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In Alabama, a Harsh Bill for Residents Here Illegally

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posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 09:27 PM

Originally posted by CobraCommander

Originally posted by incrediblelousminds
reply to post by CobraCommander

You honestly dont see the troubling precedent set by allowing law enforcement to require 'papers' from people at their own discretion?

At least this law appears to also be going after the employers. I just dont like the part giving law enforcement even more authority to detain and question at will.

That much, I do agree with. The "papers please" routine by law-enforcement is already bad enough. If they stop you while driving a motor vehicle, fine, they have the right to see your license IF and only if they had PC to stop you in the first place. Immigration checkpoints, just like DWI checkpoints, are unconstitutional.

But the new provisions of this bill, such as barring illegals from college is fine by me. Heck, I wish they took it a step further and barred illegals from ALL public schools, regardless of age.

Actually it pretty much does:

It obliges public schools to determine the immigration status of all students, requiring parents of foreign-born students to report the immigration status of their children.

edit on 4-6-2011 by incrediblelousminds because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 09:37 PM
reply to post by incrediblelousminds

Pretty much is not close enough. Illegals should be barred from public school just as if they had never gotten proper vaccinations, also required by public schools. If they can force citizens to have to go to the doctor and get pumped full of dangerous chemicals, they can certainly demand to see a birth certificate for a student.

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 09:53 PM
reply to post by haarvik

In my opinion if they are here illegally, they are sport.
Put em in a field and let's hunt em down.
Parasites deserve no rights or mercy.
If they want freedom or any of the shiny trinkets we have let them go home and fight for it there, we have other problems of our own we need to fix.
Why do we not label illegals as insurgents?
We are at war, aren't we?

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 09:54 PM

Originally posted by CobraCommander
reply to post by incrediblelousminds

Pretty much is not close enough. Illegals should be barred from public school just as if they had never gotten proper vaccinations, also required by public schools. If they can force citizens to have to go to the doctor and get pumped full of dangerous chemicals, they can certainly demand to see a birth certificate for a student.

Maybe. Although I cant really see a functional rationale for it. An educated populace benefits us ALL, including yourself. To claim it's about finances would be nonsense, too, as Alabamas economic problems are not stemming from what they spend on public education.

The real problem with immigration is employers hiring them. cracking down on employers is the only real solution. everything else is just pandering to the xenophobes. Which works, btw, as evidenced by this thread.

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 09:56 PM
reply to post by incrediblelousminds

Illegals are illegals. Has nothing to do with xenophobia. They are a threat to our economy and our entire way of life, the very basis of law itself.

And no, an "educated" population has nothing to do with illegals in public schools. They are day-care prisons where kids don't learn anything anymore thanks in large part to illegals as students.

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 10:10 PM

Originally posted by CobraCommander
reply to post by incrediblelousminds

Illegals are illegals. Has nothing to do with xenophobia. They are a threat to our economy and our entire way of life, the very basis of law itself.

Them attending public school is not a htreat to our economy. Their parents being employed by regional companies is the threat to the economy.

And no, an "educated" population has nothing to do with illegals in public schools. They are day-care prisons where kids don't learn anything anymore thanks in large part to illegals as students.

If schools are indeed 'daycare prisons' it is because politicians have squandered the money meant to be directed towards them. As for your claim that such a lack of funding it is in 'large part to illegals as students' is simply not supported by facts.

The only effective law against immigration is a law that targets employers. IF there were no jobs, they would not be here in the first place. Period. Everything else is pandering to anti-immigrant sentiment, which is generally quite popular in economically troubling times.

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 10:11 PM

Originally posted by g146541
reply to post by haarvik

In my opinion if they are here illegally, they are sport.
Put em in a field and let's hunt em down.
Parasites deserve no rights or mercy.
If they want freedom or any of the shiny trinkets we have let them go home and fight for it there, we have other problems of our own we need to fix.
Why do we not label illegals as insurgents?
We are at war, aren't we?

The fact that this was even posted, in addition to getting at least one star, merely highlights my point that much of this is just xenophobia.

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 10:16 PM

Originally posted by g146541
reply to post by haarvik

In my opinion if they are here illegally, they are sport.
Put em in a field and let's hunt em down.
Parasites deserve no rights or mercy.
If they want freedom or any of the shiny trinkets we have let them go home and fight for it there, we have other problems of our own we need to fix.
Why do we not label illegals as insurgents?
We are at war, aren't we?

Replies like these don't surprise my anymore.

ATS has turned so right wing that it's just funny now.

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 10:19 PM
reply to post by incrediblelousminds

Them attending public school is not a htreat to our economy. Their parents being employed by regional companies is the threat to the economy.

I saw first hand the blight of illegal immigration on public schools when the wave of it hit my school district back in the late 80's. Severe overcrowding, crime, HUGE increases in tax liability on homeowners while illegal renters were either getting subsidized housing or living 20 people to an apartment.

Illegals in public schools certainly is a threat to our economy, not to mention the threat illegals pose to the safety of our children and the quality of their education.

Now don't get me wrong, I do also believe that there should be much stricter controls on employers as well, but that is not the only problem by a longshot.

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 10:21 PM

Originally posted by CobraCommander

Illegals in public schools certainly is a threat to our economy, not to mention the threat illegals pose to the safety of our children and the quality of their education.

No. it's not. The 'threat' is them being employed in the first place. their kids attending school is merely a SYMPTOM.

If it's really a 'threat' show me the numbers.

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 10:26 PM

Originally posted by incrediblelousminds

Originally posted by g146541
reply to post by haarvik

In my opinion if they are here illegally, they are sport.
Put em in a field and let's hunt em down.
Parasites deserve no rights or mercy.
If they want freedom or any of the shiny trinkets we have let them go home and fight for it there, we have other problems of our own we need to fix.
Why do we not label illegals as insurgents?
We are at war, aren't we?

The fact that this was even posted, in addition to getting at least one star, merely highlights my point that much of this is just xenophobia.

Has nothing to do with xenophobia any more then the French were Xenophobic of the Germans.

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 10:33 PM

Originally posted by incrediblelousminds

Originally posted by CobraCommander

Illegals in public schools certainly is a threat to our economy, not to mention the threat illegals pose to the safety of our children and the quality of their education.

No. it's not. The 'threat' is them being employed in the first place. their kids attending school is merely a SYMPTOM.

If it's really a 'threat' show me the numbers.

Google is your friend, the numbers are out there. Particularly for the California public school system which has been the hardest hit.

Aside from that, I don't need to spout off some numbers to know the affect. Right here in my county property tax went through the roof and many people lost their homes as the result of a major influx of illegals and the sudden increase in tax liability. Taxes went up as the student population spiked with illegals and the need for Spanish-speaking teachers and staff as well as added security and a number of other changes. At the same time, there was this new liability on taxpayers, there was NO offset by the illegals themselves becoming taxpayers in the community, and taxpayers were less able to get jobs thanks to the illegal workers flooding the area.

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 10:36 PM

Originally posted by CobraCommander

Has nothing to do with xenophobia any more then the French were Xenophobic of the Germans.

Yeah. totally. Except that the Germans invaded France with tanks and soldiers while people entering our border from the south (or from anywhere, really) are doing so to get jobs. But GREAT analogy.

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 10:37 PM
Illegals were a non-issue before the economy started tanking, and in the early 2000's congress was on the verge of passing an immigration reform that would have provided a path to citizenship.

Republicans want something that they can use to "rally" the people to vote for them, so far its working.

Blame the mess this country is in on the illegals, and forget about the banksters that the republicans love so much.

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 10:38 PM

Originally posted by CobraCommander

Originally posted by incrediblelousminds

Originally posted by CobraCommander

Illegals in public schools certainly is a threat to our economy, not to mention the threat illegals pose to the safety of our children and the quality of their education.

No. it's not. The 'threat' is them being employed in the first place. their kids attending school is merely a SYMPTOM.

If it's really a 'threat' show me the numbers.

Google is your friend, the numbers are out there. Particularly for the California public school system which has been the hardest hit.

Aside from that, I don't need to spout off some numbers to know the affect. Right here in my county property tax went through the roof and many people lost their homes as the result of a major influx of illegals and the sudden increase in tax liability. Taxes went up as the student population spiked with illegals and the need for Spanish-speaking teachers and staff as well as added security and a number of other changes. At the same time, there was this new liability on taxpayers, there was NO offset by the illegals themselves becoming taxpayers in the community, and taxpayers were less able to get jobs thanks to the illegal workers flooding the area.

No. you made a claim and now cant be bothered to show it's based on anything solid. Don't tell me I'm supposed to go out and prove your point for you.

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 10:41 PM

Originally posted by muse7
Illegals were a non-issue before the economy started tanking, and in the early 2000's congress was on the verge of passing an immigration reform that would have provided a path to citizenship.

Republicans want something that they can use to "rally" the people to vote for them, so far its working.

Blame the mess this country is in on the illegals, and forget about the banksters that the republicans love so much.

I wish I could post a video from The Simpsons "Much Apu about Nothing" where the citizens of springfield dont want to pay for the programs they have demanded and used so the mayor blames illegal immigrants.

unfortunately, simpons dont let their stuff get up on youtube very long. pitty. it'd be so apt.

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 10:43 PM

Originally posted by incrediblelousminds

Originally posted by CobraCommander

Has nothing to do with xenophobia any more then the French were Xenophobic of the Germans.

Yeah. totally. Except that the Germans invaded France with tanks and soldiers while people entering our border from the south (or from anywhere, really) are doing so to get jobs. But GREAT analogy.

They aren't doing it to get jobs. But even there, if you want to get technical about it, that was precisely the motivating factor or Germany's eastern expansion, "Lebensraum" or living space.

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 10:44 PM
reply to post by incrediblelousminds

Well after all, a fair share of people on this website believe that Obama is just a work of the NWO in order to introduce a one world government.

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 10:47 PM

Originally posted by muse7
Illegals were a non-issue before the economy started tanking, and in the early 2000's congress was on the verge of passing an immigration reform that would have provided a path to citizenship.

Republicans want something that they can use to "rally" the people to vote for them, so far its working.

Blame the mess this country is in on the illegals, and forget about the banksters that the republicans love so much.

Has nothing to do with Republicans or Democrats. This is an issue that should have been dealt with in the 80's. Now that the damage has become obvious, the politicians have to "look busy" but really this is all according to plan. North American Union and the abolishment of the Constitution.

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 10:47 PM
Illegal immigration is a huge problem on so many levels. Millions of citizens are displaced in the workforce. How are they supposed to care for their families?

I have seen citizens turned away from jobs while an illegal takes his place. I have learned how they gain benefits through their deciet. Woman who lie and say they are a one income household and are able to collect welfare, get food stamps, free medical and cheap housing. When all along they are a two income household making well above the poverty limit.
This came strait from their own mouths! All the while we have millions of people who make like two dollars over the poverty limit and desperately need help and get none.

In many areas you now have to be bilingual and speak english AND spanish in order to get hired. I am tired of seeing illegals get catered to all across the USA and are never ever satisfied and demand more and more, while our citizens are shoved aside and abandoned, while other immigrnats coming through the proper channels are pushed to the back of the line. It has nothing to do with race. Illegal is not a race! People of all races are against illegal immigration!

It is time for the law abiding citizens to take their jobs and country back!

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