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Originally posted by grey580
Great another George Bush in office.
Originally posted by ThirdEyeofHorus
Then there's Larry Kudlow in 08
Our abundant country can produce more energy at lower cost if government gets out of the way.
Cherry picking? Are you serious?
11 AP - in case you dont know what AP stands for , it means , Assosciated Press, 11 AP reporters were assigned to fact check Palins book.
0 AP- Reporters were assigned to Obamas book for fact checking.
Perfect example of how the press is biased and will feed you with everything you are reguritating here today. Just like a robot.
"High octane capitalism" is exactly what is wrong with America right now. It pains me to see you championing it.
Nothing in this Act (or an amendment made by this Act) shall be construed in a manner inconsistent with the agreement establishing the World Trade Organization or any other treaty or international agreement to which the United States is a party.
USDA’s “Don’t Look, Don’t Know” Policy for Beef Inspection
This investigative report, as part of an ongoing series on corporate and government accountability, was researched and written by GAP Legal Director, Tom Devine.
... Americans learned it is still dangerous, if not fatal, to rely on the U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) seal of wholesomeness. The ConAgra Food Corporation, then one of four giant firms dominating the beef packing industry, recalled over 19 million pounds of ground beef and related trim from the previous three months after laboratory tests confirmed E. coli O157:H7, the same food poisoning germ that killed and hospitalized so many. It was the third largest recall in history. USDA's Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) announced in a press release that no contaminated meat entered commerce, but the Centers for Disease Control linked a food poisoning death and at least 35 illnesses to the tainted beef during the first month after the recall.
What went wrong? These outbreaks are no longer supposed to occur, since 1996 when USDA instituted a new Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) system to modernize food safety for the 21st century. USDA trumpeted HACCP as a way to prevent contamination by placing responsibility on industry for its products, and by laboratory tests to detect invisible microbial contamination such as E. coli.....
USDA aggressively enforced a “do not look, do not tell” noninterference policy with the giant firm. This allowed the agency to remain officially ignorant of facts that could create a conflict with ConAgra, or expose the government’s own Seal of Approval as wholesome on tainted ConAgra beef. But it meant the government was sealing a cover up. It left the public ignorant of and vulnerable to ongoing shipments of government-approved, tainted meat....
In 1996, the Clinton Administration finalized the HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) rule, which overhauled enforcement of federally inspected meat and poultry slaughtering and processing establishments. A primary change under HACCP was a shift in government and industry roles based upon the premise that introduction of microbial testing would strengthen meat inspection by making it more science-based.....
Whistleblowers from FSIS and industry alike have charged, however, double levels of regulatory schizophrenia between -- 1) HACCP on paper and in reality, and 2) HACCP as it is enforced at giant packing houses, compared to small businesses. The silent public policy premise is that the mission of FSIS inspectors and veterinarians no longer is to enforce the law on a routine basis....
Having institutionalized a passive presence, the agency has retreated further in food safety oversight of slaughter operations through staff cutbacks while line speeds were increasing. To fill the line inspector gap, the agency has drafted its HACCP monitoring inspectors and even veterinarians -- the same officials who should engage in HACCP oversight to assess whether the system could produce clean products at the faster speeds. The agency does not keep track of the food safety tasks missed in the process. Completing a food safety double whammy, those officials have been stripped of authority to write Noncompliance Reports (NR's) for HACCP violations while they work the line.
For consumers, strike three is that HACCP has been administered in an arbitrary manner. This has allowed the agency to cancel or dilute basic food safety standards for products and practices like sanitation control...
• Hot water sprays whose temperature was supposed to be checked at the carcass surface could be verified 20 feet away.
• Pest controls no longer had to be documented.
• Companies could dilute ingredients in their sprays of fecal contamination.
• Plants no longer had to treat Listeria as a hazard requiring a Critical Control Point.....
[NOTE: I had three animals DIE from Listeria while the Tyson plant in town was shipping Listeria contaminated corn products to consumers according to a lab tech doing the testing.]
FSIS smashed anyone who challenged its efforts to protect ConAgra from accountability, not just Mr. Munsell. After Mr. Smith took charge of the Munsell dispute from Washington, every official was moved off the job who blew the whistle internally on harassment of MQF, or who sought accountability from ConAgra. The harassment victims ranged from inspectors to supervisory vets. In some instances the agency simply isolated them from the case. Numerous whistleblowers have reported that the Inspector General staff’s primary interest was to attack the critics, while discouraging or only grudgingly accepting evidence of agency misconduct to shield ConAgra. Agency management forced some of the agency’s most seasoned veterinarians out of the government through steady harassment.
This treatment is consistent with a wide ranging phenomenon since new Labor Management chief William Milton purged the long time career staff of that office, who had earned respect over the years even from critics for objective, constructive resolution in retaliation cases. Leaders from professional organizations and unions alike now express no expectation of fair play within the agency personnel system, claiming that the merit system has been replaced with a reign of terror at FSIS....
Nope. End wall street speculation on oil futures and prices drop up to 40 percent.
Btw...for anyone who does not know...CLINTON is responsible for this. This wasn't allowed before 1990. (can't remember the exact year htis was passed)
How Goldman gambled on starvation
2010-07-02, The Independent (One of the UK's leading newspapers)
This is the story of how some of the richest people in the world – Goldman, Deutsche Bank, the traders at Merrill Lynch, and more – have caused the starvation of some of the poorest people in the world.
At the end of 2006, food prices across the world started to rise, suddenly and stratospherically. Within a year, the price of wheat had shot up by 80 per cent, maize by 90 per cent, rice by 320 per cent. In a global jolt of hunger, 200 million people – mostly children – couldn't afford to get food any more, and sank into malnutrition or starvation. There were riots in more than 30 countries, and at least one government was violently overthrown. Then, in spring 2008, prices just as mysteriously fell back to their previous level. Jean Ziegler, the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food, calls it "a silent mass murder", entirely due to "man-made actions."Through the 1990s, Goldman Sachs and others lobbied hard and the regulations [controlling agricultural futures contracts] were abolished. Suddenly, these contracts were turned into "derivatives" that could be bought and sold among traders who had nothing to do with agriculture. A market in "food speculation" was born. The speculators drove the price through the roof
Today's global food crisis shows "we all blew it, including me when I was president," by treating food crops as commodities instead of as a vital right of the world's poor, Bill Clinton told a U.N. gathering on Thursday. UNITED NATIONS, Oct. 23, 2008
President Bill Clinton... publicly apologized last month for forcing Haiti to drop tariffs on imported, subsidized US rice during his time in office. The policy wiped out Haitian rice farming and seriously damaged Haiti’s ability to be self-sufficient.
Originally posted by kellynap43
But you have to take in consideration canidates fundemental ideas. The genuine ideas that won’t change, something they feel strong about, and hold dearly due to their moral fiber.
Originally posted by grey580
Great another George Bush in office.
I can't wait to see what stupid sayings come out of her mouth.
Originally posted by Goradd
obama has done everything that bush has done and More
.... I don't understand why it is soooo difficult for you to understand that just because somebody feels Palin is nowhere near qualified to be the president, doesn't by default mean that they are on the Obama wagon. BOTH PARTIES are the same and have f-ed this country up six ways from Sunday. Those of you who keep this BS going, with the liberal this, conservative that garbage, are braindead and I'd even go as far as saying unwittingly traitors to your country....
...QE has Keynesianism in its roots. All economists know the solution to unemployment is lower real wages. A central part of Keynes’ theory was the notion of money illusion. Keynes believed that workers would not accept nominal decreases in wages but that they could be fooled via inflation, a belief that only an elitist could have. If the cost of living goes up and wages stay the same, then real wages go down and presumably employment goes up (or down less than it otherwise would).
Inflation, the critical tool in the Keynesian paradigm, has been used regularly. Since the formation of the Federal Reserve, the purchasing power of the dollar has fallen almost 96%....
...Bernanke’s QE destroys the value of the dollar. In terms of outcomes, continued abuse of this policy will result in a collapse of the dollar and possibly hyperinflation. The article below deals with how Bernanke could create the first (which ends up as the second).
Could Bernanke Spark a Run on the Dollar?
By Mike WhitneyJanuary 27, 2010
Treasury yields are “blinking red”, but the Fed keeps acting like nothing’s wrong....
The reason we should care is because the yield curve is signaling one of two things; inflation or default. What it is NOT signaling is a robust recovery.Remember, the Fed’s main job is “price stability” which means keeping a lid on inflation....
...granted, QE2 has boosted stock prices, but the extra liquidity has also inflated commodities prices (making it harder on consumers) and wreaked havoc in emerging markets forcing trading partners to control capital flows or raise rates to tamp down inflation. But QE2′s greatest shortcoming is that is really doesn’t create jobs as advertised....
Here’s how the Wall Street journal’s Kelly Evans summed it up:”…the limits of monetary policy are becoming clearer. History suggests any further easing probably would do too much for the stock market and asset prices, and too little for jobs.The only real fix is to lower the cost of U.S. workers relative to foreign rivals and machines, or else raise their bang for the buck. The latter, while clearly preferable, requires education and training that won’t turn things around overnight.” (“The Fed’s Magic Show Appears to Be Over”, Wall Street Journal)
In other words, the Fed is planning to give every working man and woman in the US a big pay-cut so they can go nose-to-nose with foreign labor.
You can see how this blends seamlessly with Obama’s State of the Union Speech where he focused on “competition” as his central theme. More importantly, Obama reiterated his pledge to double exports in the next 5 years. The only way that can be achieved is by destroying the dollar....
...from an op-ed by Judy Shelton that explains what’s going on:he government will continue to run a large budget deficit, which must be financed by issuing more government debt. The debt is monetized when the Federal Reserve purchases it from the public. The effect is to increase the money supply. Inflationary monetary policy goes hand-in-hand with a falling dollar in foreign-exchange markets.” (“The Wrong Way to Double Exports”, Judy Shelton, Wall Street Journal)So, while working people and pensioners see their savings sliced in half to accommodate the globalist dream of an evenly-depressed world labor market; the investor class will get regular injections of Fed liquidity via QE2 to keep stocks “bubbly” and profits high.
The Value of Money January 3, 2003
...The United States now has the dubious distinction of being the world’s largest debtor nation and needs to attract fully 80% of the world’s free capital just to keep the dollar stable. During the 1990s, this was not a problem as strong financial markets led to increased foreign investment and consequently to further dollar denominated investments.
Foreign ownership of U.S. assets amounted to 33% of U.S. GDP in 1990. Today it is valued at over 70% of U.S. GDP. Foreigners own $2 trillion (19% of U.S. GDP) more in U.S. assets that the U.S. holds of theirs. Foreign ownership of the U.S. Treasury market is over 30%, over 23% of the corporate bond market, and 13% of the U.S. equity market. (Statistics courtesy of Bridgewater, Dec 13, 2002.)
The fate of the dollar now boils down to a question of confidence. But not the confidence of its own citizens, but of foreigners....
...In 1991 the US. switched from emphasizing Gross National Product (GNP) as the basic measure of total output, to Gross Domestic Product (GDP)... (Clinton AGAIN??? )
...the production of a foreigner in the US is not counted as part of US GNP. GDP is different from GNP in that it measures output produced on US soil...
U.S. imports have been more than U.S. exports in all but two of the years since 1965, so the U.S. has persistently run trade deficits....Last time we noted how the U.S. economy has become increasingly international in the past half-century. An increasing proportion of what we consume is produced abroad, and foreigners are among the biggest investors in the U.S. stock, bond, and real estate markets.
Because of the growing internationalization of the U.S. economy. TV newscasters sometimes warn that "foreigners are buying up America," and it's partly true...
In 1990, U.S. GDP > GNP by $37 billion-- there were a lot more foreign-owned businesses in U.S. than U.S.-owned businesses in rest of world. (In recent years, by contrast, GNP has been slightly larger than GDP in the U.S.) Foreign direct investment in the U.S. jumped from $54.5 billion in 1979 to over $400 billion in 1989.
...Per-capita GDP is a reasonable measure of a country's standard of living. In fact, "standard of living" and "per capita GDP" have come to be virtually synonymous...
If you are knocking Fox News or conservative radio it can only be because you support Barry giving tax money to foreign oil companies while interrupting our own oil drilling....
ya know what...
I"ll make it easy for you.
Exxon Mobil CEO:
Can ANYONE here tell me how domestic drilling will lower pricing, if pricing is set after extraction and is entirely dependent upon capitalization in a GLOBAL market, not supply or demand in America...
You know, I think you have made the single best argument for the Intl Capitalist/Communist conspiracy.....
As journalists have sought to untangle the disparate threads that unite these uprisings, one of the most interesting revelations has been a common reference to a dusty -- but still relevant -- book, "From Dictatorship to Democracy."
Earlier this month, the New York Times proclaimed its author, Gene Sharp, a "shy intellectual" who had created "the playbook for revolution" -- noting that his work was posted on the Muslim Brotherhood website during the Egyptian uprising, and was cited equally among Tunisians, Bosnians and Estonians in their quest for freedom. So far, it has been translated into 41 languages....
The Tea Party was the culmination of a resistance movement throughout British America against the Tea Act, which had been passed by the British Parliament in 1773. Colonists objected to the Tea Act for a variety of reasons, especially because they believed that it violated their right to be taxed only by their own elected representatives. Protesters had successfully prevented the unloading of taxed tea in three other colonies, but in Boston, embattled Royal Governor Thomas Hutchinson refused to allow the tea to be returned to Britain. He apparently did not expect that the protestors would choose to destroy the tea rather than concede the authority of a legislature in which they were not directly represented.
Its so funny to read the attacks coming from msm and members of this forum against her, if she has no chance and is a joke...
....This is why I wish she would consider not running this time around. She would make an excellent Secretary of Energy, formulate a strong energy policy (something we sorely lack), and gain valuable experience in the process for a future run.....
Can ANYONE here tell me how domestic drilling will lower pricing, if pricing is set after extraction and is entirely dependent upon capitalization in a GLOBAL market, not supply or demand in America...