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Car that runs on water? Japanese co. challenge to big oil?

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posted on May, 29 2011 @ 09:54 AM

Originally posted by sizzlean

Originally posted by bhornbuckle75

Originally posted by Maslo
You cannot get more energy from oxygen + hydrogen to water reaction than it originally took to split the water into said hydrogen and oxygen. Thats basic chemistry.

Remember folks, hydrogen is NOT a source of energy. It is an energy storage mechanism.

edit on 29/5/11 by Maslo because: (no reason given)

Yeah basically that's nothing more than a more complicated version of the old perpetual motion machine scam...the classic Idea was where some mechanism would attempt to create an imbalance in a gravity wheel mechanism to make it spin forever. Those of course never worked because they defied basic knowledge of physical laws...generally the more complex the scheme, the more plausible some of the Ideas seemed....but this is simply because our Brain can be overwhelmed with such complexity, and when that happens it becomes easier to fool the brain....sort of like a logical optical illusion rather than a visual one.

Wow, you sure do know everything. Only problem is that everything you know is BS. I've seen two, 2, dos perpetual motion machines myself and both are and have been running for about 12 and 8 years. Just because you were decieved by some university bs, don't come here spewing that jibberish. You are either slow, lazy or just pathetic because it would only take a person a short amount of time to find these things out. And when I say short I mean like in less than a month of searching. I'm blessed in that when I go looking for something it just pops up. But for someone who has no interest, (because you bought the lies told you), well you cannot find these videos, but just because you cannot find the truth, does not mean it is not out there, it just means you have a small small closed off mind as do 99.997% of this worldly world.

Now someone is going to say Link, and all I am going to say is ....I'm not going to do your homework for you. The two videos I refer to would be so buried by now by worthless cover videos that it just is not worth my time to go looking for any of you, but if you truly want to see one of these machines then by all means get to searchin. Open a window, do the search and then just keep going forward and leave your window open until you find what you are looking for. It only took me about 3 weeks of watching video after video to find one I had forgotten to save about a year earlier, now I save all of them and have multiple copies, but that don't mean I'm gonna do your homework for you. Besides you are probably one of the people who make up fake free energy videos and post them to cover or hide the real ones, either that or a Physics teacher, which would explain your confusion

I've probably seen all of the devices you speak of. I love looking at kooky things. See in the 'University' we learned the type of 'BS' that actually makes science work.....that's why I know such machines are you honestly think because you've seen a video that this is proof of something?! Please tell me you are not that naive my friend. I think a 'University' would do you good....that way when things 'Pop up' you will be able to discern if they are real or not. I'm an amateur scientist myself...I've built Lifters among other see because of the KNOWLEDGE I've gotten from 'Universities' I can tell that those are REAL....REAL devices can be REPLICATED.

Feel free to prove me wrong....Let's see that magical 'Pop up' ability of yours make a fool out of me and my silly 'University' education.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 10:05 AM
First off, the naysayers show how dumbed down our world has truely gotten. Read a Book once in a while!
This company like many others went out of business because of a lack of funds. It is people like you that cause this with your dis-information. The other problem is all the conartists making this crap from a masson jar and mostly what they do is stuff your cash into their own masson jar.

The problem with this car, was that they created a combination of materials that was too expensive to work on an economic scale unless they had large production numbers. You don't get from point A to point M without loosing some serious money inbetween. They are still working on it.

It is also obvious, that there are not many Engineers on these boards like myself. You go ahead and keep your mind closed and listen to both engineers with a closed mind, and people with an adjenda to keep this stuff out.
Meanwhile, I will be cruising around in my Chey Crew Cab Dually with a 454 and enjoying my 32mpg.......

If you want to understand it, open your mind, break the rules that bound us.
The earth is not flat after all..............................................

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 10:07 AM
Yeah Stanley meyers showed off his water powered dune buggy and was killed shortly after. Apparently the pentagon was interested. HMMM!! We are truly enslaved people. I truly believe there is tech out there that would free us from our enslavement of the rich. Maybe it is true that this tech wont be released until they get rid of all the useless eaters.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 10:10 AM
It won't be the complete end of Big Oil unfortunately......the car has wheels and cranks it still needs lubrication. Also theres the actual building and fabrication of the vehicle..all requiring Fossil Fuels.....
A step in the right to clean up the rest of the act.
Clean Fabrication.

reply to post by j2000

Well it will be a question of whats cheaper in the long run Peak Oil Theory . Closer than you realise and then there's this little ominous factoid ...We have from present day to 2050 or so before any damage we have caused to the Ozone becomes a Centuries long fix......Also if we still persist beyond that date to around 2090/2099 it becomes irreversible and we as a species will cease to exist and that goes for all life by or before 2200....Surface Life never to return.......Until Mother Nature boils (Volcanoes/Ash Clouds/Ice Age) and begins the cycle of healing or we get hit by a comet or asteroid bringing the same effect stated above and more water and microbes along with them.

p.s edit By product of extracting Hydrogen from H2o is........H2o or am I will make Rainy Wales even wetter.....

So Mr Engineer you best get your thinking cap on else your kith and kin will suffer, as for my part, I don't drive, I don't use standby, I do what ever I can to make my carbon footprint small.

edit on 29-5-2011 by DreamerOracle because: errors

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 10:14 AM
If people had bothered to watch the Bob Lazar video he shows how you can get around the amount of energy put into the separation of H and O.... He uses the SUN to produce the electricity needed to separate the atoms then he feeds the H into the fuel tanks in his car for 8 hours... he then has 400 miles worth of hydrogen fuel for nothing, zilch. so everybody ranting on about the energy needed to separate the atoms being more than you get out, if it aint costing you anything who cares!

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 10:30 AM
"if you can run it on seawater and lower the levels of the oceans"
how much do you think all the cares in the world use?
if they use that much in Oil.
Then the earth IS hollow...

I now belive Japans eath quake was don by Them!

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 10:44 AM

Originally posted by ukman2009
If people had bothered to watch the Bob Lazar video he shows how you can get around the amount of energy put into the separation of H and O.... He uses the SUN to produce the electricity needed to separate the atoms then he feeds the H into the fuel tanks in his car for 8 hours... he then has 400 miles worth of hydrogen fuel for nothing, zilch. so everybody ranting on about the energy needed to separate the atoms being more than you get out, if it aint costing you anything who cares!

It doesn't cost money to build solar arrays, hydrogen storage and cooling containers, the hydrides that Lazar used to store his hydrogen in....?

I actually like the idea of using solar make hydrogen gas, I think it is great. But it still has drawbacks. If electrolysis is running at 70% efficiency, then you are losing 30% right off the beginning. You collect solar energy and have it in the form of electricity, why bother wasting that 30% when it is already usable.

The only way the system seems plausible is if the array is built in an area with an above average amount of daily solar rays, and the conversion loss was less than the transportation loss of energy through power lines.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 10:51 AM

Originally posted by sd2112
Yeah Stanley meyers showed off his water powered dune buggy and was killed shortly after. Apparently the pentagon was interested. HMMM!! We are truly enslaved people. I truly believe there is tech out there that would free us from our enslavement of the rich. Maybe it is true that this tech wont be released until they get rid of all the useless eaters.

You have proof the Pentagon was interested? Or just the Meyer claim....

Funny how TPTB would show interest in something then assassinate the inventor. Why bother showing interest in it? And supposedly Stan Meyer was offered millions of dollars, but he turned it down. Just a crusader fighting the good fight right? That is why he rounded up investors and took their money....

There is never any logic in these "grand conspiracy" theories that spring up.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 10:51 AM
reply to post by mrMasterJoe

Originally posted by mrMasterJoe
Oh well... all this fighting in here against each other because of different viewing points and different levels of knowledge. That simply leads to nothing - please let it be!

Regarding the topic. It is true that you NORMALLY would have to put in the exact same amount of "external" energy to split H²O (water) into H² and O/O² than you will receive by burining the resulting H² which will produce just the same amount of water that has been used before we started.
HOWEVER this is only true when we look at "conventional" methods of splitting H²O into ints components. I am very very very convinced that there is a way of splitting H²O so that you WON'T have to put in as much energy as comes out of burning the resulting H². How can this be true? It has to do with resonance! And the extra energy that you get is coming from the quantum vacuum.

As the conservation of energy is a general principle that can never be broken the way of splitting H²O most efficiently is to attract additional quantum vaccum energy that HELPS you split the H²O and reduces the need for "external" energy. And I think this is very well possible using a system that generates resonance in the H²O molucules to that they are really ripped appart by their own vibration which is ultimately fed by the quantum vaccum. All plausible systems that can run on water would invisibly use quantum vaccum energy to virtually run forever on just a litre of water. So after all - it IS possible.

Regarding quantum vaccum energy. We are surrounded by a sea of energy. The "empty space" in between atoms and even inside atoms is not empty at all. It contains enormous amounts of energy which produces so called virtual particles on a regular basis when it has "nothing to do". The quantum vaccum is just "waiting" to be used as some sort of energy source. Like Nicola Tesla once said - we will once use the same energy source as it is used by nature itself on the lowest possible level. Well, we already detected that source: it's the quantum vaccum energy (sometimes called zero point energy)! All we have to do is to extract that energy from the quantum vaccum. And that IS possible. See also:
You won't even need water to do that. I believe that there are indeed MANY ways to extract the quantum vacuum energy.

Look up overunity. Look up solid state free energy generators. You will find that we are pretty damn close to bring the whole TPTB system to its knees. Once one of the technologies breaks through to the market the world we live in will never be the same again. This amazing revolution is just around the corner. May it be a water driven car or a smart (preferrably solid state) free energy device.

You can begin to count the few remaining days of Big Oil now. It's almost a thing of the past. You will remember my words soon.

edit on 29-5-2011 by mrMasterJoe because: (no reason given)

Yes, this is it. No rules broken. However there are big obstacles created by the "old science". The same problem is with cold fusion generators. You can make one or two at home but if you can't explain everything in the old terms you have nothing. Almost every importand inventor in history had to deal with these people. Many of them died, died in poverty (as well as N.Tesla) and after many decades they actualy created our world. Of course ThoseTB rule universities. What do you think? Damn iluminati alchemists are everywhere. Doesn't the previous poster heard for example about pharmaceutical industry? Devil rules this planet in so many ways that you could be "one of them" without knowing it.

Originally posted by malcr

Originally posted by notonsamepage
reply to post by arufon


Nonsense. Even of TPTB exists they would have to influence EVERY SINGLE COUNTRY ON THE PLANET. I have a sneaking suspicion that the chinese don't give a damn and will do things their way. So where is the chinese water car!. where is the north korean water car. Where is the Iranian water car.

Good point, but not completely. We still don't know much about what's really going on behind the scenes everyday.
IRAN HASN'T even it's own refineries and sells crude oil. At the same time they are building nuclear plant. Now tell me what the hell? It's politics. Ahmadinejad may know that TPTB control Russia too, so what he can do than? Maybe they were inventing some free energy stuff and that's the reason for all this "you are inventing nukes, we will destroy you" agenda. Than they get something into mouth and it's silence for a while. Untill the steam in a pot has high pressure again. Of course you have to keep in mind that they have loads of oil in that region so these cars are the last thing they need.

The only way this could happen is someone like Japanese prime minister screaming this out for a week in MSM. That would be point of no return. TPTBe or not to be...

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 11:02 AM
reply to post by boncho

With efficient and effective solar capture/mega storage and grids spanning the planet, we wouldn't have much worry about immediate area sunlight.
If we could store through solar panels, say, a month's worth of consumed energy in a battery the size of a suitcase and it took somewhere in the neighborhood of 4-6 hours to acquire such, all of these concerns would be addressed.
Now can someone please explain what happened to THIS research from 1985!: ?

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 11:07 AM
could it use the water from around Japan? supercharged plutonium wawa

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 11:10 AM

Originally posted by ukman2009
If people had bothered to watch the Bob Lazar video he shows how you can get around the amount of energy put into the separation of H and O.... He uses the SUN to produce the electricity

While the sun might be used for a small scale personal application it won't provide enough power if hydrogen cars become plentiful. No, I didn't watch the video. Bob Lazar is a liar, convicted pimp, and a con man so you have to take anything he says with a grain, 10 lb block really, of salt.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 11:27 AM
Every six months or so we get a story like this, where some brainiac makes an engine that runs on water and ends up pushing up daisies.

There must be something to it, right?

Yes, there were steam engines, but they ran on coal, at least the locomotives.
Gotta keep the water hot and under pressure.

The only way this will be used any time soon is if the inventor drops all of his findings onto the internet free of charge, without trying to profit from it.

That way, small town tinkerers can make the engines themselves, without TPTB radar going off.

A quiet revolution may be our only option at this point, and someone working on a water fuelled engine can change the world, if they give the technology away for free.

Here's hoping the water engine inventors of the world are idealistic enough not to be greedy...

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 11:32 AM
Thanks for the post OP
I just love tptb and all the things thy keep from us. This is just one of a long list.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 11:53 AM

Originally posted by pez1975
the company is out of bussiness and was a hoax read more here

There is nothing in that article that says it was a hoax. It actually suggests the business was snuffed out by TPTB.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 12:01 PM
reply to post by DjDoubleD

If you have links that don't deal with fraud artists and instead deal with people intimately familiar with the science, I'd love to see it. Post it up! In its own thread if necessary.

There have been a few threads on the subject even here on ATS:
Thorium Power Plants Could Solve The World's Energy Problems
Thorium Reactors - Too Effective, Too Cheap, Too Clean to be used?
Obama could kill fossil fuels overnight with a nuclear dash for thorium
Safe nuclear does exist, and China is leading the way with Thorium

Here is an interesting study regarding the costs/benefits and longterm advantages of thorium power and also reasons why was is not pursued as it should have been:

Specifically LFTRs, or Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactors have great potential:
Molten Salt Fueled Reactors

In short: One tonne of natural thorium in LFTR produces so much energy as 35 t of enriched uranium (250 t of natural uranium required). 170 kg of longer-term radioactive fission waste results (compared to almost the same 35 t of waste with uranium), but this waste becomes inert in cca 300 years! (100 000s of years with uranium spent fuel products). And in addition, LFTRs are
- passively safe (meltdown physically impossible)
- breeder reactors - produce more fuel than they consume, and there is much more thorium than uranium on Earth
- no need for expensive fuel fabrication
- easily scalable
- nuclear weapons proliferation resistance considerably improved compared to current reactors

And molten salt fuel reactors are not experimental. Several have been constructed and operated flawlessly at 650 °C temperatures for extended times, with simple, practical validated designs, using 1960s technology. There is no need for new science and very little risk in engineering new, larger or modular designs.

Molten-Salt Reactor Experiment
Oak Ridge National Laboratory Molten Salt Breeder Reactor

edit on 29/5/11 by Maslo because: (no reason given)

edit on 29/5/11 by Maslo because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 12:15 PM

Originally posted by dreadblitz
could it use the water from around Japan? supercharged plutonium wawa

Simpson's did it! Simpson's did it! (Derp!)

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 12:16 PM
reply to post by Maslo

Thank you sir! Much appreciated!

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 12:29 PM

Originally posted by pez1975
the company is out of bussiness and was a hoax read more here

It doesn't say that it was a hoax, it only states that they went out of business and the author suspects it might have been a hoax, but he also hints that they could have just been forced out of business.. misleading

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 12:54 PM
Only down fall would be if cars run off of water, then water costs would go through the roof, people can't live without water and we would then be paying to run our cars as well as our bodies... get ready for the next revolution if this happens...

there has to be another alternative, would be great if you live in an area that gets plenty of rain fall, then you could collect your own water!

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