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16 year old, who has questions about the Military, and needs help figuring out his future....

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posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 11:23 AM
Army Aviation!!! Most fun i've ever had working. Did it for four years and it was also some of the toughest work i've ever done. Would not trade my experience there for the world, however I served during peace time but did spend a year in the sand. (Sinai)

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 11:23 AM
i come from a line of war veterans and also considered joining it was my father(vietnam vet) who convinced me not to. before you join recomend you check the facts of exactly how long they do own you. look up th truth about forced vacinations or depleted uranium. look up the mitaries track record on taking care of veterans health problems not just now but all the way back to ww1, documented histrory of telling war vets to go pound sand. now consider that war is a commercial endeavor now. whens the last time congress declared war? documented vietnam war president lied to start war. first gulf war prresident lied. the current gulf war lied. huge profits were made by a select few but earned by a poor many who are tossed into a scrap heap and delayed hoping you die so they dont have to keep their side of the bargain, why do they offer so many incentives to join now?? when you play a video game it makes you want to join the miltary?? seriously wtf is wrong with you? you need to really ponder that one! when you can play a video game and it has no effect on any of your real life choices then maybe your mature enough to consider joining a military, what do you think people come back from wars with real and major mental problems because their(war veterans) a bunch of p#ssies and your the real badass cuz you played a video game? fubar can happen in alot of ways in life in a miltary(esp war) you are told what to do and where to go, if fubar happens to you thats just a cost to those in power the fact that huge profits are made and not once was america acctually invaded(i know 1812 and aleutians dont count) or under any real threat of invasion you need to put the video games away and read some history books

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 11:29 AM
reply to post by Luzifer

I totally agree with you, but do you have to be so rude to him? he's just a 16 year old boy, Thinking about what every 16 year old boy i know thinks about...Calm down...

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 11:33 AM
reply to post by Zamini

You do realize that maybe 15% of all military personnel are actual combat troops. Troops that actually engage opposing forces. Hell, you can be a damn veterinarian in the Army. Not everyone is a "baby killer"

But anyway, I am currently serving in the National Guard and wishing I was out. Its been nothing but a headache for me, but for different reasons. If I were to do it again I would either go active duty, or not join up. Its good pay (if you're an officer) and excellent job security. That's the way I look at it, a job...nothing more nothing less.

But what these people are saying is true. Combat is no joke and I have been to enough military funerals to know it is nothing like a video game.

edit on 30-6-2011 by Jo Jo because: (no reason given)

edit on 30-6-2011 by Jo Jo because: Added text

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 11:36 AM
reply to post by Jo Jo

Of course I realize that. But without the 85% backing those 15% there would be no killing force. Military intelligence...oxymoron indeed.

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 11:40 AM
I was in the Army And beside from the lack of communication between officers enlisted men and other sergants and your commanding officers the Army is a Joke its the corporate army of america You do the dirty deeds..

If you go to Iraq or bagdad etc etc Be ready to Patrol the Fields on fields of Marijuana Farms and the fields of Opoium Growing drugs for Uncle sam!

To be shot at and to Not serve the people but the corporate interest of Oil and Drugs .. SO HAVE FUN if you do join.. You in for the Evil empire of amierca which used to be

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 11:42 AM

Originally posted by readytorevolt

Originally posted by OptimusSubprime

Originally posted by chooselove

Ironically it was my service that makes it possible for you to spew this ignorance... you're welcome.
edit on 30-6-2011 by OptimusSubprime because: (no reason given)

Ironic Ignorance huh? Your service made it possible for this guy to turn on his computer launch the internet and voice his opinion? I find that hard to believe. The constitution that you and your fellow military boys swore to uphold yet you shred to pieces gave him that freedom.

If anything your service cost him 1/3rd of his paycheck so hes lucky to be able to afford a computer or the internet.

No disrespect intended it just makes me a little sick when the "Pride" level over-reaches its boundries

edit on 30-6-2011 by readytorevolt because: (no reason given)

The Constitution doesn't protect itself and this has nothing to do with pride. I got out because I didn't like the direction the military was headed and I didn't like what the military was being used for. Please elaborate on how us "military boys" shred the Constitution... I can't wait to hear this. So what you're saying is that defense spending costs Americans 1/3 of their paycheck? That's funny... I am one of the biggest proponents of military spending cuts because I have seen firsthand the giant waste of money that is the DoD budget, so don't talk to me like I'm some Neo-Con war monger, because you're barking up the wrong tree.
edit on 30-6-2011 by OptimusSubprime because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 11:43 AM
I was an infantry medic and loved it. I had a high enough ASVAB scores to do anything but ended up in airborne infantry for most of my time. Also spent time in Air Defense Intel on a first tour. Look, the military is a valuable career and service to our country. It isn't just a career though, it is an obligation to our way of life. Unfortunately, the bad thing about an all volunteer service is that sometimes it becomes mercenary work and we lose sight of the fact that anything worth having isn't free and freedom is one of those things. Our country, though, is not one of the most free countries on the planet anymore. Government regulates every single thing we do. Pro soviet communists are now at all levels of our local, state and especially federal government. The communists have never gone away since their ideas are international in scope. The flip side of the same coin is the capitalist conspirators. Both groups believe they are beyond accountability to a Democratic Republic and instead their governing principles and responsibilities are to themselves only. They are happy to spend the tax payer money but only to enrich their own. That is part of a democracy. That is why we have lobbyists. However, checks and balances has created a Republic in which we live. We have branches of government that are supposed to check each other. The military is an instrument of policy. It always has been and always will be. That is what seperates it from being just another militia, terror organization or gang of armed robbers. If the policy is good and everyone agrees that it is good policy then the profession of arms is note worthy, an instrument of maintaining the status quo and an instrument to carry forward good policy. If the policies are bad or the civilian leaders are unconstitutional in nature, then the military is left in a quandry.

Until recently, the US military was above politics and considered a respectable organization by the US citizenry. However, just like in the 1960s, there is a group of political malcontents that hate the military and are now in charge of it. To carry out their spite and own personal objectives they have used the military for social experimentation, etc. homosexual policy is one of those things where political leaders from the 1960s who are now in charge of our government have imposed their own policy on faked social/scientific surveys just as an example. That means you will now be serving next to open homosexuals. The outcome of such social experimentation is yet to be seen. Most likely the outcome will be like other federal social programs which weakens common bonds, makes the military less effective in conducting war and generally makes America are more vulnerable place to live in the event of revolutionary forces (political or geophysical).

Ultimately, you have to decide if you are a US soldier mainly there as a mercenary gaining a pay check or if you have other moral values that mean something to you. If you become a leader, then the question becomes even more important because eventually the buck stops somewhere. How you treat others, what you believe is America's most important doctrines, and how you exercise moral authority is vital. Otherwise you are just another somebody with a gun and the world is full of them. It is for this reason that it is vital that you vote, because that person you voted for decides a lot of what constitutes America's most important doctrines and that person orders you into less than desirable situations where you are then left on your own. More and more, soldiers in out of the way places are making decisions that only high ranking officers used to make. Guns and ammunition allow one to make their own laws and therefore internal moral compass becomes more important.

Sometimes, entire Armies are left with moral decisions to make because they do have weapons of war. Sometimes coups take place, sometimes revolutions occur, sometimes organizations have to make decisions about what is right and wrong. Sometimes right and wrong isn't even that clear. That is why it is important to understand both who and what you are but who and what the entire organization is so that you at least have some guide post.

Personally, I am still very active in making policy for the military and helping them to carry out that policy through doctrine. I make a pretty good living doing it. But we live in precarious times. One thing I learned a long time ago in the jungle is that a person can live under a tree if they have to. All the fancy things from China we take for granted as Walmart shoppers aren't that important. The only thing that is important is what is in your head. That's it. That is the only thing you can fall back on. That is the only thing that no one can take from you. You can tell someone what is in your head or you don't have to. You can choose to help someone or you don't have to. You can be moral and learn about our laws and history or you don't have to. You can choose to be a thug or you don't have to. You can contribute or you don't have to. If you do volunteer you will probably go into harms way. Only volunteer if you think you should. You will probably be chosen. You will get things on your plate you never bargained for, go to places you never thought you would be, don things you never thought you were capable of.

But one thing is for sure. We all came to earth. We will all leave earth. We will all one day face our own personal armeggedon, and the only thing you take with you is what's in your head. People are going to screw with what is in there. One day, you won't even be sure what is right and what is wrong. Fortunately, God didn't leave you here all by yourself with what is in your head. Everyone has a spiritual guide as well. It isn't dependent on any religion or any political party. The more you use that guide, the better off you will be. Some don't use it all.

The military is like anything else. It can be great. It can be the vanguard for peace and freedom. It can provide opportunity to those who come from unfortunate backgrounds and a way forward in life where none other seemed available. I have seen kids from the street rise to great levels of experience, education and personal self worth and become leaders of men. Women too have made great contributions at every level of the military. Homosexuals have a different personal war to fight. And they are fighting a war. We all fight a war within our head. We fight it everyday. How that effects others though is key here. Sometimes that war effects others negatively because it leaks out. The military is, after all, a group effort. If you simply can not manage in a group with norms of behaviour you will not be happy.

One of these days, I don't know when, I don't know how, but each and every one of us will be faced with a decision that was beyond our scope of training, beyond our scope of belief, beyond our reality. At that point, you rely on everything in your head you can. You take some guidance from that spiritual guide. And you #ing fire.

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 11:47 AM
reply to post by Rastus3663

That is interesting the booklet the recruiter gave me read, Ranger School is a 61 day course made up of a 21 day Beginning Phase, 22day Mt. Phase and an 18day Desert Phase (Florida Phase). Now this could have change I it probably has but that is right out of the info pack I got from my recruiter. As far as Scroll you are right I should have said Tab it is a good this the person I was discussing it with understood what I meant cause that mix up could have really really messed up his comprehension of the basic of.......right? lol

edit on 30-6-2011 by ParanoidAmerican because: addition

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 11:51 AM
it is NOTHING like Call of Duty, or Jarhead..
Those are made for entertainment

There's nothing entertaining about holding your bestfriend as he dies.

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 12:07 PM
Join a union and be a teacher,cop, or fire fighter.

If you join the military and have 15 years in...and you dive into a ditch to avoid mortar fire and end up breaking your spine,hip,neck, and sphincter.....You will NOT be paid a Military Retirement. They may "Disable Retire" you, and hand you a Blue ID card....but you won't get paid a military retirement. All you can get is VA Disability. Congress doesn't pay our nations Disability Retired military members. You can only get your DOD retirement AND your VA disability check if you made it to 20 years. Those people must not have much wrong with them if they made it to 20 years...but those are the people who can double dip...get paid both.

Try housing, feeding, and clothing your wife and 2 kids on your $600 a month VA Disability check....then you'll soon realize why every day 18 US military Veterans kill themselves.

With all of the military cuts that have been done over the years you'll also be doing 10 other jobs...and doing 100 times as much as Veterans did 20 years ago. No more tagging along with Army jumpers to parachute for fun over'll be too busy.
edit on 30-6-2011 by Pervius because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 12:20 PM
Have you not read the countless news articles about how soldiers are getting screwed out of the things that the recruiter promised them?

Why would you ever want to put yourself in that situation? Because of family tradition?

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 12:36 PM
reply to post by LandonFromKY

Jumping the gun here as I haven't read the thread in it's entirety and I'm pretty sure others have mentioned something similar to what I'm going to say but hey ho, here goes:

Wait at least two years until your 18, 16 is a young age (no disrespect) and a time where your priorities in life are going to change dramatically in the next 4 years. Learn, study, get a qualification - that way you will always have something to fall back on.

Personally, I have massive respect for any member of the armed forces. In fact my own personal dream was to join the Royal Marine Commando's and then possibly try for the SAS since the age of thirteen, it was literally all I could think about.

I'm still interested in many of the topics related to being a fighter/soldier, including survival, tactics, communications, physical fitness etc etc but now that I'm that little bit older I'd never put myself in a position where my life could end in a flash.

Once again, no disrespect to any serving members, I value what you do and think it takes an incredible type of person to put themselves so directly in the way of harm.

But ultimately, at 16 I wouldn't advise doing anything so hasty, wait until your a little bit older then make your decision.

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 12:53 PM
reply to post by Helmkat

Yeah it was really unfortunate. Though I decided I wasn't really the "military type" of person (and possibly because of my longterm girlfriend at the time lol), I believe that if I had a better recruiter/process, I would've stuck through with it. You would think that the branch with the most/highest requirements would be better about recruiting haha. Glad to hear the Navy worked for you, though!

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 12:55 PM
reply to post by Sinny

It depends onm your personal preference. I personaly never wanted to be anything other than an infantry soldier, you can still specialise in a lot if interesting areas or go straight into officers training if you have the grades. Just make sure you are doing it for yourself and not because you think you will be respected for serving. Most people wont understand 10% of what you have experienced and many wont even care.

Like everything in life make sure you are doing it for yourself because its something that you are passionate about and want to do. Im sure you have dont reasearch and your family members have told you that its nothing like a film or computer game. You will be alongside other soldiers that you love and the sort of conflicts that are going on at the moment are very stressfull and demoralising to fight in. Talk to veterens who have served in the position you are looking at to get a good idea.

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 01:07 PM

Originally posted by Pervius
Join a union and be a teacher,cop, or fire fighter.

If you join the military and have 15 years in...and you dive into a ditch to avoid mortar fire and end up breaking your spine,hip,neck, and sphincter.....You will NOT be paid a Military Retirement. They may "Disable Retire" you, and hand you a Blue ID card....but you won't get paid a military retirement. All you can get is VA Disability. Congress doesn't pay our nations Disability Retired military members. You can only get your DOD retirement AND your VA disability check if you made it to 20 years. Those people must not have much wrong with them if they made it to 20 years...but those are the people who can double dip...get paid both.

Try housing, feeding, and clothing your wife and 2 kids on your $600 a month VA Disability check....then you'll soon realize why every day 18 US military Veterans kill themselves.

With all of the military cuts that have been done over the years you'll also be doing 10 other jobs...and doing 100 times as much as Veterans did 20 years ago. No more tagging along with Army jumpers to parachute for fun over'll be too busy.
edit on 30-6-2011 by Pervius because: (no reason given)

Or save your hard earned money instead of lining the corrupt pockets of the union boss, and move to a right to work state in order to avoid forced slavery, oops, I mean forced unionization. Do you want all of your union dues going to elect fascist, corrupt Progressives? They are the reason America sucks right now (just to head it off, Bush is a Progressive too) Besides, contrary to popular, yet false belief, right to work states and non-union employees make more money on average than forced unionization states, and in the event you come across a company that is unionized in a right to work state, and they have great pay and benefits, you get to enjoy all the same benefits as the union members and their CBA, WITHOUT paying union dues!!!! It's the best of both worlds.
edit on 30-6-2011 by OptimusSubprime because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 01:12 PM

Originally posted by tylerjamescharles
it is NOTHING like Call of Duty, or Jarhead..
Those are made for entertainment

There's nothing entertaining about holding your bestfriend as he dies.

Man I watched all the USMC movies I could growing up. All my relatives were Army or Air Force WWII vets. I was wanting to carry the military service torch, but do something different. I joined the Marine's DEP the year before I graduated high school. I was ooh rah gung-ho man. Once I got through boot camp and SOI and got to the fleet, I had "awoken" from my boot camp mentality and started thinking for myself vs waiting to be told what to do. I was really shocked at the hostility I recieved because of that. It was from my senior Marines. Im the kind of guy that thinks out of the box so I would question tactics and methods of accomplishing tasks. WOW big mistake. Im always looking at how to improve, not do the "same ol same ol". HOWEVER, once they hit their EAS dates and went home, me and my like minded buddies had gained rank and took charge. We trained several shipments of "boot" Marines in our unit and we were damn tight. We were not robots, we were free thinking Marines, and it was AMAZING. I have to admit, my first year and a half sucked pretty hard. After that, like I said, it was amazing, the fellow Marines were great, and our training was top notch. We got new MOLLE gear...actually fielded the first test systems in Okinawa. Then 9\11 happened. We are doing next of kin paperwork, updating wills, fortifying our base, ect. and getting briefed on invading Afghanistan. We get everything ready, and then get called off. I was 3rd Marines. 1st and 2nd Marines were sent to A-stan. NOT US. We were really meloncholy about it, all trained up with nowhere to go. Then we get sent into SE Asia to tag along with foreign SF units. We lived in the jungles out there and it was like being in hell. We ate plants, snakes, monkeys, was nuts. There was some stuff going on back them down in PI with some islamic rebels, and they are still there. We trained up the PI Marines pretty good, and they taught us how to fight with swords...yes swords. They told us they had more guys hacked up than were shot. So naturally we were a bit disturbed by that. Bad guys were scared #less of us we found out soon and never came out to play. We also missed the Iraq invasion, and I had some buddies go through that...everybody I know that went into iraq came out with PTSD issues. Some damn tough Marines too.

The military is a big commitment kid. I love my Marine Corps, and I would do it all over again. Now Im out, have been to college (which is a huge dissapointment) and have a job and family. Nobody can decide but you, but be aware that you may be expecting apples, but youll get a damn bag of potatoes instead. Get everything in writing from the recruiter, THEY ALL LIE, not just the Marines. If they say you get a signing bonus, you better sign the damn papers that say you will get it. No papers = no bonus. Get a guarenteed MOS too. There is a world of stuff to do. I chose to be a grunt with a very high asvab score. The Air Force will take care of you and treat you good, the Navy will take you to exotic places and treat you like crap while on a floating tub, the Army will treat you like like a soldier and you will get the "typical" military experience, and the Marines will treat you like crap just to piss you off and mess with you, and then throw you into a hellhole somewhere in this world to kick someones ass...but you will be able to say that you were a US Marine. I never bought into the inter-service rivalry stuff, so I was always happy to meet servicemembers of other branches. The most professional aside from the Marines was the Army Aviation units we worked with a couple of times, a few Air Force folks..(best looking ladies in the Air Force too).

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 01:38 PM
reply to post by LandonFromKY

There is much to look at when joining the United states Military. Here are a few points you should consider. Ill try to put truthful pros anc cons of both National gurad and full time enlisted.

Housing: You can be provided shelter on base for you and family if needed, for free or at a very low cost. However if you are on base you could be subject to a random search. So now closet Grows
The military provides alot for you if you are full time.

Pay day: Pay depends on many aspects, your rank, your job, how long you have been in the military(which reflects your rank hopefully do well), If you are in a combat zone. And the best thing yet if you are full time as i stated above you are provided for with many things and you end up saving alot of money. Altough being in a comabt zone and getting combat pay means your risking your neck.

Travel: Depending on which branch of the military you join you may see alot of the world, especially the navy. I have many Navy friends that all say they have seen so much of the world. If you have a family this is where times can be trying.

The Best of the Best: If your going to join any military , you mind as well get with the best, thats what the US military is. This however is just the fruit of the tree. If you look into its roots you may see things you dont want to. So that being said, be mindful of your job and security clearence. If your going into some form of intelligence be prepared for some things you may see and do that you can NEVER tell a soul about, no matter how cool it may be and you are screaming inside about it. KEEP QUIET!

What job suites you: Think about your life ater the military if you dont want to make a career out of it. You may wan to do something that can benifit your life after you are done with your service. Maker sure you take the ASVB test and see where you score, do well in math!

Just some quick points and thougts, I applaude anyone who wishes to serve there country and wish you well.

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 01:45 PM
To the OP, bascially what people are encouraging you to do is NOT TO JOIN THE MILITARY!

I'd advise you to either go to college, try find a job, sale something that is legal, go to trade to school or start your own business. if you really want to make money fast, become a nanny! There's a lot ways you make money especially if you have multiple skills.
edit on 30-6-2011 by sam_inc because: (no reason given)

edit on 30-6-2011 by sam_inc because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 01:49 PM
Hi, im glad you decided to gauge other peoples opinions in order to better understand a situation.
So as a 28 year old who has always loved playing with toy guns as a kid , reinacted mostly every war since WW2
with my friends as a kid in the woods, and pretty much played every military FPS/strategy/action game out there I always thought id be cut out for action.
Then one day I remembered there is no respawn or unlimited lives cheat out there in the real world !

Good luck with whatever you do, theres more to the world than guns, ammo and explosions man !
edit on 30-6-2011 by sapien82 because: (no reason given)

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