Ok ....last night I heard the noise, in a small country town in Australia, and this thread is not one I ever expected to post in...i had previously
thaught the noise was planes or something, I dont anymore !
I live in Sydney and have come to visit a girl friend for some relaxation from work, home etc in a small town called Wellington which is in the
central west of New South Wales. There is not much out here but bushland, hills, no airports, no military nothing.
Last night I was watching TV it was around 8.00pm or somehing, and my friend was outside feeding the dogs, she came in and said come ouside and listen
to this noise.....what the hell is that noise, its been going on for ages ?
I went outside and at first it sounded like a jet, but it wasn't fadding in sound like a jet. I said I don't know maybe its a plane or
something....my friend said thats no plane its been going on for ages, we rarely get planes this way and the noise is not like that. She then said I
think thats a Mother Ship and we can't see it for the clouds !!
Huh .......I was quite surprised she said that !!
My friend is 53 years old and doesn't really get into conspiracy stuff like me, however is very open minded.
After listening for about 15 minutes it gradually moved away and the sound grew fainter....but it was comming from the sky not the ground.
I remembered this thread, and when I played this morning we both looked at each other and said, thats the noise.
Finally I have seen or heard something, my own proof that something is out there or going on, its real and not in the imagination of all these people
who keep hearing these noises.
Thank OP for the recording, I heard it also and so did my friend.