posted on Mar, 27 2016 @ 02:59 AM
I heard from a friend about this around20 years ago. He was driving from Townsville to Darwin. His car broke down, he walked over to a fence
about25-30 metres away from the road to cut some wire to try and fix the problem. He noticed a tree stump leaning on a funny angle and went to have a
look. When he approached it he saw a shaft next to it. Curiosity got the better of him and he climbed down, as there was a ladder built into the
shaft. At the bottom (10-15 mtg) he said there was a 4 lane wide road. He followed it for half an hour, then freaked out a bit. There was a door
leading to living type quarters. Weird instructions all over the place. He freaked out a bit and left. Got his car going and went to Darwin. Nobody
believed him. On the return trip he made sure he had a camera, but couldn't find the stump again. (there are millions of them) he swears on his life
that it's all true, I believed him, and people just said we had been reading too many conspiracy theories. Think they might 're think it if he told
them now, with so many similar stories. And so many so called "conspiracy theories" being proved real!