).

There will be no deal unless the republicans cave to Obama on everything. That's how it is done in Chicago folks. And Obama will frame it to make the Republicans evil no matter what.

Everyday I wake up and think I'm living in a nightmare.

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 12:47 PM

Originally posted by jude11

all the while putting forward no solid plan of his own.

Oh, he has a plan alright. It started a long time ago.

His plan from the beginning was to start more wars, destroy America and send the World into Chaos.

Mission accomplished.

"The World Loves Him and Hears Him" but now the reality of his decisions have set in.

That quote is from John and I think this is a great example applied.

I wonder where all his money and support is coming from!


God Bless

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 12:52 PM
Something that is missing here is why do we even have a debt ceiling? It obviously means nothing. Every time they reach the debt ceiling they raise it higher.

Sure, it's a nasty tactic to threaten Social Security payments being held up because they stole the money we paid into it. We can't trust the politicians to do the right thing, but if they reach the ceiling and and it doesn't get raised for a change perhaps they will be forced (against their will) to do the right thing and cut spending.

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 01:04 PM

Originally posted by Freenrgy2
Simply put the leader of this country is not interested in compromising, If he was, then these talks would have never begun in a first place. Let's not forget that it's been over 800 days since we've had a budget and who is responsible for that?

What you are witnessing here is all too familiar in Illinois: Chicago style politics.

Obama is more interested in positioning (which he says he's not doing) than solving this problem. Read what he said, he wan'ts MORE PROGRESSIVISM!! Can you say socialist!

What this country needs is not progressive spending policies. We need real cuts and real change to spending. Mitch McConnell's plan was probably concocted by a Democrat and passed to him to help the GOP save face and McConnell to be re-elected. There is no weight behind his plan for the president to do anything. He can raise the debt ceiling 2.5 trillion and not enact one cut.

This whole thing stinks. You have a busted house that can't really do anything because it won't pass the Senate. You've got a president that threatens to veto anything he doesn't agree with (i.e. a plan that doesn't raise taxes).

There will be no deal unless the republicans cave to Obama on everything. That's how it is done in Chicago folks. And Obama will frame it to make the Republicans evil no matter what.

Everyday I wake up and think I'm living in a nightmare.

Well then you need to pay more attention to politics and read all news sources because that is all Obama does is compromise.

Why do you think the Dems aren't super happy with our Pres?

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 01:08 PM

Originally posted by Gorman91
reply to post by getreadyalready

He hasn't lost the people yet. He's just now realizing nobody honestly cares about him but a minority of supporters. I mean, for example. Do I disagree with the prez? yes. Would I want him gone, I'm not so sure yet. Would I vote for him in 2012? Again that's still up for grabs. Fact is he isn't George Bush, and that alone goes a long way.

All I'm saying is he's not yet discovered where he is. Thus how can I expect him to make the right decisions?

If he does not know "where" he is in almost 3 years, then he should get the hell out.
What a clown show this is becoming, absolute clown shoes.

And yes, his only supporters are those who get handouts from him, and those whom are too stupid to know/understand the mechanics of everything because they have no skin in the game.

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 01:08 PM
I don't think many of you realize that the Republicans NEED to the economy to be in the dumps. They do NOT care about resolving any financial issue once so ever as the more damaged our economy is, the more weaker Obama looks to the general public. It's all about getting votes in the next election.

I assure you, the President is as strong as ever and has more interest in fixing this mess than the Republicans ever will be. They're blood suckers, that's all they are. Complete scum of the earth.

Open your eyes and realize the Right wing isn't the answer this time (or ever, really).

Do you people really want Romney or Bachmann?

Get a grip and deny ignorance.

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 01:09 PM

Originally posted by mudbeed

Originally posted by Eurisko2012
All you have to do is listen to the canned press conferences made by Obama.
Raise taxes on the evil, rotten, no good millionaires and billionaires who fly around
in big beautiful - corporate jets -.

Also give Obama a clean debt ceiling increase to $18 Trillion so he fund all
of his glorious - sacred cows - and grow the U.S. Government even larger!
Cantor is the adult at the table who says it is a - bad - idea to raise taxes during a
Eric Cantor also says we should reduce the size of the U.S. Government.
Which path do you think we should take?

Yeah but Cantor is a hypocrite. He is only there to take the brint of all of his talking points.

Rasing taxes on the wealthy during downtimes is not a job killer. We need to close loopholes and give tax breaks based on employee hiring and job benefits.

Also Cantor will make a killing if the US goes into default.

I can tell you don't support Obama and that is totally cool...but Cantor is not a buy you can respect.

Hell I respect Boehner for the most part. I believe him to be a true human-being politician even if I don't always see eye to eye.

Cantor reminds me of some smug bastard that doesn't even know how he got this far. Everything he says is bullcrap.

Anyone can say "taxes are bad" and "reduce the size of gov" but remember that is just talking point nonsense.

Bush did a great job of reducing the gov, didn't he? Hell he ushered in one of the largest increases of our Gov in modern times. Clinton and Bush Sr actually reduced the size.

I guess what I mean is talk is just talk....and you can talk all day but your actions speak a lot louder.

Cantors actions are horrible. The man is a twit.

While Obama was throwing a hissy fit in the White House like a spoiled brat,
Senator Mitch McConnell just put Obama in a box with his Plan B.
The problem is that Pelosi and Reid - like - the McConnell Plan B.
If Obama ignores it then he will have to suffer the consequences.
- Impeachment by the House AND then Removal from office by the Senate. -

It's my guess Obama will roll the dice sometime next week.
He will issue an executive presidential order to raise the debt limit by $2.4 Trillion
and then blame the Republicans for not compromising.
Bypassing congress can end a presidents career very quickly.

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 01:13 PM
It's funny, I knew when I heard this on CNN I was going to read a thread by a conservative about Obama walking out on budget talks.

Both sides have walked out on each other so what? It's not the first time and I'm sure it won't be the last. That's the current state we're in with the 2 party system. You guys talk about Obama acting like he's a little kid, yet you guys here are bickering based upon your party affiliations.

So what if Obama is the president, Bush Jr. did some childish things too. Both these parties don't care about you people yet you argue for them.

Wake me up when they start talking about pulling out troops and cutting military spending in half. Neither party has talked about that and they continue to ignore it! Yet they'll start cutting programs and increase our taxes which will have a devastating impact on Americans. So who do they really care about? It's certainly not you!

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 01:15 PM

Originally posted by SeventhSeal

Originally posted by OUNjahhryn
I can see why hes upset, if this doesn't go well he'll secure infamy in the history books. but he's definitely not handling himself well.

-more like a kid on the playground.

Basically what's happening is that Republicans are acting like children and won't cooperate with the President unless they get what they want.

Obama has tried to reason with them and inform them "No." Their solutions won't work. But do they listen? Of course not.

The 2010 elections were about creating jobs in the future and what did we get? A bunch of wacky conservatives who want to whine over the oh so evil same sex marriage or prohibiting funding to a health organization that provides basic health care services to Americans who aren't insured (Planned Parenthood).

If you want to call someone a kid on the playground, Obama is the teacher and the Republicans are the little bullies he's trying to control and get them to behave like adults.

But obviously, there's no succeeding at that.

Why should Obama do anything of substance if he has not as of yet, other than taking credit for Osama?
The republicans were "elected" to do what they're doing now: Stop spending, control deficit, cut welfare state down.

The health organization is the #1 abortion source in USA.

And yeah they're ALL acting like a bunch of bitches.

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 01:17 PM
reply to post by Freenrgy2
If our congress and senate really wanted to make the necessary change to help America they could do so with out the Big Guys john Hancock, mind you they would surely have to be motivated to run it through twice.

If The People would start replacing them one by one in every election they would get the message.

Vote for the New Guy.

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 01:18 PM
This is just a sad attempt to try and win the peoples vote for second term.

Don't buy into this crap cause we all know its just a big #ing lie.

vote Ron Paul!
edit on 14-7-2011 by Anoynymoose because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 01:19 PM
all this is just posturing for 2012 from both sides. if any think that their agenda goes beyond their next election you are one dumb*** mother*****r. each side is trying to come out of these talks looking like the side that worked to save the publics social security, when in fact they will be hurting it more and just trying to electrify their base. both sides have created this whole fiasco and both sides have the same agenda in mind. HOW CAN ANYONE NOT POSSIBLY SEE THAT?

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 01:20 PM

Originally posted by Eurisko2012

Originally posted by mudbeed

Originally posted by Eurisko2012
All you have to do is listen to the canned press conferences made by Obama.
Raise taxes on the evil, rotten, no good millionaires and billionaires who fly around
in big beautiful - corporate jets -.

Also give Obama a clean debt ceiling increase to $18 Trillion so he fund all
of his glorious - sacred cows - and grow the U.S. Government even larger!
Cantor is the adult at the table who says it is a - bad - idea to raise taxes during a
Eric Cantor also says we should reduce the size of the U.S. Government.
Which path do you think we should take?

Yeah but Cantor is a hypocrite. He is only there to take the brint of all of his talking points.

Rasing taxes on the wealthy during downtimes is not a job killer. We need to close loopholes and give tax breaks based on employee hiring and job benefits.

Also Cantor will make a killing if the US goes into default.

I can tell you don't support Obama and that is totally cool...but Cantor is not a buy you can respect.

Hell I respect Boehner for the most part. I believe him to be a true human-being politician even if I don't always see eye to eye.

Cantor reminds me of some smug bastard that doesn't even know how he got this far. Everything he says is bullcrap.

Anyone can say "taxes are bad" and "reduce the size of gov" but remember that is just talking point nonsense.

Bush did a great job of reducing the gov, didn't he? Hell he ushered in one of the largest increases of our Gov in modern times. Clinton and Bush Sr actually reduced the size.

I guess what I mean is talk is just talk....and you can talk all day but your actions speak a lot louder.

Cantors actions are horrible. The man is a twit.

It's my guess Obama will roll the dice sometime next week.
He will issue an executive presidential order to raise the debt limit by $2.4 Trillion
and then blame the Republicans for not compromising.
Bypassing congress can end a presidents career very quickly.

That would be great, I've thought this myself and doubt it heavily, but it would be awesome...

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 01:29 PM
The banks run Washington.

The politicians will make it look like they fought the good fight but eventually the debt ceiling will be raised.

I don't even care any more.
edit on 14-7-2011 by Common Scarecrow because: (no reason given)

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