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More hatred from the Christians

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posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 10:11 AM

Originally posted by SonofPeleus

Teaching young boys that it is okay to put another boy's penis in their mouths is a horrendous sin. Would you not agree?

Teaching children that when they are grown up it is OK to be who you want to be, and to love who you want to love seems pretty good to me. Not teaching them to have biggoted attitudes would be good. Allowing them to have all the facts and make up their own minds, let them decide for themselves how they would like to celebrate their sexuality when they are old enough to do so.

This is not all about sex, you should examine your own attitudes and question why you are making this conversation so penis centric. We don't wish to teach people what it is and is not OK to do with the penis, (Religions do that well enough) it is about freedom to love.

Do you love your fellow man? All of them, black or white, male or femail, rich or poor, jew or muslim or christian, Gay strate or bi.....

I do. We are all one, of God. (No, I am not a Christian, but I am spiritual) I wish you would pay as much attention to the scriptures that tell you to love they neighbour as you do to those parts which tell you to hate some of them.

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 10:38 AM
reply to post by Shamatt

The biggest biggot would seem to be you. You seem full of hatred towards Christians.

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 10:58 AM
The posters are going back up.

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 11:03 AM
reply to post by Shamatt

If you truly understood Christianity, you would understand, sin is sin in God's eye's. A murder is = to a lie. We are all sinners, we are all the same. In man's eye's murder IS NOT the same as a lie. We will be judged here on earth according to man's law. When we are with Christ in the hereafter, we will be judged according to God's law.

All darkness is in opposing view to light. They cannot co-exist.

As far as my opinion, there is a place for everything, someone's private lifestyle whatever that may be does not belong on a billboard. While I personally do not condone homosexual relationships, that is one's choice. If one chooses that lifestyle, I will not love them less, nor will I judge.


posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 12:31 PM

Originally posted by sinthia
reply to post by Shamatt

The biggest biggot would seem to be you. You seem full of hatred towards Christians.

That's completely fine here though.

Are you new to ATS?

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 01:00 PM

Originally posted by SonofPeleus
reply to post by bogomil

I am sorry, but I don't understand what you are getting at. Are you saying it is acceptable for gay writers in Hollywood to make underage homosexual romances a storyline for their target viewers aged 10 to 18? That is paedophilia.

Before I start any further explaining: Are you familiar with the word 'generalization'?

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 01:22 PM
reply to post by paxnatus

You wrote:

["If you truly understood Christianity, you would understand, sin is sin in God's eye's. A murder is = to a lie. We are all sinners, we are all the same."]

I can not see, how this has relevance to secular society. Do you live in a fantasy-world where christian theocracy rules?

Quote: ["In man's eye's murder IS NOT the same as a lie. We will be judged here on earth according to man's law. When we are with Christ in the hereafter, we will be judged according to God's law."]

Your addition of this small sermon will undoubtly surprise a lot of people, who've never heard about it before, and the churches will fill up again. Well done, my man.

Quote: ["All darkness is in opposing view to light. They cannot co-exist."]

That's what the tao'ists said also (much earlier).

Quote: ["someone's private lifestyle whatever that may be does not belong on a billboard"]

Just guessing, but such pictures are probably not 'private'. But if you insist on the 'private' perspective everything done in one's home is private. You probably mean 'intimate'. But then you would have to introduce censorship on a major part of films and commercials, where there's no end to young ladies, who can't afford to buy more than a minimum of clothes and one thing leads to another because of that.

But OK, let's get started on censorship. And as some people are offended by christian propaganda, everything christian should be banned in public contexts. And anything else somebody doesn't like.

edit on 1-6-2011 by bogomil because: spelling

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 01:49 PM

Originally posted by NOTurTypical

Originally posted by sinthia
reply to post by Shamatt

The biggest biggot would seem to be you. You seem full of hatred towards Christians.

That's completely fine here though.

Are you new to ATS?

It's unlikely she's(?) new. She already knows the 'christian persecution' gambit.

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 02:06 PM
reply to post by Shamatt

Why do you have to lable it as christains...last time I checked all the christians in the world dont live in austraila and werent there.

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 04:43 PM
reply to post by bogomil

I can not see, how this has relevance to secular society. Do you live in a fantasy-world where christian theocracy rules? Quote: ["In man's eye's murder IS NOT the same as a lie. We will be judged here on earth according to man's law. When we are with Christ in the hereafter, we will be judged according to God's law."] Your addition of this small sermon will undoubtly surprise a lot of people, who've never heard about it before, and the churches will fill up again. Well done, my man. Quote: ["All darkness is in opposing view to light. They cannot co-exist."] That's what the tao'ists said also (much earlier).

It's lady to you pal......
Yes, after reading your attack on Christians in general, one can understand how you would see NO relevance of my explanation in a secular society. If you would have read the statement that I was replying to, you would have saved your self the "let me bash someone and make myself feel better" speech and would have actually contributed something to the thread.

Quote: ["someone's private lifestyle whatever that may be does not belong on a billboard"] Just guessing, but such pictures are probably not 'private'. But if you insist on the 'private' perspective everything done in one's home is private. You probably mean 'intimate'. But then you would have to introduce censorship on a major part of films and commercials, where there's no end to young ladies, who can't afford to buy more than a minimum of clothes and one thing leads to another because of that. But OK, let's get started on censorship. And as some people are offended by christian propaganda, everything christian should be banned in public contexts. And anything else somebody doesn't like.

Are you not capable of reading between the lines? I should have just said lifestyle and that was enough to clue
most in based on the context of the thread, but oh no not you Bogomil! Perhaps sexual preference meets with your approval?

Before you go off on another maniacal rant, Let me pinpoint the issue.

Society, today has NO morals whatsoever! I don't give a rat's ass if someone wants to make love, fornicate or whatever word you would like to call it, EFFFFFF, a Billy Goat, do I need to see it on a billboard? According to you and your above post if I oppose a billboard of a three-way, bestiality, or a circus clown and a monkey it's censorship!! It's just "Anything goes" whatever feels good do it!

If it makes me a Christian whose a bigot so be it. If it makes me a propaganda artist so be it. If it makes me a crazed evangelical preacher, I'm okay with that too. If it means one less person contributing to the depravity of this world then it's worth it. I am sick and tired of being so PC , I am tired of accepting the idea ALL IS Truth and ALL are right. That is simply not possible, eventually ideas will contradict one another. Somebody needs to take a stand for something!

So, I ask you now Bogomil, what do you stand for?

edit on 1-6-2011 by paxnatus because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 05:57 PM

Originally posted by bogomil

Originally posted by NOTurTypical

Originally posted by sinthia
reply to post by Shamatt

The biggest biggot would seem to be you. You seem full of hatred towards Christians.

That's completely fine here though.

Are you new to ATS?

It's unlikely she's(?) new. She already knows the 'christian persecution' gambit.

Sorry, a regular here, especially in this forum, would know how popular it is to ridicule Christians and our beliefs.

How can any of us be "persecuted" on a chat forum?

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 08:48 PM

Originally posted by paxnatus
reply to post by Shamatt

If you truly understood Christianity, you would understand, sin is sin in God's eye's. A murder is = to a lie. We are all sinners, we are all the same. In man's eye's murder IS NOT the same as a lie. We will be judged here on earth according to man's law. When we are with Christ in the hereafter, we will be judged according to God's law.

I could say that if you truly undersood God you would understand that many of the teacings of Christianity are mans false words in his name. That there is no "sin" thw way you have been taught it. That there is no heaven and no hell, no damnation, no jugement beyond how you would jusge yourself at the moment of your own passing.

My problem, however, is that I would sound arrogant, like I had found the one true truth that I think you should therefore also be following, and I do not preach in this way.

Originally posted by paxnatus

All darkness is in opposing view to light. They cannot co-exist.

Darkness can not exist without light, as hhot can not exist without cold, as up cannot exist without down....... The must co-exist as they are mutually dependent.

Originally posted by paxnatus

As far as my opinion, there is a place for everything, someone's private lifestyle whatever that may be does not belong on a billboard. While I personally do not condone homosexual relationships, that is one's choice. If one chooses that lifestyle, I will not love them less, nor will I judge.


This I like and respect. If only more people would learn such acceptance.

But instead we get "tolleration"!

Let's see... tolerating people because we have to, vs. simply accepting people for who they are..... What would Jesus say?

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 08:49 PM

Originally posted by Evanzsayz
reply to post by Shamatt

Why do you have to lable it as christains...last time I checked all the christians in the world dont live in austraila and werent there.

Last time I checked I posted in this thread a retraction and an explanation, I guess you were too bussy to read that though? Just jumped in with an opinion before reading the thread huh?

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 09:07 PM
Not sure if this has been said yet but before I read the first quote in the OP, first thought I had was "well homosexuality is still a taboo subject to a lot of people". Even here in the UK, some members of my family say "eww" when a gay couple kiss on tv when they watch soap operas, none of them are religious at all, it's just the subject matter is still uncomfortable to them.

Now I'm not sure about Brisbane's openness to homosexuality on display like that (I'd ask a friend who lives there and is Roman Catholic but she's tolerant of others so wouldn't judge) but maybe it can be interpreted that way? Not just a religious thing?

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 09:34 PM

Originally posted by curious7
Not sure if this has been said yet but before I read the first quote in the OP, first thought I had was "well homosexuality is still a taboo subject to a lot of people". Even here in the UK, some members of my family say "eww" when a gay couple kiss on tv when they watch soap operas, none of them are religious at all, it's just the subject matter is still uncomfortable to them.

Now I'm not sure about Brisbane's openness to homosexuality on display like that (I'd ask a friend who lives there and is Roman Catholic but she's tolerant of others so wouldn't judge) but maybe it can be interpreted that way? Not just a religious thing?

I am sure you are right. There is probaly a lot of uneducated opinion causing small minded people to say "Eww". I have seen this first hand. When I point out to the hipocrites that do this that they would have said "Phwaoor" if had been a lesbian kiss, but we got "Eww" because ot was two boys, they sometimes even see this double standard.

But the fact remains that it was the Australian Christian League who were responsible for the posters being taken down.

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 05:34 AM
reply to post by paxnatus

Good for you. Anybody would think the post was entitled 'More hatred FOR the Christians', lol.
I have to agree that trying to be nice to can be a struggle sometimes. Is it needed? What is nice anyway? Is nice love? I don't think it is.
Unconditional love is not for others, it is for the whole.
What we are is 'part' of the whole.
We look 'out there' and think we have to love.
Forgetting that we must love what we are.

There are many distractions that pull us away from our source.
There are people who are so insecure that they need attention and get it no matter how.
They are like vampires sucking life out of us if we invite them.
They appear without our permission, however we can turn the cheek and make them disappear.

The subject though is a difficult one. I know there are people and cultures where the covering of a woman is thought to be barbaric and there is a fight to free these women from oppression. However, i live in a culture where everyday i am forced to see naked women, billboards, magazines, tv. Who makes it this way? These images that are being flashed into your mind are subliminal messages that do something to the system, the robotic unconscious human.
These messages tell you that it is not safe. The world feels unsafe when the body keeps firing off at the images. The result is us not trusting anything. These feelings that the body gets from the images would not be experienced very often if there was not all this imagery around. The mind then runs on the script that has been fed in. If the thoughts are not holy, which they won't be, we then start to hate ourselves.
This hate of the thoughts that appear without us being able to control them drives us crazy.
I'm babbling....but it is all mind control. Emotion control.
The mighty propaganda machine.
edit on 2-6-2011 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 07:13 AM

Originally posted by NOTurTypical

Originally posted by bogomil

Originally posted by NOTurTypical

Originally posted by sinthia
reply to post by Shamatt

The biggest biggot would seem to be you. You seem full of hatred towards Christians.

That's completely fine here though.

Are you new to ATS?

It's unlikely she's(?) new. She already knows the 'christian persecution' gambit.

Sorry, a regular here, especially in this forum, would know how popular it is to ridicule Christians and our beliefs.

How can any of us be "persecuted" on a chat forum?

Ridicule can be a sub-set of the category 'persecution'. People can be intimidated into silence or their positions can be turned into seemingly idiocy through it.

It's part of the semantic- and mindgames taking place, as both you and I are aware of. I can be 'insinuating' on positions, while you on occasion take a more head-on personal character-defamation direction. Neither you nor I are always virtuous saints of just and 'pure' semantics.

In the present case of this thread (similar to many other threads), the factual content on the topic at hand tends to diminish from black/white positions and the thread will be redirected into secondary levels of mud-throwing. A maneuver sometimes defensive, sometimes agressive and sometimes to blockade an inconvenient debate.

There's a general tendency from black/white positions to avoid regression to specifics, clear definitions and outlining and instead concentrating on generalizations, from where whole groups can be attacked. ('Regression', as academically stilted as the term can be accused of being, is a useful method in such contexts, but not popular with black/white propagandists).

Not ALL christians are attacked (ridiculed/persecuted) by ALL christian/theist critics, or vice versa. SOME christians can justifiably be accused of elitist and exclusivist fascist ideology, SOME anti-theists can justifiably by accused of the same. And a sorting-out is possible.

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 08:05 AM

Originally posted by Itisnowagain

The subject though is a difficult one. I know there are people and cultures where the covering of a woman is thought to be barbaric and there is a fight to free these women from oppression. However, i live in a culture where everyday i am forced to see naked women, billboards, magazines, tv. Who makes it this way? These images that are being flashed into your mind are subliminal messages that do something to the system, the robotic unconscious human.
These messages tell you that it is not safe. The world feels unsafe when the body keeps firing off at the images. The result is us not trusting anything. These feelings that the body gets from the images would not be experienced very often if there was not all this imagery around. The mind then runs on the script that has been fed in. If the thoughts are not holy, which they won't be, we then start to hate ourselves.
This hate of the thoughts that appear without us being able to control them drives us crazy.
I'm babbling....but it is all mind control. Emotion control.
The mighty propaganda machine.
edit on 2-6-2011 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

No dear, thats just you. Most of us manage to live healthy happy lives surrounded by these immages. We don't hate oursleves, or monitor our thoughts and rate them for holyness.

And what is this "robotic unconcious"? The subconciousness is very much a dynamic and maleable thing, in no means robotic. And it is the bigger part of our mind too.

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 08:09 AM
reply to post by bogomil

Ridicule can be a sub-set of the category 'persecution'. People can be intimidated into silence or their positions can be turned into seemingly idiocy through it.

Look, while it is in fact very popular here on ATS to ridicule Christianity/Christians for our beliefs that in no way means it's legitimate 'persecution'.

Appeal to ridicule arguments carry no weight. They only bonus to making them here is you will get a great number of stars or flags for your stats.

Nothing more.

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 08:12 AM
reply to post by bogomil

All very interesting but what is your point? We shoudl all just stay at home and have a cupof tea? Waht?

edit on 2-6-2011 by Shamatt because: (no reason given)

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