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Why This Lovely Woman Does NOT Support The Troops - Amazing Video

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posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 01:19 AM
reply to post by Golf66

I didnt expect anything less,asking for proof and dismissing it within 2 minutes...

Deny ignorance you ignoramus

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 01:39 AM
Donovan said it better in the words of Universal Soldier:

"He's the one who gives his body as a weapon of the war, and without him all this killing can't go on."

edit on 5-7-2011 by dognugget because: thought it was the last line of the song... but it ain't

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 02:19 AM
American and UN estimates.

Iraqi civilians no count before 2005: 101,638 – 111,046 +/- 15k deaths
Iraqi civilians injured: 500,000 +/- 100k (that's a big difference???)
Iraqi Military: 10,000 +/- 3k killed

American troops: 4469 KIA
Additional Coalition troops: 318

Coalition forces kill at a rate of 27/1

Iraqi and other nations estimates are much higher than this. Some do estimate nearly 1 million Iraqi injures and 250,000 civilians dead, and none of these numbers include Afghanistan. I used Google for all stats "Iraq war casualties"

Who are the terrorists again? Watch the video of the Iraqi woman screaming NO GOD BE WITH YOU at our troops and you can see the terror we cause. People (even military personnel) this is simple to see just open your eyes. Glad to see her express what most are to afraid to say, I would not go as far as to say I do not support the troops because MOST are just trying to make it home. The old saying fits well, One bad apple can spoil the whole bunch, if the military does not wanna be seen in this manner they need to clean the ranks so to speak.
edit on 5-7-2011 by ParanoidAmerican because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 02:39 AM
reply to post by ParanoidAmerican

10k iraqi military and 100k civis?

is that even remotely believable to anyone?

we crushed them in a couple weeks, does it say who actually killed them all or do we just get blamed for a fall in the bathroom too.

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 02:46 AM
reply to post by ParanoidAmerican

Is this people killed by US mil, or just killed overall? Btw,not all died, seeing as it says injured, to people who would say they all did

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 02:57 AM
reply to post by fooks

Most of the civilians died in bombings would be my guess...... and most of the Iraqi military "abandon ship" after the initial carpet bombings.
Yes we did have the Iraqi military defeated in weeks but there were still combatants fighting as there still is today. Bottom line is we are an occupying force not liberators of any kind in Iraq or Afghanistan. Saying "The War on Terror" is an oxymoron War is Terror and by fighting a war against terror one is perpetuating a the cycle. This could also be defined as Insanity repetition of anything expecting a different outcome.

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 03:02 AM
reply to post by chancemusky

I assume you mean the Iraqi deaths... This is an estimated total of deaths cause by the Coalition however look at the numbers and the US is by far the dominate military presence at all stages in both countries. I just read a story a couple weeks back that stated many Coalition troops would be pulling out of both wars by the end of next month... so this month actually. I will see if I can dig up that story.

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 03:03 AM
reply to post by ParanoidAmerican

Yea, I meant the Iraqi deaths
and ok, Id appreciate the story if youre able to find it, but no biggy

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 03:08 AM

Originally posted by Drunkenshrew

...When it really mattered in the last years and it was time to fight for freedom, where was the military -

  • when it was time to take a stand against the Patriot Act?
  • when it was time to take a stand against torture (you may call it enhanced interrogation)?
  • when it was time to refuse to enter illegal wars of aggression?
  • when it was time to oppose the catastrophic strategic planning for Iraq and Afghanistan, catastrophic planning which cost thousands of lives?
  • when it was time to take a stand against targeted assassinations? Targetet killings, which are murder without trial and without evidence?
  • when private contractors plundered the taxpayers?
  • when it was time to oppose extraordinary rendition?
  • when it was time to oppose Orwellian developments like the terror watch list and warrantless wiretapping?

The real Question here should be "Where was the American Public?" It's the pubilc that elects the officials who send these men and women off to war, who allow such laws as the Patriot Act to be placed on the books, and so on.

In the civilian world, if you believe something is wrong, you can refuse and quit. In the military you can refuse and go to jail or be killed for treason. And if people didn't enlist, then the draft would be reinstated. Why do you think they make kids register.

If people want the wars to stop, then they need to get up from their reality TV, their video games, and whatever it is that they are doing for enjoyment and make the politicans do their jobs and stop catering to big business, but there's really no way of doing that during a commercial break, so let someone else do it.

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 03:15 AM
reply to post by chancemusky

I am still looking it looks like it has been archived or bumped with the Germans pulling NATO troops.

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 03:17 AM

Originally posted by ParanoidAmerican
reply to post by fooks

Most of the civilians died in bombings would be my guess...... and most of the Iraqi military "abandon ship" after the initial carpet bombings.
Yes we did have the Iraqi military defeated in weeks but there were still combatants fighting as there still is today. Bottom line is we are an occupying force not liberators of any kind in Iraq or Afghanistan. Saying "The War on Terror" is an oxymoron War is Terror and by fighting a war against terror one is perpetuating a the cycle. This could also be defined as Insanity repetition of anything expecting a different outcome.

ya know what? i would believe that if it was WW2 not now.

what happened was that they jumped ship and took off their uniforms.

went to work for their respective sunni shia buddies.

i guess blending in don't work for these guys.

put on a uniform and start protecting your own people from the other dirt bags that are killing you.

they know who they are too. want us out? take control. rid yourselves of these idiots.

but then again, it will still be a bloodbath between these people and which idiots will be better?

who said; "dying ain't much of a living, boy"?

edit on 5-7-2011 by fooks because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 03:20 AM
reply to post by paraclete1

Of cause you are right, that the majority of the people have utterly failed and neglected their responsibilities. But the idea that the current military protects freedom and civil liberties is ludicrous.

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 03:23 AM
reply to post by ParanoidAmerican

You know what, its fine, Ill try google, thanks though, i really do appreciate it

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 03:42 AM
reply to post by Drunkenshrew

I agree that current and most past wars were unnecessary from a national defense point of view. When we went into Kuwait, the kids I served with believed we'd go in and leave in 4 months (Seriously, that's what we were told). I told them then that we'd never leave the area. At that time, we didn't have any bases in the middle east and I told then that once we got a foothold, we'd be there forever.

But to blame all for the actions of a few is wrong. And if you were to ask those serving over there, I dare to say most would tell you that they don't know why they're there and don't want to be there. Our military is conditioned and required to follow orders. And those who don't quickly find themselves behind bars. Until the American People stand up and say enough, these men and women will continue to be put in harms way.

And to say we're bringing freedom to other nations is a load of BS as well. IMO, we're only there because the leader of those countries did not play nice and do what our country told them to. The common people do not truely benefit from the new governments we 'help' to put in place.

I'd personally like to see our forces brought home an get our own house in order before going out and trying to straighten out other houses.

Do I support the war efforts? No
Do I support the animals who kill and rape innocent civilians? No
Do I support the vast majority of troops who try to do their best with a bad situation they've been forced to? Yes

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 03:48 AM
reply to post by ModernAcademia

how so much ignorance can be shown in one video is beyond me.

firstly, the individual in the video is obviously unaware of how military works, and is basing her decision on phony statistics and internet videos.

are there idiots in the military who are sadistic? yes just like in the general populace of any country.

funy thing is about our troops, most join very young, and lack any worldly understanding outside of what is tought to them via media and such, and they are not joining to kill or anything such as that. they are naive kids who are looking for an opportunity to make it in this world and they are injected into hell and they can be killed at any moment. try living in that lifestyle for a little while, and then tell me you dont support them.

i got out of the military after 10 years of service because the morality of what we were doing did not coincide with my own. but i still support the individual out there sleeping in a tent or conex, half a world away from anything they know, scared and uncertain, and wishing nothing but to be home.

i support them not because of what they do, but because i know that if tomorrow we were invaded, those troops would be the very ones on the street dyig for us here.

and this grand example of ignorance in the OP would be in line for help from them just like the rest.

i genuinely hope that if we did have such a disaster on hoe soil, that one of those troops she talks about would recognise her and when she reaches out that hand for some food or refuge, as the soldier takes her in or feeds her ignorant face, i hope he smiles and lets her know that even though SHE is ignorant, and according to her ignorance is no excuse, the troops still support her.

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 03:50 AM
I say kudos to her for standing up for herself and her stance on the subject. She may seem jaded indeed, but then many young Americans feel jaded in world they are left to deal with.

While I commend her on her expressions, I do not agree personally. I support the troops so much in the manner that I support them to come home safely after serving. I know many military personnel who disagree with the politics and see it for what it is but they knew when they joined that they would face these hard times. I do not support the wars or the agendas by any countries involved. I do love the men and women who choose to persue a better way of life by joining in military services for what they feel is right.

It's so easy to forget the soldiers at home as well though. The wives, the kids, mothers and fathers, friends etc. It's a hard line to align yourself with. She has taken a stance and has found clarity for what she supports and does not. If more of the world did this I do not think that we would be involved in as many wars as we have been since WWII.

What I know to be true is that even if the existing wars may seem pointless to many of us, the efforts of the men and women who serve across the world are not pointless. If SHTF tomorrow It is them who will be defending us and it is them who will be laying there lives down to protect our true freedoms. The rest is up to all of us to defend and protect.
edit on 5-7-2011 by Flint2011 because: Typos

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 04:26 AM
On the off chance someone actually makes it this far to read this, here is my two cents:

Firstly, the video she kept referencing clearly shows up engaging a lawful target. If you don't understand what that is, find the Rules of Engagement for the troops in Iraq for 2007. Generally, once air support is called in the "calling troops" get out of dodge and wait for the guns in the sky to rain hell. This takes a few moments and so that is more than likely why the guy holding the RPG (Did anyone else see the guy holding a RPG?! Seriously, it is obvious, who would think those guys are out for stroll? With an RPG... No one, not one person, is that dumb) wasn't pointing it at something. Then, once they lock targets they confirm and get authorization because once someone shoots at a Soldier or, ANYONE in the presence of a soldier, they become a lawful combatant. In Laymans terms, you take a shot at me, as long as you hold that weapon, I can kill you.

Second, she says she has friends in the military? By her definition they are either idiots, evil, or greedy... great friends to keep around. They say you can tell a persons measure by the company they keep.

Third reason, the most important I think really, is that she should do something other than post a stupid Youtube video. You want to change something? Write your Senator, or Representative, you never know, it may actually change something.

So, closing statement. I would have no issues going to the desert again, hopefully they put me in a convoy this time. I wouldn't mind spending 12-14 hours a day patrolling with 60lbs of gear and the threat of death looming 24/7. Most people will think I am being sarcastic, I'm not. I really would not mind because I know so many soldiers who met villagers that would have been forced into the drug, trafficking, or terrorist role if we hadn't been there to stop it. Do I think we should have gone in the first place? No, but we cannot leave a job half done.

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 04:31 AM
reply to post by ModernAcademia

I thought that she expressed herself very well and very much drilled down to not supporting the troops vs. the army/wars.

Yeah, I agree with you.....she WAS pretty hot.

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 04:38 AM

Originally posted by wx4caster
if tomorrow we were invaded, those troops would be the very ones on the street dyig for us here.

& who exactly will invade you tomorrow ? and how ?

second question : apart UK, Germany, France, Spain, Italia and USA who has invaded/colonized any distant place (separated by oceans or other countries) let say in the last 1000 years ?

I'm curious to see how your case study could become reality.

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 04:58 AM

Originally posted by mrwupy
the only reason she has that right is stronger people are willing to take up arms and defend her right to say it
If she had said such a thing in 90% of the countries on this planet, her head would be on a pike before sunset.

Typical delusional programmed opinion. I don't think you really believe that stuff.

Also, I don't even agree with WW2 arguments either. I'll probably be called for this but if Germans won, you'd all be saying how noble German warriors were heroes because you'd be programmed to do so. Yes, there are heroes in wars, but there are more heroes in peace.

War is a racket, plain as that. This is only hard to understand due to immense brainwashing done on daily basis.

I support the girl in the video. She may not understand a lot, but she understand much more than most and good for her to oppose the typical, common, war propaganda.

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