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Libyan teen tries to take own life to escape NATO bombs

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posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 02:21 PM

Originally posted by Bixxi3
so to escape the bombs killing her she would rather kill her self? Make no sense what so ever to me.this just sounds likes bad parenting to me

what would if in her place prefer , being gangraped by NATO troops/rebels and then being killed or being killed painfully by bullets,shrapnel or bombs or kill yourself to avoid that pain . girl was in fear of pain .

posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 02:34 PM
So let me get this straight, we are to trust this news source over western news sources just because? Well, frankly, they are probably controlled by TPTB aswell and I'm sure this report fits to their agenda somehow. Now I'm not saying that this did not happen to the girl, I was just stating they are all under the command, so to speak.

Anyway, that poor little girl and at such a young age but my question is, how does a little girl even think of such a thing...what a world we live in...

posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 02:40 PM
I dont get it, why are they trying to escape bombs being droppd on there heads?

Dont they realise the empire is dropping them because of humanitarian reasons??

The sooner they come to terms with those FACTS the better.

posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 03:03 PM

Originally posted by tom.farnhill
an actual truth of this story does not matter , even if it is a metaphorical story it just goes to portray how war is effecting the average citizen .

So, essentially what you're saying is that it matters not if the story is true because we can still use it to demonise the West and laud Gaddafi as the paragon of perfect Governence?

Okay, then the converse must also be true. If Western media peddle stories that aren't true, surely we should still be allowed to discuss the metaphor of said "lies" and to portray gaddafi as the ruthless son of a bitch that he is?

Originally posted by tom.farnhill
don,t you think that they had a better life before all this violence started .

Er, no. Libya has spent the past 40 years under increasing authoritarian control and repression. People were dissapeared, prisoners would be killed en masse, teachers and pupils would be asked to snitch on the parents in case they should have seditious conversations or ideas, only to be taken away fro months and "re-educated" before they were released, if ever.

Originally posted by tom.farnhill
the same goes for iraq , all this bs is going on because certain western countries want their resources

Time and time again I here this stupid reason for the Libya conflict. But do explain why, before all this kicked off, why BP et al were already in Libya and doing a nice bit of business only to now have refineries and oil fields shut down, thus losing revenue?

And that's not even entertaining the fact the rebels wish to renegotiate ALL deals if/when they oust Gaddafi, meaning that these companies that have invested a lot of cash may never see a return..

Oh yes, all about the Oil...Stock answer for everything these days.

Originally posted by Firefly_
I hope that your kids end up in a situation where they are fearing for their lives in this manner. Maybe then your pig ignorant brain might start to understand what is going on. But you are a typical brit so I dont expect you to care about anyone other than yourself.

So, a thinly veiled personal attack because, let me guess, you can't actually form a coherent argument for the subject matter so resort to an emotional response? Impressive, I bet you get all the girls with an intellect like yours.

Originally posted by Firefly_
The absolute depths people sink to never ceases to amaze me. All of those blaming this girl, calling her an attention seeker, you are total scum. Ignorance knows no bounds. If this is what the human race has to offer, then the sooner the ELE happens, the better.

And yet, you fail to see the irony of what your defending. You would rather the international community sat by and basically allowed Libya to massacre those who protest against them and yet, you criticise those of us who support an intervention as some sort of sub-human?

You sir, are a hypocrite. I bet you would be one of the crowd who, if we just stood by and did nothing and thousands were killed (such as Rwanda or the early years of the Yugoslav War), would criticise the West for it's "inaction" and lack of Humanity.

This all started because of the continuing persecution of those who simply wanted their basic human rights, culminating in the arrest and detention of a prominent Human rights lawyer. That is what kicked off the protests and the violent response by Gaddafi. Most people don't seem to remember that far back, granted it was masked by the Egyptian uprising, and seem to imagine this was a spontaneous rebellion with armed gangs roaming the streets.

This didn't begin with armed rebellion, but street protests which were then gunned down by troops, tanks and helicopters. More protests happened, still unarmed by the way until some troops defected, arms stores were opened up and then the armed rebellion began.

CIA my arse, can't people get fed up with some brutal dictator on their own without the CIA being blamed?

Originally posted by Chipkin9
You don't see Russia getting involved in other countries affairs, and bombarding them with missiles...I think they have a right to express thier concerns about the conflicts that are being created, where's the propaganda there?

So I would trust thier words and reports over NATOS, 8 days a week.

Oh dear lord, short memory much?

Russia doesn't interfere in other countries or bombard them with missiles? What odd parrallel universe are you from?

Russia is routinely involved in other countries affairs, going so far as to murder people int hose countries using radioactive poison! Lets not even mention all the spying going on!

What about Georgia, or the Chechens?

Russia was there with NATO in Kosovo, not remember that?

What about the Soviet (Russian led) dominance of the entire of Eastern Europe for 50 years? All the proxy wars, communist revolutions and the like during the Cold War?

You are either woefully ill informed and naive, or just hoping you'd get away with such a ludicrous statement!
edit on 11/6/11 by stumason because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 03:07 PM

Originally posted by USAisdevil
what would if in her place prefer , being gangraped by NATO troops/rebels and then being killed or being killed painfully by bullets,shrapnel or bombs or kill yourself to avoid that pain . girl was in fear of pain .

Oh yeah, because NATO and rebel troops are rampaging around Libya gang-raping everywhere...

The onyl reports out of ANY outlet about Gang rape only indicate it is Gaddafi's mercs doing it. The rebels are guilty of some minor crimes, such as beating POW's, but there has yet to have been a single incident where anyone has claimed being raped by a rebel.

As for NATO troops, what NATO troops? Sometimes I think a lot of people on this site are so far detached from reality they'd be dangerous if they didn't spend all day in front of a keyboard...

posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 03:20 PM
reply to post by stumason

You know all joking aside, i did just notice something. You might not realise your doing this, the MSM certainly does it, as does a lot of other people here.

Just a quick question if you dont mind humouring me please.

Who are these "rebels" you speak off?

Who are there leaders, where are they from, where do they buy there weapons, who trains them and who funds them, also more to the point, what are they objectives?. "Rebels" usualy have things like that.

posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 03:28 PM
reply to post by Johnze

The rebels are led by a collection of tribal leaders, professionals (such as doctors, engineers etc) and former Government ministers. They are called the Transitional Council or something based in Banghazi. However, they are a nebulous group without a clear chain of command, although NATO advisors are helping them with that and their logistical structure.

Weapons, for the most part, come from Libyan stores opened up at the beggining, although there is evidence more weapons have been shipped in since.

Funding? None at first, although they have done a deal with Qatar to sell the oil they get out fo the fields they control. Whether any has actually changed hands is uncertain.

I call them "rebels" as typing 6 letters is quicker than typing that all out.

I must also say that, if you even a cursory interest in the evnts in Libya, you should already know the above.

posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 04:21 PM
reply to post by stumason

You know its just that, the key people opposing Gaddafi right now for the most part are members of Gaddafi regime. Oh im sure its all great theres teacher involved, very progressive types those teachers, and of course lawyers too, always lends some credibility to any insurgency of course, all very proffesional.

And the oil majors didnt do that great a busines in Libya as you might think. Heres a fairly brief history about our troubles with Libya. It cannot be denied long term security in Libya wouldnt be a bad thing. I guess they just bet the futures against the cost of war. .html

See the trouble i think most people have is when looking at this intervention, they are basicaly not entirely sure why it was required. Gaddafi as a dictator is pretty clean compared to a hell of a lot of other nations, he's just been had a bad habbit with pushing his luck with the U.S, wonder how many U.S bases are going to be placed in Libya now once it gets handed over to AFRICOM. Why are we invading Bahrain or Saudi?, surely if its a matter of moral fortitude then clearly rogue states like Saudi and China need to be obliterated?. But there not, busines as usual and it seems to be down whoevers the strategicaly weakest to pick off next basicaly. Cant really go along with the moral high ground pish, so its really only down to economic factors.

edit on 11-6-2011 by Johnze because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 08:46 PM
reply to post by StevenDye

It is a reason to end a war. A war should only be fought if their is just cause and America has no just cause entering the Libyan theatre. the U.S is neither helping Libya nor it's own American citizens. Isn't the role of government to serve the people?

reply to post by stumason

The rebels are led by a collection of tribal leaders, professionals (such as doctors, engineers etc) and former Government ministers.

Don't forget ordinary uneducated and educated people's aswell as the unemployed and Libyan exiles who have lived in Washington their whole lives. Just look at who is heading the TNC's central bank.
edit on 11-6-2011 by SpeachM1litant because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 10:28 PM
reply to post by stumason

and thats western msm propaganda , while its opposite in fact , as proven by reporters of dissident voices . so stop the corporate propaganda bs , Brit , you mass murdered more than 200 million across the world , more than 80 million in india .

Genocidal anglo saxon freaks
NATO rapes:
oops nato helped kosovo rebels in raping nuns :

once nato scum , always nato s c u m
edit on 11-6-2011 by USAisdevil because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-6-2011 by USAisdevil because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 11:32 PM

Originally posted by Bixxi3
so to escape the bombs killing her she would rather kill her self? Make no sense what so ever to me.this just sounds likes bad parenting to me

How about ask for a no fly zone over your village then let NATO drop bombs over your kids, then once you understand the fear which it causes, the trauma, then you have the right to judge this individual.

Tell me one thing before asking for a no fly zone over your village, why do American soldiers kill themselves? Your perspective of these suicidal events would look at it like this "so to escape the enemy killing them, they rather kill themselves (note - the soldiers).

posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 11:35 PM
how sad. didnt NATO (aka USAF) also bomb a libyan peace conference that was trying to stop the social misrevolution peacefully?

posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 11:37 PM
reply to post by USAisdevil

Hey Friend,

Not all Americans are as you suggest, devils. Not all Brits are as you suggest, mass murderers.

There are good people and bad people in every country, in every race and in every religion. Painting everyone with the same brush just feeds hate.

The world needs a lot less hate.

The following is a link to a beautiful story about a man named Rais Bhuiyan. He was shot in the face by a man who, in response to 9/11, targeted Muslims. The man killed two other Muslims and he is now on death row for his crimes.

Mr. Bhuiyan is working to persuade authorities to change his sentence to life in prison. Mr. Bhiyan believes in a world without hate. I hope his story will inspire you as it did me.

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 01:52 AM

Originally posted by incrediblelousminds
Only on ATS is government-run mainstream russian propaganda unquestioningly accepted as fact.

I have never seen a post by you containing anything constructive. All you do is attack other posters and sources.

If RT isn't a reliable source, than what is? What is a reliable source, to your standards?

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 02:25 AM
reply to post by SpeachM1litant

War sucks, people die. I still think Gadaf should be removed, and if a few civilians die for that, well, war's war. It has no rules and no fair play. The only victory in war is complete annihilation of the enemy.

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 02:47 AM
reply to post by SpeachM1litant

NATO has killed more innocent lives then the targets the bombs were for. It's still considered a "casualty of war" and what hurts the most is the Libyan HEAD OF STATE, :Qadhafi: is being paid $25,000 for every civilian death. What erks me the most is the fact that the US MEDIA is saying we are targeting Qadhafi.... Ok.... We need bombs to get him yet we can invade Pakistan with the cover of darkness to assassinate Bin Laden??? Yeah... I don't think so.

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 03:33 AM
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posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 03:56 AM


posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 04:06 AM
reply to post by stumason

Er, no. Libya has spent the past 40 years under increasing authoritarian control and repression. People were dissapeared, prisoners would be killed en masse, teachers and pupils would be asked to snitch on the parents in case they should have seditious conversations or ideas, only to be taken away fro months and "re-educated" before they were released, if ever.

This statement is partially false. While their is no doubt that Libya was/is an authoritarian state, the fact is that Gaddafi in no way has been as reppresive as characters such as Saddam Hussein or Pinochet in Chile was. Infact that is why the agenda of intervention in Libya was never put forth. I suggest you read this:

The factor of authoritarianism and repression had never been a reason for the U.S to intervene. If they intervene in order to save lives why didn't they overthrow Pinochet in Chile or interfere in Uruguay, Argentina and Brazil? These facist leaderships at the time were far more brutal than Gaddafi. Authoritarianism is your stock argument these days.

Another interesting fact, Human RIghts Watch stated themselves their was/is no proof Gaddafi used mercanaries, it was also stated that the Libyan regime did not use airstrikes against civillians but rather arms depots and the initial number of 1200 causalties was revised down to 220 with many of them being police officers. Just saying.

As for Russia's intervention in Georgia, that was a just war. Georgia invaded South Ossetia, which was regarded as a break away province with a high Russian population. Subsequently fighting broke out and reports of civillians being massacared by the Georgian military was realeased. These may have been intentional or collateral damage. Consequently Russia quickly mobilized, fought back the Georgian military, they could have gone all the way and occupied Tiblisi, but possibly fear of American intervention stopped them from doing so. One could say war was forced on to Georgia (they wanted to maintain control of the break away province which was South Ossetia) but one could defientely concur that Russia was provoked and forced to intervene.
edit on 12-6-2011 by SpeachM1litant because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 06:08 AM

Originally posted by SpeachM1litant

Libyan teen tries to take own life to escape NATO bombs


So now people are believing even in Kaddafi's propaganda lol.

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