posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 09:56 PM
I guess I've heard different things from people in the field than you have... Now what I have heard could be wrong... but in other respects it's a
moot point.
I am fairly confident by using modern materials to replicate the fangrost roof of the l'orient sub pens as applique armor I could mitigate deep
penetrations from even newer RPG rounds. The israeli Zelda APC's as well as britian's warrior APC boast applique armor that can and WILL stop multiple
RPG hits.
It's not impossible or even all that hard. What it is is HEAVY! This is why I've reduced my vehicle's overall Cubic volume to enable concentration of
protection well beyond what a conventional vehicle would have. In addition it's insides will house bulkheads with blast channels to direct blasts away
from the core of the vehicle.
Will it stop ALL threats? No but it will stop quite a few... and that's good enough when combined with a tactical operating procedure that mitigates
the number of explosives placed and pays attention to a myriad of other factors that will make the environment more permissive for ground vehicle
Also i'd just like to note that it's really easy to poke holes in something while it's much more difficult to offer solutions to issues you may see
with my idea. I'd love to see your idea that factors in the things you know personally about mine resistant vehicle design or vehicle design in
general. Or I'd love yo hear your workarounds for the issues you have brought up....
Personally I'm still researching solutions to some of the issues I know a vehicle used in the modern military environment will encounter.
on 6-6-2011 by roguetechie because: (no reason given)