Usual Disclosure: This is My Opinion...
Following this subject for the last 3-4 years, has just gotten frustrating...I was open minded on Aliens probably visiting this planet... Open Minded
on the Government Covering it up.
I'm very well read on many UFO/Alien Books, and will continue to be so.
I'm slowly realizing that there really is almost no proof.
This subject has been alive since nearly 100+ years. I'm talking about Modern UFO sightings..
There are not many true experts. The 3 most visible "experts" just do not seem very legit.
There are people who start "focus groups" go into the woods snap a picture of a moth and call it a light being.
(* Cough Mr. Greer. * cough*)
There people who just throw random dates out there. (*Mr. Wilcocks*)
Lets not forget the "Reptillian Expert".. (*Mr. Icke*)
Sometimes this Subject just feels so "Cultish" to me.
The fact that people seem to believe that when aliens come everything will turn into a paradise,
"we will be enlightened," "knowledge of the universe will be shared", "human will reach their spiritual potential."
Pleadians are our friends they warned us other invasions almost every year.
Remember October of 2010?
And they believe this blindly with no evidence?
Images like this
Both artistic recreations.... The female was on a site called arturi....A Extraterrestrial Community...
The male I just found on a google image search. But according to a few "theories" from other sites the light coming out of his hand is "spiritual
Many who follow the teachings of the Arcturians are beginning the revolution of the conscious age that will one day lead humans to the powerful and
mystical forces the Arcturians practice today! Edgar Cayce was the first to mention these beings and has now been coined as the father of the
This stuff borders on cult in my opinion.
The Argument that we would be Dead by now if they were evil is BS.
What did the Europeans do once they found out about "The New World"?...Thats right! They Colonized! What happened to the Natives?
What on earth would make these "believers/cultist" believe the aliens are any different?
Who knows they may not want to colonize..yet... But to have this CLOSED MINDED belief that the Aliens can ONLY be Good, Angel Like, Mean No Harm just
does not make sense.
You don't forcibly abduct people,
experiment on them,
According to some abduction stories Have sex with Humans, impregnate them, .
I do not consider that to be "GOOD WILL" for the Humans.
In My Opinion.
IF They are visiting, experimenting, etc, they know we are here. We don't know what they are planning.
My Argument is Humans should be prepared for both cases
According to some the reason why people don't see Aliens and UFO's is because they don't believe.
"If they believe they would see that aliens are all around us"..........
Or Aliens are not revealing themselves because humans believe in "Primitive things like Religion," yet people make the argument they believe Aliens
made us.. Which Ironically enough is the main belief of the Raelian Religion.
The Raelian Movement teaches that life on Earth was scientifically created by a species of extraterrestrials, which they call the Elohim.
Lets not forget all the other ufo religions.
Statutes, Paintings, Structures that can interpreted as anything, for ratings for history channel specials,
and monetary reasons, personal self gain they can be and are interpreted for what people WANT to believe.
This UFOLOGY topic is purely speculation sadly.
There is no Legit proof..
I do not think there is a massive NASA coverup. I've read the theory that Aliens are helping NASA.
Just based on NASA's Projects I seriously doubt it. Looking at Orion which is basically another capsule. It just seem like Nasa is going Backwards.
In the Age of Wikileaks, LULsec, Anon, nothing has been leaked? In the year 2011 leaks come out almost daily, weekly, monthly, yet something that
could change History, has not been found?
There are people who believe Pokemon and Digimon are real
The people on this site think Pokemon Are Real..
They have same amount of evidence, that people who believe in aliens have...Do you believe them? (apparently the forum may have hacked.. so be careful). The forum looks dead. But googling
show their are many people/kids who think they are real.
There is apparently another site somewhere called digiclipse in which people think digimon are real and they (humans) could one day go to
Both of these groups of people claim to have seen something...Do you believe them?
Some even interpret ancient statues to fit their belief... just like UFO believers.
I know Skeptics are generally looked down upon on this site.
I'm prepared to be called
Personally I don't care.
Basically this is my opinion. Maybe its a long rant.
In my previous topics posters will say Ufology is more a religion then science. I seriously starting to believe that.
This subject is bordering on a cult. More then anything.
edit on 21-6-2011 by TheLogicalist because: (no reason given)
edit on 21-6-2011 by TheLogicalist because: (no reason