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Judge has harsh words for Mom before sentencing her for spanking her kid

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posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 04:31 PM
Tha'ts it, that - is - it.
I knew this would eventually happen, judges telling us how to raise our children,. I am not an advocate of spankings since I had my share but I am opposed to guvment telling us how to raise our children. "That is a bridge too far" to quote AZ Governess Jan Brady, I mean Brewer.
The judges are out of control and NEED to be stopped NOW!
5 years probation? Felony offense?

They're letting criminals out of jail in California and this lady gets 5 years probation for a common everyday spanking?
I am done, going to bed and try to forget this ever happen.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 04:33 PM
My dad love to tell the story of when he was a kid in the 50's

He says that if they were caught by the local police man doing things that kids do, they would get a clip round the ear from the policeman, and taken home, where they would get an even bigger slap for being brought home by the police!

No today you get kids (Children) threatening to sue because it breaches their "human rights" and the authorities buckle to it!

An they call this world we live in progressive. Where children are allowed to tell adults what they can and cannot do, and adults accept this!


posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 04:33 PM

A spanking is quite a bit different than a beating.

In my experience, kids these days will talk right over you, and openly defy you, saying things you NEVER would have said to your parents.

My 8 y.o. boy hates time out, but fears the spanking he will get if he escalates the bad behavior past a certain point. It is a very good deterrent. Since it works so well, it is reserved for special cases.

If my kid does get a spanking, he does not hate me for "abusing " him. He loves me for showing him where the boundaries of his behavior are.

I don't give a *bleep* what CPS or weak willed people think when it comes to me and my own. Call me a neanderthal, but my child will not grow up to be a rude little punk if I have a say in the matter.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 04:35 PM
As a side note:

I believe most species that rear their young (mostly mammals I speak of), reprimand them in some way. It's kind of a learning/protection thing that parents of all types do.

For instance, let's say a cute little baby wolf cub in the wild begins to approach the edge of a cliff. Mommy wolf gets worried and grabs the cub by it's cute little butt area and pulls it into safety. Now, it's possible that the quick response smarted the cub a bit, but overall, it should have learned that going over there means 'ouch'. Now, at least until they are able to maneuver and understand the edge, they have learned a little lesson to stay away.

Same goes for a small child. I'd be more apt to smack their hand away from a hot stove. Enough to startle them (as I was probably startled they were going for it) then tell them that it's hot and it's horrible to touch it. Hopefully the kid will remember and decide in the future to NOT touch the stove.

Me, just like Mommy wolf, prefers a small amount of discomfort for her young, rather than letting the wolf cub fall (possibly to his death) or the small child to badly burn their hand.

Beating a child is NOT ok. Rearing them into responsible, intelligent adults is.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 04:35 PM
The government has given too many rights to kids, and at the same time taken rights away from the parents. Ask any employer who owns a business, and they'll tell you today's youth have terrible work ethics and they have a hard time finding good workers.

Most kids today are disrespectful, extremely lazy, have low morals, and feel that the world owes them something. Just like a previous poster said, "compare the difference between kids that were spanked and kids that were not."

When we were young and getting spanked, we didn't like it, but as we grew older we understood why are parents spanked and grounded us. It basically lets kids know there's consequences for doing something wrong. A spank on the behind never killed anyone.

The way humans learn is not that far off from Pavlov's dog (a spank in the place of the shock).

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 04:38 PM

Originally posted by Soldier of God

Originally posted by SteveR
There's something wrong with the parenting if violence is required.

Yeah... look at all the great well rounded children out there today.

Dicipline and an occasional spanking is good parenting. Take a look at kids today who grew up in the "time out" era and compare them to the horrifying good 'ole spanking days... they are complete creeps with no respect for others, no work ethic, and think they are owed a living.
Sorry but this is just another way the socialist govt. is stealing the minds of the youth.

Yes invalidate one extreme with the exact opposite extreme. Very good there. Your disdain for the youth of today makes your point null. Generalities are wrong. When all else fails blame the socialists right?

SteveR, wow, as a parent who prefer time-out and a good stern talking to first, I will spank my daughter. Physical pain is needed for children to understand consequences to their actions sometimes. It is an effect parenting tool that is reserved as a last resort. Life can be painful for those who don't understand that.

As for you people who are talking poorly of kids of today this isn't due to lack of spanking. This is a direct effect of the feminist movement (not a sexist comment). When the mother became a working woman there was no one at home to teach the children right from wrong. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. I am all for working women, as I am currently a stay at home father. I just feel as though one parent MUST be there as a constant at a young age.

Contrary to the disdain in this thread for the "chillens". I am a 25 year old who grew up with out spankings and a single working mother. Don't tell me that my generation is screwed up becuase of this! Your generation wanted to change everything and the direct effect is what you see. I can't stand the sense of entitlement you people have. "Its my life and I don't owe anyone anything! Screw being a member of a community that cares for one another!" Talk about entitled.
edit on 17-6-2011 by LexiconRiot because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 04:38 PM
reply to post by Scoriada

Why forget it ever happened, you with the popeye uncle same avatar. Why not get mad as hell, and take you country back.

This crap has been going on in the UK, and forced more legistation where these little #s, get "ASBOs"

Anti Social Behavior Orders.

Basically a cerfew.

The police do nothing

the parents do nothing

the Schools do nothings

and they re offend and re offend. until finally they are old enough to go to adult prison.

Are we not failing our children by not being the adults we are supposed to be?

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 04:40 PM
I suppose I am a criminal then.

When my son gets completely out of line he gets a pop on the rear, open handed only. I have tried multiple things times outs, talking to him, when he gets to a certain point though he gets a pop on the rear and then he listens.

He has gotten a pop on the rear in stores before too. I have had people stare at me, but in this area spankings are for the most part still accepted, though it seems a great many will call you a beast for spanking.

I also read to my son every night that I am home at bed time, and perhaps I spoil him more than I should as well. I do not think spanking makes me a bad father and if you disagree there is no use in attempting to sway me, we will just disagree on the subject and go our separate ways.

This judge should be removed from his position. As long as there were no lasting marks (signs of abuse) then the child is fine and just got a spanking. I wonder if the grandmother was not calling for some sort of vengeance over a separate issue.


posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 04:43 PM

Originally posted by JakiusFogg

Are we not failing our children by not being the adults we are supposed to be?

Beautifully put! Being a parent isn't easy. Being a good parent is even harder. Long hours, no time for yourself, and the pay sucks!

But the rewards are endless!!!!!!

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 04:45 PM
As a parent and of course, a former child, I can attest to the effectiveness of spanking for some kids in some situations. I don't think the few swats on the rump are the violent assaults some people try to make them out to be. However, I have to question what kind of spanking that mother used that would leave lingering marks on the backside of a two year old. It's not ordinary spanking to leave marks like that. To leave marks I think you'd have to hit the child pretty hard. I have never in my life left a mark on my child. I'm going to keep an open mind on this and think maybe grandma and the judge did the right thing by the children in this case.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 04:47 PM
reply to post by Raist

I absolutely agree with you. As a father it is sometime easy to be overly disciplinarian. However one overriding memory that I had, as a child that was punished corporeally, by my father. is that I always felt safe with him.

And that this never stopped the love, but if you pissed him off you knew what was coming!

Now I see my boy. I am not home as much as I would like, and as firm as mothers can be, for a boy at least it is not the same, as the discipline of the father,

I don't know what it is, but mothers discipline (I am going to get flamed here) makes a boy whiny and cheeky. A fathers discipline, makes them stop and think.

My opinion, .....whatever!

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 04:49 PM
I cant believe the Louisana actually has a good law on this! As a police officer I encourage parents to whip their child (correctly) and have even been a witness for them. We even have a law that covers it (see below). I can tell you now that i can talk to 10 kids in my uniform and tell you which ones have an actual parent at home at least 90% of the time! On a lighter side I saw a bumper sticker I liked the other day. It stated "I beat my kid with my other kid". A little dark but I thought it was funny none the less lol.

LA R.S. 14:18

18. Justification; general provisions

The fact that an offender's conduct is justifiable, although otherwise criminal, shall constitute a defense to prosecution for any crime based on that conduct. This defense of justification can be claimed under the following circumstances:

(1) When the offender's conduct is an apparently authorized and reasonable fulfillment of any duties of public office; or

(2) When the offender's conduct is a reasonable accomplishment of an arrest which is lawful under the Code of Criminal Procedure; or

(3) When for any reason the offender's conduct is authorized by law; or

(4) When the offender's conduct is reasonable discipline of minors by their parents, tutors or teachers; or
(5) When the crime consists of a failure to perform an affirmative duty and the failure to perform is caused by physical impossibility; or

(6) When any crime, except murder, is committed through the compulsion of threats by another of death or great bodily harm, and the offender reasonably believes the person making the threats is present and would immediately carry out the threats if the crime were not committed; or

(7) When the offender's conduct is in defense of persons or of property under any of the circumstances described in Articles 19 through 22.

edit on 17-6-2011 by sempul because: I spell like a drunk monkey

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 04:49 PM

Originally posted by LexiconRiot

Originally posted by Soldier of God

Originally posted by SteveR
There's something wrong with the parenting if violence is required.

Yeah... look at all the great well rounded children out there today.

Dicipline and an occasional spanking is good parenting. Take a look at kids today who grew up in the "time out" era and compare them to the horrifying good 'ole spanking days... they are complete creeps with no respect for others, no work ethic, and think they are owed a living.
Sorry but this is just another way the socialist govt. is stealing the minds of the youth.

Yes invalidate one extreme with the exact opposite extreme. Very good there. Your disdain for the youth of today makes your point null. Generalities are wrong. When all else fails blame the socialists right?

SteveR, wow, as a parent who prefer time-out and a good stern talking to first, I will spank my daughter. Physical pain is needed for children to understand consequences to their actions sometimes. It is an effect parenting tool that is reserved as a last resort. Life can be painful for those who don't understand that.

Sorry, I calls 'em as I sees 'em. Look at all of the videos today of kids beating up kids (girls too) and kids getting in teacher's faces threatening them. We didn't do that because we were taught respect. We respected teachers and authority figures and if we didn't our fathers would teach us respect when we got home. Worked out pretty well for everyone involved.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 04:51 PM
The worst words I ever heard.

You wait til your father gets home....

Even if late, that threat did not go unrewarded.

Even if in bed. they (parents) has an agreement. the deed would be told, the father would come up to the bedroom.


yep that did it!!!

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 04:53 PM
reply to post by JakiusFogg

I agree and understand you completely. I work swing shifts so he gets a lot of time with mommy. I love my wife but she will settle and let him get by with more than I will.

She disciplined him the other day and it made him mad and of course "he did not like her anymore), she said she knows how I feel and it sucks

I get the I am not talking to you or I am mad at you stuff a lot, but in the end he still likes to play cars with me and still likes me to tickle him and read. Also everyday he still tells me he loves me even though not an hour before he did not like me anymore.

Being a parent is tough and anyone that says differently is not being honest or are completely doing it wrong.


posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 04:54 PM
reply to post by dolphinfan

After reading all the replies here I am so happy to see the good parenting that is going on. I don't have kids (wish I did). I was brought up by grandparents and I was very naughty because of issues at not being able to be with my mom.

I deservedly got a spanking quite often. What do I think as an adult about those experiences? I am so grateful that they repremanded the little beggar that I was. It made a reasonable adult out of me. It never made me prone to using aggression either, I hate violence of any kind.

I remember those times and you know what; those spankings are a sign of love. Haha! Wish somebody cared and was concerned about me with that kind of passion now, lol!!!

You are all very balanced in how you use that "last resort"! Credit to you.
edit on 17-6-2011 by Revolution9 because: punctuation

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 05:00 PM
reply to post by Raist

hahahah yep I hear the same stuff too. When I am speaking to my boy on skype ( i work overseas) if he is angry he tells me

"I dont wnat to talk to you" we have figured that this can be countered by an straight ignore, then he feels he is missing something, so comes back.

But times, he can be so willful, that when my wife tells him no, he throws a tantrum, and strikes out. If he tries that with me. he gets three warnings.

1, Verbal explanation
2, Time out
3, of all else fails and he continues to fight. well. you hit me,.......

Thomas the tank engine and cars are his favorite bed time stories, we also like playing football and basketball together, as well as our evening walk to the store to buy milk.

A good tuck and kiss good night.

THAT is what being a father is about. firm love, and that is what boys need.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 05:01 PM
I have never spanked my daughter. She is 11 and everyone that meets her tells me she is a breath of fresh air. Polite, kind, mature and intelligent. I always get compliments on her excellent behaviour.

I am not against spanks, but a) never needed it and b) chose not to, I was definately abused as a child as my spanks were both frequent and over the top. It didn't really do much for me, except to lose all respect for my parents and turn me away from my home and into trouble.

Spanks aren't for everyone. The parent needs to maintain a degree of self control, which is difficult for some. Some kids do not respond well to it.

I am so sick of imposed regulations on parenting.

There are real cases of abuse. Sometimes it is difficult for individuals to draw the line of distinction between abuse and tough love. Some people are just rotten.

I wish everyday, deep down in my being for a change of heart across the globe, where love, respect and liberty rule supreme.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 05:01 PM

Originally posted by Soldier of God

Sorry, I calls 'em as I sees 'em. Look at all of the videos today of kids beating up kids (girls too) and kids getting in teacher's faces threatening them. We didn't do that because we were taught respect. We respected teachers and authority figures and if we didn't our fathers would teach us respect when we got home. Worked out pretty well for everyone involved.

So you mean every child in your generation was perfect eh? I would put money on it that they were equally bad. You cant prove or disprove this because of lack of sufficient technology unlike we have today. The times you are speaking of I seem to remember learning about in school.... something about segregation and race crimes? The grass is always greener.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 05:03 PM
This is all just my opinion and it absolutely goes against the grain here...

As a mother...and someone who as a child was spanked with hands and objects such as paddles and belts (and it went too far, often). I grew to disrespect and absolute fear of my parents not love and respect for them. It taught me nothing except to fear them and hate them.

I am absolutely against spanking. I actually cringe and feel anxiety when I see a parent hit a child. Spanking is hitting, IMO. If an adult used the same on another adult, it would be an assault. I do not believe that inflicting physical pain and absolute fear on another person is a good way of teaching a person. I'm not sure how hitting an adult is wrong, but hitting a child is justified. Leaving a mark on a child??? Uh. No. That is abuse IMO.

I have never had to hit for punishment. My daughter has never been so out of control or "bad" that I felt the need to take my hand (or an object) and inflict physical pain on her. So many other ways of disciplining her that works.

With that said....there is not enough to this story. But as it is currently presented, I do not believe punishment for the mother is deserved. I do not support this type of discipline at all....but I am not the parents to other kids...and to each their own I suppose....
edit on June 17th 2011 by greeneyedleo because: (no reason given)

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