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Evidence of Extraterrestrial Message in the Shaft Chamber of the Great Pyramid.

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posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 06:19 AM
All I want to know is, if they were so advanced, why on earth (no pun intended) would they use red blobs and other carp to send us messages. Looks like graf to me, #e graf too

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 06:27 AM
reply to post by worldriot

hmm you could interprete that color on the granite in many ways..

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 06:27 AM
but nice find anyway, although i read about it like week ago

S and F for people to see

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 07:15 AM
reply to post by Signals

I think we are talking two different things here .. the markigs I am referring too is back when the Great Pyramid was being constructed by slaves ..

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 07:25 AM

Originally posted by Signals
reply to post by NorthStargal52

How much flouride is in your water?

That's exactly what he is saying, it is proven there IS grafitti in the relieving chamber....So why couldn't this also be worker grafitti?

The Nova link was most certainly relevant. Are you just playing around here or what

The graffiti which you are talking about and Mr Hawass is so proud to show anyone he can drag in there, is fake, and does not even read what he says it does, a mistake which an Egyptian of the time would never make.

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 07:32 AM
reply to post by worldriot

When i look at this aliens isnt the first thing that comes to mind.

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 07:49 AM
reply to post by Soylent Green Is People

Ok I was referring to the slave workers .. I realize that not all of them were slaves .. I also can also understand the other markings made such as the one you mentioned.

I am talking about the robotic camera that went down a small narrow passage did you watch the video?? to a room its at the very end of the video take a look at that it looks like a door with two metal half rings and a hole and what looks like red markings in that room ,,

What your saying maybe true about the construction workers and they wrote things on the stone also . I don’t know I was not there to watch them do it LOL, but I don’t doubt there are more undiscovered findings yet to come ..

Just because you in general debunk Aliens all through your posts your going to tell me that this don’t look like a ET evidence?? hmmm then I guess we have a real problem here I happen to think it might .. so with that said just ignore my posts I wont be reply back to any of yours ,,

I keep an open mind and a open eye needless to say some people don’t.

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 07:53 AM
reply to post by Qwenn

You dont need to tell me what you think .. I already made my reply to the OP !

What ever you say is your choice .. I happen to differ with you .. enuff said ..

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 08:26 AM
reply to post by worldriot

So this was written inside a champer where no man has gone for thousands of years?
Did they use the remote controlled robot to get to this champer?

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 08:29 AM
I've wondered why if extraterrestrial beings helped to construct huge monuments of stone why would they not use instead, exotic metal alloys or first construct some large power generating plant inside to assist in construction possibly with exotic power generating crystal molecules ormake use of some carbon nanosheets to help reinforce the heavy weight placed above or something. But alas all we have are stones stacked really high in a continuously tapering form which is the most gravity-centric means of stacking heavy stones. For that matter why did they not just have nanomachines build the structures instead of all of those human workers, that we do have clear evidence that indeed human workers were employed to stack the stones and human engineers drew up the construction plans educated by past observed failures and successes.

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 08:36 AM
reply to post by woodwytch

Originally posted by woodwytch in reply to Photoneffect
reply to post by woodwytch

Originally posted by woodwytch

Now, I don't know whether aliens left those marks in the vent shaft of the Great Pyramid ... or as I suggested in an earlier reply, that they may be builders marks / graffiti ... I really don't know ... none of us do !

I have studied ancient egyptian history / archaeology (especially the 4th Dynasty of the Pyramid-Age ... and specifically on the Giza Plateau), for the last 17yrs ...

Not true.

Not one single person on either side of the fence can 'KNOW' how / why the pyramids were built with 100% certainty at this point in time ... to claim otherwise is either incredibly ignorant or simply naive.

No-one looking for the truth should close there minds to 'ANY' possibility until it is proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that it is/was impossible ... however much your coventional mind dry gags at the prospect that intelligent life exists elswhere ... let alone helped to build ancient edifices on our planet.

When that indisputable proof exists then I will be amongst the first to say I was wrong ... but I wonder if you and other's like you would show the same courtesy should the proof fall in favour of the ancient alien theory ?

And please note the word 'THEORY' ... so again I feel the need to repeat that whichever side of the fence we choose ... or if we straddle the middle-ground we should all take on the 'WHAT IF' frame of mind and continue the search for answers ... trust me 17yrs is a mere pinprick in time !

Open your mind to ALL possibilities because you are currently missing so much that may turn out to be useful ... it may not ... but at least you'll know that you covered all corners in a quest for truth and reality.

Just a quick query ... where exactly did I ever suggest that aliens were responsible for 'scribbling all over the pyramids' ?

I think if you take your time and read my post properly before going off half-cocked ... then you would see that I think the markings mentioned in this thread are actually builders marks / graffiti ... but if you are so quick to point the accusing finger without taking on board the actual details ... well that explains a lot about you.



You seem to be twisting the truth in your entire post, so please allow me to make some important clarifications:

1) There is no real evidence of aliens having had anything to do with the planning, construction, or supervision of the any of the pyramids. Not one shred.... You do 'KNOW' this, or at least should, having researched the subject for 17 years.

(As a side note, studying and researching anything for 17 years should essentially qualify you as an expert. People become surgeons and pilots and lawyers in less time)

2) I never once said, let alone suggested, that intelligent life does not exist out there in the cosmos. My mind is open to that reality. But please don't imply that my mind is closed because I don't believe aliens helped build our ancient structures. I gave that idea a shot already, then looked at the so called evidence and came to the realization that it's not a theory based at all in this reality.

3) I've looked into AAT, and I'm sorry, but I don't buy it. It's formulated on 100% circumstantial (at best) evidence which has been twisted to suit peoples perceptions and beliefs in the idea. We look at cave paintings of things we perceive as alien flying around in craft and suddenly think they were here building our ancient structures.... If you're really serious about learning and actually spent any of those 17 years visiting these sites and reading scholarly material about them (and not just stuff by Stitchin or Hancock) then you'd see there is no reason to think aliens had anything to do with it.

4) Someone once told me not to open my mind too much or else all my brains will fall out. It's surprisingly good advice.

5) Above you wrote : "Just a quick query ... where exactly did I ever suggest that aliens were responsible for 'scribbling all over the pyramids' ?"

But in the post previous to that one you wrote: "Now, I don't know whether aliens left those marks in the vent shaft of the Great Pyramid ... or as I suggested in an earlier reply, that they may be builders marks / graffiti ... I really don't know ... none of us do !"

When you state that you don't know whether or not aliens left those marks you're immediately suggesting that they could be responsible for them.

6) The evidence that exists unequivocally points to the Ancient Egyptians having built the pyramids, all 118 of them, with out any help from aliens. If you're looking for the truth, then there you go. May not be what you want to believe, but it is what it is...

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 08:48 AM
The First thing I saw when looking at the OPs pic is

Easter Island Head

Facing to the right.

Thats just the red portion of the pic and not the .. debatable Grey part..


posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 08:50 AM
People are desperate to find info that points to aliens having assisted int the building of Egyptian structures, so much so, that they will fabricate any story they can to make it real for them.

As much as I believe in UFOs, I think these are simply marks left by works, nothing more. The pyramids have been proven time and again to have been created by humans (and not by slave labor.. this was a nationalistic project where people from across the country came to assist making it).

How people can outline various blobs and indicate that they KNOW they are aliens, blows my mind. Honestly.. that's your ironclad proof?

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 09:28 AM

Originally posted by PhotonEffect
reply to post by woodwytch

Originally posted by woodwytch in reply to Photoneffect
reply to post by woodwytch

Originally posted by woodwytch

Now, I don't know whether aliens left those marks in the vent shaft of the Great Pyramid ... or as I suggested in an earlier reply, that they may be builders marks / graffiti ... I really don't know ... none of us do !

I have studied ancient egyptian history / archaeology (especially the 4th Dynasty of the Pyramid-Age ... and specifically on the Giza Plateau), for the last 17yrs ...

Not true.

Not one single person on either side of the fence can 'KNOW' how / why the pyramids were built with 100% certainty at this point in time ... to claim otherwise is either incredibly ignorant or simply naive.

No-one looking for the truth should close there minds to 'ANY' possibility until it is proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that it is/was impossible ... however much your coventional mind dry gags at the prospect that intelligent life exists elswhere ... let alone helped to build ancient edifices on our planet.

When that indisputable proof exists then I will be amongst the first to say I was wrong ... but I wonder if you and other's like you would show the same courtesy should the proof fall in favour of the ancient alien theory ?

And please note the word 'THEORY' ... so again I feel the need to repeat that whichever side of the fence we choose ... or if we straddle the middle-ground we should all take on the 'WHAT IF' frame of mind and continue the search for answers ... trust me 17yrs is a mere pinprick in time !

Open your mind to ALL possibilities because you are currently missing so much that may turn out to be useful ... it may not ... but at least you'll know that you covered all corners in a quest for truth and reality.

Just a quick query ... where exactly did I ever suggest that aliens were responsible for 'scribbling all over the pyramids' ?

I think if you take your time and read my post properly before going off half-cocked ... then you would see that I think the markings mentioned in this thread are actually builders marks / graffiti ... but if you are so quick to point the accusing finger without taking on board the actual details ... well that explains a lot about you.



You seem to be twisting the truth in your entire post, so please allow me to make some important clarifications:

1) There is no real evidence of aliens having had anything to do with the planning, construction, or supervision of the any of the pyramids. Not one shred.... You do 'KNOW' this, or at least should, having researched the subject for 17 years.

(As a side note, studying and researching anything for 17 years should essentially qualify you as an expert. People become surgeons and pilots and lawyers in less time)

2) I never once said, let alone suggested, that intelligent life does not exist out there in the cosmos. My mind is open to that reality. But please don't imply that my mind is closed because I don't believe aliens helped build our ancient structures. I gave that idea a shot already, then looked at the so called evidence and came to the realization that it's not a theory based at all in this reality.

3) I've looked into AAT, and I'm sorry, but I don't buy it. It's formulated on 100% circumstantial (at best) evidence which has been twisted to suit peoples perceptions and beliefs in the idea. We look at cave paintings of things we perceive as alien flying around in craft and suddenly think they were here building our ancient structures.... If you're really serious about learning and actually spent any of those 17 years visiting these sites and reading scholarly material about them (and not just stuff by Stitchin or Hancock) then you'd see there is no reason to think aliens had anything to do with it.

4) Someone once told me not to open my mind too much or else all my brains will fall out. It's surprisingly good advice.

5) Above you wrote : "Just a quick query ... where exactly did I ever suggest that aliens were responsible for 'scribbling all over the pyramids' ?"

But in the post previous to that one you wrote: "Now, I don't know whether aliens left those marks in the vent shaft of the Great Pyramid ... or as I suggested in an earlier reply, that they may be builders marks / graffiti ... I really don't know ... none of us do !"

When you state that you don't know whether or not aliens left those marks you're immediately suggesting that they could be responsible for them.

6) The evidence that exists unequivocally points to the Ancient Egyptians having built the pyramids, all 118 of them, with out any help from aliens. If you're looking for the truth, then there you go. May not be what you want to believe, but it is what it is...

Look PhotonEffect, I refuse to get drawn into the tired old arguments we find in the Ancient Civilization Forum when we are in fact in a thread on the Alien/UFO forum (maybe you hadn't realized ... maybe you did ... maybe you didn't ... something else I admit I don't know)

You have stated your case I have stated mine ... people will decide for themselves but at least they have the opportunity to explore both sides ... you must realize that this is not a personal attack (at least not from my part) therefore we must agree to disagree for the now.

I am a little surprised (actually come to think about it ... no ... I'm not really that surprised)
that you accuse me of 'twisting' your words and then you proceed to twist mine (sweet irony)

You seem to be pretty hung-up about this 17yr thing (there is no need) ... it is just a personal project that I have been working on for 17yrs and yes that has involved studying both the conventional and unorthodox and it is because of that ... that I have reached my opinions by coming at it from both a scientific and esoterical stance ... as such I reserve the right to change those opinions as and when new evidence is discovered.

And I would certainly never consider myself an 'expert' in the subject ... he!! I've seen what a god-awful job the so-called 'experts' have done so far why on earth would I want to include myself as one of them (hilarious) ... but more importantly because we cannot call ourselves experts when something is constantly changing (as ancient history is as we continue to make new discoveries all the time ... even on the Giza Plateau) ... otherwise it's called ego not expertese !

Let the 17yr thing go ... it's not that important ... because until you accept that 'linear time' is the confine that restricts modern man you will never be able to escape the rigidity of being a single-brainer (left hemisphere) ... why restrict yourself to one hemisphere when there are two to be used ?

It seems like such a waste !

Now for goodness sake let's stop derailing this thread with things we are never likely to agree on and try to let further discussion / debate be about the symbols / red blobs / alien artifacts / builder marks / ancient graffiti / egyptian blood, that the OP was intending.

And relax


posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 09:32 AM
reply to post by worldriot

OMG, i see it. The blob is going to invade us. Just like in the movie.

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 10:13 AM
reply to post by worldriot

people's best bet to get more info on the discovery is to keep an eye out for KMT magazine. they have a section that's all updates about discoveries & ongoing projects in egypt. another place to try would be zahi hawass's web page. if he was part of the project, i'm pretty sure he'll have a write up about it on his site.

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 10:22 AM

Originally posted by NorthStargal52
reply to post by Qwenn

You dont need to tell me what you think .. I already made my reply to the OP !

What ever you say is your choice .. I happen to differ with you .. enuff said ..

Wow you don't need to be so rude, I was not trying to tell you what to think, I was just making a comment, I thought that was how it works round here !

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 11:20 AM
Since we can't determine what those red images
on the wall are, can we please discuss the rooms themselves

Why would these Rooms be there?
How difficult it would have been to engineer these rooms.
Aren't the shafts too small for a person to climb?


As a retuation for grafitti,
Woulnt the royal family have each room checked,
Before being sealed for near eternity?

Wouldn't one have to hedge that any painted
images be intentional?
Except for rooms open to tomb raiders......


Learn more abou DJEDI:

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 11:28 AM

edit on 5-6-2011 by GeminiSky because: Duplicate Post

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 11:28 AM

Originally posted by Qwenn

Originally posted by NorthStargal52
reply to post by Qwenn

You dont need to tell me what you think .. I already made my reply to the OP !

What ever you say is your choice .. I happen to differ with you .. enuff said ..

Wow you don't need to be so rude, I was not trying to tell you what to think, I was just making a comment, I thought that was how it works round here !

Actually thats exactly how it works here! We all share our comments and opinions, who is this person to tell people that they do not need to say what they think? LOL

Sometimes people get off track and off topic, and begin to get nasty; Some of those people take the mature high road and apologize for their actions (the right thing to do)

Others remain children and say "You dont need to share your opinion, I already shared mine, and that's good enough!"

Pardon me while I vomit in my mouth.

ATS has sure changed since 5 years ago.


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