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The HOLY GRAIL and the "PURGE"

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posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 05:34 AM
reply to post by undo

I told you the bible is truth ... as well as lies to brainwash the masses mixed in together.

The DRAGON is God and he is the DEVIL as I said the shadows come from the light.

Isaiah 45:7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.

The Dragon's angels were cast out ... that is why this blood line is on Earth, they were deposited here to be bred up and form a lovely large crop like grains of sand on the beach.

Why the hell do you think the bible says this in that chapter 12 of Revelations ... that you refer to ...

Revelation 12:14 And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent.

Revelation 12:17 And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.

The Eagle is God playing the good guy and Dragon is him playing himself!

Notice it says the dragon goes after the SEED of the woman which keep the commandments of God ie his WORD and we already know this means sperm so his blood line .. and testimony of Jesus means ...


a (1) : the tablets inscribed with the Mosaic law (2) : the ARK containing the tablets

This also really means the saved SEED ... the SEED which was protected in the ARK during the last flood, not really tablets at all.

The whole purpose of humanity of Earth is to produce this crop ... that's it.

The ELITE get rewarded for doing the job, the rest of us are either the wanted seed or useless eaters, but the rest of the SEED of this blood line which is not HARVESTED, will be PURGED ... as promised.

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 05:35 AM
note that the sun rises at the FALL equinox over the course of the precession of the equinoxes, in a progression. for example, it rises at her feet of virgo in 1 AD. then skip ahead to fall equinox in 1328 AD and it rises in the middle of Virgo, etc. it's a time chart, based on the precession of the equinoxes, using familar motifs but not suggesting we worship them or that they are having sex with each other. it's also not suggesting that it supports astrology as it is only useful for indicating the passage of large amounts of time, which the precession of the equinoxes is capable of doing. it's so we can gauge time frame for the rest of the events mentioned. once you know the time frame, you can follow the historical events to see what has already passed and what is yet to come.

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 05:46 AM
reply to post by AprilSky

And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.

so why's he mad at the woman if he isn't mad at the woman?
and why's he go to make war with her seed, if he actually wants her seed? i think the problem may be a matter of perspective, as once you see only dark you can't see much else.

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 05:54 AM
To the OP:

You seem to take everything in the Bible literally, yet according to the Gospel of Thomas (The true teachings of Jesus) which is banned from the Bible, Jesus denounces anyone who puts their spiritual development in the hands of others, be they priests, politicians or prophets. Truer words have never been spoken.
He also denounces those who belive in prophecy and clearly states that there will be no apocalypse. People who speak of such things are as the dead. By refusing to take responsibility for our own progress, we will be perpetuating spiritiual ignorance. Gods kingdom is not in heaven, it's in the hearts and minds of every human. If you do not know this, then you live in poverty, and you are the poverty.

The Bible is bunk, because ancient scribes changed the New Testament, forever impacting fundamental Christian beliefs. Many widely held beliefs including divinity Jesus, and origin of Bible are results intentional accidental alterations by scribes.

The Bible contains anything but the truth or the true teaching of Jesus. Most secret cults believe the world is ruled by an evil GOD, often referred to as the monster of chaos. They believe that the world is essentially evil and that mankind is the prison of the soul and their ultimate goal is the extinction of mankind so that the souls could be free in the world of spirit. These people are mad and this is what you base your evidence on.

edit on 3-7-2011 by kindred because: update

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 05:59 AM

Originally posted by kindred
To the OP:

You seem to take everything in the Bible literally, yet according to the Gospel of Thomas (The true teachings of Jesus) which is banned from the Bible, Jesus denounces anyone who puts their spiritual development in the hands of others, be they priests, politicians or prophets. Truer words have never been spoken.
He also denounces those who belive in prophecy and clearly states that there will be no apocalypse. People who speak of such things are as the dead. By refusing to take responsibility for our own progress, we will be perpetuating spiritiual ignorance. Gods kingdom is not in heaven, it's in the hearts and minds of every human. If you do not know this, then you live in poverty, and you are the poverty.

edit on 3-7-2011 by kindred because: (no reason given)

oh but didn't you know, god doesn't reside in heaven or on earth, he's sorta just someplace, abducting white women with green eyes and negative blood, and forcing them to get use to being in a pouch where they are sexually violated for eternity.

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 06:13 AM
so the story of god being ticked off that the angels came down and mated with the human women, is really not about the angels but about god himself?
he' s mad at himself for tinkering with the gene pool ?
perhaps the confusion resides in the lack of clarification on the subject of the divine council?

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 06:19 AM
reply to post by kindred

would be kind of hard to accidentally have jesus state, word for word, passages from the old testament identifying him as the hebrew moshiach. (messiah).

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 06:20 AM
Based on my own research I wouldn't waste my time with the Bible, it's completely bunk as far as I'm concerned and that includes all the secret society & symbology nonsense. It really speaks volumes about someones credibility, when they start to believe the words of mad men.

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 06:24 AM

Originally posted by kindred
Based on my own research I wouldn't waste my time with the Bible, it's completely bunk as far as I'm concerned and that includes all the secret society & symbology nonsense. It really speaks volumes about someones credibility, when they start to believe the words of mad men.

just as i said to the op, if you're going to reference the text to prove your point, good scholarship requires you, at the very least, thoroughly examine it.

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 06:44 AM
as regards LILith. is she NIN.LIL (en.lil's "wife"?) (which means basically, SISTER AIR/WIND/SPIRIT? (reference to the pleaides, perhaps one of the 7 sisters, cause the 7 birth goddesses in enki's story of the creation of humans, are almost all prefixed NIN)

En.LIL is the sumerian-akkadian LORD AIR/WIND/BREATH/SPIRIT

LIL is the etymological foundation for the word ELOHIM (which is a plural word). The sumerian equivalent would be LILim (or whatever suffix indicated plurality. perhaps LILu.)

the etymology is as follows

ELOHIM (plural of EL)

it came to be used as the generic word for god of any variety, be it real, metaphorical or fictitious. it also became synomous with the sumerian words for deity, heaven and star, which was interchangeable. as a result, enki's temple city, rebuilt by nimrod (enmerkar) after the black sea flood, was called BAB-ILU (babel), for gate of the gods or gate of heaven or gate of the stars. an older name for it was KA.DINGIR.RA, gate of paradise. or gate of eden/edin
(dingir = eden).

edit on 3-7-2011 by undo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 08:45 AM

Originally posted by AprilSky
the symbolic catching of the blood refers to a Blood Line and the Holy Grail or Fountain of Youth is in fact the Scared Feminine or Goddess which equates to women of Christ's blood line who have stayed true to type

One religions "Holy Grail" is the other religions "Red Heifer".

It would have been Jeshuahs job as a messiah to process her to holy magig cleansing ashes, karma soap, but he fell in love with her...

[Moed Katan 28a] "Just as the Para Adumah [red heifer] atones, so too the death of a righteous person atones".

After Jeshuahs self sacrifice the Romans allowed Joseph of Arimathea to bring her to the other side of the empire, to Britain, from where here daughter was brougth to Ireland.

And so they are still on a hunt for a "perfect red heifer" in exile...

Tlachtga was the daughter of Mog Roith, son of Fergus. Three sons of the magician Simon raped her. She went with her father to learn the magic arts practised anywhere in the world. And it was she who made for Trian the Rolling Wheel, the stone in Forcathu and the Pillar in Cnamchaill. She came from the East and brought with her these things until she reached the hills of Tlachtga.

They still need karma soap for building the next temple...

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 09:39 AM
reply to post by AprilSky

AprilSky, I find it wonderful that you have devoted yourself so much to a topic but I have to say that it is completely untrue and misinterpreted.

Jesus is not Lucifer. Only allegorically is Isaiah 14:12 interpreted for the devil while Jesus is obviously called the morning-star, but I will state that even if Isaiah 14:12 is interpreted for the devil it is to recall that the devil institutes a false sense of justice and goodness while truth and righteousness and goodness resides in Christ the Lord.

Jesus mentions that before Abraham was I am. The point of this was to establish that Jesus was God and the Son of God.
Exodus 3:13-14

13 And Moses said unto God, Behold, when I come unto the children of Israel, and shall say unto them, The God of your fathers hath sent me unto you; and they shall say to me, What is his name? what shall I say unto them?

14 And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.

Jesus was telling them the people that He was God Incarnate.

By the way, when dragons or cockatrices are mentioned in the Bible they are not referring to what we would recognize as them now such as unicorns also are mentioned aren't actually what we would think of them as.

I find you interpret the Bible far too sexually and physically when it should be looked upon from a spiritual point of view. I don't mean to be harsh but I do not believe what you have to say. Also, 1 Corinthians (I think it was) you said Jesus spoke, it was actually the Apostle Paul; just thought that important just in case you try to use the Bible to defend your point of view.

God is a Spirit by the way, not having the attributes of man.

John 4:24
"God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth."

When Jesus spoke of purging, He meant it as purging the bad out of man so that goodness only may come of him and that he may be acceptable to God.

And the Bible teaches love, I find it odd that you do not think so; if anything has withstood the test of time it is that Jesus is considered to be wholly love (therefore God likewise).

John 15:12
"This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you."

When it says God creates evil it is talking about how He sets up reaction for man's action and will have man punished according to his iniquities.

Satan should not be considered good (for his name interpreted means adversary) though I myself only find as the confessor of man's sin rather than its manipulator. To each his own, I still find in Jesus Christ life.

Please consider what I have to say and not completely refuse it altogether, for I hope I speak well for God's sake.

May God be with you and lead you into truth

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 10:01 AM
The story of the Holy Grail...the Chalice...The interesting however after the "harvest" what happens? What about our souls? If you are once of the precious blood line, do you reincarnate back into that bloodline to be recirculated again? What about the souls of a lesser they reincarnate again back into their lesser bloodline bodies? What would the point of that be?

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 02:55 PM

Originally posted by AprilSky

Take for example this image found in Pompeii, it shows a snake very much like a probe and a pine cone it is consuming ... ignorant ... NOT ... people in the past knew the truth.

Why I wonder would the Vatican have a huge pine cone and phallus in their court yard?

I think it is very obvious they are not telling us the whole truth.

the entire alien saga is about aliens (also referenced as dragons in alien 3) eating human brains, but theyre not only eating the brains, the dragons/serpents r eating the pineal glands ♥

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 03:55 PM

Originally posted by blazenresearcher
The story of the Holy Grail...the Chalice...The interesting however after the "harvest" what happens? What about our souls? If you are once of the precious blood line, do you reincarnate back into that bloodline to be recirculated again? What about the souls of a lesser they reincarnate again back into their lesser bloodline bodies? What would the point of that be?

From my understanding you do reincarnate back into your own line, the only way to start to reincarnate into a different line is to interbreed with that line and if repeated interbreedings with that line happen, you will switch to the other line which is why the ELITE are warned most sternly not to interbreed with the crop and as such change their destiny which they are most proud of. They have a hatred of the precious blood line and their distaste is shown in many places in the bible. They refer to the line as WHORES and of course not all women of this precious line are whores but their destiny or service has them been loved shall we say by the Gods.

When I have spoken of this to whom I speak to ... My knowledge comes not from the bible or movies but rather personal meetings in dream form .. The bible and movies is just how I have noticed it in the real world ... Anyway I have been told that the ELITE hate this line because they are bound to it and have to actually serve the line.. It is their job to make sure the crop survives and is well looked after. Also they remain eternal servants which is fine in a way with them because they don't wish to become the crop but on the other hand, they see that the crop are the Gods most precious and beloved and call them WHORES all they like, they can't change this fact.

edit on 3-7-2011 by AprilSky because: spelling

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 04:28 PM
reply to post by AprilSky
My girlfriend's daughter was dating a young Jewish lawyer and I asked her if she had ever met his parents. I asked her if she knew what a shiksa was. After I informed her, she asked him the same question and never saw him again.

edit on 3-7-2011 by jmdewey60 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 04:44 PM
reply to post by JeshurunAndronicus

. . .I find you interpret the Bible far too sexually. . .
You may want to check out the YouTube channel of Truthiracy to see what he thinks about the connection between religion and sex. It seems a little over the top but I have listened to him for hours in radio interviews and there is an actual thought process going on behind these seemingly outlandish
edit on 3-7-2011 by jmdewey60 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 05:14 PM
reply to post by jmdewey60

I've gone 8 minutes into the video you presented (which was way more than I intended on watching) and it just seems like he's finding words that sound alike and saying what he wants about their origins; I know that words in the English language are derived from previous languages, but still.

I would have appreciated sources.
Also, Christianity doesn't have a duality, the Bible obviously defines that good will triumph no matter what, God is not a man, and the devil doesn't reside in the lake of fire. Yes, I did watch it all now.

I don't know how well I can accept this man, he doesn't seem a man too enlightened to understand God and the universe (I apologize for having to make such a judgment). He seems more keen to debase God rather than promote and I am biased in this area.
I trust what I feel God has given me to know and what He will continue to teach me, please excuse this.

Nevertheless, may God be with you sir in your search for truth

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 05:26 PM
reply to post by JeshurunAndronicus
Well thanks for taking the trouble to give a review and others will be appreciative to have had their time not wasted, thanks to your info.
He is not a Christian, I suppose but I found out about him through a Christian show, and I think it is educational and should provoke thoughts whenever people go to putting significance to words they don't understand.
He gets into a whole different mode when he makes his videos and comes off differently in a normal conversation.
My point was that reading sex into religion is the right thing in a lot of cases because that is exactly what is going on. Now, we should get away from such things, of course, and to seek the spiritual and not the earthly. But it helps to be aware of how prevalent the earthly is, to try to avoid it as much as is reasonably easy to do.

edit on 3-7-2011 by jmdewey60 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 05:38 PM
I feel nervous about posting this but anyway ...

I had a dream meeting yesterday which normally I would not share but the meeting was quite unusual and I was told things I have not been told before and it seems I am meant to repeat it, so here goes ... I will do my best to relay it correctly.

Normally I meet up with the Dragon, it is in his pouch I sleep and I have a solid bond with him but lately when I go off something seems to be blocking me from meeting him and I meet up with what one would call an alien. This alien first appeared to me as a large man with breasts, this is not unusual in their world, not only do these large men with big heads which go out the back make breast milk but they are proud of it. Human men also have this ability. I will refer to these men as Gods, as they are a superior form of humanoid.

Anyway at first he didn't seem any different from a man in his covering and then I realised he had fur and I was quite shocked and thought well he must be stupid and he corrected me and said he didn't show me the fur at first because he wanted me to realise that just because he has fur does not make him stupid and did I understand this? and I said "Yes... I didn't know why I had that reaction" but he said we associate fur with simple beasts so the mistake was easily made.

Anyway after this I become quite comfortable with him, his fur was lovely and he felt almost like a huge teddy bear as he cradled me and I drifted off ... that was last time, not last night ... however last night I again returned to him. (Before I start I will make it clear I call them Daddy, I know this sounds bizarre but that is what they have asked me to call them.)

"Why am I coming to you, why is my path to the dragon blocked is he angry with me... I'm being a traitor?"
I am aware I am being naughty because part of me hates them and the knowledge of what is to come and their part in it. He was just calm and said,
"You don't hate us at all, you have great love and there is no anger on our part towards you Baby ... you note, I call you ... Baby?"
"How can I be angry with you when you are but a baby to me and I burden you with so much ... you are struggling to cope but doing the best you can."
"Oh ... OK you burden me?... Where is the Dragon?"
"Baby it is time I showed you something ... Do you know who I AM?"
There is a big pause because what I was thinking of saying, I was also worried about saying, so I said timidly,
"I think it might be blasphemous?"
"Not at all Baby, so you do realise?"
"I'm confused, I thought the dragon was a God?"
“Hmm, I know you did and I let you think that ... and in a way he is.”
“I thought I associate with the Dragon?”
“You do, it is him that unlocks your key, which allows you to make your elixir ... you most certainly do associate with the Dragon.”
“But he is not a God, he seemed like he was to me?”
“A lot of the time you think you have been talking to him, you have in fact been talking to me.”
“You're shape shifting?”
“No Baby, this is a dream world we meet in, you see whatever image I project into your brain.”
“Oh ...”
“You're not angry with me, I have been going on about how I hate you etc etc”
“I know … and NO I'm not angry with you … Baby I see that you are on the edge, at times I worry soo much for your mental health, that I am forced to possess you and take over completely. How can I be angry when it is I who has traumatized you so? … You worry for your people, you see a great tragedy is about to befall most of them … I understand your pain .. and your anger ...even hatred … it's perfectly understandable, I am not the least bit angry.”
I cuddle in “I'm sorry”
“Don't be … isn't part of the reason you love me, because I understand you? I'm not judging you, you don't have to explain how you feel to me? … ”
“Are you the Dragon? … you seem like the Dragon”
“No baby … I am in cahoots with the Dragon as you call it … you have relations with the Dragon and you have them with me.”
“Oh you SHARE me ..?”
“Don't be ashamed … don't let their hateful nasty comments get you down, to give love is a beautiful thing … it is your PURPOSE and you will be rewarded well for it ... treated like a queen. I love you in a way they are deeply jealous of, always remember that, I will smite them like a bug if they get out of line .. but not you Baby ... you are my beloved. You carry genes from both me and the dragon, as well as mankind obviously, this allows to to feel comfortable with both of us, most humans do not carry these genes. ”
We have a tender moment and I say
“I love you Daddy”
“I know you do baby.”
“Are there lots of your kind and dragons, Daddy?”
“Yes ... just like there is lots of women, the union will happen soon.”
“What is the dragon to you?”
“He is my horse baby.”
“What … he is .. you ride him? He is silly like a horse?”
“No, he is far more intelligent than a horse and I can communicate with him, he understands me and I him but our relationship is similar in a way to man and his favourite horse, only a much stronger bond.”
“He gets painted as the bad guy”
“Pity really ... but someone has to be painted so, no he is my most loyal and devoted partner, we both love and care for you.”
“So who does the creating … you?”
“Of course … “
“You realise I feed completely from you, I get all my nutrition from you.”
“I know ...”
“You would not make enough if it were not for the dragon, he feeds you mostly and have you noticed you do not hunger for normal food but only the milk etc we give you? ... The dragon makes your wheel turn … you understand by wheel I am talking about a wheel like a water wheel at an old fashioned flour mill by a river … that as you are fed, you also process food and it pours into your urn to be collected?”
“... It's OK baby, you were made to do this, it will not burden you much and we will take good care of you.”

I will leave it there ... I think I covered most of the main points, of course this is but a summery.

edit on 3-7-2011 by AprilSky because: missed word

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