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Why This Lovely Woman Does NOT Support The Troops - Amazing Video

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posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 11:03 AM

God forbid it starts raining chinese/russian paratroopers over US soil, then we will see how little she supports our troops then.

If the global military and political climate was such that said scenario was quite possible or relatively imminent, you wouldn't have time to worry about supporting the troops by then; you'd be sitting in the same tank as them.

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 11:06 AM

Originally posted by theHairInTheSoup
second question : apart UK, Germany, France, Spain, Italia and USA who has invaded/colonized any distant place (separated by oceans or other countries) let say in the last 1000 years ?


LOADS more if you do not include oceans.

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 11:08 AM
reply to post by AussieAmandaC

I was not debating the point as much as I was simply clarifying your chosen terminology and the usage of that terminology.

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 11:15 AM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic

Originally posted by spoonbender
you agree to insight troops to treasonous acts

She did not incite the troops to anything. I suggest people don't become troops in the first place.

Listen to what she says @ 1:55
right after she try's to pronounce conscientious
" since they are already on the inside, pull a Bradley Manning " = Treason

If You want to Identify with her for what ever reason... that's fine.
it doesn't mean I'm going to ...
We must then agree to disagree

peace out
edit on 7/5/2011 by spoonbender because: boobtube imbed... why is she so breathy ?

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 11:23 AM
reply to post by jude11

I actually agree with her not 100% but close. i did not celebrate the 4th eather. this year was my first year i did not do anything go see fireworks or even go camping like i normally do. i do not see a point in celebrating for something that does not exist anymore. BUT i do have to say some issues i have with her status. now understand i do not support this warmongering place like yourself. but this is the way i look at it. now i do not support our government doing the things that it is doing but i will always support the troops main reason is if you don't support the people in the military. when it comes time for the military to turn the gun on its people its them that's going to have to decide where to pull the trigger or not. i would like for them to remember who they are fighting for. our rights and the people of america. if you totally shut them out it will make it easier for them to pull the trigger and not think 2x about it.

The only other issue i have is about when you go dancing on the Jefferson Memorial. dedicated to Thomas Jefferson, an American Founding Father and the third President of the United States. built in 1943. what your not putting together is the fact when that building was built and who it was dedicated too. i still believe in old america not corporate america in what we have today. to me your walking and the smashing of old america. i still believe our founding fathers had all the right attentions. But it took a nasty turn over years. with greed and corruption and corporations. you got to keep the old beliefs alive or else it turns all corporate.

I know you can tie them together and say well why don't you celebrate the 4th when its remember when won independence. it makes me sad because it makes me remember that is what we lost. and what we do not have today in corporate america. best thing i think we can do is just wait for the total fall of america and be here to do what we can to keep corporate out. when it starts rebuilding. at this point i see no way to be able to fix what over the years has been messed up. if people would have just got out of bed sooner and not let bush in the office. after all he did not win that election. it only takes 7 checks to win pres.

anyway good to see more people waking up....

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 11:27 AM

Originally posted by ModernAcademia

I thought that she expressed herself very well and very much drilled down to not supporting the troops vs. the army/wars.

I find it very difficult to disagree with any of her views and would love to have a cup of coffee with her and have great discussions.

I wish there were more people like this, more people who did not categorize a thought under a generalized umbrella, I believe that this flaw of generalizing is a major contributor to not understanding current events.

Excellent Speech!!!

This American woman is saying what EVERY non-American person knows and feels.

I am not American and I agree with her 100%

Empires always suck, it is the way of the world.

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 11:31 AM
Lovely or not, this woman along with countless others who "become disgusted" with the troops are more ignorant of the "pro-troops/anti-troops, pro- war/anti-war" causes for being.
Saying you are either of them is a total cop out to begin with. Once people understand that the differences of their arguments for being either of the groups, are actually because of one core variable; that being the intelligence gathering which is the catylst of the events causing perspective conflicts amoungst the people.
Unfortunately, when we receive statistics of death counts in the midde east, it reflects something similar to a genocide.
Innocent civilians are the majority of the group, and if this woman does infact know people who has served, as do I ,she would know that besides gangbanging perpetrators of their oath, commiting horrific acts against humans, the real people who are to blame are the ones commanding our troops to take out every person in the vicinity of an area deemed hostile. Full neighborhoods are slaughtered because an intelligence operation says so. It is not fair to dispise our fellow countrymen for following srict military dictatorship orders.
I am against un constitutional wars. But I support all people willing to serve for a country in which I live, and in that service risking the life they wish to live.
Folks we do not need a repeat of a Nazi regime. The longer the ingorant masses argue amongst themselves on a simple level similar to sports teams, the worse the situation is going to get because it then gets ignored.

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 11:32 AM

Originally posted by Becoming
I cant speak for the other military members, but I for one really don't care if civilians support the troops or not.

Its not a big deal for me either way. As a matter of fact it makes me very uncomfortable to have someone come up to me and say "thank you for your service".

I have always said that you can't be against the wars and support the troops at the same time.

So don't support us if you want, I don't mind.

Kay, I'll just invoice you for my refund, then.

Or do you not understand what "support" means?
edit on 5-7-2011 by TheOrangeBrood because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 11:34 AM

Originally posted by spoonbender

Listen to what she says @ 1:55
right after she try's to pronounce conscientious
" since they are already on the inside, pull a Bradley Manning " = Treason

If You want to Identify with her for what ever reason... that's fine.
it doesn't mean I'm going to ...

It's about time they learned what courage and honor REALLY meant, instead of leaving them as the empty propaganda that the U.S. MSM has turned them into.

You're still more of a victim than a hero if you are touting the U.S. military.

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 11:37 AM
"Amazing Video"? Really? A halfway decent looking chick articulates a viewpoint I've heard a hundred times before. The only difference here is that she looks good the whole time. The OP should have said, "Look at this great video of this chick I want to have a beer with. Maybe if I kiss her a@@ she'll give me the time of day." Hey dude you'd probably get a lot further with her if you disagreed with her and called her stupid, then she'd try really hard to convince you.

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 11:41 AM

Originally posted by hammanderr
"Amazing Video"? Really? A halfway decent looking chick articulates a viewpoint I've heard a hundred times before.

How does you hearing this perspective before invalidate it?

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 11:44 AM

Originally posted by TheOrangeBrood

Originally posted by spoonbender

Listen to what she says @ 1:55
right after she try's to pronounce conscientious
" since they are already on the inside, pull a Bradley Manning " = Treason

If You want to Identify with her for what ever reason... that's fine.
it doesn't mean I'm going to ...

It's about time they learned what courage and honor REALLY meant, instead of leaving them as the empty propaganda that the U.S. MSM has turned them into.

You're still more of a victim than a hero if you are touting the U.S. military.

So being Benedict Arnold is all the rage now ...
all the kids are doing it

this courage you speak of
is that the same courage found in suicide bombers

if so you can keep it

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 11:52 AM
reply to post by SFA437

You are saying that 'Shock and Awe" was not a stratigic bombing run? I watched the bunker of babies get hit on TV. It was very strategic.

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 11:54 AM
reply to post by ModernAcademia

It is the fact of the video being described as "amazing". I never said her viewpoint was stupid or invalid. If some dude was on this same video you would not be so enthralled by it. All I'm sayin man is, chill out, you'll get an intelligent hottie some day. In the meantime, this chick on the video is probably cooking breakfast for some Marine she's "reeducating". The quickest way to get a antiwar chick home with you is to tell her how much you love killing Muslims. That will be some hot stuff, as she "punishes" you for being an animal.

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 11:59 AM

Originally posted by hammanderr
It is the fact of the video being described as "amazing". I never said her viewpoint was stupid or invalid. If some dude was on this same video you would not be so enthralled by it. All I'm sayin man is, chill out, you'll get an intelligent hottie some day. In the meantime, this chick on the video is probably cooking breakfast for some Marine she's "reeducating". The quickest way to get a antiwar chick home with you is to tell her how much you love killing Muslims. That will be some hot stuff, as she "punishes" you for being an animal.

You just said a whole bunch of nothing

It's like you are saying women that are anti-war are only good for one thing
What a neanderthal-like comment

I think you should retract your statement

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 12:11 PM
I agree with her 100% and I am American. If I speak my mind openly where I live, then people will atleast verbally attack me. However, regardless of the personal consequences at this time, I still speak my mind and represent justice.

PS: Calling hammanderr a neanderthal is offensive to neanderthals. hammanderr seems unintelligent, whereas neanderthals had larger brains than we do.
edit on 5-7-2011 by Damek because: PS

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 12:11 PM

For all those who think a defensive Army is the answer - who will train them and based on what experience if they have never fought a war?

The US uses foreign wars as a testing (for equipment and doctrine) and training ground for the all volunteer force we have now. The purpose is to learn lessons and hone skills so that should TSHTF and we become engaged in an all out global conflict then they as the cadre for the draftees and conscripts can pass on their experiences...

I mean face it the standing military force we currently have will not be enough to conduct global war or multiple medium regional conflicts.

So your justification for armed agents of the state occupying Iraq, Afghanistan and meddling in foreign conflicts in general is to simply use the population living in these places as live targets? This being a necessity for a successful defence of freedom & liberty at home?

To learn war one must engage in it - little local conflicts allow for the development and testing of new doctrine and equipment and have been used as a training ground for leaders and staff by all nations since the end of WWI. See the Germans and US (along with others) involvement in the Spanish Civil War to see how they used it as a training exercise and a lead in for new tech used in WWII.

Finally as a 24 year veteran I have no doubt we need constant training - you get soft and you will get dead really quick.

Having a citizen Army of trained but untried leaders is a recipe for one in the loss column. There is no way to learn the art of war other than by practicing it regularly.

This can be equated to the mentality of the local bully who thinks you need to go around beating people up and getting into random fights to 'Be a man' and 'Make sure people don't think they can disrespect you', 'Not become too soft'...

What if their are no convenient internal conflicts to use for your 'testing of equipment and doctrine' - are you suggesting it would be right to intentionally instigate new ones and falsely lead the population into them?

Absolutely vile and moronic.

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 12:12 PM

Originally posted by earthdude
reply to post by SFA437

You are saying that 'Shock and Awe" was not a stratigic bombing run?

No it was not.

Strategic bombing is a method to destroy a populations will to fight by indiscriminate targeting of civilian population and cities. Baghdad still stands. Tikrit still stands. Kirkuk still stands. Najaf still stands. If the US was engaged in a strategic bombing campaign then these cities would be nothing more than piles of rubble. Strategic bombing is no longer considered to be a viable option in military operations as it is expensive, wasteful in both men and equipment and adds in considerable expense upon the cessation of hostilities if the victor wishes to occupy the country.

Shock and Awe was a precision bombing campaign.

Originally posted by earthdude
I watched the bunker of babies get hit on TV. It was very strategic.

Just because you wish to use a term incorrectly does not make reality fit into your opinion of it.

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 12:14 PM
Jeez, ATS is filling up with waste. Worse than the only public pool in a crowded city. Almost everysingle topic posted on this site gets completely side tracked because they bicker back and fort amongst themselves. But one shouldn't be supried at others approachess to a site like this. They treat it as youtube, in a text based format and leave stupid replies to fil their sad mundae lives. And that's what the sheeple are programed to do. Its written al over our countries walls, if you get the people to disagree amogst themselves, their turmoil shadows the real problem, while the perpetratrs get away.

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 12:29 PM
reply to post by ModernAcademia

Don't get too wound up, we all need a sense of humor. Neanderthal? I guess I'm not too offended by that. What kind of fighter are you by the way? I see that in your avatar. Do you kill people or beat people up? Or is the word "fighter" there to describe your war of words in search of the truth?

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