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Abduction Phenomenon. What are the motivations?

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posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 09:27 AM
Aliens are demons, i thought most people knew this by now.

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 10:55 AM
reply to post by JohhnyBGood

This is fascinating and entirely "new" to me. Thanks for providing the link. I do have a basic initial question for you:

How did the Gnostics come by their information as to the origin of the different types of entities?

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 10:56 AM

Originally posted by RevelationGeneration
Aliens are demons, i thought most people knew this by now.

What are demons then? How do they benefit from "abduction"? Why don't the demons mentioned in the bible resemble "alien abduction" in ANY way?

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 12:11 PM

Originally posted by MasterOfSparkz
reply to post by JohhnyBGood

This is fascinating and entirely "new" to me. Thanks for providing the link. I do have a basic initial question for you:

How did the Gnostics come by their information as to the origin of the different types of entities?

They probably emerged from a long long sucsession of seers/shamans stretching back into prehistory, there is an excellent video around by Charles Hapgood that examines the world wide cave paintings in the light of various modern day '___', Ahyusca etc experiences.

Not to say that is how the mystery schools operated - but you can see something similar amongst say the tribal elders of native americans - they goon seeingquests etc, report back, pool their experiences - and gradualy develop a tradition and a picture of the other worlds.

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 12:27 PM

As for the intent and motivations I believe that once those beings get control over your consciousnesses they benefit somehow from that - probably extracting some valuable substances from the body of the victim. It is common that people that have this kind of state, are getting progressively physically weaker and weaker, to a point where their condition is very poor. This is the reason I think there can be some extraction going on. But there can be more to it like replacing you in a way, that their consciousness takes control, and there is no more you, but them. In any way, it is something truly evil.

Now that you mention it, it sounds a lot like the kind of things people go through when they're being 'possessed' doesn't it? I dunno where you're from but where am from, people who are possessed are not delusional nor have they completely lost their mind. I've experienced something close to a possession whereby you constantly get bombarded by these strange emotions/thoughts you would never conjure up by yourself. You have problems sleeping at night.

My own battle with the whole thing ended with me visiting a spiritual guide, a lady who knew the ways around. She looked at me, she looked at my mom and said I was about to enter a plant like state due to my inability to cope with the whole thing. I was young then. Still in college and I was losing a mental battle and my body was slowly degenerating.

If i knew then what I know now, I might have easily warded off the crazy ideas that popped up in my head.

How do I know I wasn't in need of medical assistance or such? I just knew.

Needless to say, after performing personal and spiritual cleansing in my self the situation simply...stopped.

Do you have any idea what thats like? For months on end I was battling this voice constantly talking in my head. It took a lot of self control not to lose my mind. Because when thoughts appear in your head you almost always think its YOU. Once another person confirmed the situation was dire, I simply confronted it with determination and left the rest upto God.

I'm not surprised the number of people who think aliens are demons. I've considered that myself.

But I think a demon is anything that has extremely evil intent. I don't think they're created as demons, but who's to say they can't become one over time?
edit on 7-7-2011 by nusnus because: (no reason given)

edit on 7-7-2011 by nusnus because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 12:30 PM
reply to post by RevelationGeneration

Not really. The theory is notoriously silly because its not based on any facts and the theory has alot of holes in it.

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 12:46 PM

Originally posted by JohhnyBGood

Originally posted by MasterOfSparkz
reply to post by JohhnyBGood

This is fascinating and entirely "new" to me. Thanks for providing the link. I do have a basic initial question for you:

How did the Gnostics come by their information as to the origin of the different types of entities?

They probably emerged from a long long sucsession of seers/shamans stretching back into prehistory, there is an excellent video around by Charles Hapgood that examines the world wide cave paintings in the light of various modern day '___', Ahyusca etc experiences.

Not to say that is how the mystery schools operated - but you can see something similar amongst say the tribal elders of native americans - they goon seeingquests etc, report back, pool their experiences - and gradualy develop a tradition and a picture of the other worlds.

This absolutely fascinates me. Not from the stance of esoteric history specifically relating to the Gnostics, but rather what you stated about '___' and the collective experiences that the one gentleman has studied. I am going to look for that documentary. Now there *is* a possible connection!

There is so much evidence to suggest that '___' experiences are very much akin to abduction experiences. Now, I start wondering what kind of "trigger" in the brain the substance pulls?

If experiences from '___' have a very real "meet the aliens" similarity to them among users, it is quite possible that the substance could be used to further investigate the phenomenon.

It is also possible, like the McKenna's have long contended, that '___' itself is a type of "collective mystery knowledge revealer or teacher" that may initiate the process by which we could eventually interact extra temporally whereby access to different dimensions may be somehow facilitated.

Could the trigger that is actuated by the substance '___' *be* the human facility for the alien abduction scenario? Not the cause, but rather the same facility within the mind that "opens" itself up to become either accessible, or even possibly, that which may eventually facilitate willful navigation within the dimensionally unknown? We already know that the mind itself can inflict physical wounds upon itself within intense dream states if the experience results in such that we are able to monitor the stress under controlled conditions. Could these be the marks of "alien abduction" found on the bodies of abductees?

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 02:22 PM

Originally posted by nusnus
Now that you mention it, it sounds a lot like the kind of things people go through when they're being 'possessed' doesn't it? I dunno where you're from but where am from, people who are possessed are not delusional nor have they completely lost their mind. I've experienced something close to a possession whereby you constantly get bombarded by these strange emotions/thoughts you would never conjure up by yourself. You have problems sleeping at night.

My own battle with the whole thing ended with me visiting a spiritual guide, a lady who knew the ways around. She looked at me, she looked at my mom and said I was about to enter a plant like state due to my inability to cope with the whole thing. I was young then. Still in college and I was losing a mental battle and my body was slowly degenerating.

If i knew then what I know now, I might have easily warded off the crazy ideas that popped up in my head.

How do I know I wasn't in need of medical assistance or such? I just knew.

Needless to say, after performing personal and spiritual cleansing in my self the situation simply...stopped.

Do you have any idea what thats like? For months on end I was battling this voice constantly talking in my head. It took a lot of self control not to lose my mind. Because when thoughts appear in your head you almost always think its YOU. Once another person confirmed the situation was dire, I simply confronted it with determination and left the rest upto God.

I'm not surprised the number of people who think aliens are demons. I've considered that myself.

But I think a demon is anything that has extremely evil intent. I don't think they're created as demons, but who's to say they can't become one over time?
edit on 7-7-2011 by nusnus because: (no reason given)

edit on 7-7-2011 by nusnus because: (no reason given)

Thanks for sharing that. It was actually touching, and I am happy to learn that you got well. From what I know you are from the few people that did not ended up in the plant state you mentioned. I think you won the battle because you were firm and strong, and you rejected the interference. This is the only way I think, to keep a rational and strong consciousness and never give up. Not sure whether it was God who helped you with that, but the possibility of external help is quite possible. Anyway, you should know best for yourself, as you probably feel you were not able to take care of this on your own.

I have to agree about your way of thinking about demons - beings with extremely evil intent. So if we define it like this, then those evil aliens are demons. That should apply for people with extremely evil intent as well, and we know historically that those existed, and they exist nowadays as well. In a more conventional sense though, demons are beings that do not have body form in our dimension, where the aliens have. So whether those aliens that abduct people are demons is a matter of definition I think.

Your view on the issue of whether demons are created as demons initially is interesting. If we assume it is like that it makes sense because possibly whoever have the ability/technology to create new life forms should have a high moral baseline and his creations will not be that evil. So we may consider the possibility that through moral degeneration a being can become a demon.

Anyway, I am truly happy for your success in dealing with that condition

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 02:53 PM

Originally posted by JohhnyBGood
The Gnostics were part of the network of ancient mystery schools across the globe - they quite clearly describe 'alien abductions' - and more importantly just who the aliens are, and what their agenda is:

That is definitely an interesting read. One point though - when it comes to the actual motivation or intent there is not much there. I found some info in the neighboring article:

Gnostics specifically suggest that these life forms parasitize humans by feeding on negative energies that these life forms apparently instigate on Earth. These fostered "negative energies" apparently provide as a 'food source' for these Manipulative inorganic entities.


This agenda could include denying the importance of vital planetary issues like Global Warming, while maintaining at the same time global war and genocide that is used as negative energy food sources. Read more:

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 02:54 PM

Originally posted by MasterOfSparkz

Originally posted by JohhnyBGood

Originally posted by MasterOfSparkz
reply to post by JohhnyBGood

This is fascinating and entirely "new" to me. Thanks for providing the link. I do have a basic initial question for you:

How did the Gnostics come by their information as to the origin of the different types of entities?

They probably emerged from a long long sucsession of seers/shamans stretching back into prehistory, there is an excellent video around by Charles Hapgood that examines the world wide cave paintings in the light of various modern day '___', Ahyusca etc experiences.

Not to say that is how the mystery schools operated - but you can see something similar amongst say the tribal elders of native americans - they goon seeingquests etc, report back, pool their experiences - and gradualy develop a tradition and a picture of the other worlds.

This absolutely fascinates me. Not from the stance of esoteric history specifically relating to the Gnostics, but rather what you stated about '___' and the collective experiences that the one gentleman has studied. I am going to look for that documentary. Now there *is* a possible connection!

There is so much evidence to suggest that '___' experiences are very much akin to abduction experiences. Now, I start wondering what kind of "trigger" in the brain the substance pulls?

If experiences from '___' have a very real "meet the aliens" similarity to them among users, it is quite possible that the substance could be used to further investigate the phenomenon.

It is also possible, like the McKenna's have long contended, that '___' itself is a type of "collective mystery knowledge revealer or teacher" that may initiate the process by which we could eventually interact extra temporally whereby access to different dimensions may be somehow facilitated.

Could the trigger that is actuated by the substance '___' *be* the human facility for the alien abduction scenario? Not the cause, but rather the same facility within the mind that "opens" itself up to become either accessible, or even possibly, that which may eventually facilitate willful navigation within the dimensionally unknown? We already know that the mind itself can inflict physical wounds upon itself within intense dream states if the experience results in such that we are able to monitor the stress under controlled conditions. Could these be the marks of "alien abduction" found on the bodies of abductees?

I suspect '___' is something that ejects ones conciousness straight into the Archons realm - the Mystery school initiation process involved a direct encounter with the 'organic light' ie Sophia/Gaia herself

Ps - Sorry, I got the authors mixed up, it's not Charles Hapgood - but Graham Hancock with the '___' videos

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 06:40 PM

Originally posted by JohhnyBGood
I suspect '___' is something that ejects ones conciousness straight into the Archons realm - the Mystery school initiation process involved a direct encounter with the 'organic light' ie Sophia/Gaia herself

Ps - Sorry, I got the authors mixed up, it's not Charles Hapgood - but Graham Hancock with the '___' videos

That video presentation by Graham Hancock was VERY enlightening, in many ways.

I appreciate where he is coming from, and I am sure all the stuff he refers to is very much connected to or relevant to the “alien abduction” experience. But he might also be missing part of the picture if he is ruling out the notion of “real physical abduction” as being at least a possible part of the phenomena.

I don't know if what is behind some unsolved UFO sightings are “real aliens from other planets” and whether they are from another civilization using advanced technology to reach this planet. But part of the answer to what Hancock, Strassman and others are reporting is possibly that shamans and others going through these “visionary experiences” are actually experiencing either:

1) the recorded memories or sense of others who have gone through an alien abduction
2) the personal memory from a previous life where they met the entities which guide the soul from one existence on to the next

I certainly don't claim to “know the answer to the riddle” posed by the “alien abduction” phenomena.

The reported “visions” of UFOs that are reported by some shamans in these states, well that is interesting, but plenty of people experience UFO sightings of this type in ordinary everyday reality and there is much to suggest that these are material objects of some sort.

The same can be said for people having these encounters with the “alien beings”. In some cases, these happen at night while a person's sleep is interrupted. Some of these encounters are certainly related to “sleep paralysis” (whatever that state really is). But others have these encounters on the ground in normal consciousness. My mother had such an encounter when she was a young girl. She described the “little green men” as being short, dressed in silvery suits with a helmet or balaclava over their heads. (Note: by “little green men” she was just using the popular term for “alien” that was in use in pop-culture previous to the Spielberg's ET)

My mother's sister stated she could remember that she had come “from the stars”, and had been incarnated on the planet from elsewhere. Yes, an interesting story but its just a story right?

What is strange for me though, is that I have many memories going back to childhood, where I was given information which informed me that I had also been incarnated on this planet with a new identity, but in my case, my previous identity was as another human who was an Air Force pilot who was captured by aliens, nine months before I was born.

The experience described by one of the '___' experiencers sounds like an almost exact match of the pilot who was taken aboard the “alien craft” in his plane, with his other crew member. The jet has its controls disabled and is guided into an open bay in the side of a huge “spacecraft”. The pilot loses consciousness, and when he awakens, he is on his back and has been removed from the craft. The smaller “orderlies” are removing his flight helmet and oxygen mask. As his eyes adjust to the bright light and he becomes fully awake, he is shocked to see “an alien” being looking at him which is telepathically communicating with him.

The next part where he describes an “activation of a sexual circuit” happens much later in actual time, possibly days later as much other stuff happens before that, almost none of it involving any sort of examination or “medical procedure”.

I don't know if this event really happened to me, or to the pilot, but I do know that for some reason, I was given information about this whole event on several occasions in my life by my parents and one of my brothers. I also have a memory where I was given this information by the Radar Operator who was the other crew member. This memory happened on a family vacation where I was separated from my family and taken to a distant hill overlooking Lake Superior. I climbed up the hill with the man, and he told me the story of their capture by a spaceship out over the lake. (Note: I don't know if the incident happened as I remember, but I do have this memory and other memories which suggest this occurred.)

A portion of the experiences and memories was the subject of a documentary which can be seen on Youtube.

As I said, I don't know what “really happened” and I certainly am not trying to convince anyone that this is some sort of answer to alien abductions. This incident occurred in 1953, during a period where there were many similar close encounters between UFOs and Air Force aircraft.

However, I am very much fascinated by this linkage between alien abductions and the human journey and the journey of the soul. I certainly agree with Graham Hancock that our materialistic viewpoint is a dead end for human civilization. Unless we change, as a species, we are very, very likely going to perish.

posted on Jul, 8 2011 @ 03:16 AM

Originally posted by MasterOfSparkz
Could the trigger that is actuated by the substance '___' *be* the human facility for the alien abduction scenario?

This is something I really do know something about.

I did discuss that abduction may well involve the exploitation of a physiological mechanism in my thread: Alien Abduction/Visitation: Induction of Sleep Paralysis

I have some information I may be able to share with you all regarding this. I am a pharmacology graduate and have also had a VERY relevant "initiation" with reference to what you are discussing. Before I post it though I have to consider whether I am allowed to share it with you (T&Cs mention no discussion of illegal substances) and also how much material that I may be able to get a fee for publishing can I afford to share on ATS.

I'll get back to you when I have considered and consulted some of the site staff.

posted on Jul, 8 2011 @ 07:43 AM

Originally posted by Pimander

Originally posted by MasterOfSparkz
Could the trigger that is actuated by the substance '___' *be* the human facility for the alien abduction scenario?

This is something I really do know something about.

I did discuss that abduction may well involve the exploitation of a physiological mechanism in my thread: Alien Abduction/Visitation: Induction of Sleep Paralysis

I have some information I may be able to share with you all regarding this. I am a pharmacology graduate and have also had a VERY relevant "initiation" with reference to what you are discussing. Before I post it though I have to consider whether I am allowed to share it with you (T&Cs mention no discussion of illegal substances) and also how much material that I may be able to get a fee for publishing can I afford to share on ATS.

I'll get back to you when I have considered and consulted some of the site staff.

This is in interest of reality. It's hard to believe that they would not want you discussing your experiences. I personally have tripped on '___' MANY times when I was MUCH younger. There is no similarity with respect to acid, however, I have never taken '___'.

The world would be a MUCH better place if everyone were aware of the extremely positive benefits of psychedelic drug therapy.

I also AGREE 100% with Graham concerning his statements regarding the governments outrageous control of OUR minds. That's BS!!!!!!

edited for "thanks": I am reading through the thread you have provided on this fascinating subject. will feedback as I am able. Thank you.
edit on 8-7-2011 by MasterOfSparkz because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 8 2011 @ 02:28 PM

Originally posted by JohhnyBGood
I suspect '___' is something that ejects ones conciousness straight into the Archons realm - the Mystery school initiation process involved a direct encounter with the 'organic light' ie Sophia/Gaia herself

Ps - Sorry, I got the authors mixed up, it's not Charles Hapgood - but Graham Hancock with the '___' videos

I know that it's slightly irrelevant, but seeing how you see this cave painting appears in the first twenty minutes of this documentary (which I am still absorbing, amazingly intriguing), I was SHOCKED to see the original. Kind of funny.

and then, of all things, this I stumbled on just prior:

Holy synchronicity! (although the latter link is primarily the work of an apparent buffoon, it's still VERY fitting)

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 09:55 AM

Originally posted by MasterOfSparkz

Could you please provide the official test results that conclusively determined that these "implants" were not from Earth?

There is a great deal to the "abduction phenomenon", however I do not personally believe that it's a case where those being abducted are actually "taken" somewhere.

Is anyone aware of a single case where the routinely abducted have submitted themselves for overnight monitoring?

Hello MasterOfSparkz,

I don't have the results in my possession. University of San Antonio Texas analyzed the implants as well as Los Alamos. The laboratories were not told what the specimens were, and concluded them to pieces of meteorites, but the nickel/iron ratio was not that of a meterorite. The isotopic ratios were tested and concluded as "not of this earth". Now when you have reporters telling us that cattle mutilations are from UFOs and people that had missing time only to find out they were abducted, I think it is easy to believe that Paul Bennewitz discovered the first alien implant in 1980. People don't happen to have objects in them from outspace and there is no fine line between skeptical and ignorant.

I think its possible that aliens are interdimensional also, being that they can abduct a person while the person is in their own bed. Somehow they may be able to go into the other dimension and use this person, but somehow the person can have physical effects like scrapes, bruises, and bleeding. This would account for reports of aliens doing experiements to the brain and eyes, this would also account for reports of mutilating a cow in a field without touching the ground.

The only report I have heard of self monitoring is Jim Sparks but I have determined him a fraud. I will check up on that, if I was Bud Hopkins I would have persuaded them to buy a monitoring system.

posted on Oct, 21 2012 @ 08:32 PM
reply to post by greyer

Jim Sparks is used by the military (I think Army) to promote the standard views of alien abduction. He's had his head messed with. I spoke to him before when I first started having abductions. It made my situation worse. Pray that this never happens to you. If you do get abducted write affirmations, letters etc and post them around your bedroom - make it clear you want NOTHING to do with it and you will never help them (military). If you are awake or semi-awake when you start being pulled scream your head off.

posted on Oct, 21 2012 @ 08:43 PM

Originally posted by RevelationGeneration
Aliens are demons, i thought most people knew this by now.

Lol it is much easier to say something than to educate yourself and then say something.

posted on Oct, 22 2012 @ 12:37 PM
reply to post by Picollo30

The motives behind these abductions vary. Some aliens may abduct humans and use them as test subjects, while other could recruit them for a higher purpose. Some may abduct people out of curiousity. Very similar to a scientist pulling a mouse out of it's cage. The mouse has no idea as to why the scientist if picking him up. He just knows, he wants to return back to his natural environment. Human beings probably feel the same way, when adbucted.

The best thing to do when abducted by aliens is to talk to them. Try and establish a mutual ground between one another. Ask them why they abducted you, without consent. Ask them about their human planet and what they know about yours. It's the best way to learn from them.

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