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Judge has harsh words for Mom before sentencing her for spanking her kid

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+8 more 
posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 04:14 PM

Judge has harsh words for Mom before sentencing her for spanking her kid

Rosalina Gonzales had pleaded guilty to a felony charge of injury to a child for what prosecutors had described as a "pretty simple, straightforward spanking case." They noted she didn't use a belt or leave any bruises, just some red marks.

"You don't spank children today," said Judge Jose Longoria. "In the old days, maybe we got spanked, but there was a different quarrel. You don't spank children."

Gonzales will serve five years probation

(visit the link for the full news article)

+56 more 
posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 04:14 PM
A felony? This woman gets a felony conviction for giving her kid a typical spanking?

But what right does this judge think that he can tell this woman not to mildly spank her child?

Spanking a child mildly is an effective tool in teaching disciplining a child. Certainly it should be used after other methods are attempted, but giving a kid a swat on the kiester is not child abuse and certainly should not be considered a felony.

The kid was not harmed, the kid was taken to the hospital and no injury observed.

The entire business was brought forth by the paternal grandmother? Is it likely that there is a bit of bad blood between the two? Absolutely.

If we had our kids totally doped up on drugs the way the elite would prefer there would not be any misbehaving, so perhaps the solution to not get convicted of a felony when, after other methods of displine fail, you give your kid a spanking.
(visit the link for the full news article)

+11 more 
posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 04:16 PM
There's something wrong with the parenting if violence is required.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 04:18 PM
Since the paternal grandmother reported it then yeah, had to have done so to try and get the kid off the mother over some issue between the two. Something wrong when a parent can spank their child for bad behaviour and then get jail time for it.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 04:19 PM
This is absolutely nuts! I went to read the full article expecting more... but no. It was just a normal spanking?!? WTH?! I don't understand what circumstances lead to them sentencing her to five years. There has to be another reason, right? I mean, the world's crazy, but come on.

Think about how mad that little kid is going to be at grandma for taking away mommy during the early years of life. I still can't believe this. I'm less outraged and more confused that this could have even been ruled on.

Like. Whoa.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 04:20 PM
reply to post by dolphinfan

Welcome to the nanny state they are creating here.

Most people don't realize the law has the right to take kids away at there discretion. It is seldom done but still they can do it if they want to. Being a parent in the US has become a privilege just like having a drivers license. If you don't follow the rules they take it away.

As for spanking a little tap on the butt every now and then is sometimes needed - just don't do it in public anymore.
edit on 6/17/2011 by AnteBellum because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 04:21 PM
reply to post by dolphinfan

I actually know someone who was prosecuted for spanking his kid and although he got a lighter sentence than this woman the idea got me just as angry then. I'm not a very ardent supporter of corporal punishment of children but as a last resort in no way do I think that a swat on the rear is abusive or criminal in any way. Now some people go overboard with the whole corporal punishment thing and do border on the abusive while others go overboard trying to stop it by making any spanking a criminal act. I personally think there's a very broad line and big difference between spanking as a last resort and parents who's first instinct is physical punishment.

+30 more 
posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 04:21 PM

Originally posted by SteveR
There's something wrong with the parenting if violence is required.

Oh, that's right, I forgot....

Your children are perfect!

(if you have children)


+37 more 
posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 04:21 PM

Originally posted by SteveR
There's something wrong with the parenting if violence is required.

Yeah... look at all the great well rounded children out there today.

Dicipline and an occasional spanking is good parenting. Take a look at kids today who grew up in the "time out" era and compare them to the horrifying good 'ole spanking days... they are complete creeps with no respect for others, no work ethic, and think they are owed a living.
Sorry but this is just another way the socialist govt. is stealing the minds of the youth.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 04:21 PM
im a kid, spanking builds character. FTW.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 04:22 PM
Why the shock and surprise? This is a direct result of liberalism. Why are you expecting anything else?

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 04:23 PM
I should be surprised that this is a felony but I am not.
You have a point about wanting to keep the kids doped up.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 04:25 PM
Aww, another case of the "government knows best".

Who the hell does the judge think he is to tell somebody else how to raise their own children?

The part that really got me was what the judge told her, about how "we don't spank children nowadays". Very remniscient of 1984 and the children spies who were immune to their parents, and sole purpose was to report their parents for thought crime.

The future is looking great

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 04:25 PM

Originally posted by Soldier of God

Originally posted by SteveR
There's something wrong with the parenting if violence is required.

Yeah... look at all the great well rounded children out there today.

Dicipline and an occasional spanking is good parenting. Take a look at kids today who grew up in the "time out" era and compare them to the horrifying good 'ole spanking days... they are complete creeps with no respect for others, no work ethic, and think they are owed a living.
Sorry but this is just another way the socialist govt. is stealing the minds of the youth.

First thing I think I've agreed with you on so far, not a bad thing either

I got spanked by parents, grandparents and even teachers in school and seen an old school teacher throw his keys at disruptive pupils in high school and guess what? None of us turned into criminals who had no respect for others.

Every word said in your post is correct. Star for ya good sir.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 04:25 PM
Nuts but it doesn't surprise me anymore.

My sister had a lady go nuts on here at a Publix grocery store. My nephew was about 3 and he was always grabbing off the shelves like kids do at the check out, well my sister tapped his hand and said "no." He stopped, didn't cry and well this lady behind her went OFF on her. She called my sister all kinds of colorful names, threatened to call the cops and have her arrested for child abuse, the she said my sister was a sinner for having a kid and not being married. My sister and of course the people working were shocked. The manager had to follow my sister to her car because of this lady. He wanted to call the cops to help my sister because this lady was yelling at her in the parking lot too! The manager had told the other lady to leave and she did. My sister said the manager kept apologizing because he sees my sister in there weekly and my nephew as well and this women just went nuts over a hand tap ALL parents have done and still do.

I use to get spanked as a kid and I learned my lesson, sometimes yes it is needed. People need to mind their own damn business and let other people raise their kids. They will learn.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 04:26 PM

edit on 17-6-2011 by ZombieJesus because: redacted

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 04:27 PM
Which does more harm, a smack on the arse, which may cause the kid to cry and sulk, or talking the parent away, which in turn will severely mess the kid up. either in the way of

1, Complete role reversal where the child is in charge of the parent
2, Abandonment issues.

If the last resort of correction is a slap, then so be it. sometimes when all esle fails to get the message across it needs to be done.

It is not "violence" per se, but a method of demonstrating that certain actions in life will warrant harsh reactions by those bigger than you.

If you get in trouble with the police, they will not, give you a good talking to and put you in time out!. No they will stomp your guts out.

IMO it is a tried and tested way of preparing kids for the reality of life.

As in this case. The person has been spanked by the judge. As ironic as it is. Could this chastisement not be considered a harsh punishment? the same as a smack on the arse!??

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 04:28 PM
a felony for spankiing

"we dont spank our children"

more government parenting.

that is the most ridiculous thing i have read on here

i grew up in the era when i was bad i got spanked if i didnt do my homework i got the paddle.

its there any wonder this nations youth have turned out to be jerks(woulda used another term but that woulda been a violation of ats terms and conditions)

the judge yeah dont spank your kid but let me send your kid to the chair or lethal injection.


posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 04:30 PM
I'd get a lawyer and sue.
It's the only way to get any sort of change to happen.

How can the government tell you how to raise your child?
They routinely lock people up for life in order to discipline them.
And now they deny you the right to discipline your kid?

Talk about pot meet kettle.

+8 more 
posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 04:30 PM
And people wonder why the kids today are so messed up. No discipline. No structure. No moral guidance. No attention, period!

I love my son. I spend time with him. I talk to him. And in the past, I swatted his butt. He learned. He learned that there are consequences for certain actions. Cause and effect.

He does bad, he gets punished. Children today can act with impunity because they have no fear, no remorse for an incorrect action.

Someone obviously didn't spank the judge enough!

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