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The HOLY GRAIL and the "PURGE"

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posted on Jul, 4 2011 @ 05:56 PM
Jesus said that there is a path that leads to life and few find it. Aprilsky - it's not wise to take a passage and create a whole new reality with it, by taking things out of context.

I've seen undo on these boards for years and she just isn't someone who would mislead you in any way. She's a very studious person, which has increased her knowledge greatly.

Personally, I think your problem lies in the fact, that you struggle with the spiritual side of things, especially when it comes to Jesus.. Jesus is very jewish and obviously he's very familar with kabbalah from some of things he said. In kabbalah there are four ways a person is taught to interpret scripture (known as Pardes which refers to paradise and should be the goal of all who study the deeper meanings of the Word). There are four ways to interpret; peshat (literal translation), remez (hints to something more), derash (seek in the Midrash) and hod (hidden higher meaning or secret mystery).

You are seriously struggling with this fourth level and you are closing the door to people who could potentially help you.

edit on 4-7-2011 by Myrtales Instinct because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 4 2011 @ 06:12 PM
reply to post by AprilSky

You say,

Maybe I should explain what it is to be a "First-fruit", I mean if you get purged, what is there to explain? We all understand being wiped out, so it really only leaves explaining what is the role of the "First-fruit?"

This makes sense to me in a spiritual sense but I see it as, having been twisted and perverted.
Here’s my understanding. Those who follow God with be saved and those who reject him will be damned.

That would make your “first fruit” more like the “seed of satan” or “those who reject God”.

They are the ones first to be purged. I believe this is mentioned in Revelations. From there on your story of being a slave to a dragon becomes more believable.

And that would make most of the people in your story, “those to be purged”, those who are either saved or forgiven. It’s all good for the people.

In other words, most of us, those of us who are good people for the most part and those who follow God, have nothing to worry about. In fact they should rejoice and make the most of life, living for love and truth, and not fear and lies.

Remember fear is the enemy, or at least one of them. Sources of fear will use lies.

I would never be a slave to anyone or anything, btw. (Not spiritually, at least)

Want to know a secret? You have the power to be “God like”, to be a creator, a lover, a teacher, a parent, a friend. You also have the power to be free, if you so chose. God created you and you were created with free will. That means you have the power to make choices. You are more powerful then you think, just on your own. You do not need help from strange forces. You see, these things feed on you and steal your power.

You can be like God because you are God. We all are God’s creation and as such, we are in a sense, part and particle of God. You posses a tiny amount of both God’s physical and spiritual energy. How cool is that. That’s what gives you power, and you make that power grow by growing spiritually as an individual, as well as with God.

posted on Jul, 4 2011 @ 06:13 PM
reply to post by Myrtales Instinct

I don't know how many times I need say this ... I am not a Christian, I am uninterested in the Christian point of view.

My knowledge comes from personal meetings ... not the bible ... the bible is just where I have found amazing similarities.

posted on Jul, 4 2011 @ 06:19 PM

Originally posted by IndieA
reply to post by AprilSky

You say,

Maybe I should explain what it is to be a "First-fruit", I mean if you get purged, what is there to explain? We all understand being wiped out, so it really only leaves explaining what is the role of the "First-fruit?"

This makes sense to me in a spiritual sense but I see it as, having been twisted and perverted.
Here’s my understanding. Those who follow God with be saved and those who reject him will be damned.

That would make your “first fruit” more like the “seed of satan” or “those who reject God”.

You say this because you are a die hard Christian .. so brainwashed it is beyond words.

Believe what you want ... but it has nothing to do with believing or loving God, it has to with a blood line a type.

I understand fully why you cling to your believes, like all you Christians cling to your view of it because all you need to is believe and paradise is offered and if you don't believe you think you will burn in hell.

Nonsense ... utter nonsense but there is never any getting though to Christians, it is like a crazy sickness you all share!

posted on Jul, 4 2011 @ 06:21 PM
reply to post by JeshurunAndronicus

Living water is SPERM

but I know it would be FAR too much for you to understand, so never mind!

posted on Jul, 4 2011 @ 06:29 PM

Symbols to do with Sex Magic

Word - In Greek "word" the "Logus." refers to the life giving semen coming from the top of the erect Sacred Mountain (phallus).

Rain = semen They were seen in the ancient world as the same thing (as both produced fruit)

Wine - is the semen, "the blood that is thy life,"

Grapes - of the testes from which flows the semen or wine.

“Living water” refers to semen, which literally is the liquid of life.

"Water of life" refers to semen, which literally is the liquid of life.

"Sacred Mountain" - Phallus of God

Dew - Sperm

"The bread of life" God gives the true bread from heaven.

Mass - translates as "male seed"

"Fish" in Tantric rites, is a man offering semen through masturbatory practices.

"Holy Grail" - a mistranslation of early French words for "royal blood,"

"Golden liquid" - is created during sexual union, which according to Taoist adepts is the inner alchemy instrumental in achieving longevity and even immortality?

Jesus/Joshua in its Greek form means ‘the semen that heals or fructifies,’ the god’s juice that gives life.

Rosi-Crucis (the Cup of the Waters identified as a red cross within a circle…the Holy Grail .) This Dew is connected with both male semen and the holy cross.

"The Origin of the Holy Communion” at the crucifixion Mary Magdalene performed one last favour for the Messiah, and collected some of his semen in a cup, drinking it from a vaginal cup represents the holy sexual union of man and woman!”

"The giant Cosmic Sacred Mountain" was considered to be a deity sometimes as a giant erect penis and the water coming out the top of the cosmic mountain was considered to be "God's" semen, the giver of life.

"Hallelujah" means God is ejaculating in the sky eg it is raining.

...unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you" (John 6:53).

Jesus reveals himself as "the bread of life",

"Knowing Oneself", is interpreted as masturbation, of "collecting all that has been scattered of oneself into oneself again",

"Universal medicine," "Elixir," or "Philosopher's stone." - attributed as trans formative powers from the human reproductive cells.

Deuteronomy 33:19 They shall call the people unto the mountain; (the phallus of God) there they shall offer sacrifices of righteousness: for they shall suck of the abundance of the seas (Gods), and of treasures hid in the sand (Templar treasure eg women)

posted on Jul, 4 2011 @ 06:54 PM
Well you are saying the grael is a bloodline and I say you are wrong. The actual grael is a mystical cup and when one comes into the knowledge of where it can be found, they are not supposed to tell. On your quest/path you are seeing similarities in the christian faith because we have the path that has all the answers to your questions. All other religions have bits and pieces and true christianity (those who worship in spirit and truth) has the true and unique ability of connecting all the dots.

As a person who has experienced all the mysteries, your theories and way of thinking are indeed very sad. You are way off the mark. The grael is available to all, not just women.

As above so below. Jesus said we are all from below and he is from above. Those from below are born from actual sexual intercourse. So what is the mystery?

posted on Jul, 4 2011 @ 06:57 PM
reply to post by AprilSky

O M G (no pun intended).

You really are clueless as to the mysteries. You know they exist but you haven't experienced them to know what they are.


posted on Jul, 4 2011 @ 06:59 PM
I'm done posting here ... it is obvious that all there is in this forum are a bunch of crazy Christian freaks

Carry on talking to each other in you loony Christian ways.

posted on Jul, 4 2011 @ 07:02 PM
reply to post by AprilSky

You say this because you are a die hard Christian .. so brainwashed it is beyond words.

I assure you I am not a "die hard Christian". I rarely ever go to church. So you can't use that against me.

I have found truths in many faiths. I cling to these truths because they are just that, and I have been in search of truth. Much of my faith, I am fortunate enough to say, has been based on things that I have been a witness too or have experienced for myself. Truth just is. This is why Zen Buddhism and other disciplines will “point to truth” rather then tell someone what is true. This way the student is left to discover the truth on their own.

I am also not brainwashed. Although, having been in the military, I was at one time, at least to some degree. I had to break free of it and my spiritual search helped with that.
Needless to say I have no problem identifying brainwashing techniques, they are everywhere btw.

My beliefs are subject to change as I grow spiritually and make new discoveries. So I’m not “stuck in a box”, so to speak. However my beliefs have strengthened with time, so they are not so easily swayed. I search many sources and think for myself before making anything a belief.

I think that you are the one being brainwashed by these “things”. They want your love because your love is your power and energy. They have twisted the truth to gain your trust so they can manipulate you and steal from you. They will leave you an empty shell. (Ok Idk about the “empty shell” part, it just came to me, sounds about right to me though).

posted on Jul, 4 2011 @ 07:07 PM

Originally posted by IndieA
reply to post by AprilSky

You say this because you are a die hard Christian .. so brainwashed it is beyond words.

I assure you I am not a "die hard Christian". I rarely ever go to church. So you can't use that against me.

You're in denial, you have all the ear marks of a crazy Christian freak,

worried about Satan and evil spirits etc etc

It matters not how times you go to church or what you have studied.
edit on 4-7-2011 by AprilSky because: spelling

posted on Jul, 4 2011 @ 07:11 PM

Jesus/Joshua in its Greek form means ‘the semen that heals or fructifies,’ the god’s juice that gives life.

okay, i'm calling ya on this one.

Jesus is from Iēsous
Iēsous is from Yĕhowshuwa`
Yĕhowshuwa`is from Yĕhovah yasha` (Yehovah saves)
Yĕhovah is from hayah
Hayah (pronounced HAyah) is from Ea (See Enki), pronounced Aayah
Yehovah is Enlil, Ea and An or Anu, which is spirit, water, and heaven.

eve is not hayah. eve is chavah. it doesn't even sound the same in hebrew. ?
perhaps link me to the source of eve being hayah?

posted on Jul, 4 2011 @ 07:23 PM
one of the problems the babylonian mystery schools (which is pretty much what the op is going on about) didn't foresee was that eventually, the original meanings of these things would be dug up from the earth.

posted on Jul, 4 2011 @ 07:25 PM
reply to post by undo

There is lots of references to it ... here is another link

The Semetic scholar of Sumerian philology, John Marco Allegro, of Dead Sea Scrolls fame indicated from his research revealed that Jesus/Joshua in its Greek form means ‘the semen that heals or fructifies,’ the god’s juice that gives life.

posted on Jul, 4 2011 @ 07:32 PM
reply to post by AprilSky

uh you linked a wikipedia entry for a new religion
founded in 1970 that worships the phallus.
edit on 4-7-2011 by undo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 4 2011 @ 07:37 PM
reply to post by undo

So ... I was just showing you there is lots of references to what the word means in Greek.

Look it up for yourself.

posted on Jul, 4 2011 @ 07:43 PM
by the way, you linked material earlier that referenced the catholic bishop (rivera) who said that islam was created by the papacy. rivera ALSO said that the catholic priesthood took "love your fellow man" literally (in the sexual sense) and that women weren't even a blip on the radar, other than to serve them in other capacities. so if what you're saying is true, and only women go to heaven, why is it one of your biggest sources for all of this (catholicism) thinks women are merely workers in god's army (i mean, there's even references to women not being allowed in heaven at all, some of which point to the fact that the angels are all men!)

posted on Jul, 4 2011 @ 07:48 PM
reply to post by undo

Depends what you call Heaven?

True heaven as I would call it would be what the ELITE get as they get to drink of the elixir etc and true paradise is for them.

What happens to the women HARVESTED is they SERVE they make the drink and provide sexual pleasure, they have no other role.

It's a masculine world there ... only men are allowed to think etc.

edit on 4-7-2011 by AprilSky because: spelling

posted on Jul, 4 2011 @ 07:52 PM
reply to post by AprilSky

but wait, remember now, we're talking about the mysteries of catholicism. you use their traditions regularly to prove that only women go to heaven to be hookers for the gods. yet you take their other mysteries and toss them out cause they don't fit. same with the biblical text. have you ever wondered about the teachings in the biblical texts that reference the war between the spirit and the flesh? why are these two things (inherent in each individual) constantly at war with one another?

edit on 4-7-2011 by undo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 4 2011 @ 07:55 PM

shamayim (from the unused root meaning to be lofty)

1) heaven, heavens, sky

a) visible heavens, sky

1) as abode of the stars

2) as the visible universe, the sky, atmosphere, etc

b) Heaven (as the abode of God)

1) heaven, heavens, sky

a) visible heavens, sky

1) as abode of the stars

2) as the visible universe, the sky, atmosphere, etc

b) Heaven (as the abode of God)

i take it you think "lofty" "sky" "abode of stars" all means "phallus"?

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