posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 10:47 AM
Well, I guess it all depends on how you define the rapture.
In my own studies of the rapture I have narrowed it down to one thing.
As grim as it sounds, I have narrowed it down to something very simple.
It's death.
The rapture according to my own interpretation is massive death.
The one's left behind will have to forge the New World.
They are not the abandoned, the wicked or sinners of earth left behind. The ones left behind are simply the ones physically that can secure a
better future.
Then of course spirit finally awakens all who are left behind with all who have been raptured.
The second coming of christ to myself and what I have learned is merely us working together as a collective finally.
The ones raptured will be working intensely for the sake of the physical, so much that no one will deny their is an afterlife.
No one will be able to deny that Christ is Real and within each one of us.
No one will doubt that thought, " Consciousness", created the physical and works very closely with this world.
This is what I have found the " Rapture" to really be but of course you may disagree.
I will not try to convince anyone of anything.
I merely would like people to find their own answers.
Peace- Muzeam
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