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Everyone On SSI Do Not Spend Your Cash On Non essentials Right Now.

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posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 12:32 AM
Damn Politicians!! I say we get rid of ALL of them and go back to having common, ordinary folks filling the Congress - instead of damn career politicians!!! The Gov TOOK that money, from all working tax payers, that was placed back to support SS and spent it on what they damn well pleased!! I am sick & tired of all these Politicians - making their high wages (paid for by the taxpayers), enjoying their above average - wonderful - medical plans (paid for by taxpayers), giving away THE Taxpayers $$ to almost every country on the face of the planet!! STOP sending all our $$ overseas to other countries - to help them when they cannot even help THE TAXPAYERS!!!

I say get rid of all the career politicians and replace them with ordinary folks - TAXPAYERS. They should NOT get a medical plan 20x better than most of us can afford - and hell.....most career politicians are wealthy compared to the people they are suppose to represent, anyway!! I would just love to see some kind of chart showing exactly how much of the TAXPAYERS $$ each is using as a justification to do their job - represent the American people - first & foremost!!

We give BILLIONS every year to many countries around the World and we are in a financial crisis, for crying out loud!! Stop sending out that $$, when we, right here in America, need it the most - right now. Once we straighten out our finances, then debate how much should be sent to other countries because they are in need. But - NOT at the risk of our own Country & it's people!! Hell, a disaster, in another country, gets aid and help from the US Gov quick as all get out. But, what happens when there is disaster in the US???? Seems they just cannot get their # together enough to help our own as well as they help another country!!!! Katrina is an example of what I am talking about...........

'After years of discussions and months of negotiations, I have little question that as long as this president is in the Oval Office, a real solution is probably unattainable.'

That is just GREAT!! God help us should he manage to get re-elected!! Hopefully, enough people are waking up to what is really happening and stop voting for this joke of a president!! And, the majority of Congress!!

'This is not just a matter of Social Security checks. These are veterans checks, these are folks on disability and their checks. There are about 70 million checks that go out.'

70 millions households could be affected?!??!???!?? Man, I'd bet most have, at least, one weapon and know how to use it.....70 million seems like a good start to a Revolution that is long overdo, don't you think??

Whether you want to believe it, or not, stop giving the people what they were promised and they, with no $$ coming in, $$ to feed themselves and their children, unable to get work due to age, disabilities, whatever, and you will strat seeing some very, very pissed off folks......pissed at THE GOVERNMENT!!!

It is just a matter of time (that seems real close) before the SHTF big time in the US!! The main targets?? Gov, Congress, politicians!! Oh, yeah, and the BANKERS. With the amount of weapons Americans have, it would be a sight to see that, I am sure, the Gov doesn't want to see.......

posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 12:53 AM

Originally posted by paxnatus
reply to post by Greensage

There is a reason you are a nurses aide and not a nurse, you are a complete MORON!!
With your ridiculous apathetic and compassionless statements, you need to find a new line of work.

It is so obvious that you have no working concept of the human spine, because if you did you would understand
that someone with a slipped or herniated disc is so beyond a chiropractor, it's ludicrous
for you to make that statement.


If you do not believe in the power of healing then you are likely part of the system that is failing too! Sorry, but fusing the spine is not going to solve the problem and this isn't about what I know or don't know it is about you wanting to be smarter than the next cat! Get over yourself because I know a herniated disc can heal and I know a slipped disc can be corrected without surgery!

A person my not be on their feet as one would want but it doesn't take a moron to know that a Nurse is not a Doctor any more than a social security check is the answer!

Heal thyself and look it up, healing a herniated disc naturally is a common approach that can be accomplished quite easily given time!

As for not being a Nurse that was by choice as I felt working with patients was far greater a reward than doling out drugs and acting like I was above a bedpan! My job was to assist with ADL (Activities of Daily Living) and is nothing to be ashamed of. You have a misplaced sense of righteousness!

posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 02:34 AM
I have worked all my life just retired 6mounths they may stop my check??IMPEACH HIM!!!!!

posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 03:29 AM
Yeah i dont think This threat is somthing that will be followed through on...

it doesnt need to be... look at the wedge being driven between people right now, arguing about this.. threatening to fight the government over this...

This is more likley there plan, stir up some hate, get some folk to stay seated because they see it as them being robbed of there hard earned cash... for everyone else stir up some # get the counrty worked up so they march on the streets... then you can incite violence, then you can police the violence...

instead of it being an actual threat, you not think its just a way to further TPTB's agenda?

posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 03:33 AM
Now GET REAL! One way or another they will provide your SS Checks because they know what will happen if they don't.

You won't go hungry straight off because there will be such a Riot that all the shops will be luted and they know it. There is nothing more frightening than a mob of hungry people - it's called survival of the fittest!

They are playing Chess again here. Listen Up.

They know that they have to put in place some pretty nasty austerity measures now the best way to do it is:

Frighten the hell out a folks - that way when we put these measures in place they will accept them as the better of two evils! - Something is better than nothing.

Think about it: PROBLEM REACTION SOLUTION The oldest game in the book and it amazes me that by now people still fall for it - HOOK LINE AND SINKER!
edit on 13-7-2011 by quedup because: further information

Go to bed and have a good sleep - yes there are going to be some big changes and the American People are going to find it very hard to adapt. But they won't stop your check don't worry - it won't buy nearly as much as it did and you will have to change a few brands and perhaps find new homes for your pets but even this will play out once they reshuffle the cards among themselves. That is all they are doing. Sleep Tight!
edit on 13-7-2011 by quedup because: Further information

posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 03:46 AM
I think it all boils down to that old saying "money is like manure, no good unless it is spread around" I would bet welfare checks are really helping to keep what's left of the economy moving.

posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 04:58 AM
First you send us to a site in the UK . Where do they get information that is better then information from a reliable US source.

Then you try to pass bogus information about VA benefits, All disabled veterans will get paid on time as the money for veterans comes out of a special fund that has already been approved.

This is the latest information from the VA

So what other information is bogus.

posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 07:10 AM
As much as they may talk about having to cut out social security, I think that something on an emergency level would be passed for that single program if something came down to it. If I recall correctly, the last government shutdown did not stop the payment of SSI benefits, but the staff was cut down to almost bare bones levels, so I wouldn't expect any movement on new claims, etc.

posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 07:12 AM
political posturing by the Progressive socialist/marxist Øbama...

he knows that just the threat will rile up the populace...& the leverage of the Spin to lay it all in the laps of the Republicans is his tactic... all it is is huffing & puffing.

there's a Trillion or more in IOUs that are specified for the SSA and that should be

IS seperate from the government would take a bevy of Lawyers to explain it to us/

posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 10:32 AM
first,I haven't read the entire thread before posting,normally I do.First,I am on disability,money that I paid into the system,I am entitled to it.I destroyed myself in the trucking industry and can't find anything else,I'm 50 and most won't look at me for work.I am in school trying to get of this gov rollercoaster but what about my girlfriend?She is post polio syndrome with severe damage.I have only commented once on ats about ssd(not ssi)and got slammed by people saying I am taking their money...I am not...she is not..we worked for a living..I have seen the comment the money I paid in is gone so I'm taking theirs..I could just as easily say they took theirs and am getting mine.
If the politicians would give up their pork and other ways they steal from us well there would be more money for the people who supply the money......the same people who put them in power...quit saying I'm stealing your money,and put the blame where it should be.

posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 10:53 AM
Without reading every post,why doesn`t anybody say anything about the billions we are spending ever week or two on on Iraq and Afghanistan,space missions,foreign bailouts,pork barrel projects,black budget projects.there are a hundred other ways to cut spending.terminate the federal reserve immediately,no buyout.NSA?billions spent to spy on us.How about high tariffs on imports,we need to get back into a manufacturing economy instead of a consumer economy.NAH,aint going to happen

posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 11:22 AM
I would have no problem keeping all that SSI money they (forcibly, without my consent) take from my paycheck every two weeks (and receiving all of my BACK savings from the program)...and using it to invest and try to take care of myself. I believe in self-reliance, I hate asking anybody for help. But I started working in 1972 and they've been deducting SSI from my paycheck since then. People rant that I will be using THEIR money, since mine is gone. Well, mine went to pay for someone ELSE. I've had no voice in the choice about what they deduct, no choice in how they "invested" the money or how they used MY portion of the money. I did my best to save as much as I could and invest that money...but now the economy is in the toilet, my investments are consistently LOSING money and the cost of everything is rising. Healthcare for the elderly is catastrophically high and when Obamacare gets implemented I'll qualify for review by one of the Death Panels. I had a stockbroker who played fast and loose and lost me $86,000 a few years ago. Don't you dare excoriate me because I am counting on my social security income to help me when (if) I am able to retire. I'm single and have a father in assisted living who depends on HIS dwindling investments and HIS (meager) social security checks to pay for his $2,000 a month assisted living. When that runs out I'll have to use MY savings and sell my house to help him. No one wll be around to help ME when I reach that stage.

If they want to cancel the Social Security program for future generations, fine...let those people have ALL their money and use it/save it as they will. But don't penalize the thousands who've been forced to participate in the program by denying them THEIR own money back.

posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 04:29 PM

Originally posted by ReluctantBlossom
reply to post by sonofliberty1776

Just hope you never need it...Then you'll have to "steal" it for yourself...Which I'm sure you wouldn't hesitate to do if you became disabled. I never thought I would need it either. Things happen fast my dear so quit looking down your nose because you may be the next applicant.
You know, that might be an idea.

posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 04:36 PM

Originally posted by nunya13
Or is it the fact that your money is being taken by force"?
Mainly this. Additionally, it is not the government's job to do things like this. When we allow them to control social programs, they gain control of the people receiving that money. These programs always grow beyond any type of reasonable parameters and graft/corruption always enters the mix. The government just can not do these things the way a religious or community based program can.

posted on Jul, 15 2011 @ 01:16 AM
I Have Been Back And Forth Between Not Gonna Worry About Something I Have Absolutely No Control Over ~ And Kinda Scared To Bits. I Mean Realistically, If My Disability Gets Cut Im Pretty Much Up A Creek. They Approved My Disability Claim For A Brain Tumour. ~ Very Similar To The Kind That Senator Ted Kennedy Suffered. Only I Am Much Younger. And Mine Is Located In The Mid-Brain. Life Surely Wont Be Easy With No Money. It Is Extremely Difficult Now.

And Of Course I Worry For Our Nation ~ How Could I Not. I Love People. One Of The Many Reasons Being Unwell Is So Difficult. I Have Lost My Old Self ~ The One That Was Able To Work And Socialize ~ Get Out There And Meet People. Learn Their Stories. Now I Am Isolated. And Soon Broke. And So Many Others Will Have It Even Worse Than I Will. This Is Like Some Kind Of Horror Movie.

posted on Jul, 15 2011 @ 02:00 PM
reply to post by DevilsPlayThing
"This Is Like Some Kind Of Horror Movie."

I'm sad you feel so alone in all this. If the gov. pulls the rugs out from under us all, you wont be alone! Youl have several million more people all over this nation, and even right by where you live, in the exact same straits. I just can't imagine this kind of bizzaro world nightmare. and then a previous poster (maybe another thread) said, then all the retail stores would be disasterously affected, as well as people's rent landlords and mortgage loaners, and on and on. It would be apocalyptic.
At least you have the interwebs here. Same here. I don't go anywhere "Everybody knows your name" like on 'Cheers'. Either. (Wish I did! That'd be neat.)

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