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the best (crashed) ufo pics ever

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posted on Aug, 5 2004 @ 03:14 PM
so if they concluded it wasnt a fake we maybe looking at something real. so far we havent been able to debunk it.

posted on Aug, 5 2004 @ 03:26 PM
As hasd been mentioned several times, those guys are clearly Russian. They look nothing like the Nazis. Youd be seeing swatikas on thier uniforms, these guys dont have them. Plus, looking at the picture quality, cameras that shot good pics like that were made years after the nazis were destroyed.

The picture looks real, as in the lighting, subject size, ect, but could be real in the sense like a movie, complete with props. It could be a movie, could be false images shot by the KGB. I am not sure, as I have not ever watched the above films and such on TNT and Sci Fi. But if those are real, they are some of the best pictures in existance for UFOs. Too bad there isnt more information about it on blackvault.

posted on Aug, 5 2004 @ 03:29 PM

Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf
As hasd been mentioned several times, those guys are clearly Russian. They look nothing like the Nazis. Youd be seeing swatikas on thier uniforms, these guys dont have them. Plus, looking at the picture quality, cameras that shot good pics like that were made years after the nazis were destroyed.

The picture looks real, as in the lighting, subject size, ect, but could be real in the sense like a movie, complete with props. It could be a movie, could be false images shot by the KGB. I am not sure, as I have not ever watched the above films and such on TNT and Sci Fi. But if those are real, they are some of the best pictures in existance for UFOs. Too bad there isnt more information about it on blackvault.
i thought they were russians but mixed my words up and said nazis. but yes they are russian.

posted on Aug, 5 2004 @ 03:30 PM
The pictures are dead now so I have no idea what they were, unless they were the pictures where the Russians are standing around a saucer that has plowed into the ground and is sticking out of the dirt..?

I think people here debunked that one because there were trees and stuff right behind it, and due to the way it was in the ground, it wouldn't be plausible.. Not sure though, and it mighta been on a different site.

By the way, photoshopping your name on a dead guys body is a little freaky..

posted on Aug, 5 2004 @ 03:30 PM
The footage at the crash site does seem to be authentic as to the soldiers' uniform. The truck in the film is a circa 1950 model ZIS151, which has not been used by the military for quite some time, and the truck would have been difficult to find to stage a hoax with. Other elements of the film do not exhibit any obvious signs of a hoax, as to the movement of the soldiers, the timing of the film as to the shadows, and the UFO itself.

There are also several documents shown to verify the event itself, and an eyewitness to the event who swears that the recovery mission did occur. The footage of the autopsy film shows personnel without caps and gowns. This seemed odd to me at first, but after some research I found that this was commonplace for that era in Russia.

posted on Aug, 5 2004 @ 03:38 PM
hey i didnt do the photoshopping it was all zedd. but thanks for the link shadow.

posted on Aug, 5 2004 @ 03:45 PM
Having seen the vides for myself, (in the aforementioned documentaries), and reading the other info that's come out about them, I concluded the following for myself.

1. the uniforms and equipment are right for the time
2. they LOOK like Russians, not other ethnic actors, etc.
3. the film seems to check out correctly.
4. most of the camera angles, etc. correspond with each other (there were at least two, possibly three different cameras. In some frames, you can see where they caught another camera on film, and you can then tell when they switch to that camera's viewpoint)

However, there are also some problems with it.

1. the crash site doesn't look real, it looks staged. (lack of impact impression, nearby trees, etc.)
2. the Russians are INFAMOUS for their propaganda films and disinformation, ESPECIALLY in the areas of the paranormal, and how it relates to defense.
3. seems like a pretty small detachment for such an important event (granted, it's likely in the middle of nowhere, and the Russians would simply shoot anyone who came to see it, hehe....)
4. The ship size....seems too small, even smaller than reported scout sized craft.

All in all, I'd say the film is likely one shot at the time it claims to be, and with real Russian soldiers. However, I'm more inclined to believe it is staged as a response to them learning of our crash retrievals.

posted on Aug, 5 2004 @ 03:51 PM
so basically Gazrok you are saying its russian disinfo i like that idea. it would throw americans off the trail of something else and make us think thye are contacting aliens.

posted on Aug, 5 2004 @ 05:43 PM
From what I understand about ufo's etc, they're supposed to be relatively light, yea?
Is it possible the UFO crashed or coasted along the tops of the trees, then simply dropped head first straight down after coming to a finish and slamming into the earth?
You never know!

posted on Aug, 5 2004 @ 06:01 PM
here is another pic.
now you can see the dirt it plowed up so it looks real to me.

posted on Aug, 5 2004 @ 07:33 PM
I remember seeing a show that was about EXACTLY this crash. I'm not sure what channel but it had to of been Sci Fi or this one mystery show that is on a local channel in my city. So anyway, that show was amazing and my jaw was dropping throughout the whole thing. They did a computer animation of its landing which explained the position its in. The animation showed the ship coming out of the sky, heading straight for the ground. On impact, it flipped countless times because of the incredible speed it had to of been flying at. The object slammed into i think it was almost a mile of trees and broke them all in a path leading up to its exact position you see in those photos. It is really hard to explain... i could remake it in 3D Studio Max but it would take too long. Hmm other stuff about the show... yes those were russians and the thing they pointed out which proved the footage was real (to me) was the camera angles. There were 2 or 3 different cameras filming the scene from different positions around the ship. In the shots... you could see the russians on top of vehicles/tanks whatever the hell they were filming from their angle. It all matched up in the footage. Sorry if this doesn't make sense haha.... It was so awesome though. It is the most convincing UFO Crash film I've ever seen. I definetely believe what I saw but to whether or not the "object" was actually a ship... they did show closeups of it in the film. However, the exploring of the objects interior is said to exist but it's just not in our hands. Hope this gives you more detail of it. Later.

[edit on 8/5/2004 by superslicksh0es]

posted on Aug, 5 2004 @ 08:16 PM
It was shown in the UK as "Soviet UFO secrets of the KGB" [or something like that] hosted by Roger Moore [007]. It was interesting as they tried to debunk it using ex KGB members of the era that it supposedly happened. They concluded i think that the uniforms weapons and vehicles were correct for the time.

The alien autopsy they said that it was strange that the scientists were not dressed as you might imagine, but that was apparently common in Russia. They also discovered the place that the autopsy happened, and that the scientists that may have taken part in it had disappeared from all records.

Superslicksh0es gave a good description of how the UFO apparently crashed. And if you saw it, it did look quite convincing.

[edit on 5-8-2004 by kode]

posted on Aug, 5 2004 @ 08:34 PM
I forgot they also had footage of a UFO seen from a MIG fighter that was pretty interesting in that

Probably the most notable footage is from MIG gun cameras of confrontations with UFOs.Sorry I couldnt find better pics but on the show it was quite amazing a UFO was flying along a MIG in one part of the video just above the clouds then it quickly dove down into the clouds themselves. What I found really interesting was that as it got close to the clouds you could see the shadow of the UFO on the clouds. It just looked really convincing to me.

posted on Aug, 5 2004 @ 08:42 PM
hey shadow i fixed your link.

posted on Aug, 5 2004 @ 08:54 PM
Thanks MGJ

I found out alittle more about that Russain dig in Egypt I talked about earlier. It was called 'Project Isis' that claimed that the Soviet KGB had founda possible extraterrestrial in a 'tomb of the visitor' in
the middle east. The program also claimed the existance of
a secret room under this tomb, and that this room was never
opened due to fears among the KGB staffers that this may
by like opening a 'Pandora's Box'.

I remember in the show them opening a tomb and one of the Soldiers started choking and you see them all run out of the tomb. Later they came back in with Gas mask and they found this real wierd looking mummy.

I have been having trouble finding pictures or anything on this program.

posted on Aug, 5 2004 @ 08:55 PM
These are some VERY small aliens based on the size/scale of that ship relative to the Soldiers standing around it!

Based on what I'm seeing the driver couldn't have been more than a foot and a half tall!


posted on Aug, 5 2004 @ 08:58 PM

Originally posted by Springer
These are some VERY small aliens based on the size/scale of that ship relative to the Soldiers standing around it!

Based on what I'm seeing the driver couldn't have been more than a foot and a half tall!

so springer fake or real?

posted on Aug, 5 2004 @ 08:58 PM
Believe me or not, this is not a craft from outorspace(ETs).
How do I know? dont ask.

posted on Aug, 5 2004 @ 08:59 PM
I have "The Secret KGB UFO files" on DVD(which includes this entire story),and they run a simulation of the crash and how it ended up in its final position.According to the documentary,the craft actually impacted a few hundred yards away from the forrest,bounced and tumbled many times,before finally coming to that resting position at the base of the woods.I think they also indicated that it broke apart,and a good sum of it was missing from the film.

I love that footage from the MIGs,particularly that Cigar shaped craft pulling away from them like they were standing still.

posted on Aug, 5 2004 @ 09:30 PM
not having seen the remaining footage, etc., and not knowing enough re: ethnicities,, guns, etc., I'll just point out that:

a) IF this is a real crash, and there's no swatch of cut-down trees hiding behind the camera, then to impact the way it did at the angle it did meant that it must have crashed falling almost directly downwards into the ground. if we've got a civil engineer on this board we might be able how much kinetic energy it'd have to have had to burrow in as deep as it did; it's really hard for me to believe that it'd just plop straight in like that without making making more local disturbance (ie, bent trees, dirt kicked up, etc.,) than the picture shows.

b) the flipping thing makes more sense and if so all the above are moot points, but I hope the video shows a big, kinda linear clearing behind where these photos are supposed to be taken. if it really did all that flipping and banging around, though, the saucer's made of some pretty tough stuff (again assuming it's real).

it's hard to calculate the odds of a russian film getting leaked; on the one hand i'd imagine that in the 70s the government had much more control over information than we had, but on the other hand, what with the fall of the old ussr and lots of ex-kgb guys running wild i can see it coming out now; the plausability argument cuts both ways on this one for now.

if there's already been a thorough debunking on this one I hope someone posts a link; otherwise I hope people with more information, etc., keep posting on this. they're cool pictures anyways, and if they're fake i'd watch the movie they're from.

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