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Originally posted by sith9157
reply to post by blackrain17
It's a cleanliness thing also.
Originally posted by Version100
It is a religious practice, nothing more.
Almost every guy in America is.
Originally posted by Watcher-In-The-Shadows
It's a choice for the parents to make and certainly not you, the jewish community or Russell Crowe.
Originally posted by Watcher-In-The-Shadows
The foreskin is not an analog to the clitorius so the analogy that the two are simular is silly.
False Analogy
In an analogy, two objects (or events), A and B are shown to be similar. Then it is argued that since A has property P, so also B must have property P. An analogy fails when the two objects, A and B, are different in a way which affects whether they both have property P.
Employees are like nails. Just as nails must be hit in the head in order to make them work, so must employees.
Government is like business, so just as business must be sensitive primarily to the bottom line, so also must government. (But the objectives of government and business are completely different, so probably they will have to meet different criteria.)
Identify the two objects or events being compared and the property which both are said to possess. Show that the two objects are different in a way which will affect whether they both have that property.
Alias: Doublespeak
Type: Ambiguity
The elements of the moral argument on the status of unborn life…strongly favor the conclusion that this unborn segment of humanity has a right not to be killed, at least. Without laying out all the evidence here, it is fair to conclude from medicine that the humanity of the life growing in a mother's womb is undeniable and, in itself, a powerful reason for treating the unborn with respect.
Source: Helen M. Alvaré, The Abortion Controversy (Greenhaven, 1995), p. 24.
The humanity of the patient's appendix is medically undeniable.
Therefore, the appendix has a right to life and should not be surgically removed.
Equivocation is the type of ambiguity which occurs when a single word or phrase is ambiguous, and this ambiguity is not grammatical but lexical. So, when a phrase equivocates, it is not due to grammar, but to the phrase as a whole having two distinct meanings.
Of course, most words are ambiguous, but context usually makes a univocal meaning clear. Also, equivocation alone is not fallacious, though it is a linguistic boobytrap which can trip people into committing a fallacy. The Fallacy of Equivocation occurs when an equivocal word or phrase makes an unsound argument appear sound. Consider the following example:
All banks are beside rivers.
Therefore, the financial institution where I deposit my money is beside a river.
In this argument, there are two unrelated meanings of the word "bank":
A riverside: In this sense, the premiss is true but the argument is invalid, so it's unsound.
A type of financial institution: On this meaning, the argument is valid, but the premiss is false, thus the argument is again unsound.
In either case, the argument is unsound. Therefore, no argument which commits the fallacy of Equivocation is sound.
Funny Fallacy:
Newspaper headlines, because they are so short, have to be written carefully to avoid equivocation; here are some amusing examples which failed to do so:
Marijuana Party Launches Local Campaign
Police ID Wendy's Finger Owner
Gene Marker May Show Prostate Cancer Risk
White House Mum on Destroyed CIA Tapes
Subfallacy: Ambiguous Middle
S. Morris Engel, With Good Reason: An Introduction to Informal Fallacies (Fifth Edition), St. Martin's, 1994.
Lawrence H. Powers, "Equivocation", in Fallacies: Classical and Contemporary Readings, edited by Hans V. Hanson and Robert C. Pinto, Penn State Press, 1995, pp. 287-301.
Originally posted by Watcher-In-The-Shadows
Well, I told myself I wouldn't do this anymore. But, you so ask for it. Say hello to your logical fallacy sir.
Originally posted by amazed
Because male circumcision, which is NOTHING compared to female genitalia mutilation... reduces pretty much completely the chances for cancer. Not to mention all the other positives of male circumcision. Do a little research before you try to pretend that male circumcision and female mutilation are equal. They are not.
Harm None