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Car that runs on water? Japanese co. challenge to big oil?

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posted on May, 29 2011 @ 03:05 AM
You cannot get more energy from oxygen + hydrogen to water reaction than it originally took to split the water into said hydrogen and oxygen. Thats basic chemistry.

Remember folks, hydrogen is NOT a source of energy. It is an energy storage mechanism.

edit on 29/5/11 by Maslo because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 03:05 AM
reply to post by DjDoubleD

Hydrogen cars need lots of electrical power to break the "H" from the "H20". In all legitimate examples I've ever seen taking out the Hydrogen is less efficient than simply running a regular electric car on battery power.

This company seemed to be suggesting that they had a way to do it without any 'external' energy...which unless they were making some play on words, would mean that it needed no battery to run. This seem to defy the laws of can't break hydrogen's bond from O2 without energy. Even chemical reactions require energy that gets used up as the chemicals dissolve/dissipate.

I can't imagine how this could be anything other than some sort of hoax.....of course we will never know now....Apparently the company has already gone under.....or if you are more conspiratorial minded (not that anyone on ATS would be that way of course
) You could possibly believe that this was an example of a small company being shut down by the Powers That Be in an act of censorship of Scientific progress.......

Though I think I'll stick with the Hoax theory unless someone can provide some better evidence of how their tech worked.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 03:11 AM

Originally posted by Maslo
You cannot get more energy from oxygen + hydrogen to water reaction than it originally took to split the water into said hydrogen and oxygen. Thats basic chemistry.

Remember folks, hydrogen is NOT a source of energy. It is an energy storage mechanism.

edit on 29/5/11 by Maslo because: (no reason given)

Yeah basically that's nothing more than a more complicated version of the old perpetual motion machine scam...the classic Idea was where some mechanism would attempt to create an imbalance in a gravity wheel mechanism to make it spin forever. Those of course never worked because they defied basic knowledge of physical laws...generally the more complex the scheme, the more plausible some of the Ideas seemed....but this is simply because our Brain can be overwhelmed with such complexity, and when that happens it becomes easier to fool the brain....sort of like a logical optical illusion rather than a visual one.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 03:23 AM
reply to post by korathin

If its cheaper than the extortionate price I am paying at the moment I re4ally don't care about 40 miles per hour as I drive in town mostly. The odd trip I take goes along the Jurassic Coast which is so beautiful, at that speed I can take a look at the scenery and enjoy it more.

Yes, I want one - will it be adapted to power our homes? I also fancy a jet suite for popping about once they have perfected the landing. Seems a simple thing to do we have air bags in our cars, one for landing would be great.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 03:45 AM

Originally posted by boondock-saint
the Rail Roads made a fortune back in day
from a Steam Locomotive while they only
pursued gas engines for personal vehicles.

If the tech was a hoax

why did they make over 1,000
Steam Locomotives ?

Not one of these used gasoline

edit on 5/28/2011 by boondock-saint because: (no reason given)

I don't know whether to laugh or cry. But since the ignorance is now in full flow:

A steam engine uses the expansion of the steam to drive a piston to create motion.
The steam is created by boiling water
The water is boiled BY A BIG FREAKING COAL FIRE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You can burn oil to boil water and in small personal vehicles that was how it was done.


posted on May, 29 2011 @ 03:51 AM

Originally posted by Maslo
You cannot get more energy from oxygen + hydrogen to water reaction than it originally took to split the water into said hydrogen and oxygen. Thats basic chemistry.

Remember folks, hydrogen is NOT a source of energy. It is an energy storage mechanism.

edit on 29/5/11 by Maslo because: (no reason given)

It is amazing that no matter how many times you tell people this they just don't listen.

I will allow people a little leeway in that the water is a convenient store of hydrogen for hydrogen powered vehicle. BUT I keep asking where is the energy coming from to split the water? By the miracle of God I think!!!! Presumably its locked up in the lattice of a crystalline I'm getting silly.

You have to wonder about the intelligence of people as well. Imagine if the water really did behave as a fuel........and we boil it, drink it, swim in it.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Freaking nuts. I mean DUH

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 03:57 AM
There is no such thing like cars running on water. I heard about bout swimming on water but cars? running? lol.
This is really not complicated physics and chemistry knowledge to understand that. I saw many cars here on ATS and look closer on every case and I didn't find even single one case where water was source of the energy. Many times water was used but energy never had come from water.
Usually this miracles cars running on water runs in fact on power from other chemical reactions but why creators of such cars don't want to say just truth?

"Nope we didn't build a car running on water and we would never do this".
For the same reason that rocks don't fly. Because it doesn't make any seance.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 04:03 AM

Originally posted by pez1975
the company is out of bussiness and was a hoax read more here

I don't recommend going to that website unless your anti-virus software is up to date! Norton blocked an attack against my computer while on that site.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 04:10 AM
Not another one of these "A car that can run on water" post. It is a hoax. How?

Pay attention closely to the video. Specifically, the part where the lady says that when water is poured into the tank an ENERGY GENERATOR separates the hydrogen from the water. What she doesn't tell you is that the energy generator uses more electricity separating the hydrogen from the water than the hydrogen can produce.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 04:31 AM
Seen this on youtube a while back the money is there to make such a thing happen but oil companys will not allow it neither will goverments just think of the money ,jobs,pensions and markets that are reliant on our use of oil.
If some one should to make a conversion for cars they should just release the technology around the world at the same time they can't shut everyone up - That would be change

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 04:35 AM
I'm sorry but using sea water, fresh water, ground water in a single way doesn't make any sense at all, all three have different properties and different compositions. Theoretically none are straight up H2O. Just doesn't make sense.

I've said it before and ill say it again, cool invention, but stupid and useless for commercial use.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 04:43 AM
didnt read all the posts yet, but i do believe i heard a company (possibly Honda) made a car that runs on water and emits steam like, around 10 years ago, give or take,.
but of course, that got put to a halt, most likely due to the efforts countries had been putting in to getting their hands on all the oil they could.. from their point of view it would seem a fair lot of wasted time to spend however many years in an oil-frenzy of greed, only to find that technology effectively voided the need to use it..

on a side note, i find it amusing that theyre trying to get the word out about global warming etc., yet when a massive solution like "eliminating the need for vehicle emissions" comes about, they s**t-can the idea and keep the technology under wraps....

......"excuse me, sir.... your other face is showing..."

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 04:49 AM

Originally posted by YoucancallmeBob
didnt read all the posts yet, but i do believe i heard a company (possibly Honda) made a car that runs on water and emits steam like, around 10 years ago, give or take,.
but of course, that got put to a halt, most likely due to the efforts countries had been putting in to getting their hands on all the oil they could.. from their point of view it would seem a fair lot of wasted time to spend however many years in an oil-frenzy of greed, only to find that technology effectively voided the need to use it..

on a side note, i find it amusing that theyre trying to get the word out about global warming etc., yet when a massive solution like "eliminating the need for vehicle emissions" comes about, they s**t-can the idea and keep the technology under wraps....

......"excuse me, sir.... your other face is showing..."


In the near future, when water demand surpasses water supply, maybe evil governments don't want to waste water instead of oil?

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say we really need water more than oil to live.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 04:58 AM
reply to post by YoucancallmeBob

Do you mean this Honda car?

It does not run on water, but on hydrogen, water is the product of combustion. The hydrogen needs to be generated first, and that consumes electricity. It is an energy storage mechanism, not energy production mechanism.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 05:10 AM
Don't know if it's been said, I assume it has but..

Technology to run cars on water has been around since at least the 1950's.

We are forced to rely only on resources that allow certain people to profit and control beyond measure.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 05:12 AM

Originally posted by Feltrick
I think it's really neat to have cars running on water. No more dependence on oil and less pollution. But, and there's always a but, what are we supposed to drink? If cars that run on water become all the rage, won't this create a water shortage? Seems the bio fuel industry created a food shortage, in that, food was going towards creating fuel for cars vice feeding the masses.

Also, is this the reason for T. Boon Pickens buying up the water rights in Texas?

I did a bit of research, but using water would be a plus because it wouldn't be that much of a stretch from there to have water vapor exhaust, therefore making it renewable. Anyway, there's about 42 trillion gallons of oil left and about 326 gallons of water. But who says we should abandon oil? We could always balance the two, along with maybe some solar panels in the future and have a long lasting technology.

That's less water than i thought, but using water should prove to be renewable, considering sea water also works and even tea. Before you know it, you could pee in your gas tank and it would run.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 05:13 AM
They have been developing hydrogen engines for years, its certainly nothing new and eventually will become the standard fueld for vehicles, the main dose of vehicles running on pure hydrogen engines should be around 2015.

Like i said though, this is nothing new and has been in development for years.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 05:27 AM

Originally posted by bhornbuckle75

Originally posted by Maslo
You cannot get more energy from oxygen + hydrogen to water reaction than it originally took to split the water into said hydrogen and oxygen. Thats basic chemistry.

Remember folks, hydrogen is NOT a source of energy. It is an energy storage mechanism.

edit on 29/5/11 by Maslo because: (no reason given)

Yeah basically that's nothing more than a more complicated version of the old perpetual motion machine scam...the classic Idea was where some mechanism would attempt to create an imbalance in a gravity wheel mechanism to make it spin forever. Those of course never worked because they defied basic knowledge of physical laws...generally the more complex the scheme, the more plausible some of the Ideas seemed....but this is simply because our Brain can be overwhelmed with such complexity, and when that happens it becomes easier to fool the brain....sort of like a logical optical illusion rather than a visual one.

Wow, you sure do know everything. Only problem is that everything you know is BS. I've seen two, 2, dos perpetual motion machines myself and both are and have been running for about 12 and 8 years. Just because you were decieved by some university bs, don't come here spewing that jibberish. You are either slow, lazy or just pathetic because it would only take a person a short amount of time to find these things out. And when I say short I mean like in less than a month of searching. I'm blessed in that when I go looking for something it just pops up. But for someone who has no interest, (because you bought the lies told you), well you cannot find these videos, but just because you cannot find the truth, does not mean it is not out there, it just means you have a small small closed off mind as do 99.997% of this worldly world.

Now someone is going to say Link, and all I am going to say is ....I'm not going to do your homework for you. The two videos I refer to would be so buried by now by worthless cover videos that it just is not worth my time to go looking for any of you, but if you truly want to see one of these machines then by all means get to searchin. Open a window, do the search and then just keep going forward and leave your window open until you find what you are looking for. It only took me about 3 weeks of watching video after video to find one I had forgotten to save about a year earlier, now I save all of them and have multiple copies, but that don't mean I'm gonna do your homework for you. Besides you are probably one of the people who make up fake free energy videos and post them to cover or hide the real ones, either that or a Physics teacher, which would explain your confusion

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 05:36 AM

Originally posted by sizzlean

Originally posted by bhornbuckle75

Originally posted by Maslo
You cannot get more energy from oxygen + hydrogen to water reaction than it originally took to split the water into said hydrogen and oxygen. Thats basic chemistry.

Remember folks, hydrogen is NOT a source of energy. It is an energy storage mechanism.

edit on 29/5/11 by Maslo because: (no reason given)

Yeah basically that's nothing more than a more complicated version of the old perpetual motion machine scam...the classic Idea was where some mechanism would attempt to create an imbalance in a gravity wheel mechanism to make it spin forever. Those of course never worked because they defied basic knowledge of physical laws...generally the more complex the scheme, the more plausible some of the Ideas seemed....but this is simply because our Brain can be overwhelmed with such complexity, and when that happens it becomes easier to fool the brain....sort of like a logical optical illusion rather than a visual one.

Wow, you sure do know everything. Only problem is that everything you know is BS. I've seen two, 2, dos perpetual motion machines myself and both are and have been running for about 12 and 8 years. Just because you were decieved by some university bs, don't come here spewing that jibberish. You are either slow, lazy or just pathetic because it would only take a person a short amount of time to find these things out. And when I say short I mean like in less than a month of searching. I'm blessed in that when I go looking for something it just pops up. But for someone who has no interest, (because you bought the lies told you), well you cannot find these videos, but just because you cannot find the truth, does not mean it is not out there, it just means you have a small small closed off mind as do 99.997% of this worldly world.

Now someone is going to say Link, and all I am going to say is ....I'm not going to do your homework for you. The two videos I refer to would be so buried by now by worthless cover videos that it just is not worth my time to go looking for any of you, but if you truly want to see one of these machines then by all means get to searchin. Open a window, do the search and then just keep going forward and leave your window open until you find what you are looking for. It only took me about 3 weeks of watching video after video to find one I had forgotten to save about a year earlier, now I save all of them and have multiple copies, but that don't mean I'm gonna do your homework for you. Besides you are probably one of the people who make up fake free energy videos and post them to cover or hide the real ones, either that or a Physics teacher, which would explain your confusion

Sorry but this fails the logic test. If people get their heads out of the "US is the centre of the universe" mode of thinking they would realise that there are billions of people and hundreds of countries who are not puppets of the US. This means that even if there was an NWO, illuminati, etc etc there are regimes beyond their reach. Now it does not take a genius to realise that such a country would become very wealthy if it unshackled itself from oil. So if these machines exist why haven't they been developed in these "free from NWO" countries.

Let me guess every single regime on the plant is actually part of a global NWO! Wow!

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 05:43 AM

Originally posted by DjDoubleD
Well well well.
This is an interesting little thingie! If true, this could explain a HAARP/Fukushima connection!

According to Japanese company Genepax, we can forget gas-based cars by 2012. Just keep a bottle of water handy ;

Here's the article.

Haters, commence hating. Trollers, trolling. Debunkers, do your thang! Everyone else, second verse, same as the first.


Pretty big talk from someone relying on one article to bet the ranch on.

Hope you don't look too foolish when this thing never eventuates.

Let's wait and see before you go shooting your mouth off!

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