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In Alabama, a Harsh Bill for Residents Here Illegally

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posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 10:48 PM

Originally posted by Night Star

It is time for the law abiding citizens to take their jobs and country back!

Indeed. I look forward to seeing you out in the lettuce fields.

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 10:49 PM
This thread just reminds me of this....

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 10:50 PM

Originally posted by incrediblelousminds

No. you made a claim and now cant be bothered to show it's based on anything solid. Don't tell me I'm supposed to go out and prove your point for you.

FACT: Each and every student in public school creates a considerable tax burden.

FACT: That tax burden greatly increased with a sudden influx if illegal students.

FACT: That sudden increase in tax liability was not supported by the parents of those students, but instead was placed on the shoulders of home-owners.

If you really need specific numbers to understand those facts then I suggest you would not be able to even properly process the statistical data logically and truthfully if I did bother to do your research for you.

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 10:58 PM

Originally posted by incrediblelousminds

Originally posted by Night Star

It is time for the law abiding citizens to take their jobs and country back!

Indeed. I look forward to seeing you out in the lettuce fields.

If you think illegals are only picking lettuce, you have a lot to learn! They have infiltrated many areas of the workforce and have driven wages down as well. I don't live anywhere near a farm and have no idea what their wages are, but I can bet you they are sub-standard if only illegals will do those jobs. You see, we have minumum wage laws for citizens. Illegals can get paid under the table and live twenty to a household and are able to afford those wages. In any case, it does not take millions of illegals to do those jobs.

Illegals are NOT just doing the jobs americans won't do! Listen to citizens all across the Country who know better!

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 11:03 PM

Originally posted by CobraCommander

If you really need specific numbers to understand those facts then I suggest you would not be able to even properly process the statistical data logically and truthfully if I did bother to do your research for you.

If your opinion cant be substantiated with actual data than it is merely an opinion. Not fact. Claiming it would be 'doing my research for me' is an absurd non-sequitor as the burden of proof lays with the person making the claim. You made a claim. Support it. Or admit it's just an opinion.

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 11:05 PM
Its noteworthy that laws directed at immigrants was one of the tactics of the National Socialists in Germany in the lead up to WW@ as it attempted to reconcile a massive level of unemployment.

politicians know that the ignorant and unemployed can always be relied upon to get all worked up about 'immigrants'.

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 11:08 PM
reply to post by incrediblelousminds

I am not afraid of xeno's or even foreigners.
I just do not like people stealing from me or others.
If a stranger walks into your house makes a sandwich and grabs a beer and sits in your favorite chair and starts to watch your TV, wouldn't you dislike that?
Or are you so new world that you would embrace and talk of nature?
Illegals are a parasite, I think that is a reasonable audit, and not based on fear, which is what phobeas are.
Try to find a better word.

reply to post by muse7

I was not aware that having dischord for thieves was right wing.
Nice label though, it sounds cool.

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 11:12 PM

Originally posted by g146541
reply to post by incrediblelousminds

I am not afraid of xeno's or even foreigners.
I just do not like people stealing from me or others.
If a stranger walks into your house makes a sandwich and grabs a beer and sits in your favorite chair and starts to watch your TV, wouldn't you dislike that?

Hmmmm. That sure sounds bad. Of course, that isnt what immigrants are doing. Thank goodness.

Or are you so new world that you would embrace and talk of nature?
Illegals are a parasite, I think that is a reasonable audit, and not based on fear, which is what phobeas are.
Try to find a better word.

Why do you people cower from such benign distinctions. What you jsut described is xenophobia. You are fearful of foreigners or strangers or of their politics or culture. You just stated so yourself. Just admit it. It wont hurt.

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 11:12 PM
reply to post by muse7

Gimme a break sweetheart,
I was in construction well before 2000 and all of the folks on sites saw illegals as a parasite back when.
It wasn't until the economy started to tank when the rest of the world figured out what was happening.
But many of us saw these parasites for what they were waaay before 2000.

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 11:16 PM
reply to post by incrediblelousminds

Lettuce fields?
Do you not think that guy standing on the corner in the uncle sam costume or the statue of liberty costume waving a sign for some business would not rather be doing real honest work?
Many people would kill just to have a job at all.
So I think your point is a bad one.

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 11:17 PM

Originally posted by g146541
reply to post by muse7

Gimme a break sweetheart,
I was in construction well before 2000 and all of the folks on sites saw illegals as a parasite back when.
It wasn't until the economy started to tank when the rest of the world figured out what was happening.
But many of us saw these parasites for what they were waaay before 2000.

Are you saying you knew people who were employing illegals and you did nothing about it? You, sir, are a traitor to America.

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 11:19 PM
reply to post by CobraCommander

Hey bro, these folks do not understand basic economics and like to site cartoons as proof for their arguments.
You will have to post a cartoon of your angle. mmmmkay?

They do not see immigrants as an additional burden mmmkay?

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 11:25 PM
reply to post by incrediblelousminds

Now there ya go tryin to make me something I'm not.
I never said I did nothing about it.

I hope their wives and babies starved while they made their way back into the states!
But I'm sure they didn't as they had their section 8 and food stamps.

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 11:27 PM
I love how all of these states are trying to cover their own impotency by trying to shift the blame to illegals.

Illegals are nothing but a scapegoat. But don't worry about me and my comments, continue to pass such measures. After all, they aren't intended for illegals in the first place.

When you get your real ID, remember to thank an illegal.

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 11:30 PM

Originally posted by JosephMatthew
reply to post by macman

It's not about guilt, it's about responsibility to your fellow human beings. Look around you... More division (the heart of the immigration issue and many other social issues) is killing our ability to survive on this planet. The writing is on the wall it has become so evident.

I can tell you're the type of person who cannot imagine a life without police, without laws, without money, without being told what to do, without war. That is due to your values and the lies you were raised on (like "there isn't enough for everyone" & "borders are necessary"). You believe all of this nonsense because of fear...

Simply, you're afraid of a world where you don't have someone to hate.

I thought ATS members were smarter than this...

If we want to solve illegal immigration, we need to look at the core issues (see my post above); NOT perpetuate outdated notions of society where division & differential advantage go hand-in-hand with crime, poverty, war.

The fear mongers don't decide how life is; we've let such proponents run amok for too long.

Simply, the type of thinking you are pushing is holding our species back from evolving. Please stop.
edit on 4-6-2011 by JosephMatthew because: clarity

You don't think borders are neccesary or that laws should be enforced against illegals?

You think it's ok that a young girl lost both her legs due to an illegal? Or children decapitated or a woman and her child both killed at the same time? There are stories too numerous and heart wrenching to list. You sir, have a lot to learn about illegal immigration and laws. Many of these illegals had numerous arrests and deportations only to waltz right back again! How many more lives must be lost,how many more children have to be raped and tortured before people wake up? Every one of those deaths could have been prevented had our laws been enforced! Perhaps if it were your wife or child or mother or father that was killed you would be singing a different tune.

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 11:33 PM
reply to post by jam321

It is not about making new laws, I just want them to enforce the ones in place.
Either way, I am sure they will never be able to rid us of the parasites, cockroaches scramble when the light gets turned on.

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 11:48 PM
reply to post by g146541

I think the parasites you should be trying to step on are on wall street. Oh and the fed. They have been sucking you dry since 1913.

How can illegals that have taken your jobs be considered parasites if they are actually working?
edit on 4-6-2011 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 12:00 AM

Originally posted by daskakik
reply to post by g146541

I think the parasites you should be trying to step on are on wall street. Oh and the fed. They have been sucking you dry since 1913.

How can illegals have taken your jobs be considered parasites if they are actually working?
edit on 4-6-2011 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

Some are working and collecting welfare benefits through deciet. The women I worked with lied saying they were a one income household when it was a lie! In reality they made well above the poverty limit. That is only one example of many.

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 12:03 AM

Originally posted by Night Star

Originally posted by incrediblelousminds

Originally posted by Night Star

It is time for the law abiding citizens to take their jobs and country back!

Indeed. I look forward to seeing you out in the lettuce fields.

If you think illegals are only picking lettuce, you have a lot to learn! They have infiltrated many areas of the workforce and have driven wages down as well. I don't live anywhere near a farm and have no idea what their wages are, but I can bet you they are sub-standard if only illegals will do those jobs. You see, we have minumum wage laws for citizens. Illegals can get paid under the table and live twenty to a household and are able to afford those wages. In any case, it does not take millions of illegals to do those jobs.

Illegals are NOT just doing the jobs americans won't do! Listen to citizens all across the Country who know better!

I have been pushed out of a number of jobs over the years by illegals. I lost my landscaping business because I could not be competitive without hiring illegals. I actually got into a knife fight with an illegal because his cousin wanted my job in the painters union. And last month I got turned down by McDonald's because I don't speak Spanish and most of the staff doesn't speak English. Nevermind the fact that they can't communicate with their primarily English speaking customers. I have been run out of a few other jobs as well by or because of illegals. Even the "lettuce picking." Around here it's apples mostly. Was always great seasonal work for a man looking to put a little away looking ahead to Christmas, or to get caught up on some bills. There was never a shortage of locals who would do the work, but illegals will make it very difficult for a gringo in the orrchards for one thing. And of course, the farmer doesn't want to rock the boat by hiring a white guy or black guy.

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 12:08 AM

Originally posted by Night Star
Some are working and collecting welfare benefits through deciet. The women I worked with lied saying they were a one income household when it was a lie! In reality they made well above the poverty limit. That is only one example of many.

I'm sure some do. Still doesn't make it right to paint with such a wide brush. Just like saying citizens won't work the fields when many would be gald for the work.
edit on 5-6-2011 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

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