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16 year old, who has questions about the Military, and needs help figuring out his future....

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posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 03:28 PM
Well anyways, i have been thinking about this for years, and years. My grandfather, my great grandfather, and my great great grandfather all were in the military and where in a war. My grandfather was in the korean war, earned the MOH, and Purple Heart, among others. So as the time for me to enlist creeps closer and closer, i was wondering if it would be worth it to Join the Military. Most likely the Army, or the Marines. I have always wanted to go in the Military and every time i play Call of Duty, or watch Jarhead, or a War movie it makes me want to go over there even more. I know it is no ones decision but mine, but i want to get some first hand experiences from guys, or girls who have served. I wanna know what it would be like and stuff. I know it would be nice to join and have my College paid for, not only that but the respect i would get from others, and the satisfaction of serving my country, and keeping my country and family free..

So if you have been in the Military or are currently enlisted, please post on here with your experiences, and whatever else you would like to add!


posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 03:31 PM

i myself have no served, but this is from someone is the same shoes. Both my parents were in army, my uncle was in army, my grandfather, so naturally i wanted to join army from begginning. You need to understand this first, the army is not all about killing and fighting, you could be a medic, or whatever you want. I myself will join the engineer when i am old enough to join. Whatever you decide to do, good luck, and engoy yourself. From another 16 year old wanting to join.

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 03:32 PM
Dont join the infantry!

If you really want to join, go into admin or intelligence...the rest are cattle fodder!

Make your time there worth while.

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 03:35 PM
reply to post by Sinny

Cannon fodder

Anyway.. I think the military offers many good experiences. But like it has been said, do NOT go for infantry. Make sure you really pick what your interested in doing and force the point. I was a signature away from joining the Air Force but when I found out due to my vision I would never be able to fly planes (any form) I backed out. All I wanted to do was fly. Even if it was just cargo transports. So make sure you know every single detail before you sign.

Also remember that once you do sign, you are their property. If you have the slightest problem with authority, don't do it.

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 03:37 PM
I recently turned my Application in for the Air Force, I just need to take the ASVAB and get all my documents in order and go off to MEPS in 6 months. My father was a Col, surgeon in the Army, my brother was a marine, and my grand father was in the army. I'm going into a different branch and am very excited. I think the military is a great way to open up opportunities. Every place that hires, will most likely hire someone who has military experience. Around military bases you, if your former military you get military preference. My mother works overseas for the government on a military base(where I graduation HS), I got a job at the commissary at age 18 and made $17 an hour. My dumb*** came to the US wanting to go to college and now I work for 8.30 an hour..Most military bases pay very well even if your a cashier, its still above minimum wage and its not hard work in most cases. I'd say do it, as long as your not infantry. Those are the the ones you mostly hear about with PTSD, and or who have been killed or hurt.

+49 more 
posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 03:37 PM
yeah man, go sign up for TPTB and bomb civilians


posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 03:42 PM
I've done a lot of looking in to this.. Dont join the marines.
Join the army there are plenty of mos's im sure you can find something you like doing
Plus you get signing bonuses.
Army you advance the fastest.
I was going to join the marines I had it set in my mind that I was because the marine were the most badass but then I talked to a recruiter.. And looked up what he was telling me.. Which were lies. Plus if you go marines your probably going to be on a boat a lot.

I signing in October at the start of the fiscal year in either an 18x contract which is green beret special forces.. or with an option 40 contract in the mos that will get me the biggest signing bonus.
Option 40 gets you in to ranger school provided you can pass the test.

Also the college fund for the army give you extra money for schooling there.
The army seems to have a lot more benefits.
edit on 29-6-2011 by mb2591 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 03:43 PM
All of the men on my mother's side of the family have been through either a police academy or enlisted into the military. My grandfather served bravely in the 11th Airborne in the Philippeans (WW2). My cousin was killed in during an air force training accident in 2000.

Therefore my only military experiences, were those at family gatherings such as Thanks Giving.

There is something to be said about the "sin" Pride, and the lure of it when considering joining the military. That is what Call of Duty and Holly Wood war movies promote.

Like you, I considered joining at around 16. I can tell you, speaking for myself, that I believe the best choice I ever made was to not enlist.

But I can't speak for everyone. There are many positive qualities about enlisting. You are basically joining a small military city - depending on how you test you may not even need to risk your life or sweat it out the Middle-East.

I support the troops, but I am mortally against the invasion of other countries. Freedom is not what our soldiers are protecting anymore, it is about the One Percent claiming their believed divine power.

So I don't know. It may be right for you, but I suggest that you do a lot of research before you make any quick decisions, as it is something you will not be permitted to back out of, including the memories. By joining, you will be their property. If you are the type of human who does not like to think for yourself (question authority) then the military may be perfect for you.

War is the ugliest blight on Earth, all people involved in War are victims, including the soldiers.

And remember, Call of Duty is fun, but it is also a very successful propaganda tool.

edit on 29-6-2011 by ThinkingCap because: (no reason given)

+18 more 
posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 03:43 PM
reply to post by LandonFromKY

Is that really a question..? I think it's just stupid, stupid people join the military unless u are obligated to go. 'Serving your country' lol? keep it free?? from what?? I know many of u won't agree with me but please list me some things the military is GOOD for.. don't say anything like "freeing" iraq or something like that..
lol every time you game shooter-games u wanna go to the military ur a psycho.. people like you shouldn't even be allowed to go to the military, look at the video collateral murder, that's people like you who would have fun killing people because they're to stupid to realize it isn't a game.

and let the flames come lol xD cmon patriotic americans.. give it to me..

EDIT: rescue teams and alike are ok. but as i read it you want to join the fighting so...
edit on 29/6/11 by Luzifer because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 03:44 PM
reply to post by LandonFromKY

Personally, I wouldn't join the killing. I wouldn't want to support the Military industrial Complex, and I wouldn't want to feel guilty later on in life for what I have done.

Just really, really consider it.

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 03:45 PM
reply to post by LandonFromKY

After serving 30+ years and recently retired, I would not recommend the Army at this time. It is going through way too many changes right now and everyone I know that is still in, are hating it. (One of the reasons I retired)

I would however recommend that you look into the Air Force or Coast Guard. Both have para-rescue units, considered to be the elite of their branches. You will more than likely be fired upon in these units, but you will save more lives as well. You get all the adreniline rush that goes with doing what they do as well.

And when you get out, there are well paying jobs for those with that training. (LifeFlight)

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 03:52 PM
reply to post by LandonFromKY

Have you thought of College? I have served and am a war vet. Me personally would not trade my service time for anything. But, you may consider college first and shoot for an ROTC program. Life as a grunt can be tough. Now if you are all jacked up and a spec-ops wanna-be, then start getting in shape now. If not and you have grey matter between your ears definately go intel, electronics, computing or one of the trades. Coming out knowing nothing but how to shoot leaves few options for you and back to college you go.

Anyways consider all options before you sign on the line. Make sure you get what you want, and if you are like I was, poor with few options, then the military may be your out. Always, and I repeat always Be True to Yourself. They can't take away who you are, but they can help you focus that too.

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 03:52 PM
college and then join.

Get an education while you're young.

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 04:00 PM
reply to post by Luzifer

STHU, if i wanted some one like you to post on the topic i would have said something, you live in Switzerland no one wants to hear your opinions on America or on the US Military. I could care less what you think because i know what i am and im not any of those things you just said about me.

smh, foreigners these days.

Anyways, thanks for the comments guys, you all really have me thinking. Keep them coming if you dont mind!

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 04:01 PM
Let me just say this. I served and it was the best thing I ever did. I would not serve now.

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 04:02 PM
reply to post by mantarey

Yea, i have heard from a few of my friends dads (who are currently enlisted) That you get some type of money that pays for your tuition and needs in college? Can someone Clarify?

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 04:06 PM
Also, i have told my self if we have another big terrorist attack on American soil then i am for sure joining, but idk which branch would be best for my abilities.

+18 more 
posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 04:11 PM
If you join the military, the goverment owns you. It's not a game people get killed, maimed and have to kill fellow human beings. It's not fun and games when you have to clean your buddies brains & blood off your BDL's They will use you up and leave you with PTSD. College is overrated. Take up a useful trade that everyone will need when the SHTF. For God sakes don't buy into the hoorah, macho bullsh¥t.. If you've got to PROVE your macho,then you really aren't.

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 04:13 PM
reply to post by LandonFromKY

When I first read the title of your thread,I
thought RR was back

I would suggest having a long talk with your
folks.Right now I think you should finish your
education,top priority.You're only 16,you might
change your mind.Good luck,Mama

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 04:16 PM
reply to post by mamabeth

Ive talked to my mom about it and she wont really go into a conversation with me about it, all she says is if you are gonna join your not gonna back out, your gonna make a career out of it.

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