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Why Atheism is being promoted by TPTB

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posted on Jul, 12 2011 @ 08:31 AM
There are plenty of reasons why the elite would not like Christianity, not for its theological position but for its political position

God - rights are derived from God, not government. If they eliminate God, more people would assume rights derive from government.

Jesus Christ - a man of peace and compassion. If you do away with the memory of Christ and his teachings, it's more easy to fall back onto the Old Testament God that justifies war and persecution of heathens, i.e. gays, minorities, etc.

Bible - While the bible is referenced by politicians, not many reference sayings of Jesus found in Matthew, but rather tend to focus on corrupt passages from Leviticus which try and justify hatred of gays and others. The bible is also very clear in that Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament (which is why there is a New Testament) so the old testament laws (Jewish laws) are no longer applicable to Christians.

posted on Jul, 12 2011 @ 08:34 AM
reply to post by Regenstorm

Dear Regenstorm,
Then, with all due respect, your message wasn't clear!

You write specific things, make no allusion to it being satirical, or ironic. You even bolded a statement to which I responded. Perhaps if you wished your post to be somewhat tongue in cheek you should have bolded the part where you stated it was?


posted on Jul, 12 2011 @ 09:11 AM
reply to post by torqpoc

But what about the moral decay in the western Regions of the world?
ATS is not a place for cattle and not all the atheists are the same.
But think a minute about the cattle and read the local/international papers.
Reports like these and many, many others:

posted on Jul, 12 2011 @ 09:28 AM
reply to post by Regenstorm

Dear Regenstorm,
Ok, now I see where you were wishing to go with this. You're making a link between the decline of religious beliefs and/or the stern following of a religious doctrine to the general moral decline in western society.. right?

Tenuous link at best in my honest opinion. I don't think the lack of fear of religious reprisal for one's actions is where the problems stemmed from. Historically though, it could be. One would have to be a sociology expert to truly know.

I would think the decline in the general moral fibre in society is rather linked to poverty, parenting, schooling and in fact the way TBTB wish us to be. Hating and fearful. Based on those two states of mind, it would actually fit more into a fervent religious model. Fervent religious people are undeniably more hating and fearful than atheists, would you say? So the tangent here would be that being atheist is actually more likely to making you less hateful and less fearful. Again this kind of falls into the realm of psychology and sociology.

Personally, I blame it pretty much all on the parents and society are a whole. Speaking from what I see on a daily basis, poor education and parenting has led to a chav epidemic in the UK, children with no understand of the rights and wrongs and little to no caring for the consequences of their actions. Religious belief doesn't even come into it.


posted on Jul, 12 2011 @ 10:38 AM
reply to post by ExistentialNightmare

I wish you wouldn't bring this scientist in picture to justify your argument.
He, the scientist, has a problem with religion. He embark in crusade against religious fanatic in this process he has become a atheist fanatic.
Excuse me but this is for me a fraud.
Ask your self why he never face people like Nobel Laureate Professor Brian Josephson, Professor Jessica Utts, Professor Alan Wolf, Dr Harold Puthoff, Professor Russell Targ, Professor Dr Ernst Senkowski, Dr Amit Goswami – Professor John Bockris, Ron Pearson, Professor Archie Roy, Professor Rupert Sheldrake, Dr Claude Swanson Professors of Physics, and many more which I had no time to dig out. All of them believe that there is something more then just a blind watch maker here.
Forget about intelligent design also, there is no enough data to consolidate this theory today as there is no enough data to consolidate the none existence of a certain god.

posted on Jul, 12 2011 @ 10:46 AM
reply to post by kacou

He, the scientist, has a problem with religion. He embark in crusade against religious fanatic in this process he has become a atheist fanatic.

There are many religious scientists, or scientists who believe in God. But as scientists they can't claim any truth to their unfalsifiable beliefs or hypothesis; they can only say they have "faith" or "i believe God exists"

posted on Jul, 12 2011 @ 11:21 AM
reply to post by ExistentialNightmare

Ok....the list you got from me is scientist that believe in life after death and many other paranormal activity....believing is a too big word...let's just say they are open to the possibility therefore they are the true scientist. And they have no notion in simple term about the existence of God.
Now your list of scientist from the Christian faith is of importance to the people like is from them that materialist science has like it or not.
Now, I have said every thing I need it to say in that subject and I wish you well.

posted on Jul, 12 2011 @ 11:23 AM
reply to post by kacou

Be well too.


posted on Jul, 12 2011 @ 12:24 PM
reply to post by ExistentialNightmare

Intelligent design could be considered as an unfalsifiable hypothesis; it's a hypothesis in which we have to assume the INTELLIGENT designer has willed 99.8% of all species that have ever existed to be extinct. It's a designer that has allowed a collision course between the Milky Way and the Andromeda Gallaxy. Again, it's up to everyone to decide if that's to be considered intelligent, or even benevolent.

I don't think it's very intelligent at all, the way some atheist scientists split hairs over some useless nerve in a Giraffe. I mean in the face of so much perfection ? You have to be out of your minds? I wonder how many animals are put to death every year, by atheists looking for out of place nose hairs ? Why wouldn't he not be both intelligent and benevolent?

He ( God ) did try to warn us, who have ears, a thinking brain and the handicapp of a free will, that the wages of sin is death. Mind you,no sin ? No death. God never made anything to die.I'm afraid atheism in it's mad dash to eliminate THE designer
of existence and really, the only explanation for our being, that we have. It far and away makes more sense to me than anything science has come up with. ( we don't know how life began ) Duh! Atheism would love to see
the Bible burned out of existence !

A little test for all of the atheists. Who's smart enough ( or clear minded ) amoung you, to tell me what is the biggest disadvantage of secular notions such as "burn every Bible " ? If no one comes up with the one most obvious reason why this is a bad idea? Then you are all truely blinded by hate.
edit on 12-7-2011 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 12 2011 @ 12:34 PM
reply to post by randyvs

I don't think it's very intelligent at all, the way some atheist scientists split hairs over some useless nerve in a Giraffe.

It's not splitting hairs; it's looking at evidence; looking at how evolution by natural selection works, looking at gene vestigiality; a journey of truth.

Duh! Atheism would love to see
the Bible burned out of existence !

Atheism alone doesn't make any claims; it doesn't make the claim there are no Gods; atheism is the position whereby you lack belief in a deity. It has no pre-requisite demands like being concerned with religion, or having certain philosophical positions.

There are many atheists who study the bible independantly, without bias. An advantage of being an atheist is that you can look at all religions equally; unlike some religious folk.

I personally consider free will and free thought the pinacle of liberty.

He did try to warn us, who have ears, a thinking brain and the handicapp of a free will,

Implying that the deity/creator is a "he"?


Implying that "free will" is a handicap?

posted on Jul, 12 2011 @ 12:38 PM

Originally posted by randyvs
A little test for all of the atheists. Who's smart enough ( or clear minded ) amoung you, to tell me what is the biggest disadvantage of secular notions such as "burn every Bible " ? If no one comes up with the one most obvious reason why this is a bad idea? Then you are all truely blinded by hate.

I don't know if I've ever met an atheist in favor of burning any book let alone every bible. But let's assume there is one. Such direct iconoclasm is unnecessary if the goal is to assuage Christianity.

posted on Jul, 12 2011 @ 12:44 PM

Originally posted by Regenstorm
But what about the moral decay in the western Regions of the world?

It's closely tied with a nation's religiosity. The more religious a nation, the more sociological problems it has.

This thread contains information validating my statement.

posted on Jul, 12 2011 @ 12:47 PM
reply to post by ExistentialNightmare

I never mentioned atheism once in my post.

I personally consider free will and free thought the pinacle of liberty.

How noble of you ?
Take my word for it, in that day ? It handicapped us for the duration.

I redact that first ststement to read," I mentioned atheism only once ". My bad.

I don't know if I've ever met an atheist in favor of burning any book let alone every bible. But let's assume there is one. Such direct iconoclasm is unnecessary if the goal is to assuage Christianity

I don't know that I've met any either Drum. Yet I know their out there and they exist even with-in these confines.

You've sent me into a dictionary now. I hope you're happy.

Do do do do. hmmm . Assuage- to calm. a good vocabulary needs exorcise. Good word.

edit on 12-7-2011 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-7-2011 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-7-2011 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-7-2011 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-7-2011 by randyvs because: (no reason given)
edit on 12-7-2011 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 12 2011 @ 01:23 PM
reply to post by traditionaldrummer

You should visit the Netherlands and I'll give you a tour. It's really amazing what a rotten country it has become during the last 20 years. It's as if most people think they are a God if you study the way they behave, they have no respect for others. You see them thinking, "me, me ,me, I only live this once and I want the best just for me..."
Most people below 50 in the Netherlands are atheists, on paper still catholic, but if you talk to them they are all atheists and raise their kids the same way.

BTW, ever been to Amsterdam or Rotterdam? Read their local news recently? Visited Dutch forums? It's really amazing if you read the Dutch comments on news. It's a bit like eBaum's forum but a bit nastier. I don't want to be banned because of the content of those regular news-sites, so I won't post any links. Nude is normal, also on national (daytime) TV. Churches are being closed every day because there is no one that goes to them.
Here is some children's television from the nineties:

I know you don't understand Dutch, but the video is self-explanatory.

And it's not just in the big cities or on national television, on the countryside it's just as worse, the moral is sinking every day.
Like two 16 year old girls robbing a blind man and putting cigarettes out in his face in a small town.
The country has become one large ghetto.
The Netherlands used to be a country where you could leave the doors open and go away without any fear something would happen. Just like you could in Germany (and still can in small villages).

posted on Jul, 12 2011 @ 01:34 PM

Originally posted by Regenstorm
You should visit the Netherlands and I'll give you a tour. It's really amazing what a rotten country it has become during the last 20 years. It's as if most people think they are a God if you study the way they behave, they have no respect for others. You see them thinking, "me, me ,me, I only live this once and I want the best just for me..."

This actually seems to be happening world wide.

I was watching a documentary on Japan - I think. It was about how students have become disrespectful of their teachers.

Maybe its a natural evolution thing. Who knows. I don't think it has anything to do with religion or atheism.

posted on Jul, 12 2011 @ 01:47 PM

Originally posted by Regenstorm
reply to post by traditionaldrummer

You should visit the Netherlands and I'll give you a tour. It's really amazing what a rotten country it has become during the last 20 years.

Certainly so.
But, what else happens in the Netherlands that could contribute to societal problems? Or are you claiming that their conditions are solely due to atheism?

How also do you explain the other predominantly atheist nations that are not "rotten"?

posted on Jul, 12 2011 @ 01:53 PM

Originally posted by randyvs
I don't know that I've met any either Drum. Yet I know their out there and they exist even with-in these confines.

Sure, some may exist, although I wouldn't consider it a fair stereotype to imagine that all atheists want all bibles burned. The ones I know, including myself, value freedom of religion as a paramount right - even if it means someone is believing things you may disagree with. Also, an attempt to eliminate the bible would be detrimental: without a cursory knowledge of the bible it would be difficult to understand the art and history of the last thousand (and more) years. Any atheist who would support burning religious books is shamelessly bathing in idiocy.

posted on Jul, 12 2011 @ 03:18 PM
reply to post by Annee

Maybe its a natural evolution thing. Who knows. I don't think it has anything to do with religion or atheism.

I agree.
Presently locked in a struggle to understand this manifestation in a sixtteen year old girl. Very tough.

edit on 12-7-2011 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

No questioning the consistency of your observations.

edit on 12-7-2011 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 12:51 AM

Originally posted by filosophia
There are plenty of reasons why the elite would not like Christianity, not for its theological position but for its political position

God - rights are derived from God, not government. If they eliminate God, more people would assume rights derive from government.

Jesus Christ - a man of peace and compassion. If you do away with the memory of Christ and his teachings, it's more easy to fall back onto the Old Testament God that justifies war and persecution of heathens, i.e. gays, minorities, etc.

Bible - While the bible is referenced by politicians, not many reference sayings of Jesus found in Matthew, but rather tend to focus on corrupt passages from Leviticus which try and justify hatred of gays and others. The bible is also very clear in that Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament (which is why there is a New Testament) so the old testament laws (Jewish laws) are no longer applicable to Christians.

Rights are not derived from 'God'. They are derived from nature.

posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 11:34 PM

Originally posted by ExistentialNightmare
reply to post by Conclusion1

Intelligence is a word we use to describe life on Earth (he is intelligent, that ape is more intelligent etc.)

Griffo has highlighted vestigiality in animals (our appendix, the giraffe's largyngeal nerve)

The universe isn't intelligent in that sense that it can't reverse mistakes; it can't go back to the drawing board, nature has no forsight.

Intelligent design could be considered as an unfalsifiable hypothesis; it's a hypothesis in which we have to assume the INTELLIGENT designer has willed 99.8% of all species that have ever existed to be extinct. It's a designer that has allowed a collision course between the Milky Way and the Andromeda Gallaxy. Again, it's up to everyone to decide if that's to be considered intelligent, or even benevolent.
edit on 11-7-2011 by ExistentialNightmare because: (no reason given)

No the design is that everything in this universe will die one day.

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