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Evidence of Extraterrestrial Message in the Shaft Chamber of the Great Pyramid.

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posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 07:13 PM

Originally posted by Logical one

Originally posted by Soylent Green Is People

It just seems odd to have an alien involvement fixation regarding these markings, but not be fixated on other ancient marks. I mean there are a lot of other Egyptian markings that no one has speculated about having alien origins.

Its to do with the popular culture that surrounds us right now...... von Däniken, the "Stargate" movie and ludicrously ridiculous tv show "Ancient Aliens".

Go back before in time before Von Danike wrote "Chariots of the Gods" and no one would seriously associate these red blobs with "Aliens".

Unless the conversation turned into a weird back alley since last time I looked, it wasn't the red markings as aliens at all, a few people on page 1 spotted what looked like an alien grey just to the side of one red marking.

posted on Jun, 7 2011 @ 04:19 PM

Originally posted by curious7

Unless the conversation turned into a weird back alley since last time I looked, it wasn't the red markings as aliens at all, a few people on page 1 spotted what looked like an alien grey just to the side of one red marking.

Yeah your quite's not the red's spooky alien grey image next to it.....yeah I'm convinced!

posted on Jun, 7 2011 @ 04:25 PM
I have not seen any definitive identification
to any of the images in this room.

One poster said he thought he saw a double
helix, like the two snakes medical symbol.
But, with the picture given, I see nothing
like described.

One consensus I have heard, is the need for
better High Def images.

Until then, I don't see how we can say what the
images are, or even if they are evidence of
extra terrestials. Any answer now is
speculation and opinion

posted on Jun, 7 2011 @ 04:31 PM

Originally posted by ThreeDeuce
I have not seen any definitive identification
to any of the images in this room.

I guess it's like those numerous Youtube outdoor videos where some blurry black shadow is seen moving in the background.....the video definition is so poor the blurry shadow could be literally anything or any animal......but Bigfooters will insist that they see Big Foot.........these "Alien" images seem no different!

edit on 7-6-2011 by Logical one because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 7 2011 @ 06:45 PM
Why wont they just send in a robot with a drill/boring implement and take that blockage down. Jeesh!

I can just imagine a few thousand years after the next ELE some explorers will discover our little robots in the Pyramid and declare them built by a technological race. lol

posted on Jun, 7 2011 @ 06:55 PM

Originally posted by Lansky
Why wont they just send in a robot with a drill/boring implement and take that blockage down. Jeesh!


Funny that you should mention that.

It looks to me like they have already drilled
through one stone blockade, and this is the
room on the otherside.


To be able to visualize this project,
watch the video I am embedding.

And, ask yourself if grafitti artists can
get to that area of the pyramid?

It was my understanding that only ever
the lowest sections were pillaged.

posted on Jun, 7 2011 @ 07:27 PM
Seeing the orientation of the marks in the video above, they look like nothing so much as stone-masons' marks to me. They obviously wouldn't want the marks visible in the finely finished areas that would be inspected by the Pharao, but there are masons' marks in the weight-relieving chambers above the King's chamber:

They look the same sort of thing to me, same colour and everything, but perhaps different purpose. The writing in the King's chamber, or rather above it, is apparently to commemorate the end of the job by the "Men of Khufu", but the marks the Djedi found look more like the marks you see on wooden ship parts at Chatham naval dockyard, that showed where each part fitted into the ship with a few angular marks.

I find it more amazing to think that Humans built those things than some super-advanced ET race, personally.

posted on Jun, 8 2011 @ 01:01 AM
This thread is absolutely ridiculous. The grey stone resembled an alien? Tell you what.. go look at your floor, if you have a tile floor, and find out many "aliens" you have. As I was in my kitchen making some dinner, I looked down as I thought about this thread.. and found no fewer than 6 "alien" figures. At least, faces and bodies just as or MORE "conclusive" than the one in the pictures in this thread. Your mind is going to see what you want it to see.

I've seen Egyptian graffiti in the countryside, and it's 10 times clearer than that, even exposed to the elements, etc. If they were drawing aliens, you'd SEE aliens. If they had help from aliens in making any of their structures, I feel they would feel they were Gods, and would have displayed engravings of them prominently in temples and structures across the Egyptian nation. Not a dim, barely recognizable single blob in a non accessible tunnel.

You want it to be an alien. It's not.

posted on Jun, 8 2011 @ 08:01 AM

Originally posted by ThreeDeuce
...And, ask yourself if grafitti artists can
get to that area of the pyramid?

It was my understanding that only ever
the lowest sections were pillaged.

The graffiti artists in question are not thought to be pillagers. The markings and inscriptions were probably left by the construction workers who built the pyramids.

There are other markings in other parts of the pyramid that have been translated and appear to be the group names of the work crews who built the Pyramids. There are other markings on the underground foundation stones that have been discovered through excavations.

edit on 6/8/2011 by Soylent Green Is People because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 8 2011 @ 11:48 AM
case closed. The markings were indeed left by the pyramid builders indicating the size of the shaft

posted on Jun, 8 2011 @ 12:10 PM

Originally posted by Signals
hey OP, I posted this in Scott Creighton's thread-



From the movie Stargate....


edit on 3-6-2011 by Signals because: classified

From a wayside in Wisconsin.


posted on Jun, 8 2011 @ 01:27 PM

Originally posted by Greensboro1978
case closed. The markings were indeed left by the pyramid builders indicating the size of the shaft

Pyramid Hieroglyphs Likely Engineering Numbers Markings in red paint found within the Great Pyramid by a camera-toting robot are "LIKELY" numerals used by builders.

There is nothing that says this is a closed case, they are only guessing, like everything else to do with this pyramid!!

posted on Jun, 8 2011 @ 03:26 PM
Yeah I'm with a couple of others here... I'm not buying it.

In my own opinion I totally agree that it's just your memory of recognizable shapes trying to put something together but maybe it's not even there! Also, maybe it's a coincidental dent on the surface, coupled with the angle of lighting and capture, that caused a shadow that you assume looks like an alien?

Doesn't look like "evidence" to me... maybe you're just trying too hard lol.

posted on Jun, 10 2011 @ 03:56 AM

Originally posted by ThreeDeuce

Originally posted by Lansky
Why wont they just send in a robot with a drill/boring implement and take that blockage down. Jeesh!


Funny that you should mention that.

It looks to me like they have already drilled
through one stone blockade, and this is the
room on the otherside.


To be able to visualize this project,
watch the video I am embedding.

And, ask yourself if grafitti artists can
get to that area of the pyramid?

It was my understanding that only ever
the lowest sections were pillaged.

thanks for that, Though i still feel they should pull it apart.. put it back together later.. we have the technology, we can rebuild it

Cheers again

posted on Jun, 10 2011 @ 02:00 PM

Originally posted by worldriot
At this point, I hope it's obvious to others, but I know what I believe this illustrates.

to put it politely, he should be reading a magazine...while he takes care of business...

posted on Jun, 10 2011 @ 11:25 PM
Just my opinion and thoughts, as if someone really needs to say this prior to every post.

What interests me a bit more is Hawass' "Djedi" group. Heheheh, I think he may know more than what many may suspect. The Djed, that's one of the keys, (building one this summer, wish me luck
). We already have proof of principle, the trick is in the details/circuitry. I don't think advanced technology is needed to achieve many wonderous things we don't have access to today. Anyway, codification is not a dead art.

I don't laugh at or mock the alien sitting in a throne idea. Maybe it's been said before in previous pages but that shaft is supposedly pointing at one of the belt stars of Orion at winter or summer solstice during the pyramid's construction if I'm not mistaken. Consider the king's chamber as a kind of potentially vibrating chamber? I put 2 and 2 together. Interstellar transciever of some sorts perhaps?

Also, consider Dr. Thomas Brophy's "The Origin Map". Our neolithic ancestors may have had far more knowledge of the stars (and possible planets circling those stars) than mainstream archaeolgists/anthropologists generally give credit for... perhaps better than our science and tech give us today. It's a shame what has/is being allowed to happen to the sites at Nabta; Absolute dispair the knowledge that is being destroyed/contaminated. It should be protected like a national park.

Laugh if you must, but try to look at it all comprehensively and things may take on a sharper focus.

posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 09:41 PM
reply to post by Flux8

Fux, bd careful...many people here falsley believe that all
ancient civilizations were idiots

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 07:16 AM
reply to post by ThreeDeuce

I'm not sure the average guy/gal in those ancient civs had the knowledge, in fact I'm sure they didn't. But their ruling classes did and I think many of them codified that knowledge and "hid" it in plain sight on the walls and the stones themselves. Why?

1- It was a tradition passed down from the neolithic peoples, whom I believe possessed much of the basic knowledge from which technology and higher understanding grew (if you call it "basic").

2- To preserve that knowledge for future generations using a medium much more durable than sheep hides and papyrus.

3- The stone is much much less transportable for marauders to carry away. They stay put for the most part. (Although Soloman got some of the artifacts. Too bad he didn't put them together while they were in his care).

4- They are an impressive teaching tool/medium for their initiates and a constant visual reminder for the practitioners. Plus, they are testaments to the greatness of those civs.

And continuing the theme, I wouldn't be surprised if some of those practitioners actually moved on to "other places", and I don't mean the afterlife. I wonder if our astronomers will ever discover terran like planets in that Goldilock zone around the stars of Orion in th future.

posted on Jun, 19 2011 @ 04:46 AM
Well, The photos are ?. They have until the 30th to come clean!
edit on 19-6-2011 by RPeternell because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 19 2011 @ 06:27 AM
The more i look at these pics the less AND more i can see. I know its been said a dozen times before but i really think its a case of seeing what you want to see.

Don't get me wrong i believe there are probably earth shatteringly important discoveries hidden within the bowles of the pyramid, however a smoking gun this is not. IMHO :-)

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