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Nine Documents From The Last 89 Years You Should Be Aware Of

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posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 11:04 AM
Over the past few years I've taken an inclined interest into researching official documents that clearly denote what has been planned and currently taking place in present day events. Some of these have been congressional documents, and some from organizations themselves. I've created various threads over the past year with these individually, and while being well received by a few, the light of day does not seem to shed across them as should be.

Here, I have assembled many of them and hereby present them to you. I feel that everyone should see and/or be aware of these documents that have come to be within the public domain over the past 89 years. Many of these I have personally dug up in libraries, but some I've simply come across, yet still the awareness of these lack in magnitude...

We shall start with the Congressional Record of 1940, entered on Monday, August 19th. The information speaks for itself.

In the April 1974 issue of the Council on Foreign Relations journal, "Foreign Affairs", Richard N. Gardner wrote a section of this issue entitled, "The Hard Road To World Order" (pp. 556-576). He goes on to state that the house of world order will have to be built from the bottom up, among much more.. The following scans are from a University Library:

In addition, there's a famous quote online from James Warburg on February 17, 1950:

On February 17, 1950, CFR member James Warburg (banker, and architect of the Federal Reserve System) stated before a Senate Foreign Relations Committee, "We shall have one world government whether or not you like it, by conquest or consent." Again, the media remained silent.

Taking a step back, let's look at the first publication of the Council on Foreign Relations in 1922.

If you're interested in this material in particular, check out the FBI Vault File On The CFR..

From here, I'll shift focus to the famous "Club Of Rome", who's members include Al Gore, Bill Gates, Ted Turner, Henry Kissinger, Tony Blair, George Soros, and many more.. These are some excerpts from their 1992 report entitled "The First Global Revolution"...

Here is a link to the entire document if you care to read more. I will tell you there is some bombshell revelations in this piece.

Now, I'll jump back to the 1940 Congressional Record...

If you're interested in reading more, Here's the link... The topic begins on page 10.

From "Almost Famous":

The following is an article located in the FBI Vault file From 1970, discussing The Council On Foreign Relations & Agenda:

Interestingly enough, this FBI vault section on the CFR has 222 pages of documents, most of which are letters from concerned people and as far back as 1950. I think J. Edgar Hoover must have spent crazy amounts of time responding to all these, and I would guess that he only took the time to respond to a few!
For further reading, Here's the link...

The following is from the 1953 California Legislature's Eleventh Report: Senate Investigating Committee On Education...

Finally, I'll wrap this up with the issue surrounding the late Congressman .

"Many of you have seen a recent thread on the late Congressman in an airing of Crossfire from 1983, where he openly discusses the elitist group and much more (and subsequently "died" months later). If you listen closely, he mentions "The Schlesinger Manifesto", a slang term given to an article appearing in the 1947 May-June issue of The Partisan Review. The article was written by Arthur Schlesinger, a professor and historian who later became "high in the councils" of the Kennedy Administration. This article was inserted into the U.S. Congressional Record 14 years later in 1961."

First, the broadcast:

Now, the document he mentioned: The Schlesinger Manifesto...

For those that don't know, was the second president of the John Birch Society, preceded by this man, Robert Welch.. If you have any more time, I highly recommend that you listen to this speech, as damn near all of it has come true already...

And, for those of you that have made it this far,

Your Thoughts?
Good day...

edit on 25-6-2011 by rstregooski because: link

edit on 25-6-2011 by rstregooski because: link

edit on 25-6-2011 by rstregooski because: another link what is going on here?

edit on 25-6-2011 by rstregooski because: content

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 11:12 AM
Great post OP. I'm going to spend some time reading all this info.
S&F for you

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 11:18 AM
God, you've rlly done your research, gz!! I have read The First Global Revolution all the way through and it left me very confused, because I agreed with pretty much all of it. What confused me rlly is the connection with Rockefeller, Club of Rome and Bilderbergers - I'm in UK and found a connection via the Rockefeller org to Manchester Uni, -whereby they have a course once a year - only available for 6 - 20people - who they want to be up and coming entrepreneurs, a 5 day course - i'm not aware of what it intends to teach. Well dont really know what i'm saying but superficially it appears to be Global Harmonization, however my gut doesnt believe that! Global harmonization can only occur if the sheeple wake up - not because the elite order it.

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 11:19 AM
I think you deserve a medal. Thanks for gathering this info.

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 11:20 AM
reply to post by rstregooski

Also people should research the tia-ins with the Fabian socialists in London.

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 11:30 AM
Knowing that stuff just makes it worse! ignorance really is bliss! Seems that the tentacles of Rome and London are everywhere, So I should not really worry about Jihad, the Jews, wall street, etc., but those mentioned in the thread.

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 11:39 AM
reply to post by rstregooski

Very well put together thread. This is the first quality thread I have seen in weeks.

It is going to take a while to get through it all, but I am looking forward to it, so far so good.

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 11:50 AM
reply to post by watchitburn

Good Luck!!

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 11:52 AM
So basically when it says the world needs an enemy to unite which is real or invented, this could relate to project bluebeam such as in china having that mirage, very interesting if there is a major event in the future such as an alien threat or something that would unite us all...

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 12:01 PM
Congratulations, OP. This post is the epitome of what this site is supposed to be about. I hope the mods give you points for this. I was unaware of Larry McDonald until now. Something new to research! While I was aware of some of the other material you presented, I didn't know about the Schlesinger Partisan Review piece. I'd say that much of what Mr. McDonald was speaking of has largely come true. His death by Soviet forces seems a little too convenient, given his views.
Again - Great post. Informative, documented with source links, and providing new info(to me at least)

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 12:05 PM
Excellent job
One of these days I hope to be a poster of that caliber. Seriously.

So this train of thought has been chugging along for 90 years now. Documented and proven. Do you think they are any closer to reaching their goal than they were when they started? Personally, I do not.

This is the main reason why:

While a lot of what they say makes sense to me and I agree with it to a point, there are some flaws to their logic that, I believe, will derail their train in the end. Most notably where they say that "if you think that people are inherently and at the core, good people, then you are left having to constantly explain why they are not always that way."

First of all, that's more than just an elitist way of looking at things, that's more like a detachment from the human race because they simply do not seem to understand the concept of imperfection. Why aren't people always good? Because they're not perfect.

I understand and agree with their theory that the world is diverse and varied to the point where there are too many differences between too many people for there to ever be any lasting peace, prosperity, and a continuing advancement of the human race. And that if history has taught us anything, it's that all the common men and women of the world combined cannot govern themselves to the point where we are going to have those things. That one, sole governing body has to do it for us.

Sure, you have pockets of people out there to where, if they were in charge, the world would most definitely be a better place. But these people are in the minority and they don't have the connections or the bloodline needed to get that job done.

The majority rules and TPTB know this and use it to their advantage. Their agenda is not what scares me. Their obvious frame of mind going into it all is what is disturbing. The end result of what they want to be can be a very good thing for the human race. But the way they are going about getting it done is not good because it seems to be dividing people more than uniting them. They're being pricks about it.

They want a one world government for the sake of money and power on their behalf. What happens to the little people is of no consequence to them regardless of whether it turns out good or bad for us. They don't care. They just want theirs.

It is this detachment that is going to be their downfall in my opinion.

edit on 25-6-2011 by Taupin Desciple because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 12:07 PM

Originally posted by louieprima
Congratulations, OP. This post is the epitome of what this site is supposed to be about. I hope the mods give you points for this. I was unaware of until now. Something new to research! While I was aware of some of the other material you presented, I didn't know about the Schlesinger Partisan Review piece. I'd say that much of what Mr. McDonald was speaking of has largely come true. His death by Soviet forces seems a little too convenient, given his views.
Again - Great post. Informative, documented with source links, and providing new info(to me at least)

I just edited this into the OP, as it's pretty important. Larry McDonald was the second president of the John Birch Society, preceded by this man, Robert Welch.. Almost everything in this speech has already come to pass..

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 12:14 PM
reply to post by Taupin Desciple

Well stated argument.. I don't have much to disagree with. I'll say, this whole thing, whatever it is, seems to be on such a large time scale, who knows what s**t will go down in between and soon to come..

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 12:31 PM
reply to post by rstregooski

Moderators, can someone tell us why 's name keeps getting edited out of the OP?

edit on 25-6-2011 by rstregooski because: us

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 02:04 PM
As much as there is anti-NWO mood, you should understand that it is not a bad thing. Capitalism is very exploitable in very important way, centralization of wealth and power to those who have money.

Globalization is important step towards better humanity. United under one country, freed of religion and nationalism, we can explore universe as one, and perhaps coexist with other species as one.

In a practical way, what is the meaning of nationalism, or hunting of money ? With a balanced system like participatory economy we can achieve so much more. Democracy is also very bad system because well... majority of people are stupid. You know it. Thing that has more advertisement or propagation will be very likely passed, but it wont be good.

Rule of intelligence would be ideal, without such things as luck today(risking on markets etc..), or treating money like a resource.

Planet must be united. It cannot be achieved through democracy nor capitalism. Maybe that is what our galaxy neighbors are waiting for...
edit on 25-6-2011 by Heckren because: typos

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 02:16 PM

Originally posted by Heckren
As much as there is anti-NWO mood, you should understand that it is not a bad thing. Capitalism is very exploitable in very important way, centralization of wealth and power to those who have money.

Globalization is important step towards better humanity. United under one country, freed of religion and nationalism, we can explore universe as one, and perhaps coexist with other species as one.

In a practical way, what is the meaning of nationalism, or hunting of money ? With a balanced system like participatory economy we can achieve so much more. Democracy is also very bad system because well... majority of people are stupid. You know it. Thing that has more advertisement or propagation will be very likely passed, but it wont be good.

Rule of intelligence would be ideal, without such things as luck today(risking on markets etc..), or treating money like a resource.

Planet must be united. It cannot be achieved through democracy nor capitalism. Maybe that is what our galaxy neighbors are waiting for...
edit on 25-6-2011 by Heckren because: typos

Call me crazy, I just don't like the idea of a select few powerful elite controlling the direction things are headed in.. It's like population control. I have friends that say, "Yea, there should be something done about the expanding population".. But then you stop and think:

-who's in control of said population control?
-by what means will (or is) this being implemented?
-what percentage of this agenda will the public actually be privy to?

edit on 25-6-2011 by rstregooski because: content

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 03:23 PM
Im all for a gene rodenberry star trek utopia to be honest. Its basicaly the way societys evolve, quicker people realise that the better, otherwise we'll still be clinging to these petty nationalistic ideals and looking for rooskies under our beds.

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 05:41 PM

Originally posted by Heckren
As much as there is anti-NWO mood, you should understand that it is not a bad thing. Capitalism is very exploitable in very important way, centralization of wealth and power to those who have money.

Globalization is important step towards better humanity. United under one country, freed of religion and nationalism, we can explore universe as one, and perhaps coexist with other species as one.

In a practical way, what is the meaning of nationalism, or hunting of money ? With a balanced system like participatory economy we can achieve so much more. Democracy is also very bad system because well... majority of people are stupid. You know it. Thing that has more advertisement or propagation will be very likely passed, but it wont be good.

Rule of intelligence would be ideal, without such things as luck today(risking on markets etc..), or treating money like a resource.

Planet must be united. It cannot be achieved through democracy nor capitalism. Maybe that is what our galaxy neighbors are waiting for...
edit on 25-6-2011 by Heckren because: typos

You really believe the best and brightest would have any influence in such a system? You would have a very select few making decisions that would impact upon the entire world populace, in no way would it be safe. What are their qualifications for such power? The fact that their forefathers were manipulative and rotten to the core with greed? You would have even more powerful/rich dynasty's ruling the planet, based on their accumulated wealth and power and not their aptitude for such a job. It's complete lunacy.

How many people in human history have been truly ideological and productive? Those are not the type of people that ascend to those positions.

"Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely".

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 06:30 PM
i didnt read it all....yet.. but im gonna give you a star and flag for research and effort... threads like these are exactly the reason im a member of ATS.. its a refreshing change, with all the crap on here lately..

well done mate.. i take my hat of to you...

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 06:37 PM

Originally posted by Misterlondon
i didnt read it all....yet.. but im gonna give you a star and flag for research and effort... threads like these are exactly the reason im a member of ATS.. its a refreshing change, with all the crap on here lately..

well done mate.. i take my hat of to you...

Well thank you, sir...

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